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Summaries Of The Game

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Chapter 13, 14 and 15

I do another 2 encounters on the world map and Anna's staff rank increased upon thefirst encounter.

More battle quotes

Maribelle: "Say Goodnight."

Maribelle: "Luck be with us." (After getting healed by a staff.)

Tharja: I can feel the darkness growing ever stronger. (After a level up.)

Maribelle: "I promise you, this will hurt."

Maribelle: "Who else?"

Cherche: "Rest in pieces."

Cherche: "Victory."

Upon the second encounter I get Bullion(S)x2 and an Orsin Hatchet in an event tile. Barracs time! Miriel looks around and gets 17 EXP. Tharja looks around the room and says...

Tharja: What have we here? Maybe I can use it for my hexes.

She finds a Rift Door. Chrom+Virion Nothing. Now...

(Cordelia+Sumia C Support)

Sumia: I'll be safe...I'll be dead...I'll be safe...I'll be dead...

Cordelia: "Listen." Sumia, what are you doing?

Sumia: "Huh?" Oh, just seeing how I'll get on in the next battle.

Cordelia: *Sigh* ...By pulling petals off a flower?

Sumia: "ehh" Yes. ...Why? Is that strange?

Cordelia: "Right." Well, no stranger than any other attenpt to fortell the future, I suppose. I don't put much stock in horoscopes. Fate is what you make it, I always say.

Sumia: *Sigh* I wish I was strong as you, Cordelia.

Cordelia: "Huh?" How so?

Sumia: "But." You have so much confidence in yourself you actually think you can control even fate. I'm just thrilled if I can walk through camp without tripping on a stool.

Cordelia: *Sigh* Only our limits are the ones we place on ourselves.

Sumia: "ehh" But...

Cordelia: "Well." In fact, it's time you got rid of yours. First rule: no more flower fortunes.

Sumia: "What?" What?! But now will I?

Cordelia: "I'm here." Second rule: no questions!

Me: And third, no protesting!

Cordelia: You don't need some weed to tell you what to do, Sumia. You control your own destiny. Trust me in this.

Sumia: "Yes." Er, okay...

(Sumia and Cordelia attained support level C)

I do Maribelle+Chrom B next. It seems that Maribelle is getting jealous of men getting close to Lissa. Oh, shi- *Resets game*

Here we go...

(Chrom+Maribelle B Support)

Maribelle: "ehh" Tsk! The pool of suspects grows larger by the moment!

Chrom: "Hmm." Er, sorry. Who's a suspect now?

Maribelle: "ehh" Oh, milord! I didn't see you there! I was just going over my...list.

Chrom: "Listen." Ut-Oh. This can't be good. What list is that?

Maribelle: "ehh" I've been keeping track of men who may be getting close to Lissa! My darling is a bewitching vixen, even if she doesn't realize the power of her charms. So when these lecherous men get too close, I drive them back from the ramparts!

Chrom: "ehh" ...You aren't joking, are you? Why on earth would you do such a thing?!

Maribelle: "Clearly." Isn't it obvious? Lissa is your younger sister, and princess to the royal house of Ylisse! It falls upon me, her bosom friend and true companion, to save her from scallywags!

Chrom: "Hmm." ...Scallywags? Er, look, Maribelle. I think my sister can guard her own ramparts just fine.

Me: Yeah, she's like sick of being helpless.

Maribelle: "Yes." ^__^ Ha! Don't be so naive! It seems even great men are blind when it comes to the matter of the heart!

Chrom: "Uh-uh-um." Hey! I am NOT blind! ...And your being paranoid! There's no harm in Lissa having a few friends among her comrades-in-arms.

Maribelle: "No." That they are comrades makes them more dangerous! Snakes in the den, says I! As such, I've put a strict screening process in place. Any man who would speak to Lissa must first be interviewed by me. Many times. AND provide supporting documentation, of course!

Me: <3

Chrom: "Ha ha." ...Heh. I guess in a way it's reassuring to know that Lissa has you watching over her. Well then, I'll trust you to keep her safe for me.

Maribelle: "Yes." Of course, milord! A woman of my position would offer no less!

Me: <3

(Maribelle and Chrom attained support level B)

I now go to the shop to buy a Hand Axe and set up new equipment on my characters after finally achieving better weapon ranks. I also use a Skill Book and a Goddess Icon on Tharja, a Seraph Robe on Maribelle, and a Spirit Dust on Sumia as she only has 35% growth in Mag and am planning to make her a Dark Peg in the end. I now begin the next chapter.

Chapter 13


-Silver Lance


-Silver Bow

-Skill Book


Hello. =)


Pleased to make your aquaintance. =)


Or could be his twin brother.



Thanks. =)



Understood, sire.








Looks scary, don't it? Yay, some Resident Evil fanservice! =)


You said it!

(Battle quote)

Maribelle: "Big mistake."

Sully lance rank increased to A during the beginning of this battle. Nothing intersting happens here. Anyway, I have my troops cover the forts. Kill the enemies on the map getting their spoils and I have Tharja kill the boss with an Elfire tome even though she had a 3% chance of getting critted getting hit twice before the Risen Chief dies.

Turns 6

MVP None

Upon some cutscenes MU gets a branded mark on her left eye that is if she and Chrom are married. And because I have no Capture Card, I can't get this picture. Basically, it is the same marking that all Ylissian royality have. Next, I have a support with Chrom+Lucina. She is learning the arts of the sword from her father, specifically. It seemed that Chrom held back or Lucina could have a few shattered ribs. And about Henry, (that fucking creep). It makes you want to strangle the crap out of him. Even after a victory in battle, it looks as if he is high on crack. Lucina+Aya C Support. They talk about dresses and hoping that one of them will impress Chrom. You'd look good in it, Lucina. ^-^

Nosferatu tomes are now finally for sale. I buy a couple for Tharja and now the barracks! Sumia+Henry. Sumia is intersted in what Henry collects. He collects crow feathers and Donnel now searches around the room. Donnel "What in tarnation? I ain't seen this on the farm. He finds a Katarina's Bolt. Yippie! Now I have three in my possession. I now buy an Armorslayer in the random merchants shop before headin out to the next chapter.

Chapter 14


-Master Seal


-Short Spear

-Chest Key

-Short Axe

Event Tiles

-Superior Edge

-Titania's Axe


NE top one-Bullion (M)

NE bottom one-Recover

South one-Second Seal

Turns 5

MVP Gaius&Tharja


No. -.-


Don't want to make our paradox a mess now can we?


Thanks. =)





Marth is the greatest hero in history. He will never be forgotten.


Yay! =)



Thhhbbbppppt. =P







After discussing on what to do next we now board Plegia's ship and during this battle I hand Tharja the Nosferatu tomes and give her my second Skill Book. Upon this battle, Donnel's bow rank increased to D (Beginning battle), Mia finds a Superior Edge in the event tile. Donnel finds a Titania's Axe in the next event tile. Woo-hoo! I finish the boss off quickly before his reinforcements arrive. Donnel also learned Rally Str during the beginning of this battle. There were alot of Pegasus Knights, but they were easy enough to deal with. Maribelle had some trouble with them, but she did alright with a forged Bronze Lance. ^_~

Her Str isn't good. The forge was 3884 gold which I had to sell one of my medium sized Bullions for. Anyway, I now sell the Bullion (M). I got last chapter since my coin isn't exactly much and from a random merchant, I buy a Second Seal, Silver Lance, and a Silver Sword. I use a Change Seal on Linde to make her into a Peg Knight for going on the path to Galeforce. Afterwards, she's going Merc for Armsthrift and Hero for Sol. Then she's going Dark Mage for Vengence. Then she'll go Sage afterwards. So...

MageLV20>Peg KnightLV10>Dark FlierLV15>MercLV10>HeroLV10>Dark MageLV10>SorcererLV15>Sage

So, I'm going to make her either into a Sorcerer, or Sage in the end. Afterwards, I use my other Second Seal on Cherche as she's already at LV20 and now she's going Troubadour first for the Rally Mag and Duel Support+ skills. Anyway, I do another 3 encounters before beginning the next Chapter.




-Steel Axe

Event Tile

-Superior Lance




-Silver Axe

Event Tile

-Slack Bow




-Arms Scroll

Event tile

-15 EXP

Upon the first encounter, Zihark's axe level increased to D, Maribelle's Lance rank increased to D. After the encountr, I sell of my Bullion(S)'s and my Bullion (L) then forge Maribelle an Iron Lance. Thank god she increased her spear rank upon that event tile. Which was just enough to increase her spear rank. Because, she really sucks in this class soon enough getting her out of it. So she can use tomes upon which she can do so well at. I add all might and 9 crit to it which came to 5880G. I call my spear "Garrute" and hands it to Maribelle. After the purchase, I now begin the next encounter. During it, Cordelia's tome rank increased to D level as well as her spear rank reaching A. In the event tile, Sully finds a Slack Bow. Third Encounter, Mia's tome rank reaches C. She also lands on an event tile giving her 15 more EXP. Upon this encounter's end, since there was a traveling merchant that has survived, she gives us the Arms Scroll upon gratitude for saving her. Maribelle got this encounter's EXP mostly. As it mostly only had Reverants in it. I even find 2 Entombed during the second encounter which Zihark and Cordelia got. They were at LV12. Whoopie! I now sell the Bullion(S)'s before beginning the next chapter. I even used a Talismen on Cherche before beginning the next Chapter.

Chapter 15


1 2 3 4

1. Second Seal

2. Arms Scroll

3. Physic

4. Bullion (L)


-Steel Sword

-Master Seal


-Steel Lance


Event Tile

-Wolt's Bow




Whoa! Catch your breath, sweetie.




RUN! RUN! RUN! Run as fast as your little legs can carry.



Well see about that! =D



Wooah! He really is not to be trifled with.

Cordelia learn Rally Movement, Sully's axe rank increased to C. Anyway, saving Say'ri was No.1 priority. I mop up the crew mostly with Chrom and Sully to get to Say'ri in time. One soldier upon his defeat said "No way." after Chrom 0koed him with a Steel Lance. Anyway, I save the villages, have Chrom talk to Say'ri and use Zihark to kill the boss. Even though his Bolganon is capable of 2koing him. Anyway, after some chatting, I now plan to grind Donnel to a LV5 Hero to get him both the Armsthrift and Sol skills for Noire to inherit them and get Maribelle to LV10 as well as Linde so they can go Dark Peg. As I am in a hurry to getting them out of that class as they are absolutely terrible in it.

Turns 7

MVP Chrom&Sully

I now head to the prologue that has Noire in it. Time to pick her up...

Prologue 15

These are the skills that she came with...(Looks on view map)





And my time is now up annnd time for the stats....

EDIT: Another 2 pictures added in Chapter 13.

Edited by Lady Feena
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Now for the stats...

Chrom LV20/15/10/15/6 EXP80 (Banned!)

(Banned now until the final chapter! Only can use within the Xenologue chapters and Final! =))

Class: Great Lord


HP 78/78

Power 42

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 41(Capped)

Speed 42(Capped)

Luck 45

Def 35

Res 23+10

Sword A Lance A

Skills: 0010f.pngDual Attack, aether.pngAether, 092a.pngRes+10, 093m.pngQuick Slash, holyshield.pngAegis

I've got him to grow another level. =)

9 to go. Gotta finish him up sometime at the Xenologue EXPOmnigrowth. Then he won't be used until the Xenologue/final chapter. Basically now, he won't be used anymore until then.

Ayanami LV20/10/4 EXP85

Class: Hero


HP 54/54

Power 29

Mag Pwr 22

Skill 31

Speed 31

Luck 18

Def 23

Res 14

Sword B Axe E

Skills: War Knowledge, Solidarity, Armsthrift, Patience

Promoted and now she is on her way to getting Sol before making her into her final class: Dark Peg.

She grew another level.

Lissa LV20/10 EXP63

Class: War Monk


HP 47/47

Power 18

Mag Pwr 18

Skill 21

Speed 23

Luck 30

Def 15

Res 18

Axe C Staff A

Skills: 017me.pngMiracle, 018id.pngHealtouch, luckcry.pngRally Luck

New plans have been made for her. I'm planning this...

ClericLV20>War MonkLV15>ClericLV10>ValkyrieLV10>MageLV10>SageLV10>Peg KnightLV10>FalcoknightLV5

I'm planning to make her a wonderful supporter for the team only giving her staves to battle as I'm planning to SPAM with Rally's every turn.

Skills I'm getting her...

-Renewal/Iote's Shield

-Rally Luck/Love

-Rally Res

-Rally Magic

-Rally Speed

She now has Rally Luck! 1/4 of the way there.

Sumia LV20/10/7 EXP99

Class: War Cleric


HP 55/55

Power 19

Mag Pwr 16 (Got my only Spirit Dust!)

Skill 32

Speed 31+2

Luck 26

Def 16

Res 19

Axe D (Close to C) Staff B

Skills: Speed+2, Refresh, Miracle, Healtouch, Rally Luck

She now has promoted and only 8 levels to go before she's ready to become a Dark Peg.

Sully LV20/9 EXP36

Class: Great Knight


HP 50/50

Power 29

Mag Pwr 7

Skill 28

Speed 26

Luck 23

Def 25

Res 10

Sword A Lance A Axe C

Skills: discipline.pngDiscipline, outdoorbattle.pngOutdoor Battle, lunaxy.pngLuna

She now has Luna and now she's well on her way to becoming a Paladin.

Donnel LV15/11/15/10/5 EXP93 (Banned!)

(Banned now until the Xenologue's/Post Game! Only now can use within those areas! =])

Class: Hero


HP 68/68

Power 43(Capped)

Mag Pwr 20

Skill 44

Speed 41(Capped)

Luck 48(Capped)

Def 39

Res 20

Sword: E Axe C (Close to B)

Skills: 029jg.pngRally Strength, 030hj.pngCounter, 025pd.pngSol, 023ck.pngArmsthrift, early.pngPatience

He's now married to Tharja and now soon Noire will have both Galeforce and Sol.

He's now in his final class and it's a good thing that I have plenty of Arms ScrollsX4 to fix his Sword rank. Did this now for him to get Noire; Sol. So she doesn't have to re-class for it. He now won't be used anymore until the Xenologue's/post game. He's got Rally Strength for one of his skills as women cannot get this skill unless by inheritance. After the sword rank fix, he will then be ready for the Xenologue chapters. Even "The Strongest One's Name."

Lon'qu LV15/11 EXP69

Class: Swordmaster


HP 40/40

Power 21

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 30

Speed 32

Luck 18

Def 11

Res 11

Sword A

Skills: 0190.pngAvoid+10, 0201a.pngVantage, 021dc.pngAstra

Got Astra, now going to go Wyvern Rider>Griffon for Lancebreaker then Assassin for Lethality then Dreadfighter.

Gaius LV20/10/2 EXP88

Class: Warrior


HP 60/60

Power 31

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 32

Speed 30

Luck 15

Def 18

Res 13

Axe C Bow E

Skills: Lockpick, Mov+1, HP+5, Zeal

He's now a Warrior, and now he's well on his way to getting Counter.

Increased one level.

Maribelle LV20/10/1 EXP0

Class: Dark Peg


HP 39/39 (Used a Seraph Robe!)

Power 12

Mag Pwr 23

Skill 25

Speed 28+2

Luck 27

Def 13

Res 27+2

Spear D Tome E

Skills:Res+2, Demoiselle, Speed+2, Refresh

She's now a Dark Peg getting closer to getting Galeforce. She afterwards will go War Monk and Valkyrie then Bride.

She's now a Dark Peg. This will do till Chapter 23.

Prince Marth LV29 EXP46 (Banned!)

(Only can use in the Chapters 23-25/Xenologue chapters. =])

Class: Lodestar


HP: 71/71

Str 32

Mag 14

Skill 38

Speed 37

Luck 43+4

Def 26

Res 16

Sword A

Skills: Charm, Luck+4, Duel Strike+, Duel Guard+, Duel Support+

He was a huge help into getting me that scroll against the Gaiden army. =D

Linde LV20/10/1 EXP0

Class: Dark Peg


HP 36/36

Power 16

Mag Pwr 26+2

Skill 29

Speed 33

Luck 29

Def 11

Res 17

Lance D Tome C

Skills: Magic+2, Focus, Patience, Speed+2, Refresh

She's going Merc for Sol and Armsthrift, Sorcerer for Vengence, then Sage. She hasn't changed yet, because I'm lacking a Second Seal and they are not yet available to buy.

I decided to go Peg first for Galeforce. She is now a Dark Peg.

Black Knight LV20 EXP-- (Banned!)

(Only can be used in the final/Xenologue chapter's. =])

Class: General


HP 75/75

Power 40

Mag Pwr 23

Skill 39

Speed 31

Luck 21

Def 40+2

Res 28

Lance A Axe B

Skills: Def+2, Indoor Fighter, Luna, Rally Def, Pavise

He will be a Dreadfighter before the last three chapters are left as I won't be using him until then. =)

Not like he needs any training till then.

Mia LV20/10/8 EXP75

Class: Dark Peg


HP 42/42

Power 20

Mag Pwr 20

Skill 27

Speed 36+2

Luck 26

Def 20

Res 14

Spear D Tome C

Skills: Avoid+10, Vantage, Patience, Refresh, Rally Movement

After getting Galeforce, she will then go Merc/Hero afterwards.

Increased two levels since the last report.

Zihark LV20/10/4 EXP42

Class: Hero


HP 51/51

Power 28

Mag Pwr 7

Skill 28

Speed 32

Luck 17

Def 19

Res 5

Sword A Axe D

Skills:Avoid+10, Vantage, Tantivy, Armsthrift, Patience

He's gone Hero and then he will go Wyvern Knight afterwards for Lancebreaker. Then Swordmaster for Astra, then Dreadfighter.

You can ensure that he will have Sol during my next report.

Cordelia LV20/5 EXP83

Class: Dark Peg


HP 44/44

Power 17

Mag Pwr 11

Skill 25

Speed 26+2

Luck 17

Def 19

Res 16

Spear A Tome D (Close to C)

Skills: Speed+2, Refresh, Rally Movement

What I'm planning to make her....


-Rally Love

-Rally Skill

-Rally Movement




Peg KnightLV20>ArcherLV10>BowknightLV10>Pegknight10>DarkflierLV15>Bride

She will be my second supporter! Bride style!

She's now a Dark Peg and well on her way to getting Galeforce.

She now has Rally Movement and will be getting Galeforce soon.

Alm Lv26 EXP18 (Banned!)

(Only can use until the Xenologue/Chapters 23-25)

Class: Dreadfighter


HP 53/53

Power 30

Mag Pwr 7

Skill 25

Speed 21

Luck 22

Def 23

Res 19+10

Sword B Axe D Tome E

Skills: Res+10, Quick Slash, Rally Res

He's now grown three levels since before.

Lucia LV20 EXP--

Class: Swordmaster


HP 51/51

Power 28+5

Mag Pwr 15

Skill 38

Speed 38

Luck 21

Def 15

Res 12

Sword A

Skills: Avoid+10, Vantage, Duel Support+, Astra, Swordfaire

She has her long hair back. <3

I'm getting her Sol, Armsthrift, etc.

She's now getting started. She has now grown one level.

Tharja LV20/5 EXP35

Class: Sorcerer


HP 42/42

Power 10

Mag Pwr 23

Skill 17(Got two Skill Books)

Speed 23

Luck 14 (Got a Goddess Icon)

Def 21

Res 13

Tome B

Skills: Hex, Anathema, 065a.pngVengence

She has now increased 4 levels and now has the Vengence skill.

Anna LV13 EXP43

Class: Trickster


HP 48/48

Power 18

Mag Pwr 26

Skill 29

Speed 27

Luck 36

Def 12

Res 14

Sword B (About at A) Staff C

Skills: movement1.pngMov+1, picklock.pngLockpick, 045d.pngLucky Seven

She will be probably my only Trickster in this run. I'm planning to get here these skills.

-Lucky Seven







She has increased 4 levels since last time and only two to go before she'll go Thief.

Cherche LV20/4 EXP35

Class: Troubadour


HP 39/39

Power 14+2

Mag Pwr 7

Skill 15

Speed 18

Luck 13

Def 15

Res 10+2(Used a Talismen!)

Staff D

Skills: Str+2, 014h.pngTantivy, resistance2.pngRes+2

Now this is a character I luv. In fact she's touched me like Katarina. She is soft, thinks that even the deadliest ugliest things are cute and she would get along with Sumia great as they both love animals. Unlike Olivia who is a SLUT that uses her looks to get what she wants who just is looking for people to get laid with which probably she did with alot of men. But Cherche is carefree, innocent, and wants nothing more than peace along with her good looks that suits her personality well. Three astriks because she's one of the only few characters that really touched my inner feelings. Anyways, what I plan to make her into is a Bride and giving her either of these options...





-Duel Support+


With this, she will be a great Bride combat-wise.


-Duel Support+

-Rally Love

-Rally Resistence

-Rally Luck

-Rally Magic

With this I'm planning for another supporter.

Out of these options...I'll go with 2.

She went Troubadour first for the Rally Res and Duel Support+ skills.

Noire LV10 EXP0

Class: Archer


HP 40/40

Power 21

Mag Pwr 13

Skill 24+2

Speed 25

Luck 24

Def 21

Res 9

Bow C

Skills: 035ii.pngSkill+2, 036s.pngPrescience, 025pd.pngSol, 065a.pngVengence

Not recruited yet. But she will be my last party member for this run. She will go Peg for Galeforce before going to her final class "Bowknight" afterwards.


Chrom and Donnel got seriously grinded now for obvious reasons, so Lucina and Morgan can inherit their father's skills as well as for Donnel's case to have Noire inherit Sol, so she doesn't have to go through re-classing for it. They now will get the banhammer until what is stated in their descriptions. BK gets the banhammer as well till what says in his description. Pr.Marth/Alm gets the +b4 hammer till Chapter 23. They are allowed earlier, because everybody else will be to their levels and stats at that point in the game. Not like I need to use them until then anyway. =P

Another post as I've provided alot of pictures in my last one; and it is three chapters combined.

Edited by Lady Feena
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Paralogue 15 A Shot From The Dark

I now continue training Donnel and Chrom till Donnel gets decent weapon level ranks as well as getting Chrom Rightful King. Anyway, in event tiles I find these weapons...

-Eirika's Bladex4

-Leif's Bladex1

-Eliwood's Blade

-Sigurd's Lance

-Superior Axe

-Soothing Sword

-Pink Tincturex2

-Hector's Axe

Afterwards, they no longer need to be trained. I've of course start the barracks. Gaius searches the room and gains 22 EXP. Nifty! Sully+Chrom's relationship improved. Sully talks about wanting to smash through the Risen ranks. Chrom agrees. Me: Not till the Final Chapter. I need my other characters to get improved over the course of the main game and you're already ready to tackle "The Strongest One's Name" anyway. =)

Anna searches the room and says "What's this?" Well, Well, it'll look great in my ship. Minature Lance is what she finds. Henry+Donnel talks about wanting to battle the militia. They agree and nothing happens.

Me: You're one of my champs now. Your already ready for "The Strongest One's Name" now! =)

Cordelia+Lissa They talk about happiness and leaves. Donnel+Lissa (C Support) (See support topic). Donnel+Cherche (C Support) They discuss about whyverns and Minerva tried to bite Donnel which he made like a chicken and fled. =P

Both now get a support C increase. Chrom+Sully (B Support) A funny one. They have a duel.

Sully: Just don't start crying when I mop the floor with you.

It actually ends as there was no fight at all. Now I begin the next prologue.

Prologue 15 A Shot From The Dark









Ha ha ha ha haaaa.


Will do.


A sign that her mother actually died a little after she was born. -.-


No. -.-

We'll save you. I'LL SAVE YOU!


Good point. I've dealt with their kind many times over.








Tis a pleasure, mistress. =)





If you'd like too. ^-^





That's no way to greet your daughter. >=/



This is what Rey meant when she wasn't being raised by a kind loving mother. At least ur mom can scare the pants off a legion. xP














That trinket is what drives her fury out. Same with Launch in Dragonball whenever she sneezes.



Yay! <3


What they look like without the speech ballons in the way.






After a turn here, I lose Gaius as they all have forged Silver Weapons.

Example of what your up against...



-Master Seal

-Energy Drop

-Bullion (M) (Wow! Rich vahalla gurl!)

Crap. *restarts* After a few restarts, I've realized how to break through the lines as this is the example of a chapter that requires a little thinking to win. I first buy some tonics of every kind except Res and use them on everyone that I'm using here. I use the Tiki's Tear on Sully. The Gaius Conflicts on everyone. Had two of them. I gave Zihark Eirika's Blade, Sully and Lissa Titania Axes. The Titania Axes added +10 to both Hit and Avoid and plus the tonics and Rally Luck/Movement boosts all to give them more avoid especially after giving them all this. They would otherwise be hit with 80ish-90ish chances. But after all this, it's no more than 40ish percent. Afterwards, I give the others the strongest weapons that they can use such as Steel, etc. I have Sully and Aya guard the west and the others to split up having Lissa go to the western area and Sumia east, so that the teams can get Rally Luck support every turn. This chapter is hard enough on Hard/Lunatic to require all of this. Anyways, Tharja got a speedwing and speed tonic, so she doesn't get doubled by the vahalla (Falcoknight) gurls. I lost her twice against them because of this. They really are annoying bitches. -.-

She needed Nosferatu of course in order to stand a chance. I have Noire snipe off a couple troops before they can get to her as they are beneath walls and none of them carry 1~2 ranged weapons. She got two levels because of it. After killing off the stragglers that advanced east to get to Noire, I then just do lure and hit tactics along with Rally SPAM to take out the western wave that is by the boss. Despite the fact that the boss is surrounded within the castle walls, his troops got to me as they are all Falcoknights and Griffon Knights. Luckily the boss couldn't get to us as he is a Bowknight and he'd have to go all the way around to do so. Of curse being careful not to go next to the wall as he does carry a bow. Anyways, after I have Sully lure the boss, I then have Zihark kill him with Eirika's blade as it could do 18x4 to him and the boss could do 20 to him. Both Zihark and Ayanami learned Sol during the beginning of this battle. Which Sol helped me greatly to take out the enemies west during the enemy phase.

Turns 21

MVP Ayanami&Sully

Afterwards, I buy more tonics at the store and do some supports.

(Tharja+Gaius B Support)

Gaius: Hey there, sunshine?

Tharja: "Gah." ......

Gaius: "Oh yeah?" Look, I know I'm unbelieveably sexy, but you don't have to stare so hard.

Me: You darn right you are.

Tharja: "What?" Don't you feel...different?

Gaius: "Huh?" What do you mean?

Tharja: "Maybe." I cursed you. Some time ago, in fact.

Gaius: "Right." Nope! I'm right as rain.

Tharja: "ehh" Impossible. My frog eyes were fresh...My newt tail was still twitching...Ah, wait. Maybe that's it.

Gaius: "Hello?" You figure something out there?

Tharja: "ehh" I must have added the wrong herbs to my cauldren. Instead of cursing you, I've just enhanced your stamina and lifted your mood...Damn and blast!

Gaius: "Ha." Yep. That's a real bummer right there. But now that you mention it, I have been feeling pretty frisky today. It's like all my cares have melted away! So the good nwes is, your little spell actually works.

Tharja: "Interesting." That's very encouraging. Now, let's see...If I simply recast the spell like so...And replace the lambswort with a pinch of wyvern saliva...

Gaius: "Uhhggh." *Yawn* Are you still trying to curse me?

Tharja: "Satisfied?" Hee hee...Thanks to you, I'm one step closer to perfecting the ultimate curse.

Gaius: "Easy there." Right. Well, Sunshine, you just let me know when you get that-Huh. She's gone. That's a bit disconcerting...Ah, well, anyway, let's see if Lissa has anymore of those little cakes!

(Tharja and Gaius attained support level B)

(Tharja+Noire C Support)

Tharja: Yeah". Yeah. You there.

Noire: "What?" Eep?! M-Mother! Did you need something?

Tharja: "What are you doing?" What were you doing in that last battle? Were you trying to distract me?

Noire: I...Did I? I'm sorry, I didn't intend to, I swear.

Tharja: "What now?" You mirrored my every movement! It was like some bizarre curse.

Noire: "Well?" Oh, that. Well, you see-

Tharja: "Pretty much." Don't care. Doesn't matter. Just stop.

Noire: "ehh" N-no, wait! It was a force of habit!

Tharja: "What?" What...habit?

Noire: "Sorry." In the future, you were always too wrapped up in your research to teach me things. N-not that I blame you! I know you had your reasons...You were consumed with avenging father, so you never had time to waste on me. But I wanted to help you, So I...I taught myself magic and dark arts by following your example.

Me: In the English version, they probably retcon that Tharja actually cursed her. I'm not so sure.

Tharja: "Yeah." And that became a habit?

Noire: "Yes." Er, well, yeah. I guess.

Tharja: "Pretty much." Hmm...

Noire: *takes a deep breath* O-oh! But if it's a distraction, I'll stop! I promise! So, um, it'd be really nice if maybe you didn't...put any weird curses on me?

Me: Okay, it hasn't been retconned after all.

Tharja: "Interesting." I see...Hmm...I'm thinking this could have it's uses...Heh...Meh heh heh heh...

Noire: "Ahhh" Eeeek!

(Noire and Tharja attained Support level C)

(Donnel+Noire C Support)

Noire: "Ahh." *sniff* *Sniffle*

Donnel: "Eh?" What's wrong, Noire? Why ya cryin'?

Noire: *sniff* I'm not...Mother cursed me to have a *sniff* runny nose for three days straight.

Donnel: "Huh?" Now why'd she go and do that?...And why a snifflin' nose, of all things?

Me: She uses her daughter for her hex tests. =P

Noire: "Yes." It's nothingnew. *sniffle* Mother is always trying out some new spell or another. Every time she comes up with one, she *sniiiff* uses me as her guinea pig.

Donnel: "Pheeewy." Poor thing...Here, take m' lucky hankerchief.

Noire: "Th-Thank you." Th-Thank you...*HOOONK!*

Donnel: I can't letcha suffer like this for three whole days! Don't worry, Noire. I'll have me a talk with yer ma and get this cleared up.

Noire: "What?!" Er...are you sure? That never really worked out for you in the future. Every time you talked back, Mother cursed you up to your eyeballs, ...Or sometimes she just cursed your eyeballs, and you cried yourself to sleep.

Donnel: Golly, that's right pathetic...

Noire: "Yes." ...Yep. *sniff*

Donnel: "I can fight too!" B-but that was a different me, right? Just wait-I'll prove ya can depend on me!

Noire: *screams* Eep! W-wait, you never talked like that before! Maybe things can really be different this time around. *sniff*

(Noire and Donnel attaned support level C)

Aya+Lissa (BSupport)

They discuss about Chrom that he doesn't need anyone for help and that Lissa knows him better than everyone else. Lissa also pranked her by putting a frog in her pants when usually they make her puke. Lissa went through the trouble and risk for such comedy is what she said. xP

(They now attain support level B)

Sully+Aya (C Support)

They discuss about figure which shocked Sully that she lost some and they discuss that seaweed is a source to lose weight as it actually has weight may some day get her arse killed on the battlefield.

(They now attain support level C)

Barracks time! Sumia+Libra discusses about wanting to fight together. They leave and nothing happens. Shit. My battery is about nearly done for better make it quick. Anyway, Sully said at the bottom of the screen "Hey,Ayanami! It's been a hell of a day, hasn't it? Me: Yeah. But the tonics/Rally boosts along with Celica's Gale and such got us through this battle! Shit. My power is about gone and have to end it here for the day.

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Stat time...

Chrom LV20/15/10/15/15 EXP23


(Banned now until the final chapter! Only can use within the Xenologue chapters and Final! =))

Class: Great Lord


HP 80/80(Capped)

Power 44(Capped)

Mag Pwr 4

Skill 41(Capped)

Speed 42(Capped)

Luck 46(Capped)

Def 39

Res 25+10

Sword A Lance A

Skills: aether.pngAether, 092a.pngRes+10, 093m.pngQuick Slash, holyshield.pngAegis, royalweapon.pngRightful King

He now has Rightful King and now won't be used until the Final Chapter.

Ayanami LV20/10/5 EXP61

Class: Hero


HP 54/54

Power 29

Mag Pwr 23

Skill 32

Speed 32

Luck 19

Def 24

Res 14

Sword B Axe D

Skills: War Knowledge, Solidarity, Armsthrift, Patience, 025pd.pngSol

She grew another level and now has Sol.

Lissa LV20/11 EXP89

Class: War Monk


HP 47/47

Power 18

Mag Pwr 18

Skill 22

Speed 23

Luck 30

Def 15

Res 18

Axe C Staff A

Skills: 017me.pngMiracle, 018id.pngHealtouch, luckcry.pngRally Luck

New plans have been made for her. I'm planning this...

ClericLV20>War MonkLV15>ClericLV10>ValkyrieLV10>MageLV10>SageLV10>Peg KnightLV10>FalcoknightLV5

I'm planning to make her a wonderful supporter for the team only giving her staves to battle as I'm planning to SPAM with Rally's every turn.

Skills I'm getting her...

-Renewal/Iote's Shield

-Rally Luck/Love

-Rally Res

-Rally Magic

-Rally Speed

She now has Rally Luck! 1/4 of the way there.

She has increased by one level since last time.

Sumia LV20/10/9 EXP87

Class: War Cleric


HP 57/57

Power 20

Mag Pwr 17

Skill 34

Speed 33+2

Luck 27

Def 16

Res 20

Axe C Staff B

Skills: Speed+2, Refresh, Miracle, Healtouch, Rally Luck

She now has promoted and only 6 levels to go before she's ready to become a Dark Flier.

Sully LV20/11 EXP85

Class: Great Knight


HP 52/52

Power 31

Mag Pwr 7

Skill 30

Speed 27

Luck 25

Def 26

Res 10

Sword A Lance A Axe B

Skills: discipline.pngDiscipline, outdoorbattle.pngOutdoor Battle, lunaxy.pngLuna

She now has Luna and now she's well on her way to becoming a Paladin after 4 more levels.

Donnel LV15/11/15/10/16 EXP23


(Banned now until the final chapter! Only can use within the Xenologue chapters and Final! =))

Class: Hero


HP 80/80(Capped)

Power 43(Capped)

Mag Pwr 27

Skill 45(Capped)

Speed 41(Capped)

Luck 48(Capped)

Def 41(Capped)

Res 24

Sword: A Axe B

Skills: 029jg.pngRally Strength, 030hj.pngCounter, 025pd.pngSol, 023ck.pngArmsthrift, early.pngPatience

Hisweapon ranks are now fixed and he is now ready for any Xenologue chapter. Even "The Strongest One's Name."

Lon'qu LV15/11 EXP69

Class: Swordmaster


HP 40/40

Power 21

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 30

Speed 32

Luck 18

Def 11

Res 11

Sword A

Skills: 0190.pngAvoid+10, 0201a.pngVantage, 021dc.pngAstra

Got Astra, now going to go Wyvern Rider>Griffon for Lancebreaker then Assassin for Lethality then Dreadfighter.

Gaius LV20/10/3 EXP95

Class: Warrior


HP 61/61

Power 32

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 32

Speed 31

Luck 15

Def 19

Res 13

Axe C (Close to B) Bow E

Skills: Lockpick, Mov+1, HP+5, Zeal

He's now a Warrior, and now he's well on his way to getting Counter.

Increased one level.

Maribelle LV20/10/1 EXP15

Class: Dark Peg


HP 39/39

Power 12

Mag Pwr 23

Skill 25

Speed 28+2

Luck 27

Def 13

Res 27+2

Spear D Tome E

Skills:Res+2, Demoiselle, Speed+2, Refresh

She's now a Peg Knight going on the path to getting Galeforce. She afterwards will go War Monk and Valkyrie then Bride.

She's now a Dark Flier. This will do till chapter 23.

Prince Marth LV30 EXP--


(Only can use until the Xenologue/Chapters 23-25)

Class: Lodestar


HP: 72/72

Str 32

Mag 14

Skill 38

Speed 38

Luck 44+4

Def 27

Res 16

Sword A

Skills: Charm, Luck+4, Duel Strike+, Duel Guard+, Duel Support+

Trained him his last level in the Xenologue EXPOmnigrowth episode.

Linde LV20/10/1 EXP54

Class: Dark Peg


HP 36/36

Power 16

Mag Pwr 26+2

Skill 29

Speed 33

Luck 29

Def 11

Res 17

Lance D Tome C

Skills: Magic+2, Focus, Patience, Speed+2, Refresh

She's going Merc for Sol and Armsthrift, Sorcerer for Vengence, then Sage. She hasn't changed yet, because I'm lacking a Second Seal and they are not yet available to buy.

I decided to go Peg first for Galeforce. She is now a Dark Flier.

Black Knight LV20 EXP--


(Banned now until the final chapter! Only can use within the Xenologue chapters and Final! =))

Class: General


HP 75/75

Power 40

Mag Pwr 23

Skill 39

Speed 31

Luck 21

Def 40+2

Res 28

Lance A Axe B

Skills: Def+2, Indoor Fighter, Luna, Rally Def, Pavise

He will be a Dreadfighter before the last three chapters are left as I won't be using him until then. =)

Not like he needs any training till then.

Mia LV20/10/8 EXP75

Class: Dark Peg


HP 42/42

Power 20

Mag Pwr 20

Skill 27

Speed 36+2

Luck 26

Def 20

Res 14

Spear D Tome C

Skills: Avoid+10, Vantage, Patience, Refresh, Rally Movement

After getting Galeforce, she will then go Merc/Hero afterwards.

Increased two levels since the last report.

Zihark LV20/10/5 EXP60

Class: Hero


HP 52/52

Power 29

Mag Pwr 7

Skill 28

Speed 33

Luck 18

Def 19

Res 5

Sword A Axe D

Skills:Avoid+10, Sol, Tantivy, Armsthrift, Patience

He has increased one level and now has got Sol.

Cordelia LV20/5 EXP83

Class: Dark Peg


HP 44/44

Power 17

Mag Pwr 11

Skill 25

Speed 26+2

Luck 17

Def 19

Res 16

Spear A Tome D (Close to C)

Skills: Speed+2, Refresh, Rally Movement

What I'm planning to make her....


