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Mewmew Sprite Land


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Fuck yes guilty gear. Great choice in character

Thank you~ Zappa is one of my favorite characters ever

Lemme guess. Athena drags you into this.

I have to make Ky soooon

Athena and Merc were talking about doing it and I couldn't help but want to join in :D Just don't make the new ponytail Ky plz

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  • 3 months later...

*brushes dust off topic* I have surprisingly little to show~ I really haven't been able to sprite much lately because of tons of work and because I got a new computer. Paint.NET makes my tablet do the ripple thing for some reason so I've been spriting in Photoshop and I'm still getting used to it.


Dragon sprite for a class game, I'll probably post a finished screenshot when its done next week since everything in it is gonna be a sprite!


Not sure I can actually post this when the hack hasn't been (?) sooo here's a mysterious eye! OoooOoo. Working on another guy for this hack too~


This was put in the Squad 76 hack as a WIP and I'm putting it here to motivate me to finish it! I miss spriting, I wish I had more time!

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  • 6 months later...

*throws stuff at you* I have no time to sprite anymore so this is all super random unfinished pixelart for the most part. I'm graduating soon though TwT Soooon


myself and some others did pirate ladies tonight in yeti's cool new sprite program so maybe expect to see a few more of them popping up around here


upscaling lucius in progress. even more upscaled because it actually looks fairly doofy at 100%.


ridiculous splice comp entry..

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  • 1 month later...


this is old but it is my best sprite tbh. the finished version is in primefusion's hack, the road to ruin, go play it <3


I spent a while on this and it still doesn't feel done e__e


still werkin on lucius :3

Edited by Mewiyev
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  • 2 weeks later...

God dammit Mew. Stop making me question my sexuality!

Hnnng, that Lucius scale up. It's inspiring me.

I love that Lucius and your Utena sprites.

slowly turning everyone gay. Thanks guys! :D

in other news



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Heya...nice Garen!

Two things though:

1. Maybe add a few shinies here and there on the gold trim. Just to make it look like gold trim.

2. I'd probably make his head a wee bit taller/wider. It's just a weeeeeeeeeeee bit small, even with the angle.


Eh, what the heck. I derped with it. Maybe you can work off of this? Or not. <3



Please excuse the washed out colors. Was derping with palettes, LOL! But a little editing and blue eyes.


Sorry for bombarding you...

*rolls awayyyyyy*

Edited by Redfield
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I think you should fiddle with the palette on the pauldrons more. The shading + that grey makes them look like they are cloth. Other than that, nicely done. Even a stereotypically Garen facial expression.

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Most recent sprite: head looks a bit the captain of Serenity, spritified.

[spoiler=I swear by my pretty floral bonnet, I will end you.]0c23c26073c0a6f851ece42cf51748f0.png

realized I have no idea how to sprite floral patterns or ruffles so I sadly could not take this joke far. ahaa. Firefly. I love that show. I should edit this into a Mal sprite sometime all da things I wanna do that I won't


Uh so this is an edited version thanks largely to Char <3 Thanks for the edits man! I followed 'em pretty closely because they were awesome. Garen slowly evolving from turtledom. Are you guys using FE7 palettes? I always just lean towards 8 without a second thought (skin tones <3)

And Siuloir, I made the grays darker and more bluish, I've not a clue whether or not that solved the problem you were seeing~

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  • 3 weeks later...


Nih wut have u done..I did this today. Wehh


FE1 stuff. Fun style and yay derpy


I really like Utena but am apparently not yet disciplined enough to do fullbodies on my own I guess?!

everything in this post is a selfie except for the utena WIP. ~*im beautiful*~

Edited by Mewthos
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