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The Strongest One's Name Part 4

After speanding a little time at "Infinite Regalia", I then use some tonics and +skills. Then I begin TOSN again and go on the Supreme Emblem route.

I bring these units into the frey...

Class: Dradfighter

-Forged Celica's Gale
-Exalted Falchion


-Rightful King

Sword A Axe A Tome A

Class: Dark Peg

-Luna Spear
-Forged Celica's Gale
-Forged Katarina's Lightning

-Iote's Shield

Lance A Tome A

Class: Dark Peg

-Forged Brave Lance
-Forged Celica's Gale
-Forged Katarina's Lightning
-Pure Water

-Iote's Shield

Lance A Tome A

Class: Dreadfighter

-Forged Bolt Axe
-Forged Levin Sword



Sword A Axe A Tome A

Class: Valkyrie



Tome A Staff A

Class: Sorcerer

-Death (Ill tome)
-Forged Nosferatu
-Nightmare (Aversa's Night)


-Rightful King

Sword A Tome A

Class: Sorcerer

-Forged Ill
-Forged Nosferatu
-Pure Water



Tome A

Class: Sage



-Rally Luck
-Rally Spectrum
-Rally Def
-Rally Str
-Rally Skill

Tome A Staff C

Class: Sage


-Rally Spectrum
-Rally Res
-Rally Speed
-Rally Rally Love
-Rally Mag

Wpn level
Tome A Staff A

Class: Dark Knight

-Forged Kill Sword


-Rally Spectrum
-Rally Res
-Rally Speed
-Rally Rally Love
-Rally Mag

Wpn Level
Sword C Tome A

Class: Sorcerer

-Forged Ill
-Forged Nosferatu
-Pure Water



Wpn Level
Tome A

Class: Sage



-Rally Luck
-Rally Spectrum
-Rally Def
-Rally Str
-Rally Skill

Wpn Level
Tome B Staff C

Class: Grandmaster

-Katarina's Lightning
-Micaiah's Pyre
-Pure Water

-Rally Love
-Rally Str
-Rally Mag
-Rally Spectrum
-Rally Speed

Sword A Tome A

Class: Bride



-Duel Support+

Lance A Bow A Staff B (Close to A)