-Rally Love

-Rally Skill

-Rally Movement




Peg KnightLV20>ArcherLV10>BowknightLV10>Pegknight10>DarkflierLV15>Bride

She will be my second supporter! Bride style!

She's now a Dark Flier and well on her way to getting Galeforce.

She now has Rally Movement and will be getting Galeforce soon.

Alm Lv26 EXP18


(Only can use until the Xenologue/Chapters 23-25)

Class: Dreadfighter


HP 53/53

Power 30

Mag Pwr 7

Skill 25

Speed 21

Luck 22

Def 23

Res 19+10

Sword B Axe D Tome E

Skills: Res+10, Quick Slash, Rally Res

Lucia LV20 EXP--

Class: Swordmaster


HP 51/51

Power 28+5

Mag Pwr 15

Skill 38

Speed 38

Luck 21

Def 15

Res 12

Sword A

Skills: Avoid+10, Vantage, Duel Support+, Astra, Swordfaire

She has her long hair back. <3

I'm getting her Sol, Armsthrift, etc.

She's benched for now as I have no Second Seal.

Tharja LV20/8 EXP40

Class: Sorcerer


HP 45/45

Power 10

Mag Pwr 26

Skill 19

Speed 27(Used a Speedwing)

Luck 15

Def 23

Res 15

Tome A

Skills: Hex, Anathema, Vengence

She has now increased another 3 levels.

Anna LV14 EXP19

Class: Trickster


HP 49/49

Power 19

Mag Pwr 26

Skill 30

Speed 28

Luck 37

Def 12

Res 15

Sword B (About at A) Staff C

Skills: movement1.pngMov+1, picklock.pngLockpick, 045d.pngLucky Seven

She will be probably my only Trickster in this run. I'm planning to get here these skills.

-Lucky Seven







She has increased 1 level since last time and only one left to go before she'll go Thief.

Cherche LV20/6 EXP90

Class: Troubadour


HP 41/41

Power 16+2

Mag Pwr 7

Skill 15

Speed 20

Luck 14

Def 15

Res 11+2

Staff D (Close to C)

Skills: 011qz.pngStr+2, 014h.pngTantivy, Res+2

Now this is a character I luv. In fact she's touched me like Katarina. She is soft, thinks that even the deadliest ugliest things are cute and she would get along with Sumia great as they both love animals. Unlike Olivia who is a SLUT that uses her looks to get what she wants who just is looking for people to get laid with which probably she did with alot of men. But Cherche is carefree, innocent, and wants nothing more than peace along with her good looks that suits her personality well. Three astriks because she's one of the only few characters that really touched my inner feelings. Anyways, what I plan to make her into is a Bride and giving her either of these options...





-Duel Support+


With this, she will be a great Bride combat-wise.


-Duel Support+

-Rally Love

-Rally Resistence

-Rally Luck

-Rally Magic

With this I'm planning for another supporter.

Out of these options...I'll go with 2.

She went Troubadour first for the Rally Res and Duel Support+ skills.

She has increased two levels since last time!

Noire LV12 EXP31

Class: Archer


HP 45/45

Power 21

Mag Pwr 16

Skill 26+2

Speed 26(Capped)

Luck 26

Def 22

Res 12

Bow C

Skills: 035ii.pngSkill+2, 036s.pngPrescience, 025pd.pngSol, 065a.pngVengence

She's going Peg as soon as I can get a Second Seal. She has increased two levels upon joining time.

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Paralogue12, Chapter 16, Chapter 17 (Part 1)

Barracks Time!

Bottom of screen...

Nowi: Good morning, Ayanami! I woke up early today!


Tharja: Our foes grow stronger. Why don't you and I fight together next time?

Sumia: I'd love to. I just hope I don't trip or get in the way.

Nothing happens. Miriel+Stahl. They talk about breakfast and Miriel asks Stahl to straighten his clothes as they are uneven.

Me: Man, what a neatener.

They get a support relationship increase. Tharja walks around the room...

Tharja: Anyone who would harm Ayanami will burn...Heh heh, oh yes indeed...

Nothing happens. Miriel looks around the room and she gains a surge of Mag and Def. Sumia looks around the room and finds a Wolt's Bow. Yippie! I now decide to make Noire a Sniper for the Hit+20 skill. She said this upon her clas change...

Noire: Eep! !-all I did was touch the sal.

Me: =P

Tharja got my Energy Drop as I'm making her into a Dark Rider in the end. I also forge Linde an Iron Lance calling it "Minx". The forge was 5880 gold with an all MT boost and 9 crit. I sell my Bullions (M) and (L) and now forge Linde a Javalin by adding max MT 10% more hit and 3% more crit. I also forge Maribelle a Wind tome by adding max MT for 3375 gold. The cost was 6650 gold to forge the Javalin. Done! After finishing organizing weapons I now use my Rift Door to summon Anna. She sells a Killer Lance, Silver Bow, and Killer Bow. *Resets* Goes to a town till it sells a Second Seal. This shop sells a Second Seal, Ward, and Steel Bow. Which I happily buy both the Ward and Second Seal. The Second Seal was on sale for 2175 gold. The Steel Bow was on sale for 846 gold and the Ward staff was 2100 gold. Anyway, I now train Lon'qu to 20 at the EXPOmnigrowth then promote him with my only Second Seal that I've just got through my only Rift Door random merchant and I also find a Catharsis staff upon one of my encounters on an event tile. It's a great staff. Yee-hoo! I now use tonics on everyone and begin the next Paralogue.


Event tiles


-Alm's Blade

Paralogue 12


Bottom-Bullion (M)

Top left one-Fortify

Top right one-Second Seal


-Goddess Icon (Boss: Risen Cheif)

-Naga's Tear (Paralogue's completion)

Event tiles

-Wolt's Bow

-Orsin's Hatchet

This chapter was easy enough. The enemies are weak here of course using tonics to make it even easier. I let the thieves gather the treasure except the Second Seal one which I had Gaius open up. I then smite them to take both the Fortify and the Bullion (M) which I happily pick off of their corpse. The Risen Cheif was piss easy. Killed him with Zihark=Eliwood Blade after having Chrom recruit Morgan to finish the chapter. I also get a Naga's Tear upon the Pralogue's end. Morgan will also be the last character that I'm going to use in this run. I now do supports with Morgan+Aya, Chrom, and Lucina supports. First Aya, a funny one. Morgan tried to lure Aya into a hidden pitfall upon which Aya foresaw it with Morgan's strange behavior. He said...

Morgan: Dang, Ayanami. I'll get you next time.

Now Lucina, they have a phobia over a roach which makes this support cute anyway. Chrom even got in on the commotion in the end. Now Chrom, Morgan wonders why he has no memory of his father. After a happy chat, now all 3 have attained support level C. I now beging the next chapter after selling my Bullion (M) and buy two Rescue Staves and now class change Lissa into a Sage now going on the path to getting the Rally Magic skill. =)

Chapter 16 Naga's Voice


Ah, a poet of Charlette's Web?


So they know that were here.





Tiki. <3









So they aren't the same stones from Archanea?




-Bullion (M) (Cervantes)

-Steel Bow

-Master Sealx2

-Short Spear

-Killer Axe

-Steel Sword


-Speedwing (Thief)

-Beast Killer

-Bullion (M) (Thief)

-Silver Sword

Before beginning the battle, I now change Morgan's class instantly and now make him into a Grandmaster to get him on the path to getting Rally Spectrum. After preparing, I now begin the battle.

The battle went great up to the point that Maribelle met her end by the Falcoknight Reinforcements as they've appered at the location that Maribelle was already hurt at. Indeed you never lost, Cervantes. What victory number does that now make? Anyway, after picking off the enemies one by one as Morgan is doing nicely here especially with War Knowledge and Rightful King. Anyway, I'm just in a hurry to defeat Cervantes before his reinforcements arrive. Cervantes was cake with a Hammer upon which Sully did a good job of when her Luna activated. Bad luck for him as his Pavise never activated allowing me to finish the chapter quickly enough before the Falcoknight reinforcements arrive. Tharja is now at level 10 and now it's time to make her a Sniper for the Hit+20 skill as this will totally fix her bad skill problem for the Xenologue chapters needing to forge a Bronze Bow in order to do so. I now begin the next chapter.

Chapter 17 Inexorable Death



Ah, you must be the empress in Walhart's army.



-Chest Key


-Killer Bow


But my battery dies shortly after I begin the chapter.

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Stat time...

Chrom LV20/15/10/15/15 EXP23


(Banned now until the final chapter! Only can use within the Xenologue chapters and Final! =))

Class: Great Lord


HP 80/80(Capped)

Power 44(Capped)

Mag Pwr 4

Skill 41(Capped)

Speed 42(Capped)

Luck 46(Capped)

Def 39

Res 25+10

Sword A Lance A

Skills: aether.pngAether, 092a.pngRes+10, 093m.pngQuick Slash, holyshield.pngAegis, royalweapon.pngRightful King

He now has Rightful King and now won't be used until the Final Chapter.

Ayanami LV20/10/6 EXP99

Class: Hero


HP 55/55

Power 30

Mag Pwr 23

Skill 33

Speed 32

Luck 19

Def 24

Res 14

Sword B Axe D

Skills: War Knowledge, Solidarity, Armsthrift, Patience, 025pd.pngSol

She grew another level since last time.

Lissa LV20/15/1 EXP89

Class: Sage


HP 46/46

Power 16

Mag Pwr 24

Skill 24

Speed 25

Luck 32

Def 13

Res 19

Tome E Staff A

Skills: 017me.pngMiracle, 018id.pngHealtouch, luckcry.pngRally Luck, renewal.pngRenewal

She now went Sage and is on the path now to getting Rally Mag.

Sumia LV20/10/11 EXP8

Class: War Cleric


HP 58/58

Power 21

Mag Pwr 18

Skill 35

Speed 35+2

Luck 27

Def 18

Res 22

Axe C Staff B

Skills: Speed+2, Refresh, Miracle, Healtouch, Rally Luck

She now has promoted and only 4 levels to go before she's ready to become a Dark Flier.

Sully LV20/13 EXP78

Class: Great Knight


HP 53/53

Power 32

Mag Pwr 9

Skill 30

Speed 27

Luck 27

Def 27

Res 10

Sword A Lance A Axe B

Skills: Discipline, Outdoor Battle, Luna

She now has Luna and now she's well on her way to becoming a Paladin after 2 more levels.

Donnel LV15/11/15/10/16 EXP23


(Banned now until the final chapter! Only can use within the Xenologue chapters and Final! =))

Class: Hero


HP 80/80(Capped)

Power 43(Capped)

Mag Pwr 27

Skill 45(Capped)

Speed 41(Capped)

Luck 48(Capped)

Def 41(Capped)

Res 24

Sword: A Axe B

Skills: 029jg.pngRally Strength, 030hj.pngCounter, 025pd.pngSol, 023ck.pngArmsthrift, early.pngPatience

Hisweapon ranks are now fixed and he is now ready for any Xenologue chapter. Even "The Strongest One's Name."

Lon'qu LV15/20/1 EXP44

Class: Griffon Rider


HP 49/49

Power 28

Mag Pwr 2

Skill 38

Speed 35

Luck 22

Def 18

Res 11

Axe E

Skills: Avoid+10, Vantage, Astra, Swordfaire

Trained him some in the Xenologue to get him caught up and he has learned Swordfaire and is now going Griffon for Lancebreaker.

Gaius LV20/10/4 EXP76

Class: Warrior


HP 62/62

Power 32

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 33

Speed 31

Luck 16

Def 20

Res 13

Axe B Bow E (About at D)

Skills: Lockpick, Mov+1, HP+5, Zeal

He's now a Warrior, and now he's well on his way to getting Counter.

Increased one level.

Maribelle LV20/10/1 EXP64

Class: Dark Peg


HP 39/39

Power 12

Mag Pwr 23

Skill 25

Speed 28+2

Luck 27

Def 13

Res 27+2

Spear D Tome E

Skills:Res+2, Demoiselle, Speed+2, Refresh

She's now a Peg Knight going on the path to getting Galeforce. She afterwards will go War Monk and Valkyrie then Bride.

She's now a Dark Flier. This will do till chapter 23.

Prince Marth LV30 EXP--


(Only can use until the Xenologue/Chapters 23-25)

Class: Lodestar


HP: 72/72

Str 32

Mag 14

Skill 38

Speed 38

Luck 44+4

Def 27

Res 16

Sword A

Skills: Charm, Luck+4, Duel Strike+, Duel Guard+, Duel Support+

Trained him his last level in the Xenologue EXPOmnigrowth episode.

Linde LV20/10/8 EXP99

Class: Dark Peg


HP 41/41

Power 23

Mag Pwr 30+2

Skill 33

Speed 39

Luck 33

Def 12

Res 18

Lance D Tome B

Skills: Magic+2, Focus, Patience, Speed+2, Refresh

She's going Merc for Sol and Armsthrift, Sorcerer for Vengence, then Sage. She hasn't changed yet, because I'm lacking a Second Seal and they are not yet available to buy.

I decided to go Peg first for Galeforce. She is now a Dark Flier.

I've overused her this time and she's already half way there to getting Galeforce.

Black Knight LV20 EXP--


(Banned now until the final chapter! Only can use within the Xenologue chapters and Final! =))

Class: General


HP 75/75

Power 40

Mag Pwr 23

Skill 39

Speed 31

Luck 21

Def 40+2

Res 28

Lance A Axe B

Skills: Def+2, Indoor Fighter, Luna, Rally Def, Pavise

He will be a Dreadfighter before the last three chapters are left as I won't be using him until then. =)

Not like he needs any training till then.

Mia LV20/10/8 EXP75

Class: Dark Peg


HP 42/42

Power 20

Mag Pwr 20

Skill 27

Speed 36+2

Luck 26

Def 20

Res 14

Spear D Tome C

Skills: Avoid+10, Vantage, Patience, Refresh, Rally Movement

After getting Galeforce, she will then go Merc/Hero afterwards.

Increased two levels since the last report.

Zihark LV20/10/6 EXP73

Class: Hero


HP 53/53

Power 30

Mag Pwr 8

Skill 29

Speed 34

Luck 19

Def 20

Res 6

Sword A Axe D

Skills:Avoid+10, Sol, Tantivy, Armsthrift, Patience

Increased one level since last time.

Cordelia LV20/6 EXP29

Class: Dark Peg


HP 45/45

Power 17

Mag Pwr 11

Skill 26

Speed 26+2

Luck 17

Def 20

Res 17

Spear A Tome D (About at C)

Skills: Speed+2, Refresh, Rally Movement

What I'm planning to make her....


-Rally Love

-Rally Skill

-Rally Movement




Peg KnightLV20>ArcherLV10>BowknightLV10>Pegknight10>DarkflierLV15>Bride

She will be my second supporter! Bride style!

She's now a Dark Flier and well on her way to getting Galeforce.

She now has Rally Movement and will be getting Galeforce soon.

Alm Lv26 EXP18


(Only can use until the Xenologue/Chapters 23-25)

Class: Dreadfighter


HP 53/53

Power 30

Mag Pwr 7

Skill 25

Speed 21

Luck 22

Def 23

Res 19+10

Sword B Axe D Tome E

Skills: Res+10, Quick Slash, Rally Res

Lucia LV20 EXP--

Class: Swordmaster


HP 51/51

Power 28+5

Mag Pwr 15

Skill 38

Speed 38

Luck 21

Def 15

Res 12

Sword A

Skills: Avoid+10, Vantage, Duel Support+, Astra, Swordfaire

She has her long hair back. <3

I'm getting her Sol, Armsthrift, etc.

She's benched for now as I have no Second Seal.

Tharja LV20/10/1 EXP0

Class: Sniper


HP 44/44

Power 17

Mag Pwr 23

Skill 28

Speed 34

Luck 16

Def 28

Res 11

Bow E

Skills: Hex, Anathema, Vengence

She's going Sniper to fix her awful Skill with Hit+20...then she's going General for Pavise.

Anna LV14 EXP19

Class: Trickster


HP 49/49

Power 19

Mag Pwr 26

Skill 30

Speed 28

Luck 37

Def 12

Res 15

Sword B (About at A) Staff C

Skills: movement1.pngMov+1, picklock.pngLockpick, 045d.pngLucky Seven

She will be probably my only Trickster in this run. I'm planning to get here these skills.

-Lucky Seven







She has increased 1 level since last time and only one left to go before she'll go Thief.

Cherche LV20/7 EXP43

Class: Troubadour


HP 42/42

Power 17+2

Mag Pwr 8

Skill 15

Speed 20

Luck 14

Def 16

Res 11+2

Staff D (Close to C)

Skills: 011qz.pngStr+2, 014h.pngTantivy, Res+2

Now this is a character I luv. In fact she's touched me like Katarina. She is soft, thinks that even the deadliest ugliest things are cute and she would get along with Sumia great as they both love animals. Unlike Olivia who is a SLUT that uses her looks to get what she wants who just is looking for people to get laid with which probably she did with alot of men. But Cherche is carefree, innocent, and wants nothing more than peace along with her good looks that suits her personality well. Three astriks because she's one of the only few characters that really touched my inner feelings. Anyways, what I plan to make her into is a Bride and giving her either of these options...





-Duel Support+


With this, she will be a great Bride combat-wise.


-Duel Support+

-Rally Love

-Rally Resistence

-Rally Luck

-Rally Magic

With this I'm planning for another supporter.

Out of these options...I'll go with 2.

She went Troubadour first for the Rally Res and Duel Support+ skills.

Weird that she's growing a decent amount of Str even in this class.

Noire LV12/2 EXP86

Class: Sniper


HP 50/50

Power 23

Mag Pwr 18

Skill 31+2

Speed 30

Luck 26

Def 27

Res 16

Bow C

Skills: 035ii.pngSkill+2, 036s.pngPrescience, 025pd.pngSol, 065a.pngVengence

Went Sniper first to get her the Hit+20 skill before she goes Peg.

Morgan LV10/2 EXP97

Class: Grandmaster


HP 53/53

Power 28

Mag Pwr 18

Skill 27

Speed 28

Luck 25

Def 24

Res 18

Sword C Tome C

Skills: 001fd.pngWarknowledge, royalweapon.pngRightful King, magicsquare.pngSolidary, 025pd.pngSol

Final character of this run. Upon his joining time he turned out great even during enemy phase at this point of the game. He's going Grandmaster first for Ignis and Rally Spectrum. He then will go Merc for Armsthrift before making him back into his Grandmaster class for his final class. He also inherited Sol and Rightful King upon his joining time.

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Chapter 17 and Infinite Regalia (Part 2)


2 3

1 4


2.Seraph Robe

3.Master Seal

4.Bullion (L)

I split my forces in the west and eastern areas upon having Tharja, Maribelle, Sully, Ziahrk, and Lon'qu go east and having Lissa, Sumia, and Cherche go center and Cordelia, Noire, Morgan, and Aya take out the forces east and hurrying to take out that damned Thief before he gets near the treasure. Galus' Bow rank increased to D (Beg), Zihark's axe rank increased to C (Mid), Aya's axe rank increased to C...

After turn 8



Roger that. =)


Oh, it's you. Mr. Snake in the grass. =\









*Blech* *Hack* *Cough*

Someone get some Novacaine?

Yuck. Faggot.



He isn't appropriate. Going into a gurls room without knocking. Sicko.



He's up to something.






Yeah. Right.








Well...he is the douchebag of this game after all. The character that brings embarrassment and comedy.






Ok. -.-

I now have Gaius open the door west to get the Boots(Which this is going to Chrom right away.) and the Seraph Robe. I also have Lon'qu and Aya+Morgan paired to kill the enemies by the throne room. That War Knowledge is already coming in handy now as his EXP is going up dramatically with it. Gaius also learned Rally Str at the beginning of this battle. Morgan learns Ignis near the end of this battle. I then transport Gaius east to get the Master Seal and Bullion (L) before killing Pheros with paired up Morgan and Aya. Which she does drop a Fortify afterwards.

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Chapter 17 (Part 3) and Xenologue Infinite Regalia












In a single stroke.






Maybe not.


Why, thank you.



Smartest thing you've said all day.


You can't stop someone who is heavily stubborn like her and Maria. =P





Duel Guard.


Get ready for Asphalf, Valhart.




Boom! 39 dmg.


Oh, shi-!


IT'S OVER 9000! *crushes scouter*



I now buy a Speedwing, Elixir, and Arcthunder. Then I start the "Infinite Regalia" episode.

Xenologue: Infinite Regalia

No pictures here as it reveals massive spoilers. Play it and see for yourself. =)

We now talk to the 36 warlords of Judgrali. After preparing and bringing my most powerful units. I give them this...



Donnel Zihark Sully



Sumia Cherche Lissa



Alm Ayanami BK





-Ephraim's Lance



-Killer Axe


















-Silver Sword

-Steel Sword





-Levin Sword


-Alm's Blade

-Hector's Axe

-Pure Water


-Hand Axe

-Eirika's Blade

-Titania's Axe


-Chest Key


-Short Axe


-Superior Lance

-Glass Lance



-Silver Sword

-Killer Axe

-Hand Axe



-Silver Sword

-Iron Axe



-Chest Key


-Superior Lance

-Brave Lance (Forged)

-Superior Axe

-Pure Water



-Steel Sword (Forged)


-Eirika's Blade


It makes the song of Chapter 10 in FE4 map-wise. Battle-wise it makes the song of battling Arvis.

Chrom vs Tigis

Chrom: "Listen." You said you gave your lives in a battle on which the fture hung in the balance. Then you should understand why I have to defeat you here...I'm sorry, friend, but I can ill afford to share your fate!



HP 80

Attk 49x2

Hit 100%

Crit 14%


-Silver Axe

HP 72

Attk 14

Hit 26%

Crit 0%

Chrom got countered upon the first hit finishing him off on the second strike. Have Anna Physic Heal Chrom back to 53HP.


Donnel: If these fellers are any indication, the outrealms are one scary place! But I can't let fear whip me. Not if I'm gonna get any stronger.

Me: Which I now can only do when Ike's DLC comes out giving you a Limitbreaker.

Donnel: I may not go down a winner, but I reckon I'll go down fighting.


-Levin Sword


Attk 12x2

Hit 100%

Crit 0%




Attk 31

Hit 65%

Crit 0%

During enemy phase, several attacked Chrom, but his Aether is what kept this going good and he says "Your end has come." Boom. Pops two of the warlords with his Tyrfing.

Zihark vs Canis

-Eirika's Blade


Attk 24x2

Hit 79%

Crit 0%



Attk 42

Hit 71%

Crit 0%

He missed. Gets hit 42 damage with Forseti and counters with Eirika's Blade for 24 damage.

Donnel vs Cains



Attk 52x2

Hit 100%

Crit 0%




Attk 22

Hit 50%

Crit 0%

Donnel 0KOES her. I now have Cherche rescue Zihark as he would be killed if I didn't.



-Forged Brave Lance


Attk 34x2

Hit 95%

Crit 0%



Attk 24

Hit 78%

Crit 3%

Luna activates does 44 damge and doing another blow with no retaliation killing Ovis. Alm does Rally Res.

Aya vs Draco


-Killer Axe

HP 56

Attk 14

Hit 84%

Crit 27%







Aya: "I see." The deadlords possess skills as we do. They are dangerous foes. I'll need to exercise caution when directing theothers. Not even the finest of treasures are worth getting a comerade killed...

Aya's crit activates "Here's how it's done." She deals 42 damage then another 14 leaving him with only 5HP left. Advances Pr.Marth north. Ends turn. After Chrom holds them off at the center. His Aegis constantly activating (Thank you Rightful King) the spells are hardly scratching him at all. Even the most powerful weapons in the game. He only got dealt 7 dmamge from Mjolnir. I then finish off Draco with Aya. Cherche heals Aya with Mend for 20HP giving Aya only two less of her maximum. I advance BK up north and use a Pure Water blocking the way, so the others don't get through the center watching their ranges as some of them have Pass. I have Anna Physic Heal Donnel. He was badly hurt. I have Zihark out of range of the enemies and used a Concoction. He was still badly beat up. As the thieves are already advancing up north I have Lissa snatch the Physic Staff and heal Chrom. Turn ends. Chrom now has 77/80HP After Chrom holds them off having some lucky dodges with Donnel as he had a 77% chance of getting hit. Damn Hit+20 along with the Skill bonuses that Mjolnir offers. He had a 6% chance of getting critted EVEN WITH CAPPED LUCK. HOLY SHI-. BK holds off the eastern enemies as his Pavise reduced the damage greatly from the bows. ^__^

Enemy Phase ends after the thieves continue to advance up north. This has to be one of the top 5 hardest chapters in the game. It will require Ubers/your most poweful units to stand a chance. Donnel finishes off Ovis then Sully now vs Porcus

Alm vs Bovis


-Silver Sword

HP 53

Attk 29

Hit 66%

Crit 0%


-Astra Bow








Attk 26x2

Hit 100%

Crit 18%


-Astra Bow








-Alm's Blade


Attk 40x2

Hit 100%

Crit 6%




Attk 31

Hit 75%

Crit 6%

Sully vs Porcus


-Glass Lance


Attk 22

Hit 83%

Crit 0%




Attk 17x2

Hit 67%

Crit 0%


-Epharaim's Lance








Attk 6

Hit 17%

Crit 0%

Donnel vs Gallus


-Levin Sword


Attk 11x2


Crit 5%




Attk 25

Hit 38%

Crit 0%


-Glass Lance


Attk 22

Hit 83%

Crit 0%




Attk 17x2

Hit 67%

Crit 0%

Sully: "Um." I bet these deadlords were good friends in their former life. Hell, why else would they take turns introducing themselves? Looks like it's one tightly knit team versus another. Works for me.

Sully got doubled and she returned the favor by sticking 22 damage to him. I then have Aya and Alm finish him off. Alm only had a 66% chance to hit. Damn! Alm gained a level upon the kill and he grew this...Str+1 Mag+1 Luck+1. I then have Lissa rescue Zihark teleporting him up north and now this...



-Eirika's Blade


Hit 95%

Crit 0%




Hit 84%

Crit 32%

He does a hit he then gets critted getting dealt 147 damage. Shit. *Restarts*

Upon this turn I now have Chrom's Res bolstered by using a Pure Water advancing Anna and with Ward and Rally Res. Upon Sully behind him ending turn. Aya, Pr.Marth, and BK. West group. I have Donnel hold off the western enemies. Upon one of the warlord fights his counter activated dealing 18 damage to Anguilla while he counter attacked with Sol twice with a 18x2 attack restoring 18HP while shouting "Yee-haw." Chrom and BK had no problem holding them off. The AI doesn't have them stay put. Chrom could only get dealt 6 damage from Mjolnir if Aegis activates and onlyhaving a 26% chance of getting hit. BK hardly could get touched at all as Pavise kept activating upon the arrow hits dealing him no more than 3 dmg. lol

The Forseti however did a good one upon him dealing 24 dmg. Even after a Pure Water+Rally Res boost. Shi-! =o

Anyways, Sully finishes her off and gains HP=! Str+1 Luck+1. She also learns the Duel Guard skill afterwards.

Zihark vs Gallus


-Eirika's Blade


Attk 12x4

Hit 100%

Crit 8%





Attk 48

Hit 62%

Crit 9%

He strikes 12 dmg and then crit activates 0KOING him dealing 36 damage before he can get a chance to attack him. I luv u Zi. ^^

Donnel vs Anguilla


-Hector's Axe



Hit 100%

Crit 19%




Attk 18

Hit 89%

Crit 0%

I then have Donnel kill Anguilla with Hector's Axe. Donnel deals 30 Anguilla hits Donnel for 18 as I attacked her during the player phase and Counter activated dealing 18 dmg killing her outright. Luckily the other warlords were out of their range. =)

Her vantage activates and Pavise activated as he got hit getting dealt only 2 damage.

BK: Fool! Know your place! as he sticks the Brave Lance up her ass killing herin the process.

BK vs Simia

-Forged Brave Lance


Attk 32x2

Hit 100%

Crit 1%




Attk 5x2

Hit 65%

Crit 4%

Pr.Marth vs Cains

-Eirika's Blade


Attk 26x4

Hit 100%

Crit 0%




Attk 35

Hit 56%

Crit 0%

Marth struks twice, got hit 35 damage then he finishes her off. I then transport Marth with Sumia as he was in range of another few and would be killed if I didn't. I have Anna heal Donnel for 29HP with Mend.

Chrom vs Canis

-Short Spear


Attk 48x2

Hit 100%

Crit 0%




Attk 13

Hit 45%

Crit 0%

Chrom hits, dodges Mjolnir and finishes her off. I have Alm use Rally Res on BK. I keep Aya behind him as I need him to hold them off as she'd be in range of three warlords if I advance her. Cherche heals Pr.Marth for 20HP. Now at 57/72. I advance Lissa up north and use Rally Luck on Chrom. Ends turn. Chrom speared the foe. Ovis attacked BK with Mjolnir. He had a 25% chance to crit him and be dealt 25 damage. 75 with a crit. Man, I need to get him Aegis. He got Valflamed for 26 dmg by Canis and then got Forsetied twice for 12x2 also having a 1% crit chance. During Player Phase, I transport Chrom to the east and Kill the Mjolnir sage. I then move BK away and have Cherche heal him. He was badly hurt. I put Pr.Marth behind one space of Chrom to give him boosts from his skills and use a concoction. Anna heals Donnel

Donnel: "You've saved my hide." =D

and he's fully restored. I advance Chrom and the others east. Have BK advance north and have Donnel's Res raised and then I have Aya kill Canis. Then I have Chrom kill Mus ending the chapter. Aww...shucks. No treasure. But at least it's over and I get awarded with Eldgan and the Silver Card. =)

Eldgan: I promise I will serve you well.

Mus said that Eldgan was one of the strongest warriors in Judgrali.

Me: Indeed he was. Especially upon the FE4 hack. lol

The Ragnell throw looks like the animation of Link(full health), or Iron Knuckle throwing a dirk in Zelda II. Very cool! =D

Well...this is Nintendo after all. Upon my second encounter there, I get a Partia and Luna Lance. Well...at least I can get Naga's tome later. I also buy two Second Seals with the Silver Card along with everything else. A Short Axe and Killer Bow. I then do another round at the Golden Gaffe episode along with Leif Blades. Had 2 of them. This time making 69911 gold at the end of the encounter after selling my Bullion (S) that I've got from the blade. Thank you, Despoil. I now summon Ogma and buy Killer Weapons and a Silver Sword. I summon Serra and buy a Physic Staff. Summoned L'Arachel and bought a Fortify, Bolt Axe, Tomahawk, and a Silver Sword. I summon Mist and buy a Heal Staff from her. =P

I summon Lyn and buy a Physic Staff, Levin Sword, and some Silver weapons. I buy another set from L'Arachel. The Bolt Axe, The Fortify Staff, and the Tomahawk. I summon Serra another 3 times and buy another 3 Physic Staves. You can only buy one item each time. Keep that in mind. I summon Lyn another 2 times and buy another two Levin Swords. All these things are bought along with the Silver Card of course. Now I have 44121 gold left. I now organize items and weapons and buy some concoctions. I now buy two Wards, 3 Pure Waters, Rescuex3, Elixirx3, Concoctionx5. All with the Silver Card. Chrom said that at the bottom of the Elixir/Concoction shop...

Chrom: What do you think I need, Ayanami?

Me: Supplies, buddy. =)

I'm now down to 36351 gold. The Silver Card by the way won't reduce prices on forges, so keep that in mind. I now Class Change Aya into her final class, Dark Peg. =)

I forge Aya a Bronze Lance and buying her a Javalin. I now use two of my four Manuals on Aya since her Lance rank is E level and not in the mood to having it locked to having her use only Bronze Lances. I now Change Sully's class to Paladin as she already hit 17 as a Great Knight. She is now ready to go into her final class. =)

I now buy a Wind tome and then forge it for Lissa. Both weapons got forged with max MT and 9 crit. I buy another Seacond Seal, then I train Anna to 20 at the EXPomnigrowth episode before I make her into a Dark knight. This will be her final class since she is doing so well in it. So well that I simply cannot ignore. Upon my first encounter, I find an Aversa's Night. They are very rare, so you are lucky if you find one. Bought another 2 Second Seals after 3rd encounter as well as another 2 Rescue Staves all with the Silver Card. Because I'm itchin to get Cherche promoted since she hasn't been of much help lately. Zihark has already reached 10. So he is now going Paladin for the Aegis skill. He then will go Dreadfighter after that. As he is getting Res+10 and Limitbreaker for his final two skills. Tharja said this upon landing on an event tile...

Tharja: Ah, Finally, a perfect voodoo doll. Ayanami will eyes only for me...

Me: =P

And she gains another 30 EXP. I also buy a Second Seal for Sumia and a Bronze Bow for Tharja. Sumia has now also learned Renewal and now it's time to have her in her final class, Dark Peg. She is now in her final class. I also re-class Anna into a Dark Rider. I also use my other two manuals on Sumia to get her to a decent enough Tome rank which is now at C. I also use the Naga's Tear on Aya, Used a Seraph Robe and Goddess Icon on Tharja and give all three of my Speedwings to Alm as his speed wasn't so good. I also bought then forged the Thunder tome with max MT and 9 crit. The cost came to 6615 gold. Done! I now have 13466 gold left. I now begin the next chapter but I'm out of time and it's now time to post the stats...

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Stats time...

Chrom LV20/15/10/15/16 EXP88


(Banned now until the final chapter! Only can use within the Xenologue chapters and Final! =))

Class: Great Lord


HP 80/80(Capped)

Power 44(Capped)

Mag Pwr 4

Skill 41(Capped)

Speed 42(Capped)

Luck 46(Capped)

Def 40

Res 26+10

Sword A Lance A

Skills: aether.pngAether, 092a.pngRes+10, 093m.pngQuick Slash, holyshield.pngAegis, royalweapon.pngRightful King

He's the most powerful character that I have and he did great in the Infinite Regalia chapter. He now has 8 Mov as I have given him the Boots and that he has increased one level.

Ayanami LV20/10/10 EXP0

Class: Dark Flier


HP 60/60

Power 32 Got a Naga's Tear which upped HP+5 and everything else +2.

Mag Pwr 31

Skill 34

Speed 37

Luck 22

Def 26

Res 23

Lance C Tome A (Used two Manuals! She had E Rank In Lances and C Rank in tomes.)

Skills: War Knowledge, Solidarity, Armsthrift, Patience, Sol

She is now in her final class and she got my "Naga's Tear" which permanently ups HP+5 Everything else+2!

Lissa LV20/15/6 EXP22

Class: Sage


HP 50/50

Power 16

Mag Pwr 28

Skill 25

Speed 29

Luck 35

Def 15

Res 20

Tome D Staff A

Skills: 017me.pngMiracle, 018id.pngHealtouch, luckcry.pngRally Luck, renewal.pngRenewal, 019pk.pngRally Magic

She now learned Rally Magic and is on her way to being a Valkyrie next.

Sumia LV20/10/15/1 EXP8

Class: Dark Flier


HP 57/57

Power 22

Mag Pwr 20

Skill 42

Speed 40+2

Luck 28

Def 18

Res 26

Lance A Tome C (Got two Manuals and her Lance rank was at C and her Tome rank was at E.)

Skills: Speed+2, Miracle, Healtouch, Rally Luck, renewal.pngRenewal

She is now in her final class and has learned Renewal.

Sully LV20/17/1 EXP0

Class: Paladin


HP 55/55

Power 33

Mag Pwr 11

Skill 34

Speed 31

Luck 30

Def 23

Res 15

Sword A Lance A

Skills: discipline.pngDiscipline, outdoorbattle.pngOutdoor Battle, lunaxy.pngLuna, 076ir.pngDuel Support

She's now in her final class and will be on the path to getting Aegis.

Donnel LV15/11/15/10/17 EXP37


(Banned now until the final chapter! Only can use within the Xenologue chapters and Final! =))

Class: Hero


HP 80/80(Capped)

Power 43(Capped)

Mag Pwr 27

Skill 45(Capped)

Speed 41(Capped)

Luck 48(Capped)

Def 41(Capped)

Res 24

Sword: A Axe B

Skills: Rally Strength, Sol, Counter, Armsthrift, Patience

He did great at the Xenologue Chapter and has increased one level.

Lon'qu LV15/20/2 EXP21

Class: Griffon Rider


HP 50/50

Power 28

Mag Pwr 2

Skill 39

Speed 36

Luck 22

Def 18

Res 11

Axe E

Skills: Avoid+10, Vantage, Astra, Swordfaire

He has increased one level since last time.

Gaius LV20/10/5 EXP46

Class: Warrior


HP 63/63

Power 33

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 34

Speed 32

Luck 16

Def 20

Res 14

Axe B Bow D

Skills: Lockpick, Mov+1, HP+5, Zeal, 029jg.pngRally Str

Increased one level and has now has learned Rally Str.

Maribelle LV20/10/1 EXP87

Class: Dark Peg


HP 39/39

Power 12

Mag Pwr 23

Skill 25

Speed 28+2

Luck 27

Def 13

Res 27+2

Spear D (Close to C) Tome E

Skills:Res+2, Demoiselle, Speed+2, Refresh

She's now a Peg Knight going on the path to getting Galeforce. She afterwards will go War Monk and Valkyrie then Bride. She's now a Dark Flier. This will do till chapter 23.

Prince Marth LV30 EXP--


(Only can use until the Xenologue/Chapters 23-25)

Class: Lodestar


HP: 72/72

Str 32

Mag 14

Skill 38

Speed 38

Luck 44+4

Def 27

Res 16

Sword A

Skills: Charm, Luck+4, Duel Strike+, Duel Guard+, Duel Support+

Helped out greatly in the Xenologue Chapter.

Linde LV20/10/8 EXP99

Class: Dark Peg


HP 41/41

Power 23

Mag Pwr 30+2

Skill 33

Speed 39

Luck 33

Def 12

Res 18

Lance D Tome B

Skills: Magic+2, Focus, Patience, Speed+2, Refresh

No improvement.