Class: Assassin

-Forged Brave Sword
-Forged Levin Sword
-Innes' Bow



Sword A Bow A

Class: Sorcerer

-Forged Ill
-Forged Nosferatu
-Pure Water



Wpn Level
Tome A

Class: Assassin

-Forged Levin Sword
-Forged Brave Bow
-Sol Sword
-Pure Water


Sword A Bow A

Class: Great Lord

-Forged Spear
-Parellel Falchion
-Forged Brave Lance


-Rightful Queen
-Duel Attack+

Sword A Lance A

Class: Dreadfighter

-Forged Celica's Gale
-Forged Brave Sword
-Forged Brave Axe
-Forged Bolt Axe



Sword A Axe A Tome A

Class: Bride

-Forged Brave Bow


-Duel Guard+
-Duel Support+

Lance A Bow A Staff A

Class; Warrior

-Forged Bolt Axe
-Forged Brave Bow
-Pure Water



Axe A Bow A

I'm this time having the rest of my party shine that didn't participate last time. Only the ralliers, Laurent and Tharja out of this group participated last time! Anyway, after getting through the second battle, I then pick the option NO and she now sends 5 Snipers, 5 Trickers, and 5 Great knights. The Great knights have Gamble, Wrath, Aegis+, Dragonskin, and Hawkeye. The Tricksters have Wrath, Vengeance, Pavise+, Anathsma, and Dragonskin. Should've picked hawkeye, fools! Anyhoo, the Snipers have Counter, Dragonskin, Luna+, and Vantage+. The boss has Dragonskin, Luna+, Vantage+, Aegis+, and Pavise+. Whoo boy! The boss will be the hardest to take out as he has both+ shields. So, Duel Attacks are in order here. And their stats are around the 55's-70's. The Tricksters have the 55's and the Snipers have the 60ish stats with the Boss' being somewhat around the 70's. With those + shield skills makes it alot worse. Upon moving them down into one of Tricksters ranges is now where things start to heat up as they begin advancing. I pair Chrom with Lissa, rallied them, sent them to range of all the Tricksters. As it is best to wait till the enemy phase to attack them as they carry both Vengeance and Wrath(Both which are useless if their health is full.) Anyway, Chrom+Lissa easily takes them out in no trouble at all. Now the Great Knights Aegis+'d all of his Celica Gales having them do only 3dmg each. owain did nicely to them leaving them to about 1/3 of their health after Owain attacked them over 30 times as he has Astra along with a Celica's Gale tome. He could not dodge their hits as they have hawkeye. But I'm glad that Aptitude came in handy, as his maxed stats were very easy to reach because of it. The Snipers advance as they are in a hurry to send my team in the emergency room. O_o
Thankfully, the snipers don't have hawkeye. Now I advance Owain+Lucina by the area to the left by the pillars, so they don't get through. But that fatal mistake almost costed me the mission. As he was in jeapordy when he got ganged up on by all 5 Great Knights. With them all having Hawkeye, he got hit 3 times and Duel Guarded the other 2 hits. The 5th Great knight would have finished him(Owain), but the Duel Guard from an S support Lucina should never be underestimated. But thankfully both Tricksters and Great knights are now off our backs leaving only the Snipers left. I am in a hurry to gang up on them when they get to us. As they all have Luna+ and Vantage+. Even after an S support with full Rally boosts, the boss Sniper still can double attack Rune+Chrom. -.-
Stupid Brave Bow forged that he has. Rune+Chrom with Celica Gales were enough to kill him anyway. Okay, I now attack one of the Snipers with Rune+Chrom again as Rune Galeforced while attacking up close. If you attack them up close, it'll get their Counter to activate. She got Countered twice, but thank god Chrom critted during her assistance killing him in the process. You have to attack at 2 range against them, or you'll get Countered. -.-
I now kill the second Sniper with laurent+Severa (S Support). Laurent got Vantage'd+ and Luna+ hitted him dealing 57dmg. EVIL! You can't do this yourself with your Sniper, as their Dragonskin will nullify it. But use this strategy elsewhere. ^^
Anyway, I finish Rallying Lissa and Donnel and pair them up as they have an S support. Great! =D
Time to attack far away. She kills him. Galeforced. I finish rallying Legion+Florina and Owain+Lucina after I use the Goddess Staff so they can ensure to get fully restored as they are now badly hurt from all the Vantage+ Luna+ counters. Luckily, I've given Lissa all 5 of my Dragonshields after getting done with them on my Spotpass/DLC characters. As she probably wouldn't survive otherwise. She didn't cap Def yet, but she has 40Def and that the Luna'd hit did 69dmg on her. EVIL! And by the way, Luna+ allows them to always hit you with Luna'd hits. Evil, Evil, Evil, Evil, Evil. After getting fully restored, I then have Lissa+Donnel kill the last Sniper. Luckily, I gave Donnel my second Valflame. Which I've obtained during my several visits at "Infinite Regalia." 40+15 Def was enough for Lissa to survive. ^_^
She'd be dead without Iote's too. I then have Lissa+Donnel kill the last Sniper far away as she got dealt 69dmg again. Donnel was too dumb to ever Duel Guard them. -.-
I then finish off the Great knight with Owain+Lucina(S Support) with a Forged Brave Axe. As it could deal 19x4 instead of 16x4. Which that's what the Forged Brave Sword would have done. Anyway, TSON Anna smiles and asks another question. I answer No and...then I finish up healing ending my turn. Now some paladins, Sorcerers, and Falcoknights come and are frightening as fuck. Okay, here is what they have. Paladins have Sol, Dragonskin, Rightful God, and Pavise+ while the leader had Aether, Dragonskin, Pavise+, Rightful God, and Hawkeye. The Sorcerers have Vengeance, Vantage, Hawkeye, Dragonskin, and Miracle. Prayer(Inori in Japanese). Great. D=
With their 70 Luck, it has a 70% chance to activate.The boss has Vantage, Luna+, Pavise+, Miracle, and Dragonskin. Wooah! With his Luck being at 99, it has a 99% chance to activate, If he had Vengeance along with that, then he'd be near impossible to defeat without a Brave weapon. The valhalla bitches have ignis, Dragonskin, Rightful God, and Aegis+. Their leader has Aether, Dragonskin, Aegis+, Rightful God, and Hawkeye. They also have Cathesis staves. Which is bad of course as they can heal their comerades from far away along with their deadly skills. Shit! I should have brought king marth here. He'd be a big help against those Valhalla bitches. Hearing the Tower Of Valni FE8 song along with the valor of the enemies here makes this episode a must have into anyone's game. It's also great with them having Rightful God as now I am challenging Angels from heaven. Erm...Dominions.
Their stats are in the 55's-70's again. No power increase., but their deadlier skill combinations makes this very fearful. -.-
The Falcoknights may hold only Forged Spears, 1 with a Forged Beast Killer, and other 2 with Shocksticks, but with Ignis+Rightful God doesn't make this good at all. It may be safe to pick them off one by one keeping out of range of the others. Or hoping that Duel Guards will save them. The other sorcerers have vengeance along with Miracle making this very bad. Especially with the boss by them. It's safe to attack them during the enemy phase. They have Forged Nosferatu's by the way. The Paladins, one of them has a Forged Brave Sword, Forged Silver Lance, Forged Silver Sword, Forged levin Sword, and their leader has a Ragnell. The Ragnell rocks. Plain and simple. Especially in Duel Attacks. The boss additionally has Hawkeye, Aether, and Rightful God to make this very very bad. Luckily his stats are only to the 55's except in skill and Power. Which his power is 67 and skill is 65. Now to plan for this...Okay, I put laurent in the boss' range by mistake and Laurent gets Luna'd and gets dealt 59dmg even after Rally boosts and a Pure Water. Then his Vantage activated and got hit before getting attacked. This was bad news as Laurent got countered with Vengeance getting dealt 43dmg killing him outright. This sucks. *Restarts* I now work my way up and take note next time, never have your characters that know Vantage attack them. Since they will counter with a Vengeance'd hit. Also keep note that DLC/Spotpass characters don't permenetly die. They instead can be brought from your logbook if they die. Just make sure to save often in your logbook. But since Laurent failed me and is a story character and not playing this on casual, time to try the mission again. It's not a guarantee for the DLC/Spotpass characters to not permenently die, but they can be summoned again from your logbook, so it makes sense that they can survive. Okay, after 20min, I get back to where I was. I took care for the boss first as he is DEADLY. I then kill another Sorcerer. Got countered with Vengeance, didn't care, wanted to remove him quickly. Laurent got Vengeanced for 40dmg. But him and Ragnell Sword Severa (S Support) took care of him quickly. The leader Peg's Aether activated. Luckily, it was a Duel Guarded. Thank you, Florina! (Duel Guard+). The other 2 attacked, but they both dealt a total of 34dmg with Ignis'd hits. Anyway, the two Pegs died easily even though they've Aegis+'d them all. But Owain attacked over 40 times with Astra activating within every one of the 4 strikes that Celica's Gale offers. It did 7dmg each. It's thanks to their S Support bonus along with the rallies of course. You have to Rally every turn on this route, or you won't stand a chance. The Paladins now advance towards us and the Enemy Phase ends. I've kept out of their ranges of course. my battery now nearly dies and have to stop it here for awhile.