Black Knight LV20 EXP--


(Banned now until the final chapter! Only can use within the Xenologue chapters and Final! =))

Class: General


HP 75/75

Power 40

Mag Pwr 23

Skill 39

Speed 31

Luck 21

Def 40+2

Res 28

Lance A Axe B

Skills: Def+2, Indoor Fighter, Luna, Rally Def, Pavise

Helped out greatly in the Xenologue chapter.

Mia LV20/10/8 EXP75

Class: Dark Peg


HP 42/42

Power 20

Mag Pwr 20

Skill 27

Speed 36+2

Luck 26

Def 20

Res 14

Spear D Tome C

Skills: Avoid+10, Vantage, Patience, Refresh, Rally Movement

After getting Galeforce, she will then go Merc/Hero afterwards.

Zihark LV20/10/10/1 EXP0

Class: Paladin


HP 60/60

Power 34

Mag Pwr 8

Skill 28

Speed 34

Luck 21

Def 25

Res 9

Sword A Lance E

Skills:Avoid+10, Sol, Tantivy, Armsthrift, Patience

He is going Pallie now for the Aegis skill then will go to his final class, Dreadfighter. He helped out pretty good in the Xenologue chapter too with Eirika's Blade.

Cordelia LV20/6 EXP83

Class: Dark Peg


HP 45/45

Power 17

Mag Pwr 11

Skill 26

Speed 26+2

Luck 17

Def 20

Res 17

Spear A Tome D (One-2 strikes and it's at C.)

Skills: Speed+2, Refresh, Rally Movement

What I'm planning to make her....


-Rally Love

-Rally Skill

-Rally Movement




Peg KnightLV20>ArcherLV10>BowknightLV10>Pegknight10>DarkflierLV15>Bride

She will be my second supporter! Bride style!

She's now a Dark Flier and well on her way to getting Galeforce.

She now has Rally Movement and will be getting Galeforce soon.

Alm Lv27 EXP22


(Only can use until the Xenologue/Chapters 23-25)

Class: Dreadfighter


HP 53/53

Power 30

Mag Pwr 7

Skill 25

Speed 28 (Got three Speedwings!)

Luck 22

Def 23

Res 19+10

Sword B Axe D Tome E

Skills: Res+10, Quick Slash, Rally Res

He has increased one level in the Xenologue chapter and mostly helped out greatly in Rally Res support!

Lucia LV20/5 EXP97

Class: Hero


HP 57/57

Power 32+5

Mag Pwr 16

Skill 40

Speed 39

Luck 22

Def 19

Res 12

Sword A Axe E

Skills: Avoid+10, Sol, Duel Support+, Astra, Swordfaire

She's finally gone to work now and now has learned Sol.

Tharja LV20/10/5 EXP10

Class: Sniper


HP 53/53 (Used a Seraph Robe!)

Power 17

Mag Pwr 25

Skill 30

Speed 36

Luck 18 (Used a Goddess Icon!)

Def 30

Res 13

Bow E (About at D)

Skills: cursem.pngHex, crimsoncurse.png]Anathema,065a.pngVengence, 037wu.pngHit+20

She has now learned Hit+20 and is now going General next for Pavise.

Anna LV20/4 EXP5

Class: Dark Knight


HP 63/63

Power 20

Mag Pwr 33

Skill 32

Speed 30

Luck 44

Def 25

Res 21

Sword A Tome E

Skills: Mov+1, Lockpick, Lucky Seven, Acrobat

Decided that instead she will be a Dark Knight in her final class since she is doing so well in it.

Cherche LV20/10/3 EXP43

Class: Valkyrie


HP 49/49

Power 18+2

Mag Pwr 13

Skill 21

Speed 25

Luck 19

Def 20

Res 15+2

Tome E Staff C

Skills: Str+2, Tantivy, Res+2, Demoiselle

Now this is a character I luv. In fact she's touched me like Katarina. She is soft, thinks that even the deadliest ugliest things are cute and she would get along with Sumia great as they both love animals. Unlike Olivia who is a SLUT that uses her looks to get what she wants who just is looking for people to get laid with which probably she did with alot of men. But Cherche is carefree, innocent, and wants nothing more than peace along with her good looks that suits her personality well. Three astriks because she's one of the only few characters that really touched my inner feelings. Anyways, what I plan to make her into is a Bride and giving her either of these options...





-Duel Support+


With this, she will be a great Bride combat-wise.


-Duel Support+

-Rally Love

-Rally Resistence

-Rally Luck

-Rally Magic

With this I'm planning for another supporter.

Out of these options...I'll go with 2.

She went Troubadour first for the Rally Res and Duel Support+ skills.

She now goes Valkyrie for both Rally Res and Duel Support.

Noire LV12/4 EXP9

Class: Sniper


HP 51/51

Power 24

Mag Pwr 18

Skill 33+2

Speed 32

Luck 26

Def 27

Res 17

Bow C

Skills: Skill+2, Prescience, Sol, Vengence

Increased two levels since last time.

Morgan LV10/6 EXP17

Class: Grandmaster


HP 57/57

Power 29

Mag Pwr 19

Skill 28

Speed 30

Luck 26

Def 24

Res 19

Sword C Tome C

Skills: 001fd.pngWarknowledge, royalweapon.pngRightful King, magicsquare.pngSolidary, 025pd.pngSol, wonderflame.pngIgnis

Increased 4 levels since last time and has now learned Ignis. Thank you, War Knowledge!!!!!

Edited by Lady Feena
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Chapter 18 and Chapter 19 Part 1

I buy the Energy Drop, Killer Lance, Arcwind, I then summon Nergal and buy a Thoron and Rexcalibur. I now summon Lyon and buy a Thoron and Rexcalibur tome as well as Bolganone. I summon Lyon again to buy another Thoron, I'm now at 3630G left. I now summon Miccy two times and buy two Micaiah Pyre's. =)

1500G left and all this bought with the Silver Card. First, the encounters. I do another 6 and first the supports. Chrom+Lissa (B Support) They have a talk about Lissa's personality and that she could've been caught by bandits and Chrom tells Lissa that she should by more ladylike and Lissa says "Hey." Donnel+Aya (A Support) They have a talk and actually cook some fish. Since Donnel's already married, this is as far as the convos goes.

(Noire+Aya C Support)

Noire: "Huh?" Ayanami.

Aya: "Wooah." Hello, Noire. What can I do for you?

Noire: "No." Oh, nothing. I just wanted to get a good look at you up close.

Aya: "Huh?" Er, well, all right, I suppose. Can I ask what your looking for?

Noire: "I with you." It's just that...you're so wonderful and amazing! *Sigh* I wish YOU were my mother.

Aya: "ehh." Noire! Tharja's a fine young woman, and I'm sure she was...er, will be a fine mother.

Noire: "Well." I don't know. -.-

She barely seems like the paragon of caring motherhood.

Aya: "Oh?" -.-

Maybe you shouldn't hold her to such lofty standards. If you don't have an image of perfection, she'll seem a perfectly good candidate.

Noire: "I see." Yeah, maybe. But I still think you'd be LEAGUES better! Anyway, so I was wondering...Do you mind if I call you mom? *blush*

Aya: "Hmmm..." Um...Er...I don't.

Noire: "Wha?" You're going to say no, aren't you?

Aya: "Um?" I just think it would be...strange. People might get the wrong idea.

Noire: "What?" *sniff*

Aya: "Right?" Oh, for pity's sake, don't look at me with those woebegone eyes! Look, you can't call me mom, but if you want to hang around me, that's fine.

Noire: *giggles* Really! =D

Gosh, thanks SO much! I'll definitely start doing that!

Aya: *Sigh* Methinks there's more to this than she's letting on...

(Ayanami and Noire attained Support level C)

Me: <3

After first encounter, barracks! Donnel+Stahl Same as before wanting to team up together. Support relationship increased.



-Silver Lance



Lon'qu: What do you do when you need a distraction?

Vaike: The Vaike strives for greater perfection, of course. All role models should!

Support relationship increased. Cordelia walks around the room and finds 16 EXP> She was talking about the summer of love. Again, Cordelia the love queen strikes again.


Sumia: I know I have a ways to go, but why don't we try fighting together in the next battle?

Chrom: All right. Together, we'll be unstoppable. We'll smash right through their ranks!

They get a support relationship increase.


Maribelle: I'm always so bored after a battle. How do you pass the time?

Sumia: I make sure eveyone else is safe and sound. Nothing hurts like losing a comerade.

Nothing happens.

(Chrom+Sumia Support A)

Sumia: "My love." Chrom! Hel-LOOOOOO?!

Chrom: "Hmm." Oh, hey, Sumia.

SSumia: "Hello." Look! I baked you another pie.

Chrom: "Listen." Sumia, you are too much. Where did you find all the time and energy for this?

Sumia: "Huh?" Oh, it's nothing. Really! Hardly any trouble at all. Except for finding veggies...And brinding flour. ...Oh, and kneading dough. But apart from THAT, it's easy as...well, pie! I like doing it. Really. Honest.

Chrom: "Good." Well, if you say so.

Sumia: "Yes." Oh, I do say so! And today I made an extra big one so we can eat it together!

Chrom: "Heh heh." A pie shared with friends is twice as tasty. Or so my old Nurse Nan said...Listen, Sumia. I'm...I'm sorry about bringing you into all this, I mean. You deserve better than a battlefield, but right now that's where I need you.

Sumia: "Aehhh." Oh, Chrom...It's an honor and a privilege to serve you. Besides, serving as a soldier isn't all bad. There are lots of things I like about it.

Chrom: "What?" Truely? Like what?

Sumia: "Yes." Well, the horses are fun!

Chrom: "Hmm..." You mean the pegasus? Er, pegasus?...Pegasi?

Sumia: *Giggle* Those too! I just love swooping through the sky-it's so exhilarating. But I like looking after them even more. Combing manes, brushing teeth...

Chrom: "Right?" You do spend a lot of time in the stables, now that I think about it.

Sumia: "ehh." I do hate that they have to fight. When I see them in the thick of battle...I know we need them if were going to win this war. It can't be helped. But, it makes my heart ache every time I see such a beautiful chreature hurt.

Chrom: "Good." I don't know what to say, Sumia. Except to thank you again. Thank you for all the sacrifices you're making for my sake. I swear that I will do everything in my power to end this war quickly. And I promise to build a peace that will endure for generations.

Sumia: "Here goes." I know you will, Chrom. And I'm going to help you do it!

(Chrom and Sumia attained support level A)

Me: Since Chrom is already married, this is far as it goes.

(Vaike+Lon'qu C Support) They talk about Vaike wanting to become his student and then wanting to become his. I love it when Vaike says "Yeah! I rule!" =D

Lon'qu: I have no desire to be your pupil, fool!

Vaike: "Oh, please."

Lon'qu: Such persistence!...Very well. If you defeat me, I'll consider it.

Vaike: Sure. I'll teach.

Lon'qu: Where I come from, strength is the only law that matters.

Anyway, before they have their fight, they both now attain support level c! I now do another 5 encounters before beginning the next chapter.



-Bullion (S)

Event tiles

-Reeking Box



-Bullion (S)

-Brave Bow



Bullion (S)x2

Event tiles

-16 EXP



-Brave Axe

-Bullion (S)x2

Event tile

-24 EXP



-Bullion (S)x2

-Goddess Icon

Enc#7 (Reeking Box)


-Steel Sword


During the encounters, Tharja's bow rank increased to D level. (2nd Encounter), Lon'qu's axe rank increased to D level (@nd Encounter) and have also received a Reeking Box on an Event Tile. Before I start the 3rd encounter, I buy 2 Bronze Axes and an Iron Bow for Tharja. (Silver Card) Here is what she said at the bottom of the shop.

A gift? If you try to sell it back later, I may hurt you.

Me: Oh, Tharja. =P

I sell my three small bullions and weapons that are broken. Cordelia's tome rank increased to C. (Enc 3), Cherche's tome rank increased to D (Enc#4)

Battle quotes

Tharja: "Yay! Danger!"

Tharja duel guards Lucia

Tharja: "Pffft! Useless."

(She snipes the foes off afterwards)

Lon'qu: "Who dies next?"

Lon'qu: "Be silent."

Cordelia: "I must prevail."

Me: She is of the Empress arcana and is sure acting like Princess Cordelia in shakespere herself. =)

I now use the Reeking Box and do yet another encounter. After the encounter, I then sell my 9 small bullions and now begin the next chapter.

Chapter 18 Sibling Blades


-Amatsu (Yen'fey)

-Noble Rapier (Yen'fey)


-Killer Lance

-Silver Lance



-Silver Axe


1 3

2 4

1. Second Seal

2. Energy Drop

3. Rescue

4. Bullion (M)

Event Tiles

-28 EXP

More Battle quotes

Lissa: "I'm sorry."

Me: Check please?"

Anna: "Come again."

Anna(After getting healed) "You get a discount."


Yeah, shit is a good word to say there.


Oh look, it's little Ms. Sunshine.


Unfortunately, upon the first turn one of the Warriors had Counter which Lon'qu met his end by especially with Astra activating. The foe only had one HP left before he died. Doh! *Restarts* Zihark's spear rank increased to D (Beg), Anna learns Slow Burn during mid. Anna's tome rank increased to D (Mid). I then fought Yen'fey with Zihark a few times after gathering the treasure first and even Astra hit missed Zihark evey time except with the last stike upon the 3rd clash. It was...




Attk 12

Hit 36%

Crit 0%



He said this upon his defeat...Yen'fey: "Such strength."


Ok. -.-






Just want to rub it in, doncha? >=O




Turns 8

MVP Morgan&Noire

After some cutscenes, I now buy the Seraph Robe, Killer Lance, Killer Axe from the first random merchant and I buy the Killer Bow, Short Axe, and Killer Lance (Silver Card). The Paralogue 17 is now available, but won't do right now as it is pretty tough. Anyway, I now start the next chapter.

Chapter 19



-Silver Bow

-Silver Axe


-Silver Lance

-Silver Sword

-Sol (Walhart)

Event Tile

-Roy Blade

Battle quotes

Noire: "To the abyss with you!"(End of fight)




The beard is epic.


Nobody pays attention to you. =P







Ha ha hah!




You probably would drug it too.




To do what? Paint your nails and use fake nails shouting to yourself I'm mistress of the world? That's the only talent you've shown me.







ur doing it wrong.


Ah, the three stooges. The spartan Lobster, The Greybeard, and the faggot. What a crew.


He hates losing more than anything. That's what made him to make short work of even Baslio himself.


Not mad mistress though. =P




You said it.


The Chaperone. =D


I was right. No one gives a shit about joo.




And u ain't beautiful either. x.x


Looks like they completely aren't on good terms with each other.



The crimson knight of doom has come at last!



After cutscenes, it starts as Walhart makes his speech before the battle begins. (It makes rebellious music.) I start by having my troops stay put taking out any enemies that are by them. They all have Pavaise and Aegis and such. I'm in luck that none of those skills have activated as I took out the forces close to me with Armorslayers, Hammers, Wilderwind, and Celica Gales. Morgan is still continuing to grow awesome with War Knowledge. During the enemy phase, Lissa attained C rank in her tome level. Cherche learned Rally Mag during the beginning of this battle after turn 1 of healing Lissa as she got hurt upon the enemy phase. Morgan's tome rank increased to B (Mid). During the next player phase, I advance Gaius and Zihark up north after Gaius takes out another Dark Rider with a Silver Axe and that he also finds a Roy's Blade afterwards as he was on an Event Tile upon fighting the foe after saying "Mmmm...that was tasty." Lucia axe rank know increased to D (Mid) during the next 2 enemy phases. After advancing Zihark up north. Maribelle got some lucky dodges with 46% chances being thrown at her. I luv you, Maribelle. ^__^

She pwns them two advancing towards her with a forged Wind and She's tanking quite well with it. Morgan continues to grow expedentually as more reinforcements already arrived that I had to battle. I didn't want to advance my fliers from their starting positions as the reinforcements are pretty strong and don't want to put them at risk of gettingsniped by the reinforcements.

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Chapter 19 Part 2, Chapter 20



SPARTAN!!!!! Time to flex!


It makes a cool rebellious tune upon his defeat as he drops a Sol Sword afterwards.

Turns 8

MVP Lon'qu&Tharja




Looks that way.

After some cutscenes, I now buy a Hammerine Staff from the random merchant and it's even on sale too. Along with the Silver Card it is now 910 gold. After buying it along with a Steel Bow and an Iron Axe for Lucia as her weapon rank alreeady got better from the last battle. I also get 5 Res and Def tonics before starting the next chapter.

Chapter 20 The Sword Or The Knee



-Dracoshield (Cervantes)


-Bolganone (Excellus)


-Bullion (L) (Walhart)


1 2 3 4

1. Second Seal

2. Dragonstone+

3. Beaststone+

4. Spirit Dust



I thought you wanted to overthrow him.








Anyone would like a room like that!





Time to break him.







Looks like you have one last chance.


I laugh so hard in rl. He does do a good job of that!




La la la la la la laaaaa. *Ignores*


Scared that we might break your nails?




He thinks that you doesn't see through him insulting you behind your back! =D



And scrub the floors, clean the toilets, and scrub our boots.



HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! *Ignores*




Greybeard. It's time!





I advance one team west keeping some in center and advancing the others east as I put Anna east and Gaius west to go on the path to opening the treasure before the thieves get to them first. Arming my forces with powerful spells like Arc spells and Morgan is now ready to hit them hard with Bolganone since his rank increased last battle. Also giving them Armorslayers, Hammers, etc as there are alot of armors here. Well, Walhart will stop at nothing to live up to his name. Anyway, I continue to have Gaius, Cordelia, Maribelle, Noire, and Lissa advance west. Morgan+Cherche(Paired them as I want to get that War Knowledge going.) advancing disarmed Chrom, Sully, Tharja, and Lucia center and advance Linde, Lon'qu, Zihark, Anna east. Gi=aius and Anna are in the western (Gaius) and eastern (Anna) groups to get the treasure hurrying up as reinforcements will arrive shorty down south. It's actually nice that the game warns you whenever reinforcements are about to come. I have Zihark kill the Thief as he already beat me to it to gettint that Spirit Dust happily picking it off of his corpse. Anna opens the next treasure and finds a worthless Beaststone+. Shit! I should have had her advance towards Excellus' squad. Next turn, he dies. I advance Anna to his range to drive him off of his post as I am already in a hurry to kill him as reinforcements down south has already arrived. Most of his forces already are out of the way as Morgan is pawning them with Bolganone as he is close to class change now.


Now it's time to send you to the next dimention.



Battle Quote

Maribelle: "Right here, worm!

Maribelle's spear rank incrased to C level (Mid) upon this player phase. Zihark learn defender upon the next enemy phase. Next turn, I have Gaius open the chest which contains a Dragonstone+. Time to end this fight. Morgan already learned Rally Spectrum and now it's time to have him go Merc for the Armsthrift skill. Tharja's bow rank just hit C during the next kill. After having the remaining forces swatted away, I now have Lucia lure Walhart away from his post.


Me: Yes. It's only moments now before I conquer your castle and rule it with an iron fist. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaa.

I have Zihark+Lucia battle Walhart. Lucia duel guarded Zihark upon his axe swing and returns the favor by doing 21x2 damage upon him with the Superior Sword. Superior Axe would be most effective against him. I then finish him off with Sully's sword and


Walhart said "Defeat."

Me: Your soul is mine!





Well...it's over now and that wraps it up. He drops a Bullion (L) upon killing him.

Turns 11

MVP Noire&Sully

I now buy a Spirit Dust, an Iron bow for Gaius, an Elthunder for Cherche, Zihark a Javalin. I now blow my remaining cash to forge the Elthunder tome for Cherche with max MT and 14 crit. The cost came to 11025G. Done! I only now now have 1059G left. I also buy a Beast Killer and a Concoction in the random merchent's shop then selling the Bullion (L) before beginning the next chapter which I needed to afford the Elthunder tome forge. Time to sell some stuff and they are nearly broken weapons, the Bullion (M) which I now nearly have all my money back from that forge. Which I now have 9020G. I now use the Energy Dropx2 on Maribelle as she needs them for her final class, Bride. I now use the Dracoshield on Lon'qu, the Goddess Icon on Tharja, the Spirit Dusts on Sumia, The Seraph Robe on Maribelle. I now begin the next chapter.

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Chapter 21

Chapter 21 The Five Gemstones


1 3



1. Secret Book

2. Noble Rapier

3. Fortify

4. Bullion (L)


-Master Keyx2



-Bolt Axe (Algol)

Event Tile

-18 EXP



Were back, sire!




O' Rly.




So this was a set up. You used me. NOW YOU PAY!



It's us that will turn time in our favor.



I lost it.





Oh my god! Almost everyone here has forged Bolganone's and Silver. Validar's not playing around now. Shit! Okay, I now start by looking at the boss's stats. Wow! He's got gamble and Wrath. Well...I'd better hope that I don't get critted upon retaliation. In fact, most of the Berserkers here have Wrath. O_o

Makes Fate Won't Change, After All song (Love this game!)


I love the end to each of these games as they become christian and cathedral like with lots of Priests and Dark Wizrds along with sinister music to add icing on the cake. Who would'nt?



Ever heard the story of David and Goliath?





Anyway, I advance carefully watching the ranges of those assassins's bows. As I have several fliers with me in this chapter. Lon'qu axe rank increased to C upon the beginning of this encounter. I try to nail the Berserkers with Wrath from far away as attacking them up close will likely be suiside. Anna's tome rank increased to C (Mid), Zihark attained lance rank C. But before that, Lucia received a crit being lucky that she survived with only 6HP left. Damn! Killer Bow Assassin. Anyway, I then have Zihark gut him with his Iron Lance before healing Lucia as his Lance Rank increased after that. I now continue advancing while covering the steps up, so that reinforcements don't start arriving. Morgan's sword rank increased to B (End). I kill the boss with Zihark's Silver Sword and Anna's Elwind tome. As I've used Anna to lure him. I'm absolutely in a hurry to get out of here before more reinforcements arrive as I've already had to clash at enough of them. The Boss Algol is cake. After killing him, he drops a Bolt Axe which I happily pick off of his corpse ending the battle.

Turns 11

MVP Lissa&Gaius

*Bransihes credit card*

I now deposit another 20 dollars and download another 5 Xenologue episodes....



-Smash Breatheren 2

-Lost Bloodline 3

-Champions Of Yore 3

-Smash Breatheren 1

-Lost Bloodlines 1

Now. I continue to train Morgan at the EXPOmnigrowth episode to get him back to his Grandmaster class now that he already has Armsthrift which he has to go through 2 re-classes for.


He can't reclass to Grandmaster from a Merc is why. But anyway, he is now in his final class.

Now for the stats...

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Stats time...

Chrom LV20/15/10/15/16 EXP88


(Banned now until the final chapter! Only can use within the Xenologue chapters and Final! =))

Class: Great Lord


HP 80/80(Capped)

Power 44(Capped)

Mag Pwr 4

Skill 41(Capped)

Speed 42(Capped)

Luck 46(Capped)

Def 40

Res 26+10

Sword A Lance A

Skills: aether.pngAether, 092a.pngRes+10, 093m.pngQuick Slash, holyshield.pngAegis, royalweapon.pngRightful King

He now has Rightful King and now won't be used until the Final Chapter.

He's the most powerful character that I have.

Ayanami LV20/10/10/1 EXP0

Class: Dark Flier


HP 60/60

Power 32

Mag Pwr 31

Skill 34

Speed 37

Luck 22

Def 26

Res 23

Lance C Tome A (Used two Manuals! She had E Rank In Lances and C Rank in tomes.)

Skills: War Knowledge, Solidarity, Armsthrift, Patience, Sol

She had no improvement.

Lissa LV20/15/10 EXP45

Class: Sage


HP 52/52

Power 18

Mag Pwr 30

Skill 27

Speed 32

Luck 37

Def 17

Res 22

Tome C Staff A

Skills: 017me.pngMiracle, 018id.pngHealtouch, luckcry.pngRally Luck, renewal.pngRenewal, 019pk.pngRally Magic

She now reached level 10 and is now ready to become a Bride for the Rally Love skill.

Sumia LV20/10/15/1 EXP49

Class: Dark Flier


HP 57/57

Power 22

Mag Pwr 24 (Got two Spirit Dusts!)

Skill 42

Speed 40+2

Luck 28

Def 18

Res 26

Axe C Staff B

Skills: Speed+2, Refresh, Miracle, Healtouch, Rally Luck, Renewal

No improvement in level. But she got both my Spirit Dusts.

Sully LV20/17/2 EXP90

Class: Paladin


HP 55/55

Power 34

Mag Pwr 12

Skill 35

Speed 32

Luck 31

Def 23

Res 15

Sword A Lance A

Skills: Discipline, Outdoor Battle, Luna, Duel Support

She's now in her final class and will be on the path to getting Aegis.

Donnel LV15/11/15/10/17 EXP37


(Banned now until the final chapter! Only can use within the Xenologue chapters and Final! =))

Class: Hero


HP 80/80(Capped)

Power 43(Capped)

Mag Pwr 27

Skill 45(Capped)

Speed 41(Capped)

Luck 48(Capped)

Def 41(Capped)

Res 24

Sword: A Axe B

Skills: Rally Strength, Sol, Counter, Armsthrift, Patience

He's sitting out till the finals/Xenologue.

Lon'qu LV15/20/4 EXP66

Class: Griffon Rider


HP 52/52

Power 30

Mag Pwr 2

Skill 40

Speed 38

Luck 22

Def 21 (Got a Dragonshield!)

Res 13

Axe C

Skills: Avoid+10, Vantage, Astra, Swordfaire

He has increased two levels since last time.

Gaius LV20/10/9 EXP85

Class: Warrior


HP 67/67

Power 35

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 38

Speed 36

Luck 18

Def 21

Res 15

Axe B Bow D (2 strikes and it's at C)

Skills: Lockpick, Mov+1, HP+5, Zeal, Rally Str

He's now a Warrior, and now he's well on his way to getting Counter.

Increased four levels since last time and he's getting trained well in bows now since he will be an Assassin in the end.

Maribelle LV20/10/4 EXP94

Class: Dark Peg


HP 46/46 (Got a Seraph Robe!)

Power 16 (Got two Power Drops!)

Mag Pwr 25

Skill 26

Speed 30+2

Luck 29

Def 15

Res 30+2

Spear C Tome D

Skills:Res+2, Demoiselle, Speed+2, Refresh

She got both of my Power Drops for that she will be a Bride upon her final class. She even got two more Def since last time! Lucky me! =D

I luv u, Maribelle! ^o^

Prince Marth LV30 EXP--


(Only can use until the Xenologue/Chapters 23-25)

Class: Lodestar


HP: 72/72

Str 32

Mag 14

Skill 38

Speed 38

Luck 44+4

Def 27

Res 16

Sword A

Skills: Charm, Luck+4, Duel Strike+, Duel Guard+, Duel Support+

Benched till Chapter 23.

Linde LV20/10/9 EXP74

Class: Dark Peg


HP 41/41

Power 24

Mag Pwr 30+2

Skill 33

Speed 40

Luck 34

Def 13

Res 19

Lance D Tome B

Skills: Magic+2, Rally Movement, Patience, Speed+2, Refresh

Grew one level since last time!

Black Knight LV20 EXP--


(Banned now until the final chapter! Only can use within the Xenologue chapters and Final! =))

Class: General


HP 75/75

Power 40

Mag Pwr 23

Skill 39

Speed 31

Luck 21

Def 40+2

Res 28

Lance A Axe B

Skills: Def+2, Indoor Fighter, Luna, Rally Def, Pavise

Benched until the finals/Xenologues.

Mia LV20/10/9 EXP9

Class: Dark Peg


HP 43/43

Power 20

Mag Pwr 21

Skill 27

Speed 37+2

Luck 26

Def 21

Res 14

Spear D Tome C

Skills: Avoid+10, Vantage, Patience, Refresh, Rally Movement

After getting Galeforce, she will then go Merc/Hero afterwards.

Increased one level since the last report.

Zihark LV20/10/10/6 EXP5

Class: Paladin


HP 65/65

Power 38

Mag Pwr 10

Skill 32

Speed 38

Luck 24

Def 26

Res 11

Sword A Lance C

Skills:Avoid+10, Sol, Tantivy, Armsthrift, Patience

He grew 5 levels since last time!

Cordelia LV20/11 EXP21

Class: Dark Peg


HP 50/50

Power 22

Mag Pwr 12

Skill 28

Speed 28+2

Luck 19

Def 22

Res 18

Spear A Tome C

Skills: Speed+2, Refresh, Rally Movement

What I'm planning to make her....


-Rally Love

-Rally Skill

-Rally Movement




Peg KnightLV20>ArcherLV10>BowknightLV10>Pegknight10>DarkflierLV15>Bride

She will be my second supporter! Bride style!

She's now a Dark Flier and well on her way to getting Galeforce.

She went up 5 levels since last time.

Alm Lv27 EXP22


(Only can use until the Xenologue/Chapters 23-25)

Class: Dreadfighter


HP 53/53

Power 30

Mag Pwr 7

Skill 25

Speed 28 (Got three Speedwings!)

Luck 22

Def 23

Res 19+10

Sword B Axe D Tome E

Skills: Res+10, Quick Slash, Rally Res

He's getting benched for another 2 Chapters.

Lucia LV20/9 EXP89

Class: Hero


HP 61/61

Power 34+5

Mag Pwr 16

Skill 44

Speed 41

Luck 23

Def 21

Res 13

Sword A Axe D

Skills: Avoid+10, Sol, Duel Support+, Astra, Swordfaire

She's going to go Dark Flier next for Galeforce.

Tharja LV20/10/8 EXP5

Class: Sniper


HP 55/55

Power 17

Mag Pwr 25

Skill 32

Speed 38

Luck 20 (Got a Goddess Icon!)

Def 31

Res 13

Bow C

Skills: cursem.pngHex, crimsoncurse.png]Anathema,065a.pngVengence, 037wu.pngHit+20

She has now learned Hit+20 and is now going General next for Pavise.

She has increased 3 levels since last time!

Anna LV20/7 EXP67

Class: Dark Knight


HP 66/66

Power 22

Mag Pwr 35

Skill 34

Speed 32

Luck 47

Def 27

Res 22

Sword A Tome C

Skills: Mov+1, Lockpick, Lucky Seven, Acrobat, Slow Burn

She has increased three levels since last time!

Cherche LV20/10/5 EXP33

Class: Troubadour


HP 50/50

Power 19+2

Mag Pwr 15

Skill 22

Speed 26

Luck 20

Def 21

Res 15+2

Tome D Staff C

Skills: Str+2, Tantivy, Res+2, Demoiselle, 075n.pngRally Res

Now this is a character I luv. In fact she's touched me like Katarina. She is soft, thinks that even the deadliest ugliest things are cute and she would get along with Sumia great as they both love animals. Unlike Olivia who is a SLUT that uses her looks to get what she wants who just is looking for people to get laid with which probably she did with alot of men. But Cherche is carefree, innocent, and wants nothing more than peace along with her good looks that suits her personality well. Three astriks because she's one of the only few characters that really touched my inner feelings. Anyways, what I plan to make her into is a Bride and giving her either of these options...





-Duel Support+


With this, she will be a great Bride combat-wise.


-Duel Support+

-Rally Love

-Rally Resistence

-Rally Luck

-Rally Magic

With this I'm planning for another supporter.

Out of these options...I'll go with 2.

She has now learned Rally Res and has increased two levels since last time!

Noire LV12/9 EXP32

Class: Sniper


HP 55/55

Power 27

Mag Pwr 21

Skill 36+2

Speed 37

Luck 30

Def 30

Res 18

Bow B

Skills: 035ii.pngSkill+2, 036s.pngPrescience, 025pd.pngSol,065a.pngVengence, 037wu.pngHit+20

Increased five levels since last time and has now learned Hit+20.

Morgan LV10/15/10/10/1 EXP0

Class: Grandmaster


HP 65/65

Power 33

Mag Pwr 27

Skill 34

Speed 34

Luck 30

Def 29

Res 26

Sword B Tome B

Skills: 001fd.pngWarknowledge, royalweapon.pngRightful King, 023ck.pngArmsthrift, 025pd.pngSol, wonderflame.pngIgnis

Trained him at the Xenologue to get him going after he was a Merc for three chapters. He had to be reclassed to a Tactician afterwards since you cannot become a Grandmaster after being in a rookie class. He went Merc for the Armsthrift skill. He now has it and now he is back in his final class. He has Rally Spectrum, but I'm continuing to have him equip War Knowledge for better EXP gains.

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Change in plans in skills...

There has been in change in plans. I've got to make some changes in these characters that is if I'm going to get them to stand a chance in "The Strongest One's Name". Here is what I'm getting them.....




Final class: Dark Flier

-Luna (She will also get this!)





For her, I have to re-class her to a Great knight for the Luna skill and to a Grandmaster for the Ignis skill. She will need a Paragon Manual, since she hardly isn't gaining EXP anymore.

Lissa is fine...

Final Class: Bride

I already got her this...



-Rally Love

-Rally Mag

-Rally Luck

The only thing I need to do now is get her Rally Speed and dropping Renewal for it and she'll be picture perfect. She's keeping Miracle to be able to survive the 5th wave in the final DLC.


Final Class: Dark Flier

She doesn't have any of the skills that I'm going after, but this is what I'm getting her...






I now have to re-class her for Tomefaire and Luna then she'll be done!


Final Class: Paladin

She already has these skills that I'm giving her...

-Luna (This!)

-Duel Support+ (This!)

-Aegis (On her way to getting it!)



After getting Aegis, she will then go Sword master for Astra then she will go back to her Pallie as she will be done!


Final Class: Hero






He already has Sol and HP+5. He just now will need to go Dreadfighter for Aggressor and Res+10. Counter will be dropped in "The Strongest One's Name" as it is absolutely useless there as many enemies there possess Dragonskin which blocks Counter.


Final Class: Dreadfighter






He already has Swordfaire and Astra. He just now will get Aggressor, Res+10, and Limitbreaker for his last three skills.

What Gaius is getting...

Final Class: Assassin






He will go Hero, then Dreadfighter for the Aggressor and Res+10 skills, then he will go Assassin!


Final Class: Valkyrie






She's still on her way to getting Galeforce, then she will go Dark Knight for Lifetaker, then Sage for Tomefaire then Cleric, then she will go Valkyrie for her final class. She's going Valkyrie for her final class as none of her options will make it worthy to make her a Bride when her classes of choice all make it so that she is destined to use Magic above all else and Brides can't use tomes.


Final Class: Lodestar


He just needs stat up item abuse and he's done!


Final Class: Sage

Linde will be getting these skills....






She's got Sol and Galeforce. But she will get that dropped for Tomefaire as I need her attacks to get more inevitable after Rally SPAMS! She's going Thief for the Mov+1 skills, then Tactician and Grandmaster for the Ignis skill then Great Knight for Luna, then Sage!


Final Class: Dreadfighter

Skills I'm getting him....

-Pavise (Already has!)


-Luna (Already has!)



He will go Pallie for Aegis, then Tactician/Grandmaster for Ignis, then Dreadfighter.


Final Class: Hero






She's still on the path to Galeforce, then Great Knight for Luna, then Tactician/Grandmaster for Ignis, then Hero!


Final Class: Dreadfighter

Skills I'm getting him...






He's already got Sol and is on the path to Aegis now. He then will go Dreadfighter.


Final Class: Bride

What Cordelia is getting...

-Rally Love

-Rally Speed (Have!)

-Rally Mov (Have!)

-Rally Skill


She's already got Rally Mov and Speed. She will then go Bow Knight for Rally Skill, then she will get her dress.


Final Class: Dreadfighter




-All Stats+2


He will go Tactician and Grandmaster for Ignis then will go into his final class Dreadfighter.


Final Class: Swordmaster

Skills that she will get...

-Astra (Have already!)

-Sol (Have already!)

-Swordfaire (Have already!)



She already has these skills except Ignis which she will go Tactician and Grandmaster then Swordmaster. =)


Final Class: Dark Rider

-Vengence (Already has!)


-Hit+20 (Already has!)



She already has Vengence and Hit+20. She will go Great Knight next then Dark Rider.


Final Class: Dark Rider

Skills she will get....

-Mov+1 (Already has!)


-Lifetaker (On her way!)



She is well on her way to Sage for Tomefaire then Sniper for Hit+20 and Dark Knight.


Final Class: Bride

-Duel Support+ (Already has!)

-Rally Love

-Rally Resistence (Already has!)

-Rally Luck

-Rally Magic (On her way!)

She's going Bride for her finals as she gets better attack than Mag. Plus she will be my third Rally Spammer.


Final Class: Bowknight

Skills that she will get...

-Sol (Already has!)

-Vengence (Already has!)

-Hit+20 (Already has!)

-Galeforce (On her way!)


After Dark Flier then she will go Bow Knight for her final class.


Final Class: Grandmaster

Skills I'm getting him...

-Sol (Already has!)

-Rightful King (Already has!)

-Luna (Will get soon!)

-Ignis (Already has!)


After gaining another 10 as Grandmaster he will then go Great Knight for Luna then back! Will get him a Paragon Manual to do such an endevoring task.

And Micaiah will be a Rally Spammer/Dark Magic attacker!!!!!

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Xenologues: Smash Breathern 2, Champions Of Yore 3, and Lost Bloodlines 3

EDIT: (Also added the supports. As these ones are pretty funny.)

I'm in luck. A random merchant sells the Hammerine Staff. It is 1000G with the Silver Card. I buy it and I buy these other weapons/items from the random merchants Noble Rapier, Brave Axe, Tomahawk. I then do another set of encounters.



-Silver Axe

-Bullion (S)x2

Event Tile




-Bullion (S)x2

-Silver Lance


-Bullion (S)


-Bullion (S)x2

-Steel Sword

Event Tiles

-Weapon efficiantcy


Upon the encounters, Maribelle learned Rally Mov (Enc#1), Lon'qu learnes Deliverer (2nd Enc). After the second encounter, I sell my 4 Bullion (S) and Bullion (L) and buy two Second Seals then I make Lucia into a Thief for the Mov+1. Gaius attained Bow rank C (3 Enc). After the 4 Enc, I sell my Bullion (S)x3 before starting Xenologue: Smash Breathern 2.

Xenologue: Smash Breathern 2

After preparing I now start it.

Hector: We've received word from Eliwood. He made it through. (It makes that rebellious music.)

Roy: Good. If father is in position...

Hector: Then we have the enemy surrounded.

Lyn: Roy, this is our chance! We should strike while we have the advantage.

Roy: I agree. We can't have them calling for reinforcements. Rally the troops!

Chrom: Are you the one who, er...summoned us?

Elincia: Yes. I am. Elincia Of Crimea.

Chrom: "ehh" The queen of Tellian lore?

Elincia: ...Lore, sir?

Chrom: "No". Er...My, would you look at all of those enemies!

Elincia: Yes. I fear the scales are tipped woefully against us.

Chrom: "Really?" Should we be expecting any further opposition?

Elincia: No. Our scouts have confirmed the surrounding area is clear.

Chrom: "Right?" Then it's simply a matter of taking down all the enemies in sight. Heh-perhaps "Simply" isn't the best choice of words...

(It makes the soundtrack of FE8's beginning map where you recruit Ross and Garcia. Yes, that one.)

The characters I have to battle are...Matthew, Lilina <3, Nergal, Moulder, Ephraim, Wolt, Seth <3, Amelia, Perceval, Raigh, Hector, Lyn, Serra, Roy, L'Arachel, Lute, Eirika <3, Sophia <3, Karel <3, Florina <3, Zephiel, Marisa, Nino, jaffar, Shanna, Cecilia, Lyon, Eliwood, Innes, and Lugh.

Who are on my side...Ashnard, Geoffrey, Lucia, Mia, Soren, Elincia, Zihark, Titania, Mist, and Ike. Engaging combat makes the combat song of FE8 during Player Phase. Anyway, I have Donnel engage combat with Matthew and make short work of him.

Matthew: A mark's a mark. Nothing personnel.

(After defeating him)

Matthew: I lost...A shame...But it was a good...fight...

In positions, I have Sully and BK guard the bottom having BK cast Rally Def on her. I have Morgan guard the SW area. I have Zihark, Lissa, Ayanami, Cherche, Chrom, guard the middle. I have Gaius guard the NE area. And have Prince Marth and Alm guard the NW area. I have Morgan use a Pure Water before beginning the enemy phase.

Innes: Lord Eliwood. Roy's forces are mobilizing to the north.

Eliwood: Then it's time to take the offensive. Come!

Ephraim: Look like that's our cue!

Zephiel: Prepare to ride!

Eirika: Even warriors from other worlds would come to torment this land? Well, if the others say it to be true...

Me: <3

Marisa approaches.

Marisa: Leave. Or die.

(After defeating her)

Marisa: I lost? How...





Crit 0%

-Steel Sword



Attk 23

Hit 100%

Crit 21%

-Killing Edge

Mia(NPC) got attacked and she missed. x.x

Karel approaches.

Karel: Come! Worthy foe! Feel my blade.

(After defeating him)

Karel: You have humbled me...I thank you...for the lesson...



Attk 12

Hit 80%

Crit 0%

-Silver Sword



Attk 24

Hit 90%

Crit 0%

-Steel Sword

*Mia's Vantage activaed*

She strikes him. He strikes her down

Mia: I...I guess I need more training.

Me: That's why I luv ya.

Wolt approaches.



Attk 31x2

Hit 100%

Crit 7%



Attk 0

Hit 36%

Crit 0%

-Wolt's Bow

Wolt: If we don't fight, who will protect this land.

Me: It's too bad that your a neverused tier character. x.x

(After defeating him)

Wolt: I...couldn't stop them...

The result. We know what is. Lilina approaches. <3



Attk 17x2

Hit 100%

Crit 0%

-Levin Sword



Attk 23

Hit 31%

Crit 0%


Lilina: I may not win. But I will never abandon hope.

Me: Yeah. But I'll always luv ya! ^_^

(After defeating her)

Lilina: I have lost...but WE have not...

She missed and Donnel did two strikes. Nino approaches.


Attk 20

Hit 90%

Crit 0%






Nino: I have to win and prove my worth to my mother!

(After defeating her)

Nino: I...agh...can't let it end here...Mother...I'm sorry...

Lucia(NPC) got hit. Nergal approaches.



Attk 12x2

Hit 100%

Crit 5%

-Levin Sword



Attk 19x2

Hit 9%

Crit 0%


Nergal: Ha ha ha! Look how the little fools all flock to their deaths!

(After defeating him)

Nergal: How! ...How could I be defeated by such...maggots.

Nergal attacked with Vengence activating casting Waste which has a brave-like effect and missed both times.

*Donnel's Sol activates*

Donnel: Yee-haw! Hits.

*Activates Sol*

Donnel: C'mon Donny. Hits.

Moulder approaches.



Attk 16x2

Hit 100%

Crit 10%

-Levin Sword



Attk 0

Hit 19%

Crit 6%

-Killer Axe

Moulder: You dare cross between dominions?! You are tampering into the gods domain!

(After defeating him)

Moulder: The gods are watching...You have won today, but your punishment will come...

Me: Mario! =D

He hit Moulder twice and Moulder misses. Innes approaches.



Attk 24

Hit 82%

Crit 2%




Attk 14

Hit 100%

Crit 0%

-Innes Bow

Innes: What rubbish. I need to put an end to this profitless fight.

(After defeating him)

Innes: That's one way to end a...profitless fight...

Innes hits Morgan

(Ignis activates)

Morgan: "Check mate."

It did 42 dmg to him. Lyon approaches.






-Silver Lance



Attk 30

Hit 30%

Crit 0%


Lyon: I'll face you. This land is mine to protect as much as anyone's.

(After defeating him)

Lyon: No...no, this isn't...how it was supposed to go...

Sully gets hit upon the second strike and dodged the first. Cecilia approaches.



Attk 35x2

Hit 100%

Crit 0%



Attk 28

Hit 82%

Crit 0%

Cecilia: Now the enemy is summoning foes from other worlds? Ill tidings...

(After defeating her)

Cecilia: You've tested...the limits of one...but you will learn...the potential of many...

She attacks and gets duel guarded and Sully strikes Cecilia twice and defeats her. Jaffar Approaches.



Attk 29

Hit 100%

Crit 3%

-Silver Lance


HP 55

Attk 10x2

Hit 88%

Crit 27%

-Killing Edge

Jaffar: ...Farewell.

(After defeating him)

Jaffar: Damn...nngh...

Jaffar strikes. BK duel guards. Sully strikes. Hits. Jaffar strikes. Hits. Lugh approaches.



Attk 18

Hit 71%

Crit 0%







-Steel Sword

Lugh: This world doesn't belong to you. I'll defend it with my life.

(After defeating him)

Lugh: I was ready...to win, but...

Lugh strikes. Raigh approaches.








Attk 15

Hit 24%

Crit 0%


Raigh: Oh, I see. You think you can best me! Let's be clear, though: you can't.

(After defeating him)

Raigh: You just got...lucky...nngh! I'm still better...than you...

Me: Tier-wise, no, you're not!

He misses! Ephraim approaches.



Attk 28x2

Hit 100%

Crit 0%

Ephraim: Are you the first to challenge me? I accept!

(After defeating him)

Ephraim: I may have lost...but I know the others will finish this...

Ephraim missed and Donnel strikes twice. Shanna approaches.



Hit 79%

Crit 0%

-Silver Lance


HP 47

Attk 2

Hit 98%

Crit 0%

-Steel Lance

Shanna: I won't lose to the likes of you.

Me: A tomboy, eh? This was never put in her characteristics in the translation. I KNEW IT WAS WITH AN SHA-. I NEVER called her Thany, ever. I've always called her Shani.

(After defeating her)

Shanna: Wait...how did...oooh...

Shanna hits. Sully hits. Perceval approaches.



Attk 16x2

Hit 100%

Crit 7%




Attk 18

Hit 59%

Crit 0%

-Silver Lance

Perceval: You may find the lances in my world hit harder than yours, ha!

(After defeating him)

Perceval: Blast...such power...wasted on the wrong...army...

Me: Yeah, but you're overused tier anyway. =)

Perceval hits. Marth crits 1st strike for 42dmg, hits and finishes Perceval off. Florina approaches. <3



Attk 21

Hit 79%

Crit 0%




Attk 12x2

Hit 74%

Crit 0%

-Short Spear

Florina: I'm sorry...I'm hardly a worthy opponent...

Me: But you break the game after class change. ^__^

(After defeating her)

Florina: See? Useless...

Soren hits. Florina hits twice.

Me: <3

Seth approaches.



Attk 1

Hit 82%

Crit 1%

-Steel Lance



Attk 37

Hit 76%

Crit 1%

-Silver Lance

Seth: Warrior from afar! Was ravaging your own world not enough?!

(After defeating him)

Seth: Why?! Nngh...Princess Eirika...

After Rally Res boost both Lugh and Raigh attack Soren. Soren dodged. Lugh gets hit. Soren gets hit by Raigh. Soren hits. Raigh hits and absorbs 15 of his health. Lucia knocks out Innes. Ike(NPC) approaches Raigh.



Attk 28x2

Hit 100%

Crit 2%

-Silver Sword



Attk 23

Hit 57%

Crit 0%


Ike hits. Raigh hits and absorb Ike's health, Ike activates Sol and finishes Raigh off as his body goes flying across the room. Titania(NPC) approaches.



Attk 13

Hit 92%

Crit 0%

-Titania's Axe



Attk 11

Hit 74%

Crit 0%

-Steel Lance



Attk 18x2

Hit 74%

Crit 0%







-Steel Lance

Amelia: I will surrender no ground!

(After defeating her)

Amelia: I was going to win...I felt it...What...went wrong...

Me: I dunno. -.-

Titania hits. Amelia hits. Countered. Amelia got dealt 18 dmg from it. Mist(NPC) approaches and attacks Amelia twice and now she's kaput. Serra approaches.



Attk 13

Hit 69%

Crit 0%

-Steel Lance



Attk 13

Hit 79%

Crit 0%

-Bolt Axe

Serra: What do you want? Go back through whatever hole you crawled out of!

(After defeating her)

Serra: Humph...Don't celebrate yet...You just caught me on a bad day.

Elincia strikes. Serra strikes. Geoffrey approaches and hits Lugh for 34 dmg. Lugh hits him for only 5 dmg as his Aegis activated! Ashnard approaches.



Attk 27

Hit 86%

Crit 0%


Jaffar met his end. NPC phase ends. Lyon vs BK.



Attk 28x2

Hit 100%

Crit 19%

-Forged Brave Lance



Attk 17x2

Hit 34%

Crit 0%


BK's Luna activates dealing him 41dmg. Sully: "Go-go." "Save some for me." as she finishes him. Lissa heals Sully with Physic. Sully HP46/57. Sully attacks Shanna. Misses. BK duel guards Sully. I have Morgan finish off Lugh. Hector approches.

Hector: If it's a fight you want, don't expect mercy to come along with it.

(After defeating)

Hector: Ugh...I pictured a better end...



Attk 29x4

Hit 100%

Crit 12%

-Eirika's Sword



Attk 19

Hit 30%

Crit 0%

-Hector's Axe

*Chrom's Aether activates*

Chrom: "Anything can change."

Hits and recovers 19 health.

Activates crit and finishes him. I then have Donnel finish off Ephraim. MarthvsRoy.



Attk 17x2

Hit 100%

Crit 11%

-Noble Rapier



Attk 12

Hit 77%

Crit 0%

-Roy's Blade

Roy: I don't care how strong you are. It's not strong enough!

(After defeating)

Roy: Nngh...I thought I had more...in me...

Marth strikes.

Chrom: I've got your back...

Roy hits.Chrom: Have another... He hits and finishes Roy off. Cherche is behind others. Casts Physic. Pr.Marth 59/72




Attk 29x2

Hit 100%

Crit 0%

-Steel Lance



Attk 24

Hit 60%

Crit 0%


Aya: "Uggh." Hmm...she looks strong...will you not let us pass? I do not wish to come to blows

Lilina: Then leave! You're the outsiders here, remember?

Me: Lilina...Stop. D=

Aya: "Um." If only our way home wasn't through you...

Aya strikes, Donnel activates crit.

Donnel: "Come on, Donny!"

Crits her and does 147 damage ending the fight. ZiharkvsL'Arachel



Attk 37x2

Hit 100%

Crit 0%

-Silver Sword



Attk 28

Hit 20%

Crit 0%

-Bolt Axe

L'Arachel: What sort of fools would let themselves be summoned into another war?

(After defeating)

L'Arachel: Perhaps the messenger of Justics the sagas spoke of were...you...

Me: <3

Zihark hits. L'Arachel misses. Zihark's Sol activates and finishes her off absorbing 15HP in the proccess. Alm casts Rally Res on Zihark. Turn ends. Marisa finishes off Soren.

Soren: So this is it...Pathetic...

Me: I'll always luv chu. ^o^

Lyn approches.



Attk 13

Hit 71%

Crit 0%

-Steel Lance



Attk 21x2

Hit 77%

Crit 0%


Lyn: I didn't choose this fight, but I won't run from it.

Me: <3

(After defeating)

Lyn: I thought I had you, but...rrgh...you were one step ahead...

Elincia gets cut down.

Elincia: Then it ends here...Good luck to you...

Me: Okay.

Seth approaches Zihark(NPC). Seth finishes him.

Zihark(NPC): Agh...I seem to have only...gotton in the way...

IkevsKarel. Ike hits. Karel's Luna activates. Ike gets dealt 41 dmg. Eirika approches. Me: <3






-Silver Sword



Attk 10

Hit 70%

Crit 21%

-Killer Bow

Eirika: Is this fight just?

Me: This is the FE8 you. <333

Eirika: I just hope I'm not being deceived again.

Me: -.-

(After defeating)

Eirika: Who is right...?

Her dress has a glowing effect too. =)

Ike falls.

Ike: Ahh...I'd fight on if I could...

Me: I know. -.-

Nergal attacks Cherche. She had a 58% chance of getting hit for 28dmg. She dodged the first hit and got hit on the second. She returned 14 dmg on him. Morgan finishes Nino off. His Sol activated as well. Morgan's tome rank just hit A. Moulder approaches Aya and hits her. Aya activates Sol and hits. Donnel: "Over here, ugly." as he pops him finishing him off.Lute appraches Lissa.



Attk 20x2

Hit 95%

Crit 0%




Attk 18

Hit 48%

Crit 0%


Lute: You look powerful. You might even stand a chance against me.

(After defeating)

Lute: You see? I could tell...you were strong.

Me: <3

Lute misses. Lissa hits twice. <3

Shanna approches and attacks Sully. Sully finishes her off. Florina approches. Lissa gets duel guarded. Lissa hits. Lissa dodges. Eliwwod approaches.



Attk 20

Hit 93%

Crit 0%



HP 58

Attk 27

Hit 57%

Crit 0%

-Eliwood's Blade

Eliwood: Go back where you came, or we will have to cut you down.

(After defeating)

Eliwood: I wish...that strength had been ours to command...

He misses. Lissa hits. Donnel: "Where yee lookin?" He hits. Eliwwod is near death's door. NPC Phase. Serra gets cut down by Titania. Mist(NPC) approaches Lute. Me: <3

She finishes Lute off. Everyone else advances. Turn ends. Player Phase. Lissa Physic's Cherche. Cherche 44/51HP. I have Aya finish Nergal off. Appraches Zephiel.

Zephiel: Are you mad? Challenging me is tantamount to suiside

Me: For once you're sane. xD

(After defeating)

Zephiel: Nngh! If I am finished...then this battle may soon be, too...

Chrom hits twice. Zephiel misses. Chrom hits another 2 times ending the battle. Chrom levels up. Mag+1 Def+1 Res+1

Chrom: My strength comes from diligence.

I now have Marth and Zihark finish Seth off. I have Donnel finish off Eliwood. Anyway, I have Sully land on an event tile and she finds an Eliwood's Blade as I've healed her with a Concoction. I move Alm to the far back in the NW corner and use a Pure Water. Physic'd Zihark with Cherche. Zihark 57/65. Physic breaks. Marisa finished Lucia(NPC) off.

Lucia: Beware the forces of Elibe.




Attk 29

Hit 59%

Crit 0%

-Titania's Axe



Attk 24x2

Hit 95%

Crit 0%


Lyn hits. Gets countered as she got dealt 24dmg then Titania finishes her off. Sophia attacks. Me: <333






-Silver Lance



Attk 19

Hit 42%

Crit 53%


Sophia: Leave this place...Or I will have...no choice.

(After defeating)

Sophia: I couldn't...defeat you...after all.

She missed.

Me: -.-

Karel approaches as Pr.Marth finishes him. Eirika approches. Misses Pr.Marth. Florina approches.



Attk 11

Hit 62%

Crit 0%


Florina: HP35

Attk 15x2

Hit 75%

Crit 0%

-Short Spear

Mist dodges. Mist finishes her. Marisa got attacked by Mist, Ahnard, and Geoffrey(NPC). She fell. Player Phase. Lissa Physic's Pr.Marth. 72/72 now. Lissa levels up. HP+1 Str+1 Skill+1 Luck+1 Lissa: I've got a few tricks up my sleeve!




Attk 28x2

Hit 100%

Crit 36%

-Killing Edge



Attk 18 Hit 19%

Crit 20%


Marth hits. Sophia misses. Marth finishes her. GaiusvsEirika. She has Miracle too. ^__^

Eirika: Please don't make me fight a battle I'm unsure of. Leave. If you would just leave, I could...

Gaius: "Right." Cakes. Cookies. Snacks. That's the price of making Gaius go bye-us.

Eirika: Really?! In that case, I think I have some right.

Gaius: "Easy there." Woah! Woah! I was kidding! Do I look that easy to buy off? I like my sweets, but this is one battle I can't back out of.

Gaius hits. Eirika crits. Gaius finishes her ending the battle. Battle over.

Eirika: I have lost. You fight well, tactician. Just say the word, and I promise to stay at your side, always. ...What? No, that's not a proposal! Ugh, this stupid dress...It's all this bouquet's fault! I shouldn't have caught it. It just invites misunderstanding. Here, I'll give it to you.

Me: Yay! ^^

Eirika: Oh, I must look like a fool...

I get asked Yes NO

I go with No.

Eirika: Well...thank you. That's kindof you to say.

Me: No, Seriously. You don't.

Eirika: To be honest, I am rather fond of this gown, despite what I said...

Me: ^__^

Eirika: Perhaps some of your ladies would like to try it on later? Oh, how rude of me. I haven't even introduced myself. ...What? You say you already know who I am?..."Naive"?! Wh-who told you that? ...Well, I suppose it might be partly true. I just can't bring myself to doubt family or friends. Doubt leads to distrust and that just feels wrong to me. If that's what you call "Naive", then it suppose that's how I'll stay. And what of you, tactician? Say a friend of yours came to you seeking for help...But he was no longer the person you knew he was trying to trick you...Would you still give him benefit of the doubt? Would you trust a friend who'd changed? Yes No I pick, Yes.

Eirika: Y-you would? But you musn't! You'll only get duped and deceived...At least that's what everyone else tries to tell me. Still, it's nice to meet a woman as trusting as me...might we talk a little longer? I'd like to know more about you...Oh...thank you, Ayanami. You have such a sense of humor! I haven't laughed like that in awhile. If it's all right...once your battles are done...would you come visit our castle? I'd like to introduce you to my elder brother as well. Whenever you feel like it. I know you still have a long road ahead...

Anyway, I recruit Eirika.

Eirika: Let's go, then.

I also receive a Wedding Bouquet upon this episode end. I now use the Wedding Bouquet on Lissa and now she's a Bride.

Lissa: Ta-da! Do I look good, or do I look great?!

Me: Both.

I now begin the Xenologue: Champions Of Yore 3.

Xenologue: Champions of Yore 3

Ike: So you're to be our opponents? You appear capable enough...

(It makes rebellious music)

Chrom: "Uggh!" Hmm, there's something about this one...Old hubba! That's Ike! He was a legend-many say the strongest the world has ever know. More importantly, he was my favorite card. I want him back!

Chrom: He certainly has the look of a legend...Especially the har.

Ike: Are you the leader of this army?

Chrom: I am. You can call me Chrom.

Ike: I'm Ike of the Grail Mercenaries. Shall we get this over with?

Chrom: "I will not fail." Heh. That'll be my line once the day is through...

It starts the battle now as it makes the music track of FE10's very first chapter in the game. I'm facing off against...(Western Squad) Lilina, Roy, Lyn, Alm, Eliwood, Celica, Ike, Elincia, Micaiah, Sothe. (Eastern Squad) Sigurd, Deirdre, Nanna, Leif, Caeda, Pr.Marth, Ephraim, Eirika, Seliph, and Julia. To be honest, the characters are pretty weak here. Still, I'm going to watch my back. ZiharkvsJulia



Attk 40x2

Hit 100%

Crit 42%

-Killer Lance



Attk 21

Hit 22%

Crit 0%

-Book Of Narga

Julia: I fight for Seliph, my lord brother!

Me: Even though he has been unaware that she's his sister beforehand. That's why you cannot pair them without glitches.

(After defeating)

Julia: Aaah...stay vigilent brother...

She gets popped. Their might is great. Zihark levels up. HP+1 Skill+1 Spd+1 Luck+1.

Seliph: I must live for my sisters sake! Forgive me, Julia.

(After defeating)

Turn ends.

Micaiah: Am I fighting the right enemy? Nothing is clear anymore...

Roy: I haveto end this for Lilina's sake.

(After finishing him)

Roy: Agh...Lilina deserves...better...

Lilina: I'm coming, Roy! Just let me finish off the rogues here.

After Defeating her)

Lilina: How could my magic fail? These dogs have been well trained...

Lyn:I'll cut them all down before Eliwood can lift a finger.

(After defeating her)

Lyn:I'm sorry, Eliwood. It seems my blade wasn't half sharp as my tongue...

Eirika: My brother is watching...I must be bold.

(After finishing her)

Eirika: Did you see, Ephraim? Did you...

Pr.Marth: Mine is an army of good and strong comerades. You'll not prevail this night!

(After finishing him)

Pr.Marth: A man has much growing to do if he cannot even protect his own friends...

Sigurd: Let us end this fight so Deirdre and I might return to our castle!

(After finishing him)

Sigurd: Damn...I cannot fall here...Not while...Deirdre needs me still...

Eliwood: Not a swordsman alive can best Lyn, But I still know how to fight.

(After finishing him)

Eliwood: Wou win...Perhaps they'll never make a warrior of me...

Caeda: My life is Prince Marth's to use as he sees fit.

(After finishing her)

Caeda: For Prince Marth...nngh...

Sothe: Come anywhere near Micaiah, and I'll drop you where you stand.

(After defeating him)

Sothe: Micaiah...S-survive...

Aya: "All right." Listen to me! You're just illusions! Projections that the cards-

Alm: Silence You lying snake! What sort of idiot do you take me for?

Aya: *Sigh* ...I suppose that would be the most natural reaction.

(After defeating him)

Alm: That is...all wrong...

Leif: I'm coming for you, Nanna!

(After defeating him)

Leif: Nngh, gods, give me strength...I must fight...on...

Deirdre: I stand by Lord Sigurd, now and always!

(After defeating her)

Deirdre: I must...return to Lord Sigurd while I still have the strength...

Ephraim: Don't expect any mistakes from me while Eirika's watching.

(After defeating him)

Ephraim: Blast! Eirika...promise you won't...think ill of your brother...

Even tiles


Celica: Alm needs me!

(After defeating her)

Celica: I can't go on...I'm sorry, Alm...

Micaiah: Are you really my enemy?

(After defeating her)

Micaiah: Friend...Foe...I just don't...

Elincia: My lord Ike! Let me fight with you!

(After defeating her)

Elincia: Perhaps I never stood a chance, but if I brought the others time...

Nanna: My life matters not. But my lord must live on...

(After defeating her)

Nanna: May the powers save you, Lord Leif...

Ike: Sorry, but I have a mind to win this fight.

(After defeating him)

Ike: Looks like I've got...a lot to learn...

Battle ends.

Old Hubba: This is "Micaiah", "Priestess Of Dawn." Lovely, isn't she? Hate to give her up...But a deal's a deal. Here you go-take her before I change my mind!

Micaiah: What is this place? Has the fighting ended? Then...that means we've lost...I am yours to command. My name is Micaiah. Do you know who I am? Have you heard of Micaiah? Yes No Picked No.

Micaiah: I hail from Daeinm on the continent of Tellus-a world far from here. Some call me the Priestess Of Dawn. I am gifted with occasional farsight...But in truth, I had no idea I would meet you and your army here. Just who are you, anyway? What is your name? Ayanami, is it? And you are this army's tactician? Tell me, Ayanami, What sort of tactician are you? What plans have you weaved to secure your victories? If you had to resort to something underhanded and dirty, would you? What if failing to do so would get your comerads killed? Would you resort to evil to save a friend? Yes No Picked No.

Micaiah: Then you are just. But justice can cost you victory and defeat can cost you the lives of friends. Are you able to live with that?...I'm sorry, I'm being a bully. But I could never fully choose, and I've made many mistakes as a result. Listen to me. I talk to you as if I've known you for years! We should remedy that. Tell me more about yourself, Ayanami...

Me: "It was Lekain's doing, not yours. He purposely used you for his puppet to spread seeds of rebellion. Making it worse to set Serenes Forest on fire and getting Sephiran to spread the seeds as well.

You just wanted to protect your people from dying. It couldn't be helped."

It also explains the part for you to decide on whether to kill Pellas or not since she cannot decide herself.

She is now recruited and...

Micaiah: All right. Let's go.

I now receive the All Stats+2 manual. Right after, I now begin the next Xenologue!

Xenologue: Lost Bloodlines 3

Old Hubba now discusses that he couldn't get a team to help us and now that both armies will be after us. Great! Makes the rebellious song again.

Ced: King Marth, enemy reinforcements have arrived in the northeast and southeast.

King Marth: How did we not see them approach?

Ced: They didn't approach, sire. Not exactly. It seems they were summoned from another world...

King Marth: Damn...Will this land ever know peace?

Ced: We are ready for them. Our forces in the southeast castle and on the eastern plain will crush them.

King Marth: Good. Commence the attack. We cannot sit idly by whilst they summon even more of their kind.

(Reinforcements arrive down south)

Finn: Lord Leif! Enemy soldiers to the north!

Leif: The otherworldly force we were warned about, no doubt. I hear they are strong. Still, they are no match for the famed heros we count among our allies. My father, Lords Seliph and Sigurd...Even King Marth himself.

Finn: Don't be too humble to name yourself, my lord. But aye, our victory is assured.

Me: Leif is shown to be full of himself which that lacked from the fan translation. But this is what makes him a hero of his time and to get him to be a mountain, impassive, impenetrable.

Chrom: "Really?" Looks like we'll have our hands full here.

Aya: "Hmm..." I liked them better when they were on our side...

Chrom: "Right." Victory here will win peace for this outrealm, at least. It will be difficult, but we must prevail.

Aya: "Yeah." Unfortunately, the enemy armies are thinking the same thing...Both of them.

Me: Fading embers!

Chrom: *Sigh* I like it no better than you, but we've no other choice. Let'sfinish this!

Battle starts! It makes the soundtrack of the Prologue map in FE4 Player Phase. Anyway, I'm now facing off Horace, Ulster, Larcei, Legion, Arthur, Seliph, Norne, Malice, Julius, Athena, Hardin, Katarina, Fee, Julia, Etzel, King Marth, Ced, Ares, Altena, Catria (West fort) (East fort) Arden, Lewyn, Dagdar, Mareeta, Jamke, Saias, Eyvel, Raydrik, Ethlyn, Salem, Olwen, Finn, Leif, Sigurd, and Nanna. (NE fort) Linde, Arvis, Quan, Tiki(Child), Ogma, Deirdre, Caeda, Pr.Marth, Gharnef, Merric, Nyna, Ayra, Minerva, Navarre, and Raquesis. I cast Rallies on my militias advancing them forward ending turn. I've advance Chrom and Aya forward with the Rally boosts.

Leif: Lord Sigurd, King marth's forces are taking the offensive.

Sigurd: He means to trap the enemy between us.

Leif: There is no time to lose!

Sigurd: Aye, but thisis no typical foe we face. We must cling fast to caution...

Caeda: Lady Deirdre! The force that appeared up ahead is hostile. I'm certain of it!

Deirdre: Then they have came at last. Will this bloodshed never end?

Caeda: You mustn't waver now, my lady. Let us be the strength behind your conviction. Peace will come, in it's time. Today, we must defeat the enemy before us.

Deirdre: You are right. Thank you, Lady Caeda. I will trust in your strength.

Seliph: It was the enemy's choice to invade and it is our duty to defend the land. These should be simple facts, but...

Enemy Phase.

Arden: However noble you think your purpose, it won't stop you from losing.

(After defeating him)

Arden: This blasted armor...slows me...rrgh.



Attk 38x2

Hit 100%

Cit 29%

-Sigurd's Lance



Attk 0

Hit 6%

Crit 0%

-Steel Lance

Chrom: "Your end has come!"

Powerful strike.

Salem approaches.



Attk 36x2

Hit 100%

Crit 10%




Attk 9

Hit 3%

Crit 0%


Salem: Your mad if you think we'll go down without a fight.

(After defeating him)

Salem: Agh...Challenged the wrong foe...

Mareeta approaches!



Attk 48x2

Hit 100%

Crit 0%

-Silver Lance



Attk 0x2

Hit 8%

Crit 0%

-Brave Sword

Mareeta: My mother's memory speaks through every stroke of my blade!

(After defeating her)

Mareeta: Mother...next time I...

Sully levels up. HP+1 Str+1 Skill+1 Spd+1 Def+1 Res+1. She learns Defender. Raydrik. approaches.



Attk 20x2

Hit 100%

Crit 8%

-Silver Lance



Attk 18

Hit 25%

Crit 0%

-Silver Axe

Raydrik: Worms! I wipe the likes of you from my boots!

Sully: "So long, chump."

(After defeating him)

Raydrik: So be it...The way forward...is yours...

Luna activates and Raydrik gets 0KOED! Jamke appraches.

Jamke: Go home, you have no errand here!

(After defeating him)

Jamke: I must away...I am too proud to admit defeat...

Ogma approaches.



Attk 20

Hit 100%

Crit 0%

-Silver Sword



Attk 10

Hit 45%

Crit 0%

-Silver Sword

Ogma: You do know this won't be easy?

(After defeating him)

Ogma: Nngh, damn! I can't stay here Forgive me, Lady Caeda...

They struck each other. Lewyn approaches.



Attk 33x2

Hit 100%

Crit 0%




Attk 26

Hit 38%

Crit 0%


Lewyn: Scurry home to your world before you find out who you are up against.

(After defeating him)

Lewyn: How could you withstand the wrath of Forseti?! I must escape quickly.

He missed as Zihark double attacked him. Saias approaches.

Saias: Why did you allow yourself to be summoned here? What profit is there for you?

(After defeating him)

Saias: ...Nngh! That look...You know something...Why we are all here...

Chrom only had a 28% chance of getting hit by his Bolganone which would do no damage if it hit. Don't mess with the power of Rally's.Chrom got hit. Did no damage. Leif approaches. Me: <3

Leif: This is our world, not yours!

(After defeating him)

Leif: I have failed...But I will come back...stronger...



Attk 29x2

Hit 99%

Crit 0%



HP 52

Attk 16

Hit 48%

Crit 0%

-Levin Sword

Gets hit and Zi doubles him. Dagdar approaches.



Attk 48x2

Hit 100%

Crit 29%



Attk 0

Hit 8%

Crit 0%


Dagdar: Won't listen to reason, eh? Guess I'll have to use my loud voice.

(After defeating him)

Bested by the likes of you...Maybe it's time I retired...

He stood no chance. Eyvel approaches.



Attk 34x2

Hit 100%

Crit 0%

-Silver Lance



Attk 4

Hit 29%

Crit 0%

-Silver Sword

Eyvel: In the name of the Fiana Freeblades, I will erase you from this land!

Sully: Sounds impressive But you haven't met a Shepard yet!

(After defeating her)

Eyvel: How could I lose? I should have...trained harder...

Me: -.-

Eyvel misses and Sully 0KOES her. Finn Approaches.



Attk 32x2

Hit 100%

Crit 0%

-Silver Lance



Attk 3

Hit 35%

Crit 0%

-Finn's Lance

Finn:Our conviction will will not be broken. You have no future here!

(After defeating him)

Finn: Lord Leif, why are they doing this?

Me: -.-

Sully dodges.

*Luna activates*

Sully: "Where should I stab, ya?"

She pops him 44dmg and Zi attacks hitting him. Sigurd approaches.



Attk 32x2

Hit 100%

Crit 0%

-Silver Lance



Attk 18

Hit 44%

Crit 0%

-Sigurd's Lance

Sigurd: I cannot fail. I have too much to protect!

(After defeating him)

Sigurd: No...this cannot be where I fall...

Sully gets hit.

*Luna activates*

Sully: I'll kill you twice!"

Hits 44dmg and Zihark finishes him off. Ethlyn approaches.



Attk 36x2

Hit 100%

Crit 0%




Attk 15

Hit 15%

Crit 0%


Ethlyn: I will stand strong as long as my brother and the others need me!

(After defeating her)

Ethlyn: As long as my defeat...brings my brother victory...

She misses. Zihark hits Sully: "Save some for me." and hits her ending the fight. Olwen approaches.



Attk 32x2

Hit 100%

CritCrit 5%




Attk 18

Hit 7%

Crit 0%


Olwen: This is our land! Leave, now!

(After defeating her)

Was this right? Were we...right?

Olwen misses.

*Zihark's Sol activates*

Nails her getting fully recovered finishing her off on the second strike. Everyone else advances and the turn ends. Aya makes short work of Saias. I then advance to Nyna.

Nyna: You have choosen this quarrel, not I.

(After defeating)

Nyna: My strength was not enough...

Made short work of them. Donnel levels up. Approaches Deirdre.

Deirdre: I must cling to hope. Let this be the last day blood must be split...

(After defeating)

Deirdre: It is over...as perhaps it should be...Fight for peace...please...

Me: Yes.

Ayra approaches.

Ayra: I have a debet to pay.

(After defeating)

Ayra: I cannot stand saying it...but my strength pales to yours...

BK made short work of her. Caeda approaches.

Caeda: For my Marth and all our comrades, I must succeed!

(After defeating)

Caeda: So powerful...should have...joined forces...

Donnel makes short work of her. I've already rallied again. Had Alm boost their Res. Minerva approaches.

Minerva: If you stand before me, then you mustwish to be tested!

(After defeating)

Minerva: Well done...

BK makes short work of her. Merric approaches.

Merric: By my magic shall your end come!

(After defeating)

Merric: Nngh...My magic, defeated? Must...study more...

Navarre: Come to fall upon my blade?

(After defeating)


I have Pr.Marth and cordelia make short work of him. Linde approaches.

Linde: All invaders of this land shall be punished by my magic.

(After defeating)

Linde: You have won...I am bested...

Misses. Horace approaches.



Attk 22x2

Hit 100%

Crit 30%

-Killer Lance



Attk 18

Hit 17%

Crit 0%

-Silver Lance

Horace: I will not retreat. My traitor's life belongs to these-my comrades!

(After defeating)

Horace: I gave my best, Princess Nyna....Do I have...your leave too...

Misses. Does two hits with Sully finishing him off. Tiki approaches.

Tiki: I have to win. I cannot bear being alone again...

(After defeating)

Tiki: Mar-Mar...I'm sorry...

Missed. Gharnef approaches.

Gharnef: You dare defy me? Heh heh. I shall enjoy toying with you.

(After defeating)

Gharnef: Heh heh...A momentary setback...

Gets hit as it was 17dmg 72%hit and 14crit and had Goetia. Arvis approaches.



Attk 27x4

Hit 100%

Crit 15%

-Forged Brave Lance



Attk 18

Hit 82%

Crit 10%


Arvis: What sort of fool would stand against my magic.

(After defeating)

Arvis: Valflame, defeated?! Th-That's impossible...

He could only do 7dmg to Chrom if it hits which is a 40% chance. Quan approaches.



Attk 38x2

Hit 100%

Crit 10%

-Beast Killer



Attk 6

Hit 74%

Crit 9%

-Gae Bolg

Quan: We will yield before nohardship.

(After defeating)

Quan: I fought as best I could. Finish it, my friends...


*Luna activates*

Does 53dmg. And finishes. Player Phase. I have Marth deal with Gharnef. BK deals only 27dmg to Arvis as his Pavise activated both times and that Arvis misses him. BK finishes him off. Approaches Pr.Marth.

Pr.Marth: What do you hope to gain by fighting in a world not your own?

(After defeating)

Pr.Marth: You have prevailed...Something about you...I sense justice in your actions...

Chrom makes short work of him. Approaches Linde with Cordelia.



Attk 32x2


Crit 0%

-Silver Lance



Attk 11

Hit 83%

Crit 0%


Hit. Hit. Hit. Donnel makes short work of Tiki.

Altena: I know not why you have come, I know only that you must fall.

(After defeating)

Altena: That...Piercing...gaze...You almost have me believing...we are in the wrong...



Attk 29x2

Hit 100%

Crit 28%

-Killer Lance



Attk 26x2

Hit 18%

Crit 0%


Etzel: Whoever you are, you'll have to forgive me for putting self-preservation first.

(After defeating)

Etzel: I know when I'm bested...Time for a retreat...

It was this. Etzel missed twice and Zihark finishes him off.

Catria: Away with you, visitor! Return to your own world!

(After defeating)

Catria: Rrgh, can't...Prince Marth...Still needs me...

Sully makes short work of her. Lissa rally boosts. Approaches Larcei.

Larcei: You look formidable. But I have no intention of losing!

(After defeating)

Larcei: Rrgh...I nearly had you! I did...

Sully makes short work of her after the boost. Approached Raquesis.

Raquesis: If you insist on fighting, then fight with honor!

(After defeating)

Raquesis: I fought with all I had...I have no regrets...