P.S: Legion did awesome here! Especially with Luna activating nearly every hit! =3

Happened in my second tryout!

Edited by ポーラ
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The Strongest One's Name Part 5

Continuing from where I left off...I now have Owain+Lucina kill the Aether Paladin. Owain got Aethered and was dealt 52dmg from the Lunaish hit. He only has 18HP left. Without HP+5 and a HP tonic, he otherwise wouldonly have 8HP left. Just getting that deadly foe out of there. I then teleport my ralliers and Laurent away after dealing with the Brave Sword Pallie and nearly fataling the best killer peg which Legion does a good job of as he was paired with Florina. I then end my turn. The Paladins attack Legion. He struck them with Luna in every hit dealing 18dmg to them as their Pavise+ was saving them. Ha! You are worthy to be here, Legion! I luv u. He's going Luna+ now. =3
And Tharja was saved after Pavise saved her from taking alot of dmg from an Ignis'd hit dealing only 18dmg to her. She got duel guarded from the other two Pallies as she had an S support with Gaius. The enemy phase ends and now I rally them to finish off the other 2 Pallies after healing them which Legion+Florina did a good job of. Luna activated with every strike. It dealt them 18dmg everytime as they were Pavasing+ing them. Your Luna+ing, Legion! Awesome! Now I get asked Yea or No questions. I answer No and now Anna tells me that I must now do this in 10 turns. Great! Now she sends 6 Soldiers, 2 Tricksters, 2 Snipers, 3 Berserkers, 5 Dark Pegs, and 5 Sages. Let's see...The Sages have Dragonskin, Hawkeye, Luna+, and Pavise+. 4 of them have unforged Celica Gales and one of them has a Forseti. They have Cathesis staves. They have to be very deadly if their Celica Gales aren't forged. The Dark Pegs have Forged Bolgannon, Rexcalibur, Rune, and Thoron. They are also armed with Slime tomes. The skills that they have are...Galeforce, Shadowgift, Aegis+, Dragonskin, and Hawkeye. Thankfully, the slimes are unforged.