Anna makes short work of her.

Athena: Ve respect your strength. But ve also have our pride as a varrior!

(After defeating)

Athena: Ve are vanquished.

Missed Lissa. Fee Approaches.

Fee: Start wars in your own world! We don't need more sadness here.

(After defeating)

Fee: Was this sadness our doing, then? No...I cannot believe that...

King Marth's forces now advance. After a Rally Str boost from Gaius, Morgan makes short work of Fee. Aya deals with Athena nicely. After having Cherche and Lissa rallying. I advance Zihark west.

Seliph: Will our struggles here turely save this land?

(After defeating)

Seliph: So this is how it end...This is fate...

Malice: Sorry, friend, but a sellsword's only as good as her sword.

(After defeating)

Malice: This will...damage my reputation...

Sully makes short work of her. Ends turn. Norne approaches.

Norne: Hopin' to go around with me? I hope you like catchin' arrows.

(After defeating)

Norne: Ah...tough, aren't ye? Should've...been on the same side...

Arthur: You may think you have your reasons, but we will not yield this land!

(After defeating)

Arthur: Nngh...Next time I hope we meet as allies...



Attk 35x2

Hit 98%

Crit 11%

-Silver Sword



Attk 16

Hit 49%

Crit 7%

-Killer Axe

Legion: Fights and more fights-today's, tommorrow's, and every days! Uwee...hee...

Me: There was a translation mistake in him saying Wee hee hee! It was supposed to be Uwee hee hee. In Japan it was Uki ki ki.

(After defeating)

Legion: Battles! More battles! Uwee...hee...

Sully's Luna hits him both times after Legion misses.



Attk 38

Hit 100%

Crit 10%

-Silver Sword



Attk 23

Hit 32%

Crit 0%

-Book Of Narga

Julia: Stand aside!

(After defeating)

Julia: Press on, then...if your cause be true...

She misses and Sully attacks her twice ending the battle. Julius approaches.



Attk 23x2

Hit 100%

Crit 7%

-Silver Sword



Attk 27

Hit 46%

Crit 0%


Julius: You strangers fight well. But the time for games is over.

(After defeating)

Julius: I will return...count on it...

Sully dodges. She Lunae'd him for 43 then finishes him off. He had Wrath and Vengence. Both which are useless whenever that your health is full. Since he attacked first, I get the odds in my favor. Sully's level increased. HP+1 Skill+1 Speed+1. Player Phase.

Nanna: Please return from whence you came. The fighting will only get worse.

(After defeating)

Nanna: Why did you not use that strength...to help instead of to harm?

Makes short work of her. Approaches Hardin after rallying.



Attk 36x2

Hit 100%

Crit 29%

-Sigurd's Lance



Attk 13

Hit 49%

Crit 0%


Hardin: You have come a long way just to meet your end.

(After defeating)

Hardin: Rogue! I will make you pay...for defying me...

Chrom struck. Pavised. Hardin struck Chrom. Hit and Pavaised. BKvsAres



Attk 28x4

Hit 100%

Crit 11%

-Forged Brave Lance



Attk 0

Hit 74%

Crit 18%


Ares: You'd think to walk away from this? Amusing.

(After defeating)

Ares: You didn't...look that tough...

Struck and Luna'ed. I then have Morgan finish off Hardin with a crit. Engages King Marth.



Attk 35x2

Hit 96%

Crit 11%

-Killer Lance

King Marth


Attk 15

Hit 47%

Crit 0%

-Exalted Falchion

King Marth: Return to the world in which you belong!

(After defeating)

King Marth: How could I fail...My cause...is just.

Attacks got Luna'ed and finishes. Pr. Marth makes short work of Arthur. DonnelvsCed.



Attk 31x2

Hit 100%

Crit 10%

-Levin Sword



Attk 9

Hit 32%

Crit 0%


Ced: Why have you come here, Warrior? Ravage your own world.

(After defeating)

Ced: The winds favor you...A gentle wind. Perhaps we have...misjudged you...

Attacked. Donnel Dodged then makes short work of him. I have Aya make short work of Norne. Clashes at katarina.



Attk 44x2

Hit 100%

Crit 6%

-Silver Lance



Attk 24

Hit 31%

Crit 0%

-Katarina's Bolt

Katarina: This fight could end right now if you left. But I can see you will not.

(After defeating)

Katarina: So strong...You remind me...of...ahh...

Me: -.-

Ulster: If you will not return to your world, then meet your end in mine.

(After defeating)

Ulster: Your world breeds tough warriors...if they can withstand my sword...

Aya makes short work of him. She levels up. HP+1 Mag+1 Skill+1 Spd+1 Def+1 Res+1

Aya: Wow! Sometimes I even surprise myself!

Battle ends.

Seliph: I yield to your strength, my lady. Never have I seen one person lead so great a force. My name is Seliph. Do you know who I am? Have you heard of Seliph? Yes No. I picked No.

Seliph: I was born on the continent of Judgral-son of Duke Sigurd of Chalphy. I am decended from Baldur the Crusader and Saint Heim. I fight to avenge my late father, who fell in the battle of Belhalla. On your hand...that is the brand, yes? The mark is proof that you decend from the dragons, our gods of yore. I, too, carry the brand. The blood in my veins entitled me to wield the divine blade that lead me to victory. But it also cursed me to a lifetime of tradgedy...Namely, my father's death and a terrible war with my half-brother. So much blood spilt over blood...Tell me, Ayanami, was it? If you could cast away the brand-free yourself from it-would you? Would you cast away the brand? YES NO. Picked No.

Seliph: Yes, I can certainly understand that. We're the same, then. I could never simply give up the brand. Even while I curse it, I know that it has preserved me. I owe it much. And it's my mother and father's blood-a precious part of me. Thank you, Ayanami! I am glad we could speak. I know your brand will lead you to destiny, as mine did with me. But from my experience, grand destinies, bring with them grand conflicts. My blade is yours, if you would have it. I will help you win the struggles to come. Recruited!

Seliph:As the gods will it.

Received Paragon manual. Awesome! =D I use it on Cherche right away. Since I have to class change her several times. I've now used the All Stats+2 skill on Alm as he needs it overall! I now train. After awhile...

EDIT: I now do the supports...

(Maribelle+Gaius C Support)

Maribelle: "What?!" Now see here, Gaius. What do you think you're playing at, hovering around me like a persistent fly? It disturbs me to see your leering visage, particularly when I'm in the midst of battle.

Gaius: "Aggh". I'm sorry, Twinkles. I just thought...well, if I can atone for what I did, then maybe-

Maribelle: "Wretched beast." Maybe what? I might FORGIVE you? We might become Oh-such-good friends? You broke into the royal treasury with the intent of stealing from the realm. And then you did it AGAIN!

Gaius: "Uggh." Look, I know I did wrong, and I feel lousy about it. Gods strike me down if I don't.

Maribelle: "No." Ha! You must be a stone idiot if you think I'll believe a thing you haveto say! Or have you forgotten the first time you were caught raiding the treasurry? You claimed my FATHER was behind it! My poor, decent, innocent father! He washauled in front of the magistrate and almost put to death because of you!

Gaius: "Yep." Actually, the thing about that is...L-look, I said some things I'm not proud of in an attempt to avoid the noose. But I'm a changed man now and if you'll just let me, I'm sure I can-

Maribelle: "Uggh." Oh, enough. If I want a dog and a pony show, I shall attend a carnival.

Gaius: "Easy there, man!" No tricks, Twinkles. I speak from the heart on this one.

Maribelle: "Ha." THe blackened heart of a brigand is hardly worth listening too!

(Maribelle and Gaius attained support level C)

(Cordelia+Gaius C Support)

Cordelia: Ah, Gaius. Weren't you wearing those exact same clothes yesterday?

Gaius: "Huuh." Yeah, well, this is my favorite outfit.

Me: Especially since I dig the bear badge.

Gaius: Why are you so interested in my attire? You fancy me or something?

Cordelia: "Uggh." I'm simply offering a piece of friendly advice here. Perhaps you don't realize that you look and smell like the floor of a tavern. That shirt is covered in honey, and the less said of your pantaloons the better.

Me: Well...he does hide candy everywhere within his clothes. Some of them probably melted.

Gaius: "Oh yeah?" Oh. Actually, Uh, I hadn't noticed.

Cordelia: "Uggh." Not to mention your hair needs a trim and you have crumbs stuck to your face.

Me: What a way to show that to a gurl.

Cordelia: ...And is that a turkey leg I see sticking out of your pocket?! Heavens, Gaius! Don't you care about your appearance at all?

Gaius: "Uggh." Well, as long as it's not slowing me down on the battlefield, right? I'm not some fancy waist who needs to strut about like a peacock.

Cordelia: "Uggh." Well, perhaps you should consider it regardless.

Gaius: "Uggh." All right, all right. Message received. I'll put on some new clothes, mother.

Cordelia: "Right." Don't forget to comb your hair. And wash those old clothes in vinegar, or you'll never get the smell out.

Gaius: "Uggh." ...I'm going now.

Cordelia: "Shall we mop up?" Once washed, if you want to reduce the wrinkles, take a willow reed and...

*Gaius leaves*

Cordelia: "What?" Hey don't walk away when I'm talking about laundry!

(They attain support level C)

(Noire+Morgan C Support)

"Aaah." Aah! Aiiieee! N-no, stop! STOP! STAY AWAY!

Morgan: "Ehh." What?! ...That's...Noire. Noire hold on!

Noire: "Aaah." J-just get it off of me!

Morgan: "You can do this." Aaand...got it! Aww, up close it's so adorable!

Noire: "Aaah!" Augh, stop! Go! Get it out ofhere! It's crawling all over your hand!

Morgan: "Oh?" All right, all right, it's outside now. Geez, Noire. I didn't think anyone could be scared of a little ol'ladybug.

Noire: "Well?" It doesn't scare you? It was ON you!

Morgan: "Heh heh heh." Oh, I don't mind. I love bugs!

Noire: "Huh?" ...All bugs?

Morgan: Hmmm, I suppose there are probably some exceptons. Roaches and other creepy-crawlies that scuttle about in the dark are a bit gross...And giant fire-breathing scorpions aren't fun to be around.

Noire: Ehh" Even the tiniest of bugs terrify me...

Me: Your like Celine Jules who is als afraid of bugs. =P

Noire: Pathetic, isn't it? We'retrying to win a war, and I can't even face down a bug.

Morgan: "Well..." I wouldn't call it pathetic, but I guess it's better not to be scared if you can help it.

Noire: "Umm..." I know, right? Morgan,if I...If I asked you to help me get over my fear, would you do it?

Morgan: "Buh?" You mean your bug phobia? Sure, why not? I'll go collect up a bunch of my favorites and showthem to you. Once you've seen awhole mess of 'em, you'll be used to it. Problem solved!

Noire: "What?" M-maybe not...too many of them...Er, Morgan? Wait, Morgan, I...Hello?

(Morgan and Noire attained support level C)

(Tharja+Lon'qu C Support)

Lon'qu: "Humph!" Tonight we're holding a war council. Don't be late.

Tharja: "Pretty much." Is Lissa hosting again? Maybe she'll make more of those little honey cakes. Oh, hold on. You've got a bug stuck to your hair...

Lon'qu: "Get back!" Don't come any closer!

Tharja: "What?" Well, if I repulse you THAAT much...

Lon'qu: "Um." You are not special. I feel the same way around all women.

Tharja: "Humph." Well, that makes it all better. Hmm...I wonder if someone cast a curse to make you fear women.

Lon'qu: "Right?" I think not.

Tharja: "What?" Then why are you so arfaid of us? "Uggh." Something at thecore of my nature has always made me...uneasy around you.

Tharja: "umph." Yeah, still sounds like a curse to me. I wonder who cast it?

Lon'qu: "Urrgh." ......

Tharja: "Yeah. Yeah." You want me to fix it?

Lon'qu: "What?" What?

Tharja: "Pretty much." It must be hard turning into a gibbering idiot wenever you meet a woman.

Lon'qu: "Humph." You have the power to rid me of this fear?

Tharja: "Ah heh heh heh." Someone's iiiiiinterested...

Lon'qu: "No." I am not.

Tharja: "What?" Sure, whatever. Would you change your mind, you know where to find me.

Lon'qu: ......

(Tharja and Lon'qu attained support level C)

After the supports, I continue to get more Paragon Manuals and Leif sound like Julian who thinks that he's the Hero of Justice or something ever since Nintendo Of America translated him. And Finn says that he shouldn't be so humble to name himself.

Me: But that's what I like about him. =D

I also continue to get more Wedding Bouquet's for Lissa again. As I needed her to get Rally Speed. Which I've should have done that first, then got another three to make Cherche, Cordelia and Micaiah into Brides. Cordelia and Cherche are now in their final classes. I also get a Dread Scroll for Lon'qu. As he is now ready to go into his final class.

I then continue grinding Micaiah, Sumia, Mia, Linde, and Lon'qu to their next class. I actually got Lon'qu to learn finally learn Lancebreaker as he was about there from the other Xenologue episode and the Chapters, then had him learn Mov+1 and Pass before making him into a Dreadfighter which he is now one and is in his final class. Thankfully, Paragon is saving alot of time for such a task. I've also forgot to mention that I've got Lissa, Cherche, Cordelia, and Micaiah the rest of their Rally skills. Lissa got Rally Speed before going Bride again and Cordelia and Cherche are now Brides; and Micaiah went Bride at first for the Rally Love skill.

*To be continued*

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Second Run Log.....(Japanese Version)

Starting where I left off from Chapter 25.

Just did Celica's chapter and it's pretty hard. Worth it as the DLC one has Rightful King Queen. Beforehand did some other DLC chapters. Tried "The Strongest One's Name" to see how I measure up after being to Ch25 in the main game now. =)

I could actually have my Owain do 4dmg to a Fortify priest and could do none on the Generals. I've really got into this game like Pokemon as it is very addictive like it. In my Jap version, I had Donnel be Owains father and with Aptitude, he's already ripping this game apart even without any DLC training beforehand as I've had no episodes then. Donnel/Owain/and Chrom are already gamebreaking main-game wise. The Jap downloads don't tie with Region lockout. Luckily. So I can get them all into my game! =)

Ike's 2nd DLC is pretty hard. And I know better not to do the Limitbreaker one right now. As that is the second hardest episode in the game next to "The Strongest One's Name!"

Petrine attacks.

Sully: あなたの性交 !2 回殺してやる !(Fuck you. I'll kill you twice!)

(Pwns Petrine!)

The Strongest One's Name!


to a War Monk.



Attk 4

Hit 63%

Crit 0%

-Killer Axe

Hits. and had Chrom to 6 then the fort fully restores her next turn. Chrom: Yeah, I'm the ultimate warrior! I've always loved to challenge enemies much tougher than u! =) He could have done 12 but stupid Dragonscale ability got in the way making it do only 6 dmg. >.<

Of course I never activated the enemy phase after turn 1 keeping out of the Generals range. lol

I've exited the battle afterwards! That's a sign that your getting tough Owain and Chrom. ^_^

They even did awesome in Celica's DLC chapter as it is pretty hard there. Because Lilina and Arvis was pwning everybody there. Arvis even did 249 dmg with a Vengence as he was 4HP away from dying. Arvis: Fuck joo! I'll fry your puny bones as Sigurd gets creamated! xD

I then beforehand did both Seliph's and Lyn's DLC's for Iotes and Paragon. In Japan they call it "Iote no Tate"! I'll have to post their stats to both of my versions as both of my teams are turning out very awesome! I've trained Celica(DLC) afterwards to get her Luna, so she'll be picture perfect as she is one of my teammates that I will use in my Japanese version! Thank god that this game is incredibly addictive. I've played it non-stop for two days (Both Versions)! =)

Gonna post their stats in a bit! =)

Got two teams to train. So much to do so standard time!

The stats...

Chrom LV 20/10/15/15 EXP20

Class: Master Lord

Final Class: Master Lord


HP 75/75

Power 44(Capped!)

Mag Pwr 8

Skill 41(Capped!)

Speed 41

Luck 46(Capped!)

Def 33

Res 18

Sword A Spear A

Skills:dualattack.pngDual Attack, aether.pngAether, 098o.pngParagon, 0121lw.pngAegis, 0041dd.pngRightful King

He turned out awesome especially after giving him Paragon as he is growing like wildfire in the DLC episodes.

Rune LV 20/10/15/13 EXP70

Class: Grandmaster

Final Class: Dark Peg


HP 64/64

Power 42(Capped!)

Mag Pwr 31

Skill 40

Speed 36+2

Luck 32

Def 29

Res 17

Sword B Tome A

Skills: 0051qs.pngVeteran, magicsquare.pngSolidary, speed2n.pngSpeed+2, wonderflame.pngIgnis, 009h.pngGaleforce

She has long black hair with a slender body and that she looks kind of like Micaiah cleavagewise.

Now my lovely creation, stand by your husband Krom's side and let there be a bright future! =) And can rock with Levin Swords.

She has grown substatially with Veteran in the DLC chapters and now will get Sol soon.

Lissa LV 20/10/15/2 EXP65

Class: Sage

Final Class: Dark Peg


HP 51/51

Power 18

Mag Pwr 31

Skill 30

Speed 31+2

Luck 38

Def 17

Res 26

Tome E Staff A

Skills:017me.pngMiracle,018id.pngHealtouch, speed2n.pngSpeed+2, 049gu.pngRally Speed, Lancefaire

She's going Dark Peg in the end!

Cordelia LV20/10/15/1 EXP25

Class: Dark Peg

Final Class: Hero


HP 54/54

Power 24

Mag Pwr 12

Skill 28

Speed 26+2

Luck 23

Def 20

Res 19

Lance B Tome E

Skills: Speed+2, Refresh, Armsthrift, Patience, Bowbreaker

Doing good.

She's going Dark Peg now for Galeforce!

Tharja LV20/17/20/1

Class: Great Knight

Final Class: Dark Rider


HP 67/67

Power 31

Mag Pwr 23(Capped!)

Skill 24

Speed 37

Luck 22

Def 34

Res 10

Sword B Lance E Axe E

Skills: Curse, Crimson Curse, Slow Start, Lifetaker

Giving her a touch with Steel soothing with her nature. I can in fact write lots of stories about her. Possessed like Final Fantasy IV Dark Knight. I surely would love to see her under Zemus' control. xD Having her go on a rampage and it's absolutely delicious to see her laugh critical style and cutting up her enemies. The Pegasus Generic mugs looks very good in this game. Like girls from Vahalla. (Valkyrie Profile) Saria can use Levin Swords effectively too.

Going Great Knight for the Luna skill.

Lucina LV20/15/10 EXP10

Class: Dark Peg

Final Class: Master Lord


HP 67/67

Power 36

Mag Pwr 19

Skill 37

Speed 37

Luck 45

Def 23

Res 22

Lance B Tome E

Skills: dualattack.pngDual Attack,charismae.pngCharm, 051vs.pngRally Mov, aether.pngAether, 0041dd.pngRightful Queen

Adorable as always. ^-^

She gets more Str than her father and is doing better than ever. Especially with the fake Falchion.

She's going Dark Peg for Galeforce and have trained her greatly in the DLC episodes.

Lon'qu LV20/15/1 EXP0

Class: Assassin

Final Class: Dreadfighter


HP 50/50

Power 28+5

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 39

Speed 41

Luck 25

Def 13

Res 13

Sword A Bow E

Skills: Avoid+10, Vantage, Astra, Swordfaire


Got Swordfaire and now is ready to go on the path to getting Pass then Mov+1.

Gaius LV20/19/1 EXP55

Class: Hero

Final Class: Assassin


HP 56/56

Power 37

Mag Pwr 7

Skill 45

Speed 43

Luck 24

Def 24

Res 14

Sword A Axe E

Skills: Picklock, Movement+1, Lethality, Pass

Turned out like I expected.

He now will get Sol then Astra.

Donnel LV20/10/15 EXP67

Class: Hero

Final Class: Dreadfighter


HP 64/64

Power 41

Mag Pwr 12

Skill 42

Speed 40

Luck 47

Def 38

Res 20

Sword B Axe B

Skills: Aptitude, Weak Beats Strong, Armsthrift, Patience, Sol


He will go into his final class Dreadfighter now. Screw Counter! He's actually better as a Dreadfighter than anything else as he gets good enough Mag to get him to use those tomes well in addition to being able to use both weapons that a Hero can.

Morgan LV20/18/1 EXP0

Class: Berserker

Final Class: Sorcerer


HP 64/64

Power 40

Mag Pwr 19

Skill 29

Speed 32

Luck 26

Def 19

Res 17

Axe E

Skills: Veteran, Rightful King, Solidary, Rally Spectrum, Ignis

Getting better. =)

And now is going Berserker for Wrath then Vantage then Sorcerer. His Veteran skill is getting him to grow substantially.

Severa LV20/10/15/3 EXP81

Class: Hero

Final Class: Assassin


HP 66/66

Power 43

Mag Pwr 7

Skill 47

Speed 39

Luck 20 (Used the Goddess Icon from one of the Renown awards!)

Def 27

Res 20

Sword A Axe E

Skills: Armsthrift, Patience, Locktouch, Mov+1, Pass

She's starting to become better than Gaius.

She's getting Sol, Luna, then will be an Assassin in the end.

Laurent LV15/15/1 EXP0

Class: Berserker

Final Class: Sorcerer


HP 60/60

Power 25

Mag Pwr 20+2

Skill 24

Speed 29

Luck 20

Def 20

Res 14

Axe E

Skills: Magic+2, Outdoor Battle, Focus, Rally Magic, Tomefaire

Already now has Tomefaire which he will go Sorcerer in the end. He's going Berserker now for Wrath.

Noire LV13/10/13 EXP1

Class: Dragonmaster

Final Class: Bride


HP 60/60

Power 36+2

Mag Pwr 18

Skill 28

Speed 39

Luck 25

Def 24

Res 16

Lance C Axe C (Close to B)

Skills: Slow Burn, Early Initiative, Str+2, Anathsma, Vantage

A VERY interesting character. Not only does she look delicate like her mother, but also because her mother cursed her is why she suddenly goes into a violent mood swing without warning! She's like Lunch/Launch in Dragonball personality wise. I'd be using her mug right now, but on a public computer, no. Anyway, I don't want her to entirely get locked to only bows. Out of all of her choices you should make her either a Bowknight, or a Dracoknight. Since I am in need of a Draco, she fits the bill just fine. And it's absolutely delicious to see her crit animations as she goes into a violent mood swing and does a hard blow. Anyways, she goes on my like list now with three Astriks!!!!!!

She's going...erm haven't decided yet. But she will be a Bride in the end!

Had her into a Dragonmaster rather than a Griffon Knight as I don't want her to entirely be locked to only Axes.

Owain LV13/15/14 EXP15

Class: Hero

Final Class: Dreadfighter


HP 78/78

Power 40

Mag Pwr 28

Skill 38

Speed 38

Luck 44

Def 38

Res 34

Sword B Axe B

Skills: 023ck.pngArmsthrift, 024oq.pngPatience, 0201o.pngVantage, 077c.pngAptitude, 025pd.pngSol

He has many options. Probably most recommended to make him a Villager first then either a Hero, or Axeman. Because of the Aptitude skill (Which adds 20% to every growth catergory in addition to their own will make any unit having this gamebreaking in the end.)

He's ready to go Dreadfighter after this.

Tiki LV30 EXP--

Class: Manakete

Final Class: Manakete


HP 51/51


Power 25+11

Mag Pwr 16+6

Skill 22+5

Speed 20+4 (Used a Speedwing!)

Luck 26

Def 21+13

Res 16+9

Skills: 083y.pngOdd Rhythm, 084r.pngWyrmsbane


Power 25+8

Mag Pwr 16+5

Skill 22+3

Speed 20+2 (Used a Speedwing!)

Luck 26

Def 21+10

Res 16+7

Sword B Axe B

Skills: Armsthrift, Patience, Vantage, Aptitude, Sol

Her stats with the pluses are with the stones. She will go Wyvern Lord now for Swordbreaker to avoid Wyrmslayer users.

Brady LV11/8 EXP95

Class: Sage

Final Class: Sage


HP 51/51

Power 9

Mag Pwr 24

Skill 20

Speed 22

Luck 27

Def 16

Res 18

Tome E Staff B

Skills: Focus, Demoinselle, Healing Touch, Rally Mag

Despite the fact as tough as he looks he is Mariabel's son who cries at the slightest little things and people often mstaken him for a bandit. He's certainly nothing like his mother. At least another good staff bot! =)

He's going to get Tomefaire soon, Hit+20, Lifetaker, and Luna before going a loop to Sage again!

Lyn LV8 EXP0

Class: Swordmaster

Final Class: Assassin


HP 44/44

Power 23

Mag Pwr 8

Skill 31

Speed 36

Luck 21

Def 14

Res 12

Sword A

Skills: Zeal, Avoid+10, Astra, Acrobat

This is her basestats.

Let's see...

She's going to get Luna, Hit+20, and Galeforce. She's going Assassin in the end. As it is suitable for her characteristics that as a Master Lord, she was able to use Bows in addition to Swords. These fit her catergories perfectly.

Skills she'll have in the end....

Galeforce, Hit+20, Luna, Astra, and Limitbreaker.

Celica LV20/7 EXP15

Class: Great Knight

Final Class: Sage


HP 65/65

Power 21

Mag Pwr 24(Capped!)

Skill 33(Capped!)

Speed 34

Luck 35

Def 35

Res 21

Sword E Lance E Axe E

Skills: 0041dd.pngRightful Queen, 020nw.pngTomefaire, lunaw.pngLuna, 069f.pngMiracle,0121lw.pngAegis

Getting trained in the EXP Omnigrowth episode to get her out of this class. As she is absolutely terrible in it! She then will go back to being a Sage! She just needs the Luna skill and she'll be picture perfect! =) And Miracle will be dropped for Limitbreaker.

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(Updated Micaiah as I forgot to add her to the list.) =)

Stats in the English Version...

Only thing I did different since my last report is Lyn's DLC.

Stats time...

Chrom LV20/15/10/15/20 EXP--


(Banned now until the final chapter! Only can use within the Xenologue chapters and Final! =))

Class: Great Lord

Final Class: Great Lord


HP 80/80(Capped)

Power 44(Capped)

Mag Pwr 4

Skill 41(Capped)

Speed 42(Capped)

Luck 46(Capped)

Def 41(Capped!)

Res 27+10

Sword A Lance A

Skills: Aether, Res+10, Aggresor, Aegis, Rightful King

He now has Rightful King and now won't be used until the Final Chapter.

He's the most powerful character that I have. He's gained another point in Def and Res since last time!

Ayanami LV20/10/15/10/9 EXP79

Class: Dark Flier

Final Class: Dark Flier


HP 80/80(Capped!)

Power 35(Capped!)

Mag Pwr 45(Capped!)

Skill 41(Capped!)

Speed 44(Capped!)

Luck 41

Def 32(Capped!)

Res 40

Lance A Tome A (Used two Manuals! She had E Rank In Lances and C Rank in tomes.)

Skills: Iote's Shield, Ignis, Armsthrift, Paragon, Sol

She had been undergoing some training in the DLC episodes and is now at her final class!

Lissa LV20/15/10/15/10/10/8 EXP66

Class: Bride

Final Class: Bride


HP 80/80(Capped!)

Power 38(Capped!)

Mag Pwr 41(Capped!)

Skill 41(Capped!)

Speed 42(Capped!)

Luck 47(Capped!)

Def 29

Res 41(Capped!)

Lance A Bow C Staff A

Skills: 090ag.pngRally Love, 049gu.pngRally Speed, luckcry.pngRally Luck, 019pk.pngRally Magic, Paragon

She is now in her final class and is about finished.

Sumia LV20/10/15/15/15/10/2 EXP66

Class: Dark Flier

Final Class: Dark Flier


HP 79/79

Power 33

Mag Pwr 33+5

Skill 43(Capped!)

Speed 45(Capped!)

Luck 45(Capped!)

Def 30(Capped!)

Res 42(Capped!)

Lance A Tome A

Skills: 098o.pngParagon, 009h.pngGaleforce, lunaw.pngLuna, 020nw.pngTomefaire,099y.pngIote's Shield

She went through good training after finishing getting Paragon Manuals. She is now in her final class!

Sully LV20/17/15/15/10/2 EXP68

Class: Paladin

Final Class: Paladin


HP 78/78

Power 41(Capped!)

Mag Pwr 15

Skill 42(Capped!)

Speed 42(Capped!)

Luck 45(Capped!)

Def 37

Res 20

Sword A Lance A

Skills: Astra, Aegis, Luna, Duel Support, Paragon

She's now in her final class.

Donnel LV15/11/15/10/20/20/14 EXP37


(Banned now until the final chapter! Only can use within the Xenologue chapters and Final! =))

Class: Dreadfighter

Final Class: Dreadfighter


HP 80/80(Capped)

Power 43(Capped)

Mag Pwr 27

Skill 39(Capped)

Speed 40(Capped)

Luck 48(Capped)

Def 40(Capped)

Res 36+10

Sword: A Axe A Tome C

Skills: Paragon, Sol, Aptitude, Armsthrift, Res+10

He is in his final class because it carries all the qualities that a Hero can get and gets much better Res having the ability to use Tomes. He is now in his final class!

Lon'qu LV15/20/15/10/15/30/1 EXP0

Class: Dreadfighter

Final Class: Dreadfighter


HP 80/80(Capped!)

Power 42(Capped!)

Mag Pwr 28

Skill 43(Capped!)

Speed 44(Capped!)

Luck 45(Capped!)

Def 37(Capped!)

Res 28+10

Sword A Axe A Tome A

Skills: Astra, Res+10, Paragon, Swordfaire, Mov+1

He has got all his weapon ranks up from constant repeating of Seliph's DLC episode and is now in his final class!

Gaius LV20/10/15/10/15/7 EXP85

Class: Swordmaster

Final Class: Assassin


HP 80/80(Capped!)

Power 39(Capped!)

Mag Pwr 10

Skill 46(Capped!)

Speed 48(Capped!)

Luck 32

Def 32(Capped!)

Res 28+10

Sword A

Skills: Mov+1, Sol, Astra, Res+10, Paragon

He went through some intense training after constant repeating of getting Paragon Manuals.

Maribelle LV20/10/15/15/15/2 EXP80

Class: Valkyrie

Final Class: Valkyrie


HP 75/75

Power 24+2

Mag Pwr 44+7(Capped!)

Skill 39+2(Capped!)

Speed 43+2(Capped!)

Luck 48+2(Capped!)

Def 21+2

Res 43+2

Tome A Staff A

Skills: 103hr.pngAll Stats+2, 098o.pngParagon, 009h.pngGaleforce, 020nw.pngTomefaire, 068h.pngLifetaker

She is now in her final class. After maxing out her Def and Res soon, she then will be ready for "The Strongest One's Name" and Ike's Limitbreaker episodes.

Prince Marth LV30/8 EXP22


(Only can use until the Xenologue/Chapters 23-25)

Class: Lodestar

Final Class: Lodestar


HP: 78/78

Str 39

Mag 16

Skill 39

Speed 42

Luck 48+4(Capped!)

Def 28

Res 17

Sword A

Skills: Paragon, Luck+4, Duel Strike+, Duel Guard+, Duel Support+

Got re-classed to Lodestar again to continue to grow more.

Linde LV20/10/15//10/10/10/3 EXP66

Class: Sage

Final Class: Sage


HP 70/70

Power 29(Capped!)

Mag Pwr 42

Skill 44

Speed 45

Luck 46(Capped!)

Def 29

Res 27

Tome A Staff E

Skills: Paragon, Galeforce, Armsthrift, Ignis, Mov+1

She is now in her final class!

Black Knight LV20/15/2 EXP44


(Banned now until the final chapter! Only can use within the Xenologue chapters and Final! =))

Class: Dreadfighter

Final Class: Dreadfighter


HP 79/79

Power 45(Capped!)

Mag Pwr 33

Skill 39(Capped!)

Speed 41(Capped!)

Luck 39

Def 40(Capped!)

Res 43+10(Capped!)

Sword C Axe B (One strike and it's at A), Tome C

Skills: 092a.pngRes+10, 098o.pngParagon, lunaw.pngLuna, 0121lw.pngAegis, 0181d.pngPavise

Finally trained him in the Omnigrowth Xenologue and now he's even better than Chrom at Mag tanking!

Mia LV20/10/15/10/10/10/4 EXP0

Class: Hero

Final Class: Hero


HP 79/79

Power 35

Mag Pwr 28

Skill 47(Capped!)

Speed 46(Capped!)

Luck 47(Capped!)

Def 35

Res 30

Sword A Axe E (2 strikes and it's at D)

Skills: Galeforce, Ignis, Mov+1, Armsthrift, Paragon

She got Galeforce shorty since my last report and now she's in her final class after doing Omnigrowth training to get her Mov+1, Ignis, and Armsthrift.

Zihark LV20/10/10/15/4 EXP6

Class: Dreadfighter

Final Class: Dreadfighter


HP 78/78

Power 42(Capped!)

Mag Pwr 22

Skill 41

Speed 44(Capped!)

Luck 40

Def 29

Res 23+10

Sword A Axe C (Close to B) Tome E

Skills: Sol, Res+10, Paragon, Armsthrift, Aegis

He is now in his final class as he was close to there before.

Cordelia LV20/15/15/15/9 EXP9

Class: Bride

Final Class: Bride


HP 80/80(Capped!)

Power 41(Capped!)

Mag Pwr 24

Skill 44(Capped!)

Speed 44(Capped!)

Luck 36

Def 41(Capped!)

Res 27

Spear A Bow A Staff E

Skills: Rally Mov, Rally Speed, Rally Love, Rally Skill/Paragon, Galeforce

She is now in her final class.

Alm Lv30/10/10/9 EXP50

Class: Swordmaster

Final Class: Dreadfighter


HP 72/72

Power 36

Mag Pwr 26

Skill 38

Speed 36

Luck 32

Def 31

Res 24+10

Sword A

Skills: Res+10, Aggressor, Astra, Vantage/Paragon, Armsthrift

He's begun training for some better skills which he now will get Astra, Wrath, Vantage and Armsthrift. Making it true to his word that he'd like to inflict pain ten fold for those who try to harm him and his friends. These skills are suitable for his personality. Wrath, Vantage and Astra! =)

Lucia LV20/15/10/10/17 EXP89

Class: Swordmaster

Final Class: Swordmaster


HP 80/80(Capped!)

Power 40+5(Capped!)

Mag Pwr 34+5(Capped!)

Skill 48(Capped!)

Speed 46(Capped!)

Luck 44(Capped!)

Def 32(Capped!)

Res 29

Sword A

Skills: Sol/Astra, Armsthrift, Mov+1, Ignis, Swordfaire

She is now ready for "The Strongest One's Name!"

Tharja LV20/10/10/7 EXP38

Class: Great Knight

Final Class: Dark Rider


HP 69/69

Power 25 (Got a Power Drop!)

Mag Pwr 23(Capped!)

Skill 30

Speed 38(Capped!)

Luck 28 (Got a Goddess Icon!)

Def 37

Res 14

Sword D Lance E Axe E

Skills: Anathema, Luna, 065a.pngVengence, 037wu.pngHit+20

She has now learned Luna and will go into her final class afterwards! =)

Anna LV20/10 EXP37

Class: Dark Knight


HP 69/69

Power 23

Mag Pwr 36

Skill 35

Speed 35

Luck 48(Capped!)

Def 28

Res 25

Sword A Tome C

Skills: Mov+1, Locktouch, Lucky Seven, Acrobat, Paragon

She has increased three levels since her last report!

Cherche LV20/10/5 EXP33

Class: Bride

Final Class: Bride


HP 80/80(Capped!)

Power 43(Capped!)

Mag Pwr 37

Skill 41(Capped!)

Speed 41(Capped!)

Luck 40

Def 43(Capped!)

Res 24

Lance E Bow D Staff A

Skills: Rally Magic, Rally Love, Rally Luck, Rally Res, Paragon

Now this is a character I luv. In fact she's touched me like Katarina. She is soft, thinks that even the deadliest ugliest things are cute and she would get along with Sumia great as they both love animals. Unlike Olivia who is a SLUT that uses her looks to get what she wants who just is looking for people to get laid with which probably she did with alot of men. But Cherche is carefree, innocent, and wants nothing more than peace along with her good looks that suits her personality well. Three astriks because she's one of the only few characters that really touched my inner feelings. Anyways, what I plan to make her into is a Bride and giving her either of these options...





-Duel Support+


With this, she will be a great Bride combat-wise.


-Duel Support+

-Rally Love

-Rally Resistence

-Rally Luck

-Rally Magic

With this I'm planning for another supporter.

Out of these options...I'll go with 2.

She is now in her final class!

Noire LV12/14 EXP9

Class: Sniper


HP 59/59

Power 30

Mag Pwr 25

Skill 39

Speed 38

Luck 33

Def 34

Res 18

Bow B

Skills: Paragon, Prescience, Sol, Vengence, Hit+20

Increased five levels since last time.

Morgan LV10/15/10/10/8 EXP0

Class: Grandmaster


HP 78/78

Power 41(Capped!)

Mag Pwr 38

Skill 38

Speed 44(Capped!)

Luck 43(Capped!)

Def 40(Capped!)

Res 32

Sword B (Close to A) Tome B

Skills: Veteran, Rightful King, Armsthrift, Sol, Ignis

He will get re-classed for better stats. As he is already in his final class.

Micaiah LV20/10/10/15/15

Class: Grandmaster

Final Class: Grandmaster


HP 80/80

Power 40(Capped!)

Mag Pwr 44(Capped!)

Skill 40(Capped!)

Speed 42(Capped!)

Luck 44(Capped!)

Def 34(Capped!)

Res 40(Capped!)

Sword C Tome A

Skills: 085n.pngShadowgift, 0071h.pngIgnis, 008ag.pngRally Spectrum, 090ag.pngRally Love, 049gu.pngRally Speed

I now have a new teammate who is now ready to be in the frontlines. She's now a Grandmaster as she looks absolutely badass in it!

Lyn LV10 EXP99


Class: Swordmaster

Final Class: Assassin

HP 45/45

Power 24

Mag Pwr 8

Skill 32

Speed 37

Luck 23

Def 14

Res 12

Sword A

Skills: Zeal, Avoid+10, Astra, Acrobat

Same as my Japanese report. =)

Edited by ポーラ
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Xenologue: Smash Breathern 3, Chapters 22-Final

After 2 rounds of "Infinite Regalia", I now begin Smash Brethern 3.

Smash Brethern 3

Old Hubba now discusses that the characters Einhajar are kept in one place, but were on our own and aren't able to get help. After preping.

Soren: All of our soldiers are in position.

Ike: Then let's commence the attack. Give Micaiah the signal. Tell our other units to wait until their doors open.

Soren: Consider it done.

Mia: It's not like you to be so cautious, General. Wouldn't it be more satisfying to just storm at them the way that we usually do?

Soren: Not if we want to assure victory. It's said there's an expert tactician among the enemy ranks. This way we can keep up our movements secret until it is too late for them. They won't know which doors will open or where to expect an attack from. First we saw fear and confusion-then we move in for the killing blow.

Ike: Right. We may outnumber them, but we still have to be smart about this. Soren's strategy wll work. Understand, Mia?

Mia: Yes, sir.

Sothe: Micaiah, Ike's given us the signal.

Micaiah: Then let's move on to the attack. Ready, Empress Sanaki?

Sanaki: Of course. Come, everyone! The final battle is upon us!

Chrom: *Pant* I sense trouble behind those doors...

Aya: "Chrom." Chrom! Enemies to the south! They're heading this way!

Chrom: "What?" What? Then if there ARE enemies behind the doors here...

Aya: "Uggh." We'll be trapped between a rock and a hard place.

Chrom: "Gods." Damn...We're surrounded. Why wouldn't they attack en masse?

Aya: "Hmmm..." They're probably waiting for the right opportunity. Perhaps they plan to send wave after wave to whittle away our morale...

Chrom: "Uggh." And our strength in the proccess This will be a tough fight.

Aya: "Yeah." True. But look at it another way...They're committing a major tactical error by funneling their forces. As long as we stay calm and focused, we can pick them off one unit at a time.

Chrom: "Right." Good point. And we might be able to get the drop on them by opening the doorsfirst.

Aya: "Yeah." Now your thinking.

Battle starts.

It makes the song of the last chapter in FE7 during Player Phase. I now must face them like this...


1 7

2 6

3 5


Position#1: Lilina, Roy, Sophia, Shanna, Lugh

Position#2: Nergal, Jaffar, Nino, Florina, Lyn

Position#3: L'Arachel, Marisa, Ephraim, Lute, Amelia

Position#4: Sephiran, Sanaki, Sigrun, BK, Micaiah, Sothe, Leonardo, Nephanee, Edward, and Brom

Position#5: Eirika, Moulder, Innes, Seth, Lyon

Position#6: Hector, Karel, Eliwood, Serra, Matthew

Position#7: Cecilia, Zephiel, Raigh, Wolt, Perceval

Position#8: Geoffrey, Titania, Zihark, Zihark, Mia, Lucia, Soren, Mist, Ashnard, Elincia, and Ike

It makes the song of whenever that you battle a boss in FE7. Lon'quvsTitania



Attk 33x2

Hit 100%

Crit 3%

-Eliwood's Blade



Attk 12

Hit 41%

Crit 0%

-Titania's Axe

Titania: You want to face me? I hope you know what your getting yourself into.

Hits. Gets countered. Titania's Luna activates. Missed. Lon'qu's Astra activates. Lon'qu: "Be silent." Hit. Counter. Hit. Counter. Hit. Downed. The counter did 16 each.

Titania: Ahh...Must it end here, with my fight unfinished?

Levels up. Def+1 Res+1

Lon'qu: Acceptable!

I have both Lissa and Cherche Physic Lon'qu to full. After ending turn.

Lyn: Why does this fight feel so...empty? Our cause is is just: defend this land against the invaders....

Enemy Phase. Soren Approaches.






-Roy's Blade



A 17

H 54%

C 0%


Soren: Are you supposed to be a challenge?

Gets hit. Mia approaches.

Mia: Mm, I can tell already this will be a memorable fight. Let's get right to it.

Lon'qu makes short work of her.

Mia: Well...I guess this was meant to be...

Levels up. Luck+1 Def+1. Lon'qu: Acceptable. Zihark approaches.

Zihark: I know a threat when I see it. Still, I cannot allow you to pass.

Zihark: You're...more powerful than I imagined...If we were allies...

Lucia approaches.



A 45x2

H 100%

C 8%

-Roy's Blade



A 11

H 54%

C 0%

-Silver Sword

Lucia: I won't let you ravage this land as you please!

Missed and double hits her.

Lucia: I thought I had you...But I was...wrong...

Ike approaches.






-Eliwood's Blade



A 18

H 45%

C 0%


I've opened the top door already and smitting them out is why he approached during the Enemy Phase.

Ike: You can't beat me-so why not just go back to your own world.

Attack missed and second hit did 35dmg. As his Aether already activated. Ike attacks Zelda II style. Like Link(Full health) or Iron knuckle throwing a dirk. Well..this is Nintendo after all. Edward approaches.

Edward: Hey! Try me on for size! Zihark makesshort work of him.

Edward: I couldn't do it...If I was just a little bit stronger...

Zihark levels up. Mag+1 Skill+1 Spd+1 Def+1. Leonardo approaches.

Leonardo: I may not be the man to do it, but you must be dealt with!

Morgan kisses him goodbye.

Leonardo: That was...dissappointing...Maybe I was...the wrong man...

Micaiah approaches.



A 28x2

H 100%

C 0%

-Micaiah's Pyre




H 54%

C 0%

-Micaiah's Pyre

Micaiah: Be gone from this realm, outsider! You have no future here!

Missed. Morgan: "Game Over." Sol activates and hits. Morgan: "Checkmate." Hits and she's kaput.

Micaiah: I gave it all I had...I just hope that...it was enough...

Sothe approaches.

Sothe: You sealed you fate the second you decided to challenge us.

Morgan Luna'd hitted him ending the battle after the second strike.

Sothe: Is this...where my struggle ends?

Levels up! HP+1 Lck+1 Def+1 Res+1

Morgan: That's a big step closer to achieving my dream!

Mist approaches.

Mist: Can we please stop this? Just go back to wherever it is you came from.

She missed. Elincia approaches.

Elincia: Leave this place, tresspassers-for all our sakes!

She missed and gets cut down.

Elincia: So this is the end...Such strength...

Levels up. Mag+1

Lon'qu: Most warriors never learn their limits.

Geoffrey approaches.



A 25x2

H 96%

C 11%

-Eliwood's Blade


HP 58

A 10x2

H 60%

C 0%

-Brave Lance

Geoffrey: The luck of the day decides who prevails. May the best warrior win!

Gets struck and then dodged. He then Astra'd him and said "I'll make this quick."

Geoffrey: No...I have failed the queen...

Ashnard approaches.



A 28x2

H 91%

C 13%

-Eliwood's Blade



A 16x2

H 57%

C 0%

-Brave Axe

Ashnard: Heh, I think you need a lesson in how powerless you really are. Lon'qu is at 2HP left as both he and Ashnard got struck twice. The door Position#7 opens up as I've already placed two troops there.

Cecilia: King Zephiel, the doors! Tat's our signal.

Zephiel: Right. Commence te attack.

Me: It seems that this is what he would be like without his fathers influences.

Player Phase.

Had Lon'qu use an Elixir. I have Cherche finish off Soren.

Soren: All this time...have I been playing into their strategy?

BK rally Def Chrom, Gaius, Pr.Marth, Lissa as Gaius Str Rallied them. Have Chrom attack Ike.



A 44x2

H 100%

C 0%

-Silver Lance


HP 64

A 3

H 37%

C 0%


Chrom: "Are you ready?" We will defeat you and restore peace to the world!

Ike: I believe that's my line. Come on!

Chrom struck. Lon'qu: "Predictable!" as he finished off Ike.

Ike: Was that...the best I can do?

Lon'qu levels up. Mag+1 Lck+1 Res+1. I have Lissa snipe off Ashnard.

Ashnard: Heh heh...Yes! Finally, a battle...worth fighting...

Lissa levels up and nothing. Lissa: I've come so far since after meeting Ayanami.

Approached Raigh.




Hit 100%

C 14%

-Eirika's Blade


HP 51

A 10

Hit 32%

C 0%


Raigh: Do you even know who I am? Go back to your world before you get hurt.

She Ignis'd him.

Raigh: Heh...I thought I was better...than this...

Had Micaiah approach Zephiel.


HP 80

A 48x2

H 80%

C 0%

-Aversa's Night


HP 66

A 16

H 46%

C 0%


Zephiel: You are greater fools than most men if you seek this misery in other worlds.

Hit. Missed. Hit.

Zephiel: One fool...defeated by another...

Miccy levels up. Def+1. Had Morgan approach BK.

BK: Have you come all this way to dance at the end of my lance?

Morgan can do 25x2 with Micaiah's Pyre. Had Donnel finish him off after a Rally Boost from Cordelia. Thanking Rally Mov and Love to getting him just enough Mov to get to him.

BK: So...there are still warriors out there...strong enough to defeat me...

I had Zihark stick a Beast Killer up Sigrun's ass.


HP 69

A 48x2

H 80%

C 0%

-Beast Killer


HP 52

A 12

H 46%

C 0%

-Silver Lance

Sigrun: So it's come to this? You'll get your fight.

Hit. Missed. Sol activated and finished her off.

Sigrun: Rrgh, I'm finished...The rest is up...to the others...

Had Aya approached Nephanee.

Nephanee: No words. Let's just fight.

Have Celica Gale'd her.

Nephanee: Nngh, no...why?

Advanced Pr.Marth down south ending the turn. Enemy Phase. Brom approaches.



A 18x2

H 95%

C 0%

-Beast Killer



A 16

H 47%

C 0%

-Steel Lance

Brom: You wanna fight me? Now that's just plumb crazy. What do ya hope ty gain from takin' ME down?

Hit. Sol hit and hit. Wolt approaches.

Wolt: This boy serves Lord Roy.

Gets hit for 4dmg. Sephiran approaches.



A 14x2

H 100%

C 0%

-Levin Sword



A 30

H 31%

C 0%


Sephiran: Let's see what you're capable of?

Missed and Donnel double Sol hitted. Perceval approaches.


HP 76

A 24x2

H 100%

C 7%

-Eirika's Blade



A 13x2

H 52%

C 0%

-Brave Lance

Perceval: Withdraw your forces, or face the might of our army.

Missed. Hit. Sol Crit.

Perceval: I see now that there are powers out there...beyond what a man like me can know...

I had Cherche and Lon'qu finish off Mist as she approached.

Mist: Nngh...How could this happen...

Sanaki approaches.






-Beast Killer



A 30

Hit 34%

C 0%


Sanaki: Bow before our might!

Luna activates and missed Zihark. Cecilia approaches.

Cecilia: This is our land, our kingdom!

You can return to your own. She had A22 H 50% C 0% -Rexcalibur. And Missed. The door at Position #2 opens and...

Florina: Um, the door opened...I think it's time.

Nino: Okay, everyone, follow me!

Player Phase!

Had Donnel finish Sephiran off.

Sephiran: I see now why you fight...If I were that storng...I would seek battle, too...

Me: But your Uber tier anyway. =)

I had Aya Galed Sanaki.



A 15x4

H 100%

C 0%

-Celica's Gale


HP 40

H 52%

C 0%


Hit. Hit. Luna hit. Hit.

Sanaki: What? This is...impossible...

Aya levels up. HP+1

Aya: Hmm...I don't feel very different...

Had Morgan block Position#6. Had Zihark finish Brom off.

Brom: All right...You win...

lance rank reached rank A. Had Lucia finish Cecilia off.

Cecilia: It's not fair...This is our land...Why can we defend it...

Had Micaiah finish off Wolt.

Wolt: My strength...wasn't enough...

Enemy Phase. Position#2's troops advanced ending turn.

Player Phase.

I have Cordelia snipe Jaffar off.

Jaffar: ...Farewell!

Cordelia: "That's quite enough."

Jaffar: Nngh...how...


Now she attacks Nergal.



A 27x2

H 100%

C 35%

-Killer Bow


HP 60

H 51%

C 0%


Nergal: Imbelle! You cannot even scratch me!

Crit activates.

Cordelia: "Out of my sight!"

Nergal: Rrgh...Damn me for...underestimating you...

Cordelia levels up.

Luck+1 Def+1 Res+1

Cordelia: There. Now I must do it again.

Had BK and Lissa Rally and sent Gaius down with a Tomahawk for Florina to meet her doom.

Florina: See now the strength of our hearts!

Hit. Miss. Sol hit.

Gaius: "What a cupcake."

Florina: You can break us in battle...but not in spirit...

Had Donnel approach Lyn.

Lyn: What are we really fighting for? Are we truely defending our realm? ...Should we be defending it?

Had Pr.Marth finish her.

Lyn: My doubts have been my undoing...

Had Sully approach Nino.


HP 61

A 45x2

H 100%

C 0%

-Silver Lance


HP 43

A 16

H 49%

C 0%


Nino: You're mistaken if you think a Black Fang like me will die today!

*Luna activates*

Sully: "So long chump!"

Nino: Did I...make a difference?

Advanced everyone else south and ends turn after healing Aya with a Concoction. The doors to Position#5 opened.

Seth: The doors have opened, Princess Eirika.

Eirika: So I see. Time to make this battle a little more interesting!

Rallied, advanced to positions 2, 3, and 6 and ended turn. Enemy Phase. I had Aya pair up with Chrom.

Eirika: I ask you now. Leave. I would do anything for this fighting to stop.

Eirika: Brother...I fear I need more lessons in the sword...

Moulder approaches.

Moulder: Perhaps this endless fighting is what the gods have ordained for us...

Moulder: It seems I've...finally taken on a fight...I can't finish...

Innes approaches.

Innes: We had an overwhelming advantage in numbers...So what are these doubts?

Innes: I wish...I could have understood...Why are you doing this...

Lyon approaches.

lyon: I didn't obtain this power for nothing. Get in my way, and your life is forfeit.

Lyon: No...How can my power not be enough?

Seth approaches.

Seth: If you defy us, we must strike you down. Nothing personnel.

Seth: Forgive me...my comrades...I've failed in my duties...

Chrom+Aya easily made short work of them. Doors in Position #1 opened.

Lilina: Roy, the doors have opened. THat's our cue.

Roy: All right, let's go!

Had BK and Lissa rally. Approached Lugh.

Lugh: We'll never give up. You can never break our spirit!

Lugh: I lost this fight, but you haven't beaten me...

Had Zihark approach Lilina.



A 41x2

H 99%

C 0%

-Beast Killer


HP 50

A 37

H 35%

C 0%


Lilina: You had your chance. Now I'm hitting you with all I've got!

Sol hit. Luna missed. Sol hit.

Lilina: How can such small numbers do so much damage to our alliance...

Had Gaius attack Lute through Position#1's door.


HP 69

A 38x2

H 95%

C 0%



HP 41

A 23

H 51%

C 0%


Lute: You don't simply stand a chance against me. I'm simply cut from better cloth.


Gaius: "Piece Of Cake!"

Sol activates. Sol hits. Missed. Hits finishing her off.

Lute: I guess...your talents exceed even mine...

Ends turn. Roy approaches.


HP 80

A 36x2

H 100%

C 0%

-Eliwood's Blade


HP 60

A 6x2

H 51%

C 0%

-Brave Sword

Roy: Where did you COME from?

Roy missed both times and he get's Astra'd.

Roy: I underestimate your valor, outsiders...

Shanna approaches.

Shanna: Just give it up. You're hopelessly outnumbered and you know it!

Duel Guarded as she couldn't scratch Cherche anyway. Sophia approaches.

Sophia: You may be strong...but I cannot sit idly by...

She couldn't hit him as it was a 0% chance. Player Phase. I had Lon'qu finish her off.

Sophia: Better to fight and lose...than to make no difference at all...

Lon'qu levels up and nothing. Had Zihark finish Shanna off

Shanna: How can anyone...be this good?

Had Gaius: opened the door at Position#3.


Had Aya+Chrom approach Ephraim.

Ephraim: You look strong. So I hope you won't mine me giving you special treatment!

After making short work of him with an Aether blow...

Ephraim: So this is defeat? It...stings...

Had Sully approach L'Arachel.


HP 61

A 37x2

H 100%

C 0%

-Silver Sword


HP 51

A 23

H 31%

C 0%

-Bolt Axe

L'Arachel:Why are you even trying? You're just another feather waiting to be placed in my cap.

Luna activates.

Sully: "Where should I stab ya?"

L'Arachel: My illustrious career...ruined...

Advances Position#1 characters south and ends turn. Amelia approaches.


HP 61

A 17x2

H 100%

C 0%

-Silver Sword


HP 58

A 13

H 68%

C 0%

-Steel Lance

Amelia: You'll never defeat us. Never!

Hits. Hits. Luna activates!

Sully: "So long, chump."

She gets Luna'd. Marisa approaches.


HP 48

A 36

H 93%

C 0%

-Silver Sword


HP 46

A 10

H 83%

C 13%

-Killing Edge

Marisa: Leave, or I will drop you where you stand.

Hits. Luna activates.

Sully: "I'll kill you twice."

She gets Luna'd. Door at Position#5 opens.

Hector: Finally, the doors opened. It's about time!

Eliwood: Indeed.Let's join the battle!

Player Phase!

Had Gaius finish Marisa off.

Marisa: Nngh...You win...What else can I say?

Had Pr.Marth finish off Amelia.

Amelia: No! I haven't lost...I can't...lose...

After Rallying, I have Lucia approach Hector.



A 37x2

H 100%

C 7%



HP 66

A 23

H 30%

C 0%


Hector: I hope you know how to hit harder than I do!

Sol hit. Hit. Sol crit hit.

Hector: Damn...I thought I had more fight in me...than that...

Levels up. Luk+1 Res+1. Galeforced.

Approaches Serra and snipes her off.

Serra: Doesn't anyone want to protect me? I'm a sweet, helpless Cleric!

Serra: Just hold on! You're not...supposed to be this strong...

Had Micaiah approach Eliwood.

Eliwood: You outsiders may be this strong, but you'll never breaks us!

Micaiah Ignis'd him. 33dmg. Aegis'd and finishes him off dealing 43dmg.

Eliwood: I know my comerades will...carry on in my stead...

Had Morgan approach Karel.

Karel: I temper my blade by taking down strong warriors like you.

Karel: Defeat...is just another path to greatness...

I then have Morgan finish Karel off with Micaiah's Pyre ending the episode!

The Einjhar Card says that Lyn is the Noblewoman of Sacae who was spoke of in legends.

Lyn: So that's it. I lost. It feels so unfair...Are you the enemy's tactician? ...Wait, What?! It can't be...Are you...No, that's impossible...I'm sorry, It's just...you remind me of someone very dear to me. A tactician, like you, who came to my aid time and again. This might seem like a silly question, but...Have you ever awoken in a strange place, uncertain of how you got there? Have you ever awoken in a strange place Yes No. I picked No.

Lyn: Really? That surprises me. I thought I was on to something...The tactician I knew often tended to pass out and woke up elsewhere. That's how she and I born? Have you been to my world?...What? You can't remember? Now I'm even more certain you're the woman I know. Look at me carefully, and really try to think back. We met on the Sacae Plains. We fought with Eliwood and the others...Does none of this sound familiar? Does Lyn's story sound familiar? I picked No.

Lyn: That's too bad. Maybe you're not the person I thought. But still...you know what? I want to help. Take me with you. Even if you claim you aren't the woman I knew, I want to judge for myself. I'm good with a blade. Keep me by your side, and none shall harm you. I recruited her and...

Lyn: You'd let me travel with you?

Me: ^__^

I afterwards get an Iote's Shield manual which I happily use on Aya.

Tharja's Birthday April 2nd.


Gaius+Maribelle (B Support)

Gaius: "Easy there." Thanks for the help, Twinkles. You saved my bacon out there.

Maribelle: "Ha!" It's my job to heal stricken comerades...Even you.

Gaius: "Eeh." Yeah, but I'm the guy who bought false charges against your father. No one would have said boo if you let me just bleed to death.

Maribelle: "No!" I needed you alive, unfortunately. There is something I must ask you.

Gaius: "Huh?" I'll answer if I can.

Maribelle: "Darling." I was re-reading transcripts of my father's trial, and something struck me as...strange. Tell me, and speak the truth: Where did you first hear my father's name?

Gaius: "Uggh." Well, er...

Maribelle: *Pant* My father is a rich and powerful man, but rather unknown outside the nobility. Which begs the qeustion...Why did you choose to accuse him? How did you even know to do so? I can think of only one reason, but I would like to hear it from your lips...Did someone threaten you, Gaius? Did they force you to name my father?

Gaius: "Uggh." They said...They said I had to do it or else they were going to...

Maribelle: "Uggh." Kill you?

Gaius: No, Twinkles. Not me.

Maribelle: "No." (Soft voice) Then who? Who was threatened?

Gaius: "Yep." Look, it doesn't matter now. Bloke told me to name your father and I did. End of story.

Maribelle: "Really?" And who was this scoundrel who had such a terrfying hold over you?

Gaius: "Uggh." You're not going to let this go, are you? All right. I suppose I should start at the beginning...

(Gaius and Maribelle attained Support level B.)

Next day...the barracks...


Sully asks Lon'qu of why that he practices and says

Lon'qu: None of your buisness! Now begone!

They get a support relationship increase. Gregor searches the room and gets a surge of Spd and Skill. Cherche searches the room (in her gown) and gets 14EXXP. Noire searches the room with Panne. Noire wants to know if she can help her out next battle and Panne says "If you desire it!" I have lucky rabbit's feet after all. Miriel searches the room and finds a surge of Str and Def.



-Silver Sword



-Iron Lance





-Silver Bow


After the 3rd Enc, Noire finally reaches LV15 and has learned Bowfaire. Time to get her out of that terrible class. She now goes Great Knight for the Luna skill. After the 4th encounter, I now start the next Paralogue.

Paralogue 17 The Threat Of Silence





So she's unstable for the time being?






Can't have that, can we?


Time to get used to it again.



It's just a simple matter of shielding Tiki waiting for her ritual to complete. Linde learned Rally mag during the beg of this battle. Mia's axe rank increased to D. One of the Dark Peg generics had Rexcalibur which is what fliers are normally weak to. But guess what? With Iote's, it does 0dmg. Ha! I've just broken the mold. Moldbreaker, baby! =D

Turns 6

MVP None

After Tiki joins us, we now buy a Killing Edge, Killer Lance, Killer Bow beforedoing another Lost Bloodlines 3 run. As I need to get Lyn the Paragon skill before beginning the next chapter. Lyn has now reached LV15 and now she's a Sniper. As I'm planning to get her both Bowfaire and Hit+20. I then forge a Bronze Bow for her and buy a regular one before beginning the next chapter.

Chapter 22 An Ill Passage


-Goddess Icon



Now were talkin. =D








Maribelle: "Won't hurt me." "So sorry." Me: <3

Maribelle with Valflame could do 74dmg total. Let's see with a Mag tonic, Rally Mag, Rally Love, Rally Spectrum boosts making it +10 added along with Limitbreaker adding 10 more. That will make it do a total of 96dmg. And if Valflame could be forged, it otherwise would deal 99dmg. Like 9999 in FF! =D

Now, if a foe has Dragonscale with 40Res, the tome would do 28dmg to the foe. As it normally would do 56dmg otherwise.Anna got re-classed to a Sniper after the 12 warlords got defeated to get her Hit+20 skill. After appraching Aversa the sinister music makes you want to sit for a moment to listen to which I just did. Anyway, after Sumia pwns her with Rexcalibur, she drops a Goddess Icon and makes her getaway. The game designers should have given her Iote's Shield to makeher more like an end boss. Oh, well.

Turns 6

MVP Sumia&Maribelle

The random merchant now sells an Energy Drop, Concoction, and Beast Killer. I buy them all then start the next chapter.

Chapter 23 Invisible Ties


-Silver Bow


-Silver Sword


-Silver Lance

-Talismen (Validar)


Your little game ends here!



The dark emperor's banquet that were bound to crash soon enough.






After preparing and taking one of my 4 Hammerne staves with me since I'm having Maribelle fry everyone like crazy with Valflame as she is one of my 12 warlords now! I gave her this set...






I now begin the battle. Aya got Forseti...she's another one of my 12 warlords. Gaius will make 3 soon. Alm will be my 4th warlord soon. Tharja will be my 5th. Micaiah is number 6. Mia will be 7. Lissa will be 8. Linde will be Number 9. Lyn will soon to be number 10. Sumia is 11. And Chrom is 12. There you go.

The "Chaos" soundtrack is suitable for you now, Maribelle. After having Cherche and Micaiah rally. Maribelle attacks with Valflame now stands at 84. You're one of my 12 crusaders. I sit down and listen to this music for 15 min looking at my crusaders stats and such. If only Linde could get Wrath, I could make her like Leppi(Elf). I gave Alm his own blade. "Alm's Blade" He will also have these in the end once he becomes one of my 12 warlords like Maribelle. It's suitable for you too Sumia, Micaiah. You three are 3 of my 12 crusaders now. Giving Sumia Miracle along with Iote's and such makes her like Warlord Anguilla(Zechs) since she has Miracle too. Gaius now has 30 Def and 28 Res. You're going to be one of my crusaders once you're in your final class. =)

As for Aya being one of my 12 crusaders now, she will get Forged Celica Gales/Forseti and Gungnir for her weapons along with Mjolnir. Makes this sinister msic when I confront Validar which I listen to for 10min which is suitable for Maribelle, Aya, Sumia, and Micaiah. Sol hits him for 49dmg as he falls.



A 29x2

H 100%

C 10%




A 0

H 39%

C 0%

-Grima's Truth



Attk 49x2

Hit 100%

Crit 18%



HP 39

Attk 0

Hit 19%

Crit 0%

-Grima's Truth

Validar LV18

HP 68

Str 6

Mag 35

Skl 27

Spd 25

Lck 23

Def 28

Res 26

Skills: Anathma, Vengence, Dragonskin

-Grima's Truth

Attk 49

Hit 137

Crit 13

Avd 49



Str 24+8

Mag 44(Capped!)+22

Skill 39(Capped!)+8

Speed 43(Capped!)+8

Luck 48(Capped!)+16

Def 23+8

Res 44+12

This time he's got Dragonskin with Vengence. Ha! Ha! Now it's time to end this. Go, my stalwart crusaders. Maribelle, Aya, Micaiah, and Sumia! It makes this sinister tune that happened with Gangrel.


Burn in death. Mwa hwa hwa hwa hwa.



Myyyyyy sooooouuullll hhhaaaassss reeeetuuurrrnnneeed. I Shaaaaalllll Deeevvvoooiiirr yooouuuurrr soouull drrooopp bbyyy dddrrroooppp.


Galec Gun FIREEEEEEEE!!!!!!









Let's see...after rally boosts with him having 26 Res it is this. Of course with pairing them will make it even greater. But it ould be more stalwartish if they do it alone. Although that maybe another story. Maribelle left him with 7HP left. Now for Gaius. After finishing him, I then do another 3 encounters before beginning the next chapter. Mia got C rank in axes upon this enc. Great! Crusader time! =D

Noire's sword rank reached D. Getting to work on it as she will be a Bowknight in the end.

Chapter 24







Event tiles

-Sweet Tincture







Naggie! <3333







Great. =D



Some of the enemies have Luna. Better look out for that as well as Counter. I simply jst mop up the enemies as Alm's already close to class change now. =)

Alm also has learned Swordfaire just before the battle ends with him taking out the last foe. He's now going Berserker for Wrath before going Merc for Vantage. He then will go Dreadfighter after that.

Turns 4

MVP None

After a purchase the Fortify, Killer Bow, Brave Bow, Brave Sword, Brave Axe and the Goddess Icon. I then do barracks as they do come overtime. Chrom+Morgan. Morgan wants Chrom to tell more about his life before meeting him and hesays he issed alot before meeting him. Their relationship improves as Chrom said that that he'd teach him alot more. Nowi searches the room and room and she gets a surge of Str and Def. Ricken+Basilio. Ricken wants to know about what Basilio does in his spare time and he says that he chops firewood as people sees that he is actually good at it and doubles it as axe practice. Nothing happens. I then unlock some bonus maps and then start the next chapter.

Chapter 25 To Slay A God


It was a simple matter of splitting up our forces on the west and eastern roads before the Mire mages have their ways of picking us off from a distance. After finishing off Aversa as her death really got to me, but she doesn't realize that Validar actually used her for his little puppet.

Turns 4

MVP Sumia&Gaius

The orange areas are now available. After buying a Killing Edge, Brave Lance, and Blessed Bow, I then use my Rift Door by the Chapter 24 rainbow area as it sells a Hammerne, Dracoshield, and an Arms Scroll. Finally, an Arms Scroll. This is going to Linde straight away after her Staff rank increases to D post-game. The Dracoshield will go to Maribelle and now having 5 Hammernes making this great. I buy them all, give Maribelle my Dracoshield as well as my last one. She now has 25+2 Def. I also buy Bolgannonex2, ThoronX4, and Rexcalibur x2 and that I've also gave Chrom both of my Talismens. Tharja got my Energy Drop and Goddess Icons before I begin the Final Chapter.

Endgame Grima



Event Tiles



*To be continued*

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Stats in the English Version...

Stats time...


Chrom LV20/15/10/15/20 EXP--

Class: Great Lord

Final Class: Great Lord


HP 80/80(Capped)

Power 44(Capped)

Mag Pwr 4

Skill 41(Capped)

Speed 42(Capped)

Luck 46(Capped)

Def 41(Capped!)

Res 27+10

Sword A Lance A

Skills: Aether, Res+10, Aggresor, Aegis, Rightful King

He now has Rightful King and now won't be used until the Final Chapter.

He's the most powerful character that I have. He's gained another point in Def and Res since last time!



LV20/10/15/10/12 EXP96

Class: Dark Flier

Final Class: Dark Flier


HP 80/80(Capped!)

Power 35(Capped!)

Mag Pwr 45(Capped!)

Skill 41(Capped!)

Speed 44(Capped!)

Luck 41

Def 32(Capped!)

Res 40

Lance A Tome A

Skills: Iote's Shield, Ignis, Armsthrift, Paragon, Sol

She had been undergoing some training in the DLC episodes and is now at her final class!

She has increased three levels since her last report.

Lissa LV20/15/10/15/10/10/8 EXP66


Class: Bride

Final Class: Bride


HP 80/80(Capped!)

Power 38(Capped!)

Mag Pwr 41(Capped!)

Skill 41(Capped!)

Speed 42(Capped!)

Luck 47(Capped!)

Def 29

Res 41(Capped!)

Lance A Bow C (Close to B) Staff A

Skills: 090ag.pngRally Love, 049gu.pngRally Speed, luckcry.pngRally Luck, 019pk.pngRally Magic, Paragon

She is now in her final class and is about finished.

No change. Just had her Rally SPAM! =)

Sumia LV20/10/15/15/15/10/9 EXP25


Class: Dark Flier

Final Class: Dark Flier


HP 80/80(Capped!)

Power 34(Capped!)

Mag Pwr 36+5

Skill 43(Capped!)

Speed 45(Capped!)

Luck 45(Capped!)

Def 30(Capped!)

Res 42(Capped!)

Lance A Tome A

Skills: 098o.pngParagon, 009h.pngGaleforce, lunaw.pngLuna, 020nw.pngTomefaire,099y.pngIote's Shield

She gained 7 levels since her last report and has now maxed out in Str by only needing one more point and has grew 3 more in Mag. Your about ready for "The Strongest One's Name" now! =)

Sully LV20/17/15/15/10/5 EXP2

Class: Paladin

Final Class: Paladin


HP 80/80(Capped!)

Power 41(Capped!)

Mag Pwr 15

Skill 42(Capped!)

Speed 42(Capped!)

Luck 45(Capped!)

Def 37

Res 21

Sword A Lance A

Skills: Astra, Aegis, Luna, Duel Support, Paragon

Has grew three levels since her last report.

Donnel LV15/11/15/10/20/20/14 EXP83

Class: Dreadfighter

Final Class: Dreadfighter


HP 80/80(Capped)

Power 43(Capped)

Mag Pwr 27

Skill 39(Capped)

Speed 40(Capped)

Luck 48(Capped)

Def 40(Capped)

Res 36+10

Sword: A Axe A Tome C (Close to B)

Skills: Paragon, Sol, Aptitude, Armsthrift, Res+10

No change as you don't keep EXP gained in the final chapter.

Lon'qu LV15/20/15/10/15/30/1 EXP0

Class: Dreadfighter

Final Class: Dreadfighter


HP 80/80(Capped!)

Power 42(Capped!)

Mag Pwr 28

Skill 43(Capped!)

Speed 44(Capped!)

Luck 45(Capped!)

Def 37(Capped!)

Res 28+10

Sword A Axe A Tome A

Skills: Astra, Res+10, Paragon, Swordfaire, Mov+1

He has got all his weapon ranks up from constant repeating of Seliph's DLC episode and is now in his final class!

No change.

Gaius LV20/10/15/10/15/10 EXP48

Class: Swordmaster

Final Class: Assassin


HP 80/80(Capped!)

Power 39(Capped!)

Mag Pwr 10

Skill 46(Capped!)

Speed 48(Capped!)

Luck 32

Def 32(Capped!)

Res 28+10

Sword A

Skills: Mov+1, Sol, Astra, Res+10, Paragon

He went through some intense training after constant repeating of getting Paragon Manuals.


Maribelle LV20/10/15/15/15/9 EXP80

Class: Valkyrie

Final Class: Valkyrie


HP 79/79

Power 26+2

Mag Pwr 44+7(Capped!)

Skill 39+2(Capped!)

Speed 43+2(Capped!)

Luck 48+2(Capped!)

Def 25+2 (Got a Dragonshield!)

Res 45+2

Tome A Staff A

Skills: 103hr.pngAll Stats+2, 098o.pngParagon, 009h.pngGaleforce, 020nw.pngTomefaire, 068h.pngLifetaker

She is now in her final class. After maxing out her Def and Res soon, she then will be ready for "The Strongest One's Name" and Ike's Limitbreaker episodes.

She has increased 7 levels since her last report.

Prince Marth LV30/21 EXP22

Class: Lodestar

Final Class: Lodestar


HP: 80/80(Capped!)

Str 42(Capped!)

Mag 19

Skill 43(Capped!)

Speed 43(Capped!)

Luck 48+4(Capped!)

Def 30

Res 20

Sword A

Skills: Paragon, Luck+4, Duel Strike+, Duel Guard+, Duel Support+

Got re-classed to Lodestar again to continue to grow more.

He has gained 13 levels since his last report.


Linde LV20/10/15//10/10/10/9 EXP71

Class: Sage

Final Class: Sage


HP 74/74

Power 29(Capped!)

Mag Pwr 42

Skill 45(Capped!)

Speed 46(Capped!)

Luck 46(Capped!)

Def 30(Capped!)

Res 29

Tome A Staff E (Close to D)

Skills: Paragon, Galeforce, Armsthrift, Ignis, Mov+1

She is now in her final class and will be one of my 12 crusaders!

She's gained 6 levels since her last report.


Black Knight LV20/15/2 EXP44

Class: Dreadfighter

Final Class: Dreadfighter


HP 79/79

Power 45(Capped!)

Mag Pwr 33

Skill 39(Capped!)

Speed 41(Capped!)

Luck 39

Def 40(Capped!)

Res 43+10(Capped!)

Sword C Axe B (One strike and it's at A), Tome C

Skills: 092a.pngRes+10, 098o.pngParagon, lunaw.pngLuna, 0121lw.pngAegis, 0181d.pngPavise

No change as you don't keep EXP gained in the final chapter.

Mia LV20/10/15/10/10/10/9 EXP12

Class: Hero

Final Class: Hero


HP 80/80(Capped!)

Power 38

Mag Pwr 29

Skill 47(Capped!)

Speed 46(Capped!)

Luck 47(Capped!)

Def 37

Res 32

Sword A Axe C

Skills: Galeforce, Ignis, Sol, Armsthrift, Paragon

Increased 5 levels since her last report and has now learned her final skill, Sol.

Zihark LV20/10/10/15/4 EXP6

Class: Dreadfighter

Final Class: Dreadfighter


HP 78/78

Power 42(Capped!)

Mag Pwr 22

Skill 41

Speed 44(Capped!)

Luck 40

Def 29

Res 23+10

Sword A Axe C (Close to B) Tome E

Skills: Sol, Res+10, Paragon, Armsthrift, Aegis

No change since last time.

Cordelia LV20/15/15/15/9 EXP92

Class: Bride

Final Class: Bride


HP 80/80(Capped!)

Power 41(Capped!)

Mag Pwr 24

Skill 44(Capped!)

Speed 44(Capped!)

Luck 36

Def 41(Capped!)

Res 27

Spear A Bow A Staff E

Skills: Rally Mov, Rally Speed, Rally Love, Rally Skill/Paragon, Galeforce

Only gained 90EXP since her last report.

Alm Lv30/10/10/15/2 EXP50

Class: Berserker

Final Class: Dreadfighter


HP 72/72

Power 36

Mag Pwr 26

Skill 38

Speed 36

Luck 32

Def 31

Res 24+10

Sword A

Skills: Res+10, Aggressor, Astra, Vantage/Paragon, Swordfaire

He's now learned Swordfaire and has increased 7 levels since his last report. Also went Berserker for the Wrath skill and will be getting Vantage next. He will also be one of my 12 crusaders soon. =)


Lucia LV20/15/10/10/17 EXP11

Class: Swordmaster

Final Class: Swordmaster


HP 80/80(Capped!)

Power 40+5(Capped!)

Mag Pwr 34+5(Capped!)

Skill 48(Capped!)

Speed 46(Capped!)

Luck 44(Capped!)

Def 32(Capped!)

Res 29

Sword A

Skills: Sol/Astra, Armsthrift, Mov+1, Ignis, Swordfaire

She is now ready for "The Strongest One's Name!"

Tharja LV20/10/10/9 EXP36

Class: Great Knight

Final Class: Dark Rider


HP 71/71

Power 28 (Got a Power Drop!)

Mag Pwr 23(Capped!)

Skill 33(Capped!)

Speed 38(Capped!)

Luck 32 (Got a Goddess Icon!)

Def 38

Res 15

Sword C Lance E Axe E

Skills: Anathema, Luna, 065a.pngVengence, 037wu.pngHit+20

She's increased two levels and is only 1 level away to going to her Final Class Dark Rider.

Anna LV20/15/2 EXP37

Class: Sniper

Final Class: Dark Rider


HP 69/69

Power 23

Mag Pwr 36

Skill 35

Speed 35

Luck 48(Capped!)

Def 28

Res 25

Sword A Tome C

Skills: Mov+1, Lifetaker, Lucky Seven, Acrobat/Locktouch, Paragon

She has increased six levels since her last report and has now learned the Lifetaker skill!

Cherche LV20/10/10/10/10 EXP0

Class: Bride

Final Class: Bride


HP 80/80(Capped!)

Power 43(Capped!)

Mag Pwr 37

Skill 41(Capped!)

Speed 41(Capped!)

Luck 40

Def 43(Capped!)

Res 25

Lance E Bow D Staff A

Skills: Rally Magic, Rally Love, Rally Luck, Rally Res, Paragon

Has increased three levels since her last report and only gained a point in Res. As she's already capped in nearly everything else.

Noire LV12/15/4 EX98

Class: Great Knight

Final Class: Bowknight


HP 68/68

Power 38

Mag Pwr 23(Capped!)

Skill 33+2(Capped!)

Speed 36

Luck 34

Def 41

Res 19

Sword D Lance E Axe E

Skills: Paragon, Skill+2, Sol, Vengence, Hit+20

Increased five levels since last time and Skill 2 will get dropped shortly for All Stats+2.

Morgan LV10/15/10/10/8 EXP0

Class: Grandmaster

Final Class: Grandmaster


HP 78/78

Power 41(Capped!)

Mag Pwr 38

Skill 38

Speed 44(Capped!)

Luck 43(Capped!)

Def 40(Capped!)

Res 32

Sword B (Close to A) Tome B

Skills: Veteran, Rightful King, Armsthrift, Sol, Ignis

No change.


Micaiah LV20/10/10/15/15/4 EXP27

Class: Grandmaster

Final Class: Grandmaster


HP 80/80(Capped!)

Power 40(Capped!)

Mag Pwr 44(Capped!)

Skill 40(Capped!)

Speed 42(Capped!)

Luck 44(Capped!)

Def 35

Res 40

Sword C Tome A

Skills: 085n.pngShadowgift, 0071h.pngIgnis, 008ag.pngRally Spectrum, 090ag.pngRally Love, 049gu.pngRally Speed

Has grown four levels since last time and is also one of my 12 crusaders!

Lyn LV15/4 EXP82

Class: Sniper

Final Class: Assassin


HP 57/57(Had an Angel Robe!)

Power 30

Mag Pwr 10

Skill 37

Speed 38

Luck 28

Def 22

Res 15

Bow E (Close to D)

Skills: Swordfaire, Avoid+10, Astra, Acrobat, Paragon

She has learned both Paragon and Swordfire and has grown 9 levels since her last report. She's going Sniper to be better trained in bows and to learn the Hit+20 skill.

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Rogues and Redeemers 3 and 2

Rogues and Redeemers 3

Upon Old Hubba's wish for us to gather the einjhar cards which we have to do ourselves again and we now start the battle after some preparations.

Eldigan: Is it true? Eldritch forces in the castle ruins? And they're heavily armed?
Petrine: Yes. We've already surrounded them without combined forces.
Eldigan: Should we not first establish whether or not they mean us any harm?
Petrine: None of us invited them here...Did you?
Eldigan: No...I suppose that is cause enough to brand them enemies.
Petrine: Better to strike first and ask questions later. A mouse in a bag can still bite. Although I hope we've caught something more interesting than that...
Chrom: "Really?" We're completely surrounded. Enemies in every direction...
Aya: "Yeah." Strong ones, too, and plenty of them.
Chrom: "Right." Nothing for it but to fight our way out...All units: prepare yourelves! Today we make some new legends!
Battle starts It makes the "Enternal Bond" song in FE10 and it makes "The Devoted" whenever initiating in combat. After sending Chrom+Aya, Morgan, Gaius, Zihark, Alm, Cordelia, and Lon'qu south. BK and Lucia east. Cherche, Lissa, Linde, Mia+Pr.Marth. Sumia, Sully and Micaiah west. Maribelle went through the center. Let's see the enemies here are...

(West)-Leif, Sothe, Ares, Nanna, Eldigan, Petrine, Camus, BK, Arvis, Zephiel, Gharnef, Nergal

(South)-Linus, Lilina, Ike(DLC), Ishtar, Elincia, Caeda, Ashnard, Travant, Narcian, Alm, Roy, Seliph, Navarre, Sephiran, Pr.Marth, Saias, Jamke, Deirdre, Eliwood, Ursula, Sigurd, Ephraim, Selena

(East)-Oliver, Julius, Lyon, Hardin, Raydrik, Lloyd, Celica, Jaffar, Raigh, Katarina, Lyn, Julia, Eirika, Marisa, and Micaiah

Wow! They're capped in many stats too and possessing horrifying skills. This is getting to be like Part III Endgame in FE10. Ends Turn. Enemy Phase.
Ike: Ugh, it won't stop eating at me...I can't shake the feeling I'm making some terrible mistake. I've never felt that before...Who are these people?
Hardin approaches.
Hardin: Defying me shall be your last act.
He missed. Zephiel approaches.

A 39x2
H 86%
C 0%
-Aversa's NightZephiel
A 21
H 60%
C 0%

Zephiel: You seem to have woefully misjudged your limits...But I promise at least to spare you a lengthy death!
Micaiah attacked twice after taking a hit. This song suits with your badasss look, Miccy. Grandmaster! xD
She is fully restoredas Zephiel only has 2HP left. BK approaches.

A 31x2
H 99%
C 0%
-Aversa's Night

A 22x2
H 62%
C 0%
-Brave Lance

BK: You were brave to challenge me-but in the end, foolish!
Micaiah got double hitted and she hits him twice as she is at 75HP.
BK: Ha...Perhaps...there is hope for you yet...
Pr.Marth approaches.

A 40x2
H 59%
C 0%
-Exalted Falchion

HP 76
A 8
H 13%
C 0%
-Exalted Falchion

Chrom: "Humph" You're formidable opponents, all of you.
Pr.Marth: As are you. So why not spare us this violence and return to your world?
Chrom: "No." Sorry, but that cannot happen until we've defeated every last one of you.
Chrom missed, Aya: "My turn", hits with Thoron, miss, Pr.Marth missed, miss and Aya finishes Marth off.
Pr.Marth: Such strength...If only you fought for our side...
Me: If there was any other way, I would. ^^
Alm approaches.

A 30x2
H 67%
C 12%
-Exalted Falchion

A 18
H 86%
C 0%
-Alm's Blade

Alm: If you want to go any further, you'll have to get past me!
Duel guarded. Aether'd. Chrom: "Anything can change."
Alm: I thought...I could keep this land safe...
Seliph approaches.

A 36x2
H 93%
C 0%
-Exalted Falchion

HP 80
A 16
H 49%
C 0%

Seliph: I won't turn away when this sword may yet save a comerade!
Miss. Hit. Aya missed. Hit. Aya hit.
Seliph: Did I make a difference? Ahh...
Aya leveled and gained nothing. Roy approaches.

A 37x2
H 100%
C 10%
-Exalted Falchion

HP 73
A 4x2
H 39%
C 0%
-Brave Sword

Roy: You will be stopped...if not by my hand...then by another's...
and Chrom finishes him off. Eirika approches.

A 22x2
H 100%
C 0%
-Levin Sword

HP 71
A 7
H 45%
C 0%
-Silver Sword

Eirika: There is no way to resolve this amicably, is there? I thought not.
Hit. Sol hit. Hit. Hit. Crit.
Eirika: It feels like every road...ends in battle...
Gharnef approches.

A 24x2
H 53%
C 3%
-Aversa's Night

H 100%
C 0%

Gharnef: You dare oppose Gharnef? Perhaps you need a demonstration of my power!
Vengence hits. Ignis'd him twice.
Gharnef: Inconcivable! How could my magic be thwarted?...Aaagh!
Arvis approaches.

A 24x2
H 52%
C 7%
-Aversa's Night

A 22
H 100%
C 0%

Arvis: You poor wretches. You can't even imagine the hell I'll visit upon you!
Vengenced hit. Missed. Ignis'd him. Julius approaches.

-Silver Axe

A 6
H 52%
C 0%

Julius: You, defeat me? Don't make me laugh.
BK: If you don't want to get hurt, turn like a tornado and blow.
Vengenced missed. Lyon approaches.
Lyon: I'll never lose to a mortal like you. I have transcended such weakness and achieved perfection!
He has a 20% chance to hit along with A34. He missed. Navarre approaches.

A 42x2
H 82%
C 0%
-Exalted Falchion

A 9
H 62%
c 0%
-Killing Edge

Navarre: Leave in peace, or leave in pieces.
He gets smitten easily by Aether as Chrom said "Your end has come."
Navarre: Am I...not good enough?
Everyone else advances towards the castle as Saias casted Rally Spectrum and Rally Def on the remaining southern forces as Julia rallied the eastern forces and Sephiran uses the Goddess Staff fully restoring everybody. It's best not to attack those having Vengence. As it gets useless with them not getting hurt during the enemy phase. I have Chrom attack Deirdre.
Deirdre: This is not your world to conquer! Go back whence you came!
He and Aya made short work of her. Even without rally boosts. She Miracle'd upon the second hit though. -.-
Deirdre: Will you keep fighting...forever? I now have Donnel attack Arvis.

A 21x4
H 100%
C 7%
-Brave Axe

A 10
H 62%
C 0%

He Pavaised all of Donnel's hits. xD
As he got duel guarded from Vengence. He now learns Aggressor. Which I drop Aptitude for it. I have Sumia finish Arvis off. Sumia: I'll end this now!
Arvis: You may have stopped me...but your trials...have only just begun...
Galeforced. I have Sumia join up with Donnel in + Pairing. I have Lon'qu attack Raydrik.
Raydrik: Heh. I've scrapped worse things than you from my teeth!
He gets doubled by Levin Sword hitting him at 25 each and BK does 12 on him and has his weapon rank increased to A in axes. I have Maribelle rescue Donnel+Sumia as Micaiah is better at handling them. Rescue broked and they are transported up north as I need them to battle with those forces. Ends turn. Lucia finishes off Raydrik.
Raydrik: No...There must be some mistake...
Miccy finishes off Zephiel as luckily he missed with a 69% chance. She would only get 1HP recovery as he was battered to 2HP left.
Zephiel: Agh! You...have ability...But you still will crumble...before our army...
Julia approaches.

A 3x2
H 100%
C 19%
-Levin Sword

A 29
H 24%
C 0%
-Book Of Naga

Julia: Go home! You have nothing more to gain from this!
She gets hit, she sol hitted her twice. Julia hits. Gets struck twice. Nergal approaches.

A 21x2
H 52%
C 0%
-Aversa's Night

A 25
H 100%
C 0%

Nergal: Ha! You're just a roach beneath my boot!
Gets hit. Micaiah Ignis'd him. Lucia gets truck by Lyon, she sol hitted him twice. Oliver approaches.

A 1x2
H 100%
C 0%
-Levin Sword

A 14x2
H 31%
C 0%

Oliver: Don't you see? Your tactics are doomed to fail in the face of perfect beauty.
He gets struck twice after he missed Lon'qu twice. Jamke approaches.

A 20x2
H 100%
C 5%

H 77
A 9
H 72%
C 0%
-Killer Bow

Jamke: Run home, or die in this foreighn world!
Chrom's Aether activates. Chrom: "Your end has come." Gets sruck three times including Aya.
Jamke: Don't let this...go to your head. One wrong move, and you'll be next...
Saias approaches.

A 28x2
H 100%
C 6%

A 8
H 35%
C 0%

Saias: Still determined to fight? You're a fool to have come here. Missed annnd he got Aether'd.
Saias: You're worng if you think battle...is the answer to everything...
Sephiran approaches.

A 20x2
H 57%
C 0%

A 22
H 96%
C 0%

Sephiran: What do you hope to gain in this fight? Will defeating you finally reveal some answers?
Vengenced hit. And Chrom missed twice. After Lucia got struck by Hardin, she then sol hitted him twice finishing him off.
Hardin: No! I won't let it end...like this...
After they've rallied the northern troops, the turn ends. Lucia had 2HP left. Player Phase! I had Linde Recue'd Donnel+Suima up north as I needed them to do battle with the northern forces. Linde levelled up and gained Mag+1 Res+1. I have Mia+Pr.Marth finish Julia off.
Julia: Why do you persist...Is there some...purpose?
Galeforced. I had Donnel+Pr.Marth approach Lyn.

A 35
H 74%
C 3%
-Katarina's Lighting

A 10
H 89%
C 22%
-Sol Katti

Lyn: The next time we meet, it's under peaceful circumstances. That is if there IS a next time...
Gets hit. Sumia: "My turn." She missed and Donnel missed. Lyn is now down to 34HP. This battle is getting divine like PartIII endgame chapter in FE10. xD
I have Lon'qu finish off Lyon with Eirika's Bladee as he said Lon'Qu: "Be Silent." upon the first strike. The crit did 69dmg.
Lyon: Perhaps there was still...weakness inside me after all...I'm in a hurry to finishing both and Julius off as they both have Vengence and are down to inches of their lives. Lon'qu levels up. Lon'qu: Most warriors never learn their limits. Res+1. I have BK finish Julius off (Brave axe).
Julius: I've been defeated? But...that's absurd...
BK: Fool. Know your place.
He levels up. HP+1 Lck+1. I have both Maribelle and Cherche Physic'd Lucia to full. Maribelle levels up. Maribelle: Anything to set myself apart from the rabble. HP+1 Def+1. Miccy got rallied by Cordelia. I have Lucia finish Oliver off as she can do 29x4 with the Brave Sword.
Oliver: Victory is nothing...Not without beauty...ugh...
I have Chrom+Aya finish off Sephiran.

A 37x2
H 100%
C 0%
-Noble Rapier

A 22
H 46%
C 0%

Sephiran: I'll never...understand...
I have Sully finish off Nergal.

A 20x4
H 100%
C 0%
-Brave Lance

A 42
H 50%
C 0%

Nergal: I...lost? No...I refuse to accept it...
I advanced Morgan and Gaius down south. After healing Mia with a Concoction. Enemy Phase. Lyn attacked and Sumia duel guarded. They both finish her off.
Lyn: I hope I can face you again...and then I can...ahh...
Micaiah approaches.
Micaiah: You won't shake my confidence, I'm going to end this here and now!
Gets hit and Donnel double hitted Miccy. Dnnel levels up and gained nothing. I need Aggressor that he learned here in this battle. Kat approaches.

A 23x2
H 50%
C 12%
-Short Axe

A 26
H 92%
C 0%
-Katarina's Lighting

Katarina: I would rather not take up a weapon, but you've left me no choice!
Duel guards her hit and sol hits her and then misses. Player Phase.
I have Linde finish off Miccy as she had 19x2 and Miccy had 24HP left.
Micaiah: I was powerless to stop it...
I have Donnel+Sumia approach Marisa.
Marisa: I'll never lose. Not until the day I suprpass my father.
Donnel: "Yee-haw." Hits. Sumia missed. Hits finishing her off.
Marisa: Next time...just wait...
I have Mia+Pr.Marth finish Kat off.
Katarina: *Sigh* I can't win no matter what I do...
I'm watching out for Jaffar as he has Leathality. I advance BK, Lon'qu and Lucia south and advance Chrom+Aya west. Ends turn. Enemy Phase.
Epharaim appraches.

A 36x2
H 95%
C 0%

A 15x2
H 51%
C 0%
-Brave Lance

Epharaim: Right now, we end this-once and for all.
Luna striked. Missed. Luna hits and he gets Arcfired. Sigurd approaches.

A 19x2
H 100%
C 0%

A 23
H 82%
C 0%

Sigurd: I ask that you fight me with the same honor I afford you.
Duel guards. Then he hits Sigurd twice with Astra activating upon the second hit as he says "Be silent." Sigurd Aegis'd three out of his five strikes for 4dmg each as he dealt 9 upon the other 2. BK levels up as he helped with a strike. Lck+1. Eliwood appraches Chrom.
Eliwood: how can you not see the madness in seeking wars outside your world?
He missed twice. He got struck twice along with Aya. Ursula approaches.

A 10
H 45%
C 1%

A 3
H 95%
C 0%

Ursula: Tell me...Are you afraid to die?
BK: I accept your challenge!
He Aegis'd upon first strike getting dealt only 1dmg then he missed her. Selena approaches.

A 4
H 100%
C 0%

A 16
H 60%
C 0%

Selena: There are no mere words to be spoken-only strength to be tested.
Hit.Astra activated. Lon'qu: How well will you die? Lon'Qu struck her 5 times for 2dmg each. He levels up. Mag+1 Res+1. Lon'Qu: Acceptable. The others advance as Elincia used Fortify. Player Phase. I have Chrom+Aya finish off Eliwood.
Eliwood: Agh...I seem to have greatly misjudged you...
I have Lon'qu finish off Ephraim. Ephraim: You might have defeated me...but this realm will never be yours...
Lon'qu levels up and gains nothing. I have Lucia finish off Sigurd.
Sigurd: Nngh...I regret losing...but it was a good fight...
I have BK finish off Ursula as she got Luna'd upon the first Brave Axe strike.
Ursula: Nngh...What?
BK levels up and gains nothing. I have Cherhe get to the northern group as I need her to get to the northern squad Sumia+Donnel, Linde, and Mia+Pr.Marth. I have Linde rescue Cherche as she is now transported by us. After advancing Donnel+Sumia east I then end turn. Enemy Phase. Leif approaches.

A 42
H 58%
C 0%
-Aversa's night

A 5
H 100%
C 6%
-Leif's Blade

Leif: I already lost one kingdom. I refuse to lose another!
Hit. Micaiah Ignis'd and missed. Sothe approaches.

A 43
H 17%
C 0%
-Aversa's Night

A 2
H 100%
C 0%
-Levin Sword

Sothe: You looking for a fight? Don't expect an easy one.
Hit. Ignis'd missed him. Raigh approaches.

A 21x2
H 100%
C 16%
-Short Axe

HP 72
A 13
H 18%
C 0%

Raigh: You want to fight me that badly? All right. But it may be quick...
Vengenced missed as Mia finishes him off with a crit.
Raigh: Nngh...I thought I was better than this...
Mia levels up. Mag+1. Caeda approaches.
Caeda: If a battle is at hand, then I will fight it with all I've got!
Chrom+Aya makes short work of her.
Caeda: I fought as best as I could...maybe...this was meant to be...
Ashnard approaches.

A 15
H 41%
C 18%
-Brave Lance

A 21x2
H 99%
C 0%
-Brave Axe

Ashnard: Ha ha! Strike me with all of your power! Let me delight in it!
After getting hit twice, both Chrom and Aya finishes him off. Chrom is now at 38HP left.
Ashnard: Nngh...you see? This is why I fight...To get a taste of something greater...
Travant approaches.

A 11x4
H 100%
C 10%
-Brave Lance

A 27
H 45%
C 0%

Travant: I cannot stop now. I have yet to earn my gold...
Me: That explains why he left the Southern Thracia to starve in the fucking mountains as he wanted the gold for himself.
Anyway, he missed and Chrom and Aya finishes him off.
Travant: No...How can I bring my homeland glory now?
Narcian approaches.

A 12x4
H 90%
C 7%
-Brave Lance

A 12x2
H 55%
C 0%
-Brave Lance

Narcian: I am strong. I am wise. I am lovely. And most importantly, I am right! Me! No one else!
Me: That's what Ilove aobut this douchebag. Thinking he's the utmost superior warrior/Character in the universe.
After hitting Chrom twice, he then finishes off Narcian. Both him and Aya. Even though he was dodging several of Aya's Thoron strikes making it cool.
Narcian: NO! Never! It's not POSSIBLE!
Chrom has 20HP left as thankfully his Aether hit recovered him 8HP. Selena strikes Lucia. Elincia advances east and Enemy Phase ends. Player Phase. I have Lucia finish off Selena.
Selena: What else can I say? I know when I have met my...match. I use an Elixir on Chrom. I have Lissa use Fortify. She levels up and gains nothing. I have Micaiah and Maribelle finish off Leif.
Leif: Will my home be taken from me...yet again?
Maribelle Galeforced. I have Cordelia snipe off Sothe as it was 22x2 H74%. She hit. Missed and got hit 15dmg. She levelled up and nothing. I have Sully finish off Sothe.
Sothe: Damn...I was so sure...
I then have Morgan pair up with Gaius and advanced them towards Lloyd away from Jaffar's range. I then have Maribelle Mend Cordelia.
Lloyd: Whatever your numbers...you're too late. I'll finish you all, one by one.
He hits and Astra'd as every hit got Duel Guarded. We hit him once and missed every other time. He had 100% hit each timewith 22 in Attk with a Brave Sword. Celica approaches. Celica: This battle might have been avoided if you'd only just stayed away.
She had A23 H 65% and has a Celica's Gale. She got Duel Guarded then got struck upon the second hit. Player Phase. I had Lucia go down south and used an Elixir. That Mov+1 got far away from him. I have Morgan+Gaius approach Jaffar.
Jaffar: You've no right to be here...so die!
He made short work of him with an Ignis'd Mjolnir. I've got this tome from spotpass. He can do 32x2 H 100% C 21%.
Jaffar: So...it was my turn...
I then have Micaiah attack Linus through the walls. He has Counter.
Linus: Start praying! I will crush you myself, in the name of the fang!
Anyway, it was A43 H 83% C 0% -Aversa's Night. Ignis'd him. I have Maribelle attack Elincia through the walls.
Elincia: Strange...I feel as though I've fought you before...
A35 H 71% C 0% -Thoron.
Elincia: But this time shall be the last. She missed. I have Chrom approach Ishtar.

H 100%
C 10%
-Brave Lance

A 23
H 46%
C 0%

Ishtar: Feel the wrath of the goddess of lighting.
She has Astra too along with Mjolnir. -.-
Hit. Aya missed. Crit.
Ishtar: Lord Julius...Are you pleased?
I have Alm strike Elincia and missed.. I have Lissa rally Maribelle and Alm. I have BK finish off Celica.
Celica: It didn't have to...be this way...
Levels up and nothing. After underestimating Lloyd, he struck down BK with many Astras. Even Pavise wasn't enough to halt the damage too all of the hits. Anyway, I just skip through the battles and get up to nearly 2/3 of this point in under a few minutes by blackening out the battles. I had Chrom finish off Linus fist as he had Counter making him much more dangerous than nearly any other foe on the map. He said this upon his defeat...
Linus: Ha! Outfought...
Ike approaches.

A 10x2
H 65%
C 0%

A 14
H 67%
C 0%

Ike: Damn these doubts. I believe in the path I've chosen!
After they Aethere'd each other...
Ike: Nngh...I lost...
Lilina approaches.

A 33x2
H 100%
C 0%

A 21
H 32%
C 0%

Lilina: We can win this. I feel it!
Missed. And she gets finished off while Aya kept missing.
Lilina: It's all right...The others will do what I couldn't...ahh...
After finishing Elincia off.
Elincia: If I fall here...what will become of my people...

A 47
H 100%
C 27%

A 7x2
H 39%
C 0%
-Brave Sword

He Astra'd, gotduel guarded. Got Astr'd with 30dmg being hit twice upon 5 strikes and Morgan Ignis'd him finishing him off. It did 71dmg Glad I've got this tome (Mjolnir) from spotpass. =)
Cuz with Armsthrift, it hasn't wasted a single use at all throughout my battles here.
Lloyd: I thought I had this one...all sewn up...
Nanna approaches.

A 24
H 74%
C 0%
-Aversa's Night

A 5
H 82%
C 0%

Nanna: I'll never give up. Not while this realm is counting on me!
Sol hit. Ignis'd. Camus approaches.

-Brave Lance

A 16
H 100%
C 0%

Camus: You cannot best me. Blame Iil fortune, if you must, in your final moments...
Duel guards it. After Chrom finishes Camus as I've blackened out the battle. Chrom didn't get touched either.
Camus: A shame...I had to make an enemy of one as strong as you...
Let's see...it was A41 H 81%. I have Donnel+Sumia approach Petrine.

A 33x2
H 95%
C 1%
-Brave Axe

A 10x2
H 57%
C 0%
-Brave Lance

Petrine: Ha! You think you stand a chance? I'll crush the arrogance out of you!
Sol hit and hit. Duel Guarded and missed. Donnel levels up and nothing. I have Micaiah finish off Petrine. She Aegis'd it, but she was near death anyway.
Petrine: Agh! Pathetic...
I have Mia+Pr.Marth finish off Nanna.
Nanna: I couldn't do it. But at least...I stood my ground...
I wait it off and have both BK and Lissa finish off Raigh. Lissa and BK levlled up. BK gained Lck+1 and Lissa gained Def+1. Lissa: I've come so far since meeting Ayanami!
Me: <3
Ends turn. Ares approaches.

A 30
H 78%
C 0%
-Aversa's Night

A 20
H 100%
C 3%

Ares: Prepare to feel the bite of Ares' blade...
Vengenced hit. She hits absorbing 17. Micaiah levels up and gains nothing. Eldigan approaches.

A 15x4
H 16%
C 1%
-Brave Axe

A 21
H 100%
C 0%

Eldigan: I'm halting your advance here and now!
Hit. Donnel missed x4 times of course with two of them being Sol strikes. (The first two) Only Sumia has struck him twice for 15dmg each. I have Chrom+Aya finish Eldigan off.
Eldigan: I'm finished...It seems...nngh...that you've won...
I have Maribelle Physic'd Donnel and she levels up and gains HP+1 Res+1. And I have Micaiah finish him off as she Ignis'd him with Aversa's Night.
Ares: What an unfitting end...for the knight in black...
The battle ends.
Chrom: Did we...Did we get them all?
Aya: I believe so. Listen...It's finally quiet...Good gods, that was brutal!
Chrom: Indeed! A truely epic battle by any measure...It's a testament to our troops and your tactics that we managed to prevail.
Aya: Chrom, we found this in the ruins.
Chrom: Another einerjar card!
Aya: Looks like it. Tihs one says: "Ike, the Radiant Hero."
Chrom: Interesting...The hero who wielded Aether in the legends of Tellius. Shall we hear him out?
Ike: That was impressive. I've never fought anyone half as strong as you. And believe me, I've crossed paths with my share of armies...The name's Ike. Ever heard of me? Have you ever heard of Ike? Yes No. I've picked No.
Ike: All right, then let me tell you a little about myself. Well...more like one thing about myself. I fight for the Greil Mercenaries. ...Sorry, I'm not very good at introductions.
Me: And u were he-man!
The army I was just fighting alongside was full of kings and lords from all over...and I didn't ask for their personnel histories, but they were tough. I could feel it in my bones. So needless to say, I'm surprised to have met someone even tougher. That wasn't dumb luck either. You'd have beaten us thirteen times out of a dozen. How did you get so strong? Is it ecause all of your units are skilled? Does your strategy make them more than the sum of their parts? Or, is there some other unseen connection between you all? Does your power connect from unseen bonds? Yes No. I've picked no.
Ike: Hmm...Not the answer I expected. But I guess it's a matter of pride, rigt? It takes alot of work to train strong warriors. Even more to teach them a move as one...Why chalk up winning tactics to some unseen force? That's your hard work.
Me: Exactly. =)
Ike: To be honest, that's sort of how I do things, too. One thing I realized quick after coming here and meeting all these high-and-mighties...I am not a born leader. Sure, I've led mercenaries. I've even been general of an army...but never for long. I can't explain it. I like my comerades, and I've seen the value of team work.
Me: And u fight for your friends. =)
Ike: It just never gets...Warm and fuzzy. I end up drifting elsewhere as soon as the fighting's done. I guess it's just in my nature.
Me: It's what you do best. =)
Ike: Funny, I never talk this much. What's gotten into me? It must have been that fight-going up against your team.
Me: Yeah, but it was a good fight nonetheless.
Ike: I feel like we've all known each other foreveer now. You know, like you and I are on thesame trajectory. Maybe we should stick together.
Me: I'd like that. =)
Ike: I'd like to fight with you again-this time, as a anlly. I recruit him and drop Soren for him.
Ike: Seems we should fight together.
Me: Yes! =)
I then receive a Limitbreaker manual and am in a hurry to giving this to BK straightaway. After a short discussion with Old Hubba about us sealing them in his cards for him and there is a spoiler here I'd like to advoid pointing out. Anyway, after the discussion, I then use the manual on BK and call it a day. Let's see...

Before slapping on Limitbreaker

Str 45(Capped!)
Mag 34
Skill 39(Capped!)
Spd 41(Capped)
Lck 40
Def 40(Capped!)
Res 43(Capped!)

After suing Limitbreaker. The caps then get removed and you'll have to gain those 10 stats again as you do not get them on their own. -.-
I also use the Manual on Linde as her Staff Rank already hit D during the midst of the battle. It is now at C rank. Hurrah! She can use Physics now! =)
It is now at a decent rank. Anyway, after getting Limitbreaker, you'll have to get the 10 stats again to go higher than 10 before. =)
Yep, that's all there is to it! =) *wink*

Rogues and Redeemers 2

Nothing much happens here except I won't be spoiling here as you will be in for a big surprise. I even had to restart it several times because of Jaffar. Lethality is dangerous. And Celica taks about how resserection can be done in her world as she forbids it and asks you if you would do this to save a friend even if it's forbidden. I pick yes and she says that she understands my feelings, but you cannot really tamper with the laws of nature of Nomah forbids it! She then joins me the beautacious Sage for Valentina. She does also mention about her being the next queen to the throne of Valentina and has travelled with friends to make her achieve that goal. I won't mention the battle here as it is pretty funny with the NPC's helping you out here. xD
Play it and see for yourself.
Edited by ポーラ
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Stats in the English Version...

Stats time...

I'm not marking levels for some of them as I've already looped them many times to get their other skills and stats. See last status report for their caps without Limitbreaker.

Chrom LV20/15/10/15/20/20/20/7 EXP49
Class: Great Lord
Final Class: Great Lord
HP 80/80(Capped)
Power 54(Capped)
Mag Pwr 11
Skill 51(Capped)
Speed 52(Capped)
Luck 56(Capped)
Def 51(Capped!)
Res 41
Sword A Lance A
Skills: Aether, Limitbreaker, Aggresor, Aegis, Rightful King

He got useful in Rogues and Reedeemers 3 and is now ready for "The Strongest One's Name!"
Res+10 got dropped for Limitbreaker. He looped two times in addition to being at LV7.

LV20/10/15/10/18 EXP96
Class: Dark Flier
Final Class: Dark Flier
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 38
Mag Pwr 46
Skill 42
Speed 46
Luck 42
Def 38
Res 43

Lance A Tome A
Skills: Iote's Shield, Ignis, Armsthrift, Limitbreaker, Sol

She has increased 6 levels since her last report.

Lissa LV20/15/10/15/10/10/4 EXP64 (Has looped too many times to count!)
Class: Bride
Final Class: Bride
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 38(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 41(Capped!)
Skill 41(Capped!)
Speed 42(Capped!)
Luck 47(Capped!)
Def 32
Res 41(Capped!)
Lance A Bow B Staff A
Skills: 090ag.pngRally Love, 049gu.pngRally Speed, luckcry.pngRally Luck, 019pk.pngRally Magic, 075n.pngRally Res

She has now learned Rally Res as I needed another Rally Res user and she's the only one on the team to not have Limitbreaker since she is purely only going to be rally botting and healing. ^-^
She also gained her only non-capped stat, Def by another 3 points! ^_~

Sumia LV20/10/15/15/15/10/20/14 EXP64
Class: Dark Flier
Final Class: Dark Flier
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 36
Mag Pwr 38+5
Skill 50
Speed 49
Luck 48
Def 31
Res 48
Lance A Tome A
Skills: gamebreaker.pngLimitbreaker, 009h.pngGaleforce, lunaw.pngLuna, 020nw.pngTomefaire,099y.pngIote's Shield

She's improved 30 levels since her last report and now has Limitbreaker.

Sully LV20/17/15/15/10/20/1 EXP80
Class: Paladin
Final Class: Paladin
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 41
Mag Pwr 17
Skill 42
Speed 43
Luck 45
Def 41
Res 24
Sword A Lance A
Skills: Astra, Aegis, Luna, Duel Support, Limitbreaker

Has grown to 20 and has relooped!

Donnel LV15/11/15/10/20/20/20 EXP53
Class: Dreadfighter
Final Class: Dreadfighter
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 45
Mag Pwr 37
Skill 43
Speed 42
Luck 49
Def 41
Res 39
Sword: A Axe A Tome B
Skills: Agressor, Sol, Aptitude, Armsthrift, Limitbreaker

Went from 12 to 20 as he now loses Res+10 for Limitbreaker.

Lon'qu LV15/20/15/10/15/30/5 EXP86
Class: Dreadfighter
Final Class: Dreadfighter
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 43+5
Mag Pwr 28+5
Skill 47
Speed 49
Luck 47
Def 38
Res 30+10
Sword A Axe A Tome A
Skills: Astra, Res+10, Limitbreaker, Swordfaire, Aggressor/Paragon

Increased 4 levels since last report and now loses Mov+1 for Limitbreaker. The +5 in Mag is for Levin Swords. He took a while to get his Limitbreaker.

Gaius LV20/10/15/10/15/19 EXP67
Class: Assassin
Final Class: Assassin
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 44+5
Mag Pwr 11+5
Skill 51
Speed 49
Luck 43
Def 35
Res 30
Sword A Bow A
Skills: Limitbreaker, Sol, Astra, Aggressor, Swordfaire

He now has learned Aggressor and Limitbreaker. He's almost ready for another loop.

Maribelle LV20/10/15/15/15/20/6 EXP4
Class: Valkyrie
Final Class: Valkyrie
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 27+2
Mag Pwr 51+7
Skill 42+2
Speed 49+2
Def 29+2
Res 53+2
Tome A Staff A
Skills: 103hr.pngAll Stats+2, gamebreaker.pngLimitbreaker, 009h.pngGaleforce, 020nw.pngTomefaire, 068h.pngLifetaker

21 levels increased since her last report and has went for one loop already.
She does best with Valflame than anything else. Only used Rexcalibur and Thoron for the Ike(DLC) repeats.

Prince Marth LV30/30/17 EXP98
Class: Lodestar
Final Class: Lodestar


HP: 80/80(Capped!)
Str 52(Capped!)
Mag 30
Skill 53(Capped!)
Speed 53(Capped!)
Luck 58(Capped!)
Def 41
Res 29
Sword A
Skills: Luck+4/Paragon, Limitbreaker, Duel Strike+, Duel Guard+, Duel Support+

After his training is done, he will get his very rare Luck+4 skill back.

Linde LV20/10/15//10/10/10/20/11 EXP3
Class: Sage
Final Class: Sage
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 35
Mag Pwr 49+5
Skill 51
Speed 53
Luck 54
Def 33
Res 37
Tome A Staff A
Skills: Tomefaire, Galeforce, Armsthrift, Ignis, Limitbreaker

She went for a loop and has gained nearly 20 levels since her last report.
I now have another Fortify user.

Black Knight LV20/15/30 EXP--
Class: Dreadfighter
Final Class: Dreadfighter
HP 80/80
Power 55(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 46
Skill 49(Capped!)
Speed 51(Capped!)
Luck 54
Def 50(Capped!)
Res 53(Capped!)
Sword A Axe A Tome A
Skills: gamebreaker.pngLimitbreaker, 093m.pngAggressor, lunaw.pngLuna, 0121lw.pngAegis, 0181d.pngPavise

He has now increased 28 levels and now has Limitbreaker. He is the utmost most powerful character I have. One of the few that I've used to get more of those Limitbreakers with no trouble.

Mia LV20/10/15/10/10/10/20/18 EXP1
Class: Hero
Final Class: Hero
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 39
Mag Pwr 30
Skill 47
Speed 47
Luck 47
Def 39
Res 36
Sword A Axe A
Skills: Galeforce, Ignis, Sol, Armsthrift, Limitbreaker

Increased 9 levels since her last report and has now learned her final skill, Limitbreaker.

Zihark LV20/10/10/15/30 EXP--
Class: Dreadfighter
Final Class: Dreadfighter
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 43
Mag Pwr 35
Skill 42
Speed 44
Luck 47
Def 39
Res 32
Sword A Axe A Tome A
Skills: Sol, Limitbreaker, Paragon, Armsthrift, Aegis

Increased 26 levels since his last report and is ready to go for a loop as he was the very last character to get Limitbreaker. Res+10 was given up for it.

Cordelia LV20/15/15/15/ EXP60
Class: Bride
Final Class: Bride
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 43
Mag Pwr 34
Skill 48
Speed 46
Luck 47
Def 42
Res 39
Spear A Bow A Staff D (Close to C)
Skills: Rally Mov, Rally Speed, Rally Love, Rally Skill, Limitbreaker

22 levels increased since her last report. Galeforce was given up for Limitbreaker.

Alm Lv30/10/10/15/15/10/26 EXP87
Class: Dreadfighter
Final Class: Dreadfighter
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 56(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 42
Skill 48
Speed 44
Luck 48
Def 46
Res 45
Sword A Axe A Tome A
Skills:gamebreaker.pngLimitbreaker, 093m.pngAggressor, 021dc.pngAstra, 0201o.pngVantage, 033c.pngWrath

He's now learned Swordfaire and has increased 34 levels since his last report. I went with a different style to best suit his characteristics and these are the skills that I gave him.
Anyhoo....he's now one of my best fighters in my squad. He's crushing his enemies into dust after getting below 40 health. They die before they can even touch him. Especially whenever Astra activates along with Vantage giving him multiple chances to crit with Wrath activating along with each Astra strike. This combination is good. You should try it! This combination can crush Dragonscale with this. He'll be one of my greatest assets in "The Strongest One's Name" now. Give him forged Celica Gales and Katarina's Lightining's/Helwraths and he's good to go! He also has better Str cap than Ike, BK and Chrom. But don't tell them that. =)

Lucia LV20/15/10/10/17 EXP0
Class: Swordmaster
Final Class: Swordmaster
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 42+5
Mag Pwr 34+5
Skill 48
Speed 46
Luck 44
Def 32
Res 33
Sword A
Skills: Sol, Armsthrift, Limitbreaker, Ignis, Swordfaire

She had no improvement sice last time! But her old caps are now removed!

Tharja LV20/10/10/10/15/15/10/15 EXP83
Class: Dark Rider
Final Class: Dark Rider
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 44
Mag Pwr 54(Capped!)
Skill 46
Speed 47
Luck 49
Def 48
Res 42
Sword A Tome A
Skills: lunaw.pngLuna, 068h.pngLifetaker, 0181d.pngPavise, 066y.pngTomebreaker, gamebreaker.pngLimitbreaker

She's learned Pavise and Tomefaire which Hit+20 and Vengeance were dropped for!
Vengeance is shit. Better to have Tomebreaker to cover for her weakness into one major thing that Pavise cannot half. She went through Gen then Sorcerer to finish her up.
She has gained 56 levels since last time. She grew substantially in the DLC episode repeats. These set of skills are recommended for her post-game!

Anna LV20/15/20/10/15/16 EXP65
Class: Dark Rider
Final Class: Dark Rider
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 37
Mag Pwr 45+5
Skill 46
Speed 41
Luck 49
Def 42
Res 36
Sword A Tome A
Skills: Limitbreaker, Lifetaker, Lucky Seven, Hit+20, Tomefaire

She has increased 57 levels since her last report and has now learned Hit+20, Tomefaire and Limitbreaker skills!

Cherche LV20/10/10/10/24 EXP12
Class: Bride
Final Class: Bride
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 44
Mag Pwr 40
Skill 45
Speed 44
Luck 46
Def 43
Res 28
Lance D Bow C Staff A
Skills: Rally Magic, Rally Love, Rally Luck, Rally Res, Limitbreaker

Has increased 14 levels since her last report and now has Limitbreaker.

Noire LV12/15/10/20/2 EX12
Class: Bowknight
Final Class: Bowknight
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 43
Mag Pwr 31
Skill 42
Speed 44
Luck 45
Def 38
Res 27
Sword A Bow A
Skills: Bowfaire/Paragon, Luna, Sol, Limitbreaker, Hit+20

Increased 28 levels since last time and has learned Luna, Bowfaire and Limitbreaker upon which Vengence went bye bye for! It's shit, so no regrets.

Morgan LV10/15/10/10/20/4 EXP64
Class: Grandmaster
Final Class: Grandmaster
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 45
Mag Pwr 45
Skill 45
Speed 48
Luck 45
Def 41
Res 34
Sword A Tome A
Skills: Limitbreaker, Rightful King, Armsthrift, Sol, Ignis

16 level increase and got his Limitbreaker pretty late.

Micaiah LV20/10/10/15/15/20/16 EXP47
Class: Grandmaster
Final Class: Grandmaster
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 45
Mag Pwr 49
Skill 46
Speed 46
Luck 49
Def 40
Res 45
Sword C (Close to B) Tome A
Skills: 085n.pngShadowgift, Ignis, Limitbreaker, Armsthrift, Rally Spectrum

Has grown 32 levels since last time and is also one of my crusaders!

Lyn LV15/15/10/20/1 EXP0
Class: Assassin
Final Class: Assassin
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 42+5
Mag Pwr 23+5
Skill 50
Speed 50
Luck 46
Def 28
Res 29
Sword A Bow A
Skills: Swordfaire, Astra, Luna, Bowfaire, Limitbreaker

Some major work has gone into her this time after only levelling 9 times during the course of the Main Story.
Has increased 42 levels since the last report and now has Luna, Hit+20, Bowfaire and Limitbreaker. Hit+20 had to be dropped for it!

Postgame party!

Celica LV20/10/10/10/20/10 EXP34
Class: Sage
Final Class: Sage
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 23
Mag Pwr 55
Skill 45
Speed 50
Luck 51
Def 32
Res 43
Tome A Staff A
Skills: Rightful Queen, Aegis/Paragon, Luna, Armsthrift, Limitbreaker

One of the two post-game only characters to participate in my run. She is already ready to go after getting Armsthrift and Luna.

Ike LV20/15/15/15/10/26 EXP26
Class: Dreadfighter
Final Class: Dreadfighter
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 55(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 42
Skill 52(Capped!)
Speed 51(Capped!)
Luck 52(Capped!)
Def 51(Capped!)
Res 47
Sword A Axe A Tome B
Skills: aether.pngAether, 023ck.pngArmsthrift, 0181d.pngPavise, 0121lw.pngAegis, gamebreaker.pngLimitbreaker
He started with Aether, Luna and Sol. Having all of that is shooting yourself in the foot. So Luna and Sol goes for Pavise and Aegis and he gets Armsthrift along with Limitbreaker. And Aether of course gets kept. He's my final character that I will use in this run. He's starting to get as good as BK and Chrom now. He's even surpassed Chrom now!


I've also used a Talismen, Boots, and Naga's tear once on all of my DLC/Spotpass characters to get them slightly more stats and more Movement. Lissa got my second pair afterwards! I've repeated the Rogues and Redeemers chapter many times and am now ready to gather some of those divine weapons as Limitbreaker had to come first. Since many of my characters needed them very badly. Makes sense to gather these first so they get their remaining stats that Limitbreaker has to offer. =)
After that, I've just got to wait for the remaining DLC's of the Future and "The Strongest One's Name" to come out! Going to work on my Japanese version shortly!

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The Strongest One's Name Part 1

So far so good.

In round one.

Rallied then I had Nino stick it to the Battle Monks. She could do 18x4. ^_^ They Aegis'd every single hit. With the Pavise+ and Aegis+ skills, they activate all the time!!! -.-

She along with Tharja pawned the two. I then send Tiki(Adult) and Ursula to take out the Generals during the enemy phase. They did splendid during the phase! After finishing off the remaining squad. I then get asked yes or no upon which Anna(TSON) looked puzzled. -.-

Thank you Vantage+Astra+Forged Celica Gale combo. Fuck joo. Nino SHOULD have joined sooner in her game! -.-She took care of 2 Gen like this. Anyway...

I pick no, cuz I want Katarina(DLC). This is if u want her or the Supreme Emblem. After picking yes to her second question, I then see a fuckload of Berserkers and Griffon Knights that all have Counter, Dragonskin, Hawkeye, Axefaire, Vengence, Mov+1, Pavise+, and that their stats are well in the 55-60's now. Already. And you only can get up to 50's-60's without rallying. O_o

They may not seem like much as your maxed stats are about at this waves, BUT THEY ALL HAVE DRAGONSKIN. It's like hitting a rock type pokemon with normal type moves! I will replay this episode lots of times like the Limitbreaker DLC to fully discover this episode and REPORT IT ALL! I will see the even stronger enemies if you go for the Supreme Emblem too. I screwed Infinite Regalia. Cuz the forged brave-like weapons are better than half of them anyway.

Wow! They do get stronger upon each wave! I stop here for the day, cuz I'll be in bed for a few hours. Will update this shortly. But still. I'm very proud of them. Here is some of my team for The Strongest One's Name!

Shit with Hawkeye, Only Duel Guards will save u here. -.-

Luckily, my Sophia can do that job. Here is my team....

Nino, Jaffar, Lyn(DLC, Lewyn, Sophia, Celica(Spotpass), Katarina (Spotpass), Tharja, Mist, Celica(DLC), King Marth, Hector, Linde, Soren, Lilina, Ursula, Tiki(Adult), Laurent, Morgan and Chrom.

I can't wait till ya'll do this. This is the most interesting portion of the entire game! They all have most interesting skills sets that you don't see anywhere else in the game unless u play on Lunatic+. I've always wanted to battle these enemies for a long time and now's my chance. I haven't unlocked Lunatic+ yet. And also, I've been crazy not to do Lunatic yet, because up till now it was all sparta over 9000 I bash u, I win. Next run as well as this episode now, no more Mr. Gamebreaking. I'm going to do Lunatic to unlock the Lunatic+ mode. Time to strategize again with my Veteran mind. I've finally found my answer. Indeed, you will find your answer once you do some of this episode as it says on the episode description. And that is that I need to do Lunatic+. I will soon enough. Because these skill sets that these enemies have in that difficulty setting along with "The Strongest one's Name" are among the most interesting in the game. And I'll try to do the main game without grinding. I don't want to go sparta, yet. It will make the other DLC's much more frightening though. -.- Anyway....

For my magers I've given them Celica Gales/Katarina Lightnings/Thoron/Rexcaliburs/A couple divine weapons that I've got from spotpass and staves which are Ward, Relive, Rescue and Fortify/Physic. Anyway...some of my team. I'll use the rest of them soon enough as I will be doing this episode more than once of course as I'm now ready to fully discover it. The characters I've brought here all have maxed stats with the exception of a couple which are one of their stats that they have most trouble growing in that I didn't want to waste stat up items on them as I need them to do the trick if need be. To tell you the truth...doing this DLC episode along with Lunatic+ whenever reinforcements arrive are like Chapter 19 in FE5 with all the Great knightish reinforcements coming about every turn. They were desparate to take over the Leonster castle. Yes. They are THAT climatic.


Class: Sage

-Celica Gale











Wpn Level

Tome B Staff C


Class: Assassin

-Brave Bow

-Brave Sword


-Pure Water







Sword A Bow A


Class: Sage







-Rally Luck

-Rally Spectrum

-Rally Def

-Rally Str

-Rally Skill

Tome A Staff C


Class: Sage










-Rightful Queen


Wpn Level

Tome A Staff A


Class: Sage






-Rally Spectrum

-Rally Res

-Rally Speed

-Rally Love

-Rally Mag

Wpn level

Tome A Staff A


Class: Dark Knight

-Kill Sword





-Rally Spectrum

-Rally Res

-Rally Speed

-Rally Love

-Rally Mag

Wpn Level

Sword C Tome A


Class: Sorcerer



-Pure Water








Wpn Level

Tome A


Class: Valkyrie












Wpn Level

Tome A Staff A

King Marth

Class: Lodestar

-Noble Rapier

-Armor Killer

-Eirika's Blade

-Levin Sword

-Pure Water






-Rightful King

Wpn Level

Sword A


Class: Sage







-Rally Luck

-Rally Spectrum

-Rally Def

-Rally Str

-Rally Skill

Wpn Level

Tome B Staff C


Class: Sage

-Naga's Tome











Wpn Level

Tome A Staff A


Class: Sage












Wpn Level

Tome A Staff C


Class: Sage

-Forged Celica Gale

-Micaiah's Pyre




Tome A Staff C


-Forged Celica Gale





Not only do I get to control my utmost favorite character in FE7, but I have given her skills that'll make even a streetpass team live in fear.







Wpn Level

Tome A Staff A


Class: Manakete






Wpn Lv



Class: Sorcerer





-Pure Water







Wpn Lv

Tome A


-Forged Ill (Named it "Desu") meaning Death in Jap writings

-Nightmare (Forged Aversa'a Night)



-Pure Water


-Rightful King





Wpn Lv

Tome A


Class: Dreadfighter










-Rightful King


Wpn Lv

Sword A Axe A Tome A


Class: Sage

-Katarina's Lightening

-Micaiah's Pyre





-Duel Support+

-Duel Guard+




Wpn Level

Tome A Staff C


Class: Assassin

-Brave Bow

-Brave Sword

-Levin Sword







Wpn Lv

Sword A Bow A

Will update their stats soon....

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Japanese Log: The Strongest one's Name Part 2

English Log: Some Supports during Rogues and Redeemers 3.

I've also forgot to mention that the warriors were there too with the same skills and that their stats are somewhat in the 70's. 2nd round too. O_o
After rallying Tiki and sending her to take out the Warriors, there was one of them that is nearly dead that had Vengence and in a hurry to teleport her away from him as her Sparta was gone and can only do 17dmg which ain't enough of course. Super Saiyan Tiki is gone and now I must wait for him to get me to get to me in order for me to finish him. Nino took out the Griffon Knights to the east as I am thankful that they don't have Iote's. Luckily, Ursula had enough Mov after the Rally boosts to finish him off. She Galeforced and I had her kill the last one. The Warriors advancing north and east all have Counter/ *gulp* I've rescued Nino+Jaffar. Rallied her and sent her west to take out the Griffon knights during the enemy phase. Was checking to see if they had Counter and thankfully they don't. Otherwise the strategy would fail and would have to think of another one. The Warriors however have Counter and it is best to wait for them to come to me. I've seen what maxed Hector can do to a Griffon Knight. This is to test without Limitbreaker. It was 36x2 that he would be dealt with. Yep, without it, you won't stand a chance. Watching the Warriors ranges of course with everyone else. Now! I hope Nino can do this as I need to show Anna(TSON) that my squad are worthy to be there on this holy ground. After advancing everyone up north near but away from the Warriors. Enemy Phase. Nino took out 2 with no problem. But one of them was smart to advance by the Warriors. Shit! After rallying, I have Laurent kill one of the Warriors and take out the other with Morgan. Teleported Laurent away as he is in range of one of them. The other warriors east can easily cross over the river thanks to their Mov+1. Anyway, *tears of joy* this is a wonderful experience. After I plan to group up, I'll kill the Warriors up north with Counter next turn. This ain't good to ever battle them up close. -.-

I advance Tiki up north after getting rallied hoping that she will kill them during the enemy phase. I had Nino kill the last Griffon Knight before ending the turn. She got one but failed to kill the other one. Now. Player Phase. Now the Warriors crossed the river now they'll get to us by next turn. Okay. Now I rally and kill the other berserkers and waiting for the Warriors to advance and now doing a deceisive enemy phase initiation. Now the Warriors are by me. Time to finish them with Celica Gales and doing just that. Now TSON Anna smiles. I then get asked Yes No. I answer Yes and the stage ends by mistake. Oops. Wrong option. Okay, now I do some preparing to get them better prepared for it to up their limitations even further and I'll reset the game next time and black out the battles if I ever pick the wrong options by mistake. I let it go this time as I needed them to get better prepared for it. Anyway, I now do another round of this episode and here is what I gave them.

Class: Sage

-Forged Celica Gale



Wpn Level
Tome B Staff C

Class: Assassin

-Forged Killer Bow
-Forged Brave Sword
-Pure Water



Sword A Bow A

Class: Sage



-Rally Luck
-Rally Spectrum
-Rally Def
-Rally Str
-Rally Skill

Tome A Staff C

Class: Sage



-Rightful Queen

Wpn Level
Tome A Staff A

Class: Sage


-Rally Spectrum
-Rally Res
-Rally Speed
-Rally Rally Love
-Rally Mag

Wpn level
Tome A Staff A

Class: Dark Knight

-Forged Kill Sword


-Rally Spectrum
-Rally Res
-Rally Speed
-Rally Rally Love
-Rally Mag

Wpn Level
Sword C Tome A

Class: Sorcerer

-Forged Ill
-Forged Nosferatu
-Pure Water



Wpn Level
Tome A

Class: Valkyrie




Wpn Level
Tome A Staff A

King Marth
Class: Lodestar

-Forged Noble Rapier
-Armor Killer
-Forged Eirika's Blade
-Levin Sword
-Pure Water


-Rightful King

Wpn Level
Sword A

Class: Sage



-Rally Luck
-Rally Spectrum
-Rally Def
-Rally Str
-Rally Skill

Wpn Level
Tome B Staff C

Class: Sage

-Naga's Tome


Wpn Level

Tome A Staff A

Class: Sage




Wpn Level
Tome A Staff C

Class: Sage

-Forged Celica Gale

Tome A Staff C


-Forged Celica Gale

Not only do I get to control my utmost favorite character in FE7, but I have given her skills that'll make even a streetpass team live in fear.



Wpn Level
Tome A Staff A

Class: Manakete

-Divine Dragonstone(Stronger one)x2


Wpn Lv

Class: Sorcerer

-Forged Ill
-Forged Nosferatu
-Pure Water



Wpn Lv
Tome A


-Forged Ill (Named it "Desu") meaning Death in Jap writings
-Nightmare (Forged Aversa'a Night)
-Pure Water


-Rightful King

Wpn Lv
Tome A

Class: Dreadfighter

-Forged Tomahawk
-Forged Celica Gale


-Rightful King

Wpn Lv
Sword A Axe A Tome A

Class: Sage

-Forged Celica Gale


-Duel Support+
-Duel Guard+

Wpn Level

Tome A Staff C


-Forged Brave Bow
-Forged Brave Sword
-Levin Sword



Wpn Lv

Sword A

It also showed that I completed it in 7 turns too. They also allow you to bring 20 characters here. it makes some song here of greeting before I begin the battle. It makes a song of whenever you meet Basilio, Flavia, Lon'qu, Sumia, etc. After I finish the round I now get asked Yes and No questions which upon I answer No then No then Yes. The second round now starts and the second wave arries and that they look weaker than the ones I've fought before. I've picked the wrong route last time which was actually the Supreme Emblem one. But since this team are built to battle the Supreme Emblem enemies, this should make this route alot easier to recruiting Kat. <3

Anyway, in the Katarina route, some Dracoknights along with Swordbreaker, Vengence, Dragonskin and Pavise+ as well as some Battle Monks that have Renewal, Vengence, Dragonskin, and Aegis+. Their stats are also in the 40's-50's. This shouldn't be too hard. Anyway, I've battled stronger enemies before, so this should be easy. =)
I have Chrom, Tiki and Tharja take out the Dracoknights east and having Mist, Lilina and Laurent take out the enemies west. Anyway, with Limitbreaker, this should make getting Katarina easy since they were built to battle them without it. But with it, especially with a full party they can can destroy them every time with minimal tactics! ^^

After they were dealt with I now get asked Yes No. Answer No if you want to continue the map, because picking Yes will make you quit it. I answer No of course as I'm sure she asks whether you want to continue it or not. The squad this time are Snipers, Bowmen and Generals. Their stats are in the 40's to 50's again. Anyway, the Generals have Rally Def, Vengence, Dragonskin, and Pavise+. The Snipers have Bowfaire, Dragonskin, Hawkeye and Aegis+. The Bowmen have Bowbreaker, Dragonskin, Hawkeye and Pavise+. Anyway, without the rally boosts, Chrom manages to gain the upper hand on 2 Gens during the enemy phase with an unforged Thoron. I have Tharja, Lyn, and Sophia battle the Bowmen in the east blocking the path, so they don't get through. The Snipers were easy enough to deal with. Even though they Aegis'd mah spells. I rally of course to be able to do enough damage to them with the spells. As they all have Aegis+'s. They also are pretty tough even in this route, so don't underestimate them. I won't lie. But you must break your limitations whenever you can with +Skills, Faire's, Luna, Ignis, tonics, and supports. Because they're tough as rocks. Unfortunately, after taking the enemies out during the phase as the Longbow Snipers kept pelting King Marth with no shield activations. After the enemy phase, my battery gets low and I must quit it here for now.

English Version Report

Maribelle+Gaius (A Support)

Maribelle: "So sorry." I am in your debt, Gaius.
Gaius: "Huh"? You are?
Maribelle: "Yes." Yes. I wrote down everything you told me and sent it to my father. Now he will be able to turn the tables on the dastards who plotted against him.
Gaius: "Oh yeah." Well, I...I hope it works out for him.
Maribelle: "My gratitude." If it does, it will be thanks to your willingness to tell the truth. So again, thank you.
Gaius: "Uggh." Don't thank me, Twinkles. I don't deserve it. It was a cowardly thing I did, and a day doesn't go by that I haven't regretted it. I even sent a letter after the trial, but too late, too late, I reckon.
Maribelle: "Uggh." Wait, that was you?! That letter rescued my father from the headsmen's axe!
Gaius: "Nope." I'm pleased to hear it. But I should have done more.
Maribelle: "No." Gaius, you saved my father's life! Admittedly, your actions put him in danger in the first place...But still! You wrote that letter knowing the scemers would try to hunt you down!
Gaius: That wasn't a worry, I'm pretty good at running away from things.
Maribelle: *Pant* I've been very unfair toward you, Gaius. I spoke before I knew all the facts.
Gaius: "Done!" Hey, I'm the one who broke into your royal treasury. ...Twice.
Maribelle: "No." Thief you may be, but you are more honest than half the so-called nobles I know. But, there is still one thing you haven't told me...when the plotters secured your testimony, who did they threaten? It must be someone important to you.
Gaius: "Uggh." Nope. I'd never met her. Never ever saw her, in fact. All I knew is that she was a young girl who didn't deserve to die. Even if it meant sending her father off to swing.
Maribelle: "Uggh." W-wait. Those blackguard nobles threatened to kill me?!
Gaius: Yep.
Maribelle: "Really?" You testified against father to save my life...
Gaius: "Yep." Seemed the best option of a bad time lot at the time. And now that I know you, I'd make the same decision a dozen times over.
(Gaius and Maribelle attained support level A.)

Tharja+Noire (B Support)

Tharja: "Urrgh." Why doesn't it work?! We're performing the rites in perfect sync!
Noire: "Um." Hmm...still no use, then.
Tharja: "What?" "Still?"
Noire: "Sorry." Well, I've...I've never managed to actually place a hex on anyone...I can use dark magic in combat just fine. But the sorts of hexes you deal in, Mother-they've always been beyond me somehow.
Tharja: "What?" That makes no sense. You're able to mirror my actions perfectly.
Noire: "Well?" True, but I can only mimic the form. Not the substance.
Tharja: "What are you doing?" It still doesn't make sense. But then again, none of this does. Why wouldn't my future self have taught you how to properly curse people? If I was swallowed up in research, I'd never turn away a useful assistant...
Noire: "No." I'm not sure. I was pretty young.
Tharja: "Tch." Hardly a problem. I was instructed in the dark arts from in fancy. Even my umbilical cord was cut with a curse.
Noire: *screams* Ew, gross! What kind of weirdo curses a newborn baby?!
Tharja: *laughs* Meh heh heh...Well, no matter. That just means it falls on me to shape you into something useful. Oh, and I shall teach you...Whether you wish it or not. Heh...Meh heh heh.
Noire: "You've got this..." I'm S-scared, Mother...But I'll try to...do my best.
Tharja: "Humph." Hmm, yes. Yes, you will...
(Tharja and Noire attained support level B.)

Maribelle+Gaius (S Support)

Maribelle: "Uggh." Why, Gaius. I couldn't help but notice you were fighting alongside me again.
Gaius: "Huh?" Sorry, Maribelle. Just let me know if I ever get in the way.
Maribelle: "My humble thanks." Not at all. I was grateful for the help...And you DID look rather galliant.
Me: ^__^
Maribelle: But Gaius, you musn't keep trying to atone for the past. All has been forgiven.
Gaius: "Nope." I appreciate you saying that. But I'd like to keep on protecting you as best as I can. I saved your life once, and...I don't know. I guess that kind of thing grows on a man.
Maribelle: "No." Then I hope you never leave my side. I say that as a soldier...and a woman.
Gaius: "Eggh." Crivens. Th-that's mighty kind of you to say, but...
Maribelle: "Well." Tell me, Gaius, Do you feel the same way? ...About me, I mean.
Gaius: "Yep." Actually, I've been having the same thoughts.
Me: ^~^
Gaius: I even went ahead and made this ring. I don't wanna seem forward or nothing, but since we're talking and all, I thought-
Maribelle: *giggles* Oh, Gaius. I accept!
(Gaius and Maribelle attained Support level S.)

Paralogue 7 Noble Lineage
*Will continue later as well as Paralogue 20.*

Anyway after the chapters...

Maribelle+Brade (C Support)

Maribelle: "Come now." Now, repeat after me: "My name is Brady. Pleased to make your acquaintance.
Brady: .....
Maribelle: "What?" Did you hear me? "My name is Brady. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
Brady: "eggh." ...The name's Brady. Pleased to make your acquaintance.
Maribelle: "Clearly." "My name IS", Brady. NOT "The name's." Now, "My mother's name is Maribelle. ...Go ahead, darling. Try it.
Brady: "Haaah." My ma...Er, my mother...Aw, nuts, ma! Yer crazy if you think I'm puttin' up with this crap!
Maribelle: "Eggh." Don't you dare walk out on me, young man!
Brady: "You know?" Ma, we're at war here. Ya know? With the killin' and all that malarkey? If you wanna teach me something, teach me some tricks with a staff.
Maribelle: "Wretched beast." I'll teach nothing of the sort to a boor who scoffs at the value of proper language!
Brady: "Huh?" Why not?
Maribelle: "Clearly." A person's words reflect their character.
Brady: "Eggh." So anyone who speaks a little rough is some kinda knuckle dragger? Ain't that a little simplistic?
Maribelle: "No." Unrefined language shows a lack of concern for how one come across to theres. It demonstrates a lack of respect and is ample cause to judge someone.
Brady: *Sigh* Why ya always gotta be so hardheaded about everything?
Maribelle: "So sorry." Better a hard head than a brain made of mush! I'd sooner choose my words carefully than speak rashly and regret it.
Brady: "You want some?" Sounds like somebody screwed up in the past, yeah? Who'd you piss off?
Maribelle: *Sigh* Really, must your EVERY phrase be vulgar? It should be "WHOM did you piss off."
Brady: ...Go on, repeat it for yourself.
Brady: "Wha?" Uh, something tells me that still ain't entirely proper speech...
(Maribelle and Brady attained Support level C)

Gaius+Brady (C Support)

Brady: *giggles* Tea's ready. It's the, uh...The what it kind. From that place. You know, the expensive junk.
Gaius: "uggh." *And smiles* Um...
Brady: "Whazzat?" Well...? Whaddya waitin' for? A royal invitation? It's all set and ready to go-just the way ya like it.
Gaius: "Uggh." Uh, Brady?
Brady: "Can it." Let's step it up, old-timer! Tea ain't gettin' any hotter!
Gaius: "Uggh." Oh, right. S-sorry...*sip* ...But, uh, Brady?
Brady: "You want some?" Yeah?
Gaius: "Nope." What did you mean, "just the way that I like it?" I hardly ever drink tea.
Brady: "ehh?" Whaddya mean? You drink it everyday. You never miss teatime.
Gaius: "Huh?" Er, I've had the odd cup here or there, but I've never had a "teatime" in my life.
Brady: "Ummghh." ...WHAT?! Ma told me to join ya in your daily tea ritual! Even gave detailed instructions! Wait...Did she make it all up?
Gaius: "yep." Considering I don't even know what a "tea ritual" is, I'm guessing she did.
Brady: "Heeyaah." That dirty...I bet she's laughing her head off right about now!
Gaius: *sigh* So what exactly did she say about me?
Brady: "Uggh." Oh, don't you worry. I'm gonna have me a nice, long chat with dear ol' Ma! You just sit there and drink your damn tea. So long, old-time!
*Leaves and comes back*
Brady: "Yeah." ...Oh, and set this on top of the pot. It keeps the tea warm.
Gaius: "Hello?" ...When did my life get so weird?
Me: lol xD
(Gaius and Brady attained support level C)

Noire+Tharja (A support)

Noire: Ok, I've got this." I've assembled the last of the implements of the rite, Mother. I'm finally going to learn to cast hexes. I'll make a useful assistant yet, just watch!
Tharja: ...
Noire: "Um?" Er, mother?
Tharja: "Humph." ...I've changed my mind. There will be no rite tonight.
Noire: "Huh?" What? But...
Tharja: "Yeah. Yeah." I won't be teaching you the dark arts. Now put those implements away.
Noire: "Wha?" But why? Wh-what did I do? Do I lack the talent? Am I in your way?
Tharja: "Interesting." You have a frightening amount of talent. Your innate magical potential is vast. Even the talisman I made turned you into an entirely different person!
Me: Yeah. But at least no mugger or murderer will dare mess with her.
Tharja: One couldn't hope for a greater vessel to shape into a curse slinger...And you could never be in my way.
Noire: "ehh." Then why?
Tharja: ...I think I've come to understand the motives of my future self.
Noire: "Huh?" What?
Tharja: "Pfft, useless." I don't want you dealing in hexes. The dark arts carry with them tremendous risks. My future self knew as much...
Noire: "Umm." You think that she was worried for my safety? That...she loved me?
Tharja: "Well?" Can't say. Not about her, at least. ...But I love you, if that helps.
Me: <3
Noire: "ehhh." Mother...
Tharja: "I can handle myself." Just don't expect me to say it often! ...Or maybe ever again. And just because hexes are off the table doesn't mean I have nothing to teach you. There are more ways than hexing to skin a cat...or other things. Heh. So pay attention, and try to follow along.
Noire: *giggles and smiles* oh yes, ma'am!
(Tharja and Noire attained support level A)

I've initiated these during my repeats of the Rogues and Redeemers 3 episode!

Tips for surpassing beyond games limit for TSON and Streetpass

Berserkers with dragonskin and shield skills makes it hard to dmg them at all with their good defenses. Especially if they carry a divine weapon....

Limitation surpass time...

-Maxed Limitbreaker stats/or not if can't get yet.

I've got one of my characters 92HP with a HP+5 skill, HP tonic, and All Stats skill.


Everything else All Stats+2

Str=Str+2, All Stats+2, Str tonic

Mag=Mag+2/All Stats+2/Mag tonic

Spd=Spd+2, All Stats+2, Spd tonic

Luck= Luck+2/+4, All Stats+2, Lck tonic

Def= Def+2, All Stats+2, Def tonic

Res= Res+2, All Stats+2, Res tonic

Faires= +5

Divine Weapons


Mjolnir Skill+5

Forseti= Spd+5

B.O.N= Def and Res+5

M.Pyre= Def and Res+2

Yewfelle= Spd+5


Double Bow= Str+5

Helswrath= Def+5


Hector's Axe=Str and Def+2

Gaebolg= Def+5


Luna Spear

Finn's Lance=Def and Luck+2

Ephraim's Lance= Str and Spd+2

Tyrfing= Re+5

Balmung= Spd+5

(Helps, but half of them should be ignored as the brave effect weapons do a much better job! Especially with Astra.)

Rallies=Can give off up to 10 in each since boosts do not stack up unless it is a differ rally











You only need Astra, Luna, or Ignis/Armsthrift/Limitbreaker/Aggressor. The rest should be plus skills to up their limitations even further. You want to surpass as much as possible for this map.

Edited by ポーラ
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The Strongest One's Name Part 3

Continuing from where I left off. The three remaining Snipers were easy enough without boosts. Yep! I'm holding back some of my units limits against them. I've finished them off without rally boosts and Celica'd the hell out of them. Okay. I pick No then get asked another. I pick No again and now some Dark Pegs, Griffon knights, Falcoknights and Dragonmasters arrive. The Dragonmasters have Swordbreaker, Vengeance, Dragonskin, and Pavise+. The Falcoknights have Lancefaire, Dragonskin, Hawkeye, and Pavise+. The Griffon knights have lancebreaker, Dragonskin, Hawkeye, and Pavise+. The Dark Pegs have Rally Mov, Vengeance, Dragonskin, and Pavise+. Their stats are now at their 50's. I've attacked the Dark Pegs with Celica Gales almost got Vengeanced too. Got Duel Guarded. Thank you Duel Guard+. Anyway, one of them dies. I'll be careful not to ever do that again. Now I group them up by the throne and end the turn. I have Chrom take a Rexcalibur out of the convoy and advance him east. Ends turn. He could only be dealt 4dmg to them. He took most of them out easilty. The Dark Pegs advance as Tiki barely touched them. -.-
Stupid Aegis+. The remaining forces advance north. Ends turn. Shit, have to Rally because the boss' stats is in her 60's. -.-
Even with the boosts, only King Marth can deal 30x2 with a Forged Noble Rapier. I've paired King Marth thankfully the Vengeanced hit missed as it had a 57% chance at doing so. I have Tiki+Gaius and Tharja+Soren, and Laurent+Linde take out the Dark Pegs with minimal effort. Their vengeanced hits did no more than 30dmg anyway. I have Lyn kill the last Griffon without any boosts. I then play cat and mouse tactic. I have Nino, Lilina, and Ursula kill the Dracomasters with minimal effort without boosts. Teleported them away as their defenses are pretty squishy without boosts. Had Kat do a rally on laurent and sent him to the Dracoknights to meet their makers. The Falcoknights will get to us by next turn. Those Valhalla bitches. -.-
After Chrom did well during the enemy phase as they kept Aegising all of my hits. They were at 20 health left till the other 2 fortified them to full. -.-
Laurent killed the remaining Dracomasters with minimal effort. Thank you, Kat! I had Lyn Brave Astra bowed them to hell. They've Aegis'd all 20 of her hits, but the enemy died anyway without any boosts. Epic! Love this game! Advance the others by the alter teleporting Lyn away ending my turn. Enemy Phase. Chrom nailed them to 4 health with the Tomahawk. The other two fortified. Damn! I have king marth nail one with Luna'd Noble Rapier hits as Aegis+ won't blunt sword hits. Now remember, the + Aegis and Pavaises always activate. Without boosts. She was to hit him for 18dmg but he Pavaised it doing only 9dmg. Take that fucking Hawkeye. Had Lyn snipe the B-Jesus out of the other one as she got hurt for 32dmg. This is without boosts of course. She'd Aegis+ all of them, but it finised her anyway. With a bunch of Astra's. Healed and ended turn. Enemy Phase. They advance. Ends turn. Damn! This is the most dragonballic chapter in the series. I'm now officially tieing this game with FE1(NES). They both are my utmost favorite FE games in the series. Yeah! I've fully boosted Lyn this time without supports and killed one with minimal effort anyway. Aegis+'d them but the enemy died anyway after 3 hits. Sometimes, in this route, you can play around with your valor and go up and down. I LOVE THIS GAME. She even grew a point in Mag+1. Did the same with Chrom and Tomahawked the shit out of her. Now TSON Anna giggles and I answer NO and she says what brave heros we are. NOW! Teleporting Lyn by the group ending turn! Enemy Phase. WOOAH! FUCK! There are like 25 soldiers now. Their stats are in their 50's-60's. Let's see here...There are 7 Heros, 3 Falcoknights, 5 Snipers, 4 Battle monks 2 male two female, 3 Paladins, 3 Generals, and one Dark Peg.Shit! I was wrong. There is 26. Their stats mostly are at 55's. only the boss and another hero has it to their 60's. Okay. I better start rallying against those two enemies. Their stats have improved big time and this sucks. Here are the skills that they hae. 7 Heros have Axebreaker, Dragonskin, Hawkeye, and Pavise+. The boss hero has all those along with Mov+1. The 3 Falcoknights have...Lancefaire, Dragonskin, Hawkeye, and Aegis+. Their leader also has Mov+1. The 3 Paladins have Res+2, Dragonskin, Hawkeye, and Aegis+. Their leader also has Mov+1. The Generals have Rally Def, Vengeance, Dragonskin, and Pavise+. Their leader also has Mov+1. The lonewolf dark huntress (Dark Peg) has Mov+1, Rally Mov, Aegis+, Vengeance, and Dragonskin. Great! If they all advance, this could get ugly. Time to go ssj2, Tiki. Rallied her and send her down. None of them advanced. Crackers! Now what to do? After getting close enough, they now start advancing. Great. With them all having Hawkeye and Dragonskin makes this much much worse. I'd better attack a couple with boosts and start teleporting like theirs no tommorrow. Because it's very dangerous if they all gang up on one character and all are possessing Hawkeye. Anyway, Soren can do 24x4 to one hero without boosts. I take him out with minimal effort. He had a forged Dragon Killer which would have been dangerous to Tiki. I had Ursula Galed the fuck out of another. She did 16x4 and Astra'd him like theirs no tommorrow. Galeforced. I do the same to another Hero and have her as it was 16x4 again. After rescuing them away, I now struggle for 5 min as there are still alot of them. Crap. Time to have Tiki go ssj1. Gave her 1 rally boost and advance everyone else up north and ends the turn. She took care of the dark peg. The other 3 were near fatal and only the boss sniper could damage her. The others advance up north. Ends turn. Her saiyan powers are gone and now she can get dealt around 11-20dmg from them. I slowly pick them off one by one with Celica Gale users and King Marth and teleporting them away to have them in range only against a couple. As I'm too scared to attack the Gens as they have forged spears along with Vengeance. After advancing everyone else far away from them. Ends turn. I slowly have King Marth and the others with Celica Gales pick them off. It's so cool to see their bodies bounce upon the horizon along with the FE8 battle theme playing. After slowly picking them off. Unfortunately, I thought Ursy could hold off 2 Snipers and a Gen. She didn't. I lose. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOx1000. *Restarts* I redo the entire episode without blackening out the battles and letting the battle animations play in full as this episode is more than good enough to watch all the battles here. I also discovered another good tip during my second tryout and have finally learned how to gring Pavise and Aegis+ into dust. During your duel strikes, your assistant's hits will never be blunted! Taking the enemies out was easy enough with Lyn and Jaffar as I had them kkill those annoying Longbow Hawkeye'd Snipers as they love to pelt your ralliers if they get the chance. I then Have Chrom+Morgan mop up the remaining forces with minimal effort of a rally boost. The Battle Monks could only do Attk 0 Hit 11% and Crit 0. Broken at least a couple of enemies. Luckily, they didn't have Hawkeye. But Their Vengeance would have probably packed a puch if they hitted as they were down to 2 health left before they retaliated when the Duel Guards blocked them both. Anyway, I end the chapter and TSON Anna was impressed that she gives me Katarina's Einjihar card and now SHE'S MINE!!!!! FOREVER! *Records her in logbook immediatly* Also this is the only character to not have a talk with you. -.-
But welcome to the group, Kat(DLC). Okay, after I train her and get her skills, then I will start the Supreme route next.
*To be continued*

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