The 2 Berserkers have forged Tomahawks with skills that are Counter, Dragonskin, Aegis+, Hawkeye, and Luna+. The boss Berserker has the same thing except a Helswrath for his weapon. The Soldiers have these skills...Pass, Pavise+, Dragonskin, 2 of them have Rightful God, the other 4 have Vengeance, and one of them has Astra. The other one has Aether. And the other 4 have Ignis. The weapons that they have are The Astra one has a Forged Brave Lance as well as the Aether one. 2 of the Ignis ones have Forged Beast Killers while the last two have forged Killer Lances. Okay, the 2 Snipers have Forged Killer Bows and have these skills Pass, Ignis, Pavise+, Vengeance, and Dragonskin. They may not seem like much since they don't have Counter. But having to do this in 10 turns won't make this easy at all. Their stats are somewhat the same only that they have 70 in skill. The Tricksters have no stat changes. The Berserkers have 50's in their defenses, and 60's in everything else but Power which is 75. The Dark Pegs' stats are somewhat in the 55's-60's. One of them also I've forgot to mention has a Naga Tome. Luckily, the boss doesn't move, but his stats are horribly frightening. His Str is 80, Mag Pwr 50, Skill 65, Speed 64, Luck 65, Def 59+5, Res 55, and HP99. He's the guy you see in the pic at TSON Serenes DLC section. =3

Well...this round may take some tries to do since it is timed. The boss standing on the throne with a Def 3 and Avoid 20+20 doesn't make it good either. I"ve made Legion juuuust like you! ^_^
Now...what to do to plan for this? The boss by the way has 5 more stats than the Berserker minions do and getting the throne boosts at his disposal. Since I am far away from the troops as they are up North, not south. I may waste 1 or 2 turns just to even get to them. Terrific. ^_~
I advance Lissa+Donnel, Tharja+Gaius, Chrom+Rune, and Owain+Lucina north rallying them. Now I've just figured out why they all have Pass. So they can get to your Ralliers. Which means I'll have to teleport them out of range after rallying the troops. I really hope that they don't fail me. Especially when this is timed. Then again, the Dark Pegs can also have fun picking them off too. Great! I'll have to get my Dark Fliers to them quickly. As my Ralliers are not safe whatsoever.

The Sages are nothing to worry about right now as it will take several turns for them to get to me. After advancing the others up north, I then end my turn. Enemy Phase. Chrom got Astra'd Brave Lance hitted. He finishes him, but the Beast Killer Soldier easily finishes him. He had 21Attk Hit72% Crit 0%. He didn't even get through more than the Soldier with a Forged Brave Lance. Great! Which means that I can never approach both him and the Aether Brave Lance ones learining now to only attack them during the Player Phase. Well, I need to hustle. I stare at the Soldier for 20min like a dumbass watching the scenes pan over Chrom's dead body. I do that sometimes in FE. Tee hee. NOW! I do not choose to continue the game. As I would have to give them Tonics again which would be a pain in the arse taking 20min to do. -.-
I really wish I could further Chrom's limits than this, but I can't. Other than the All Stats+2 skill, no. I need Chrom to go Ssj4 someday, dammit. Until I can get the All Stats+2 skill. Erm...I dunno. -.-
Ragequits and goes to download the rest of the DLC into both of my games. Came to $45.00. Nintendo can take my wallet. In my Japanese Version I've downloaded the future episodes, the Champions of Yore episodes, and Elincia, Ephraim's and Est's DLC's which I didn't have beforehand. I've downloaded the Harvest Summer pack into my English version. Although for the All Stats+2 skill DLC(Micaiah's) in the Japanese version, you'd have to pay $10.00(1000yen) for it. As you do have to download the other 2 Champions Of Yore episodes for the Champions Of Yore 3 episode. Because you can't otherwise in the Jap version. Anyway, I can now further Chrom's limits as well as everyone elses when I can get them the All Stats+2 skills.
*To Be Continued*

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The Strongest One's Name Final Part

Starting from where I left off. I now kick some ass by taking out those Soldiers with Celica Gales. The Astra one Aegis+'d them all but Laurent+Severa did enough hits to take him out anyway. The Astra one has a very high Str stat being at 70. No wonder he did a number on Chrom. One of the Dark Militia Pegs attacked Tharja with Slime for 11dmg. As I've already used a Pure Water on her. They were rallied of course as they could not do it otherwise. Now Owain+Lucina took care of the Snipers and Legion+Florina did nicely on the Tricksters. Legion Luna'd nearly everytime which dealt them 39dmg each as Helswrath hits are not to be trifled with. Enemy Phase ends and now have 8 turns left as it took one alone just to get to them. Also, they do not allow you to start forward as they position you automatically at the bottom of the map. Okay, now I advance Owain+Lucina and Severa+Laurent and take out the Berserkers as they've pulled off nasty Luna+'d hits that duel guards blocked entirely. The Dark Pegs were easy. I took two of them out with Rune+Chrom. Rune used a Luna Spear and Chrom used an Unforged Brave Sword to kill the first one. The Slime tomes they've equipped left them vurnable completely. The next one got taken out with their weapons. Rune(Gravius)+Chrom(Unforged Brave Sword). It was enough to kill the next one too. Melee weapons were being used as they've all had Aegis+'s and was counter acting it as Swords and Axes will not blunt the damages. I've had DLC Kat rally my 2 ralliers some to protect them from those Dark Pegs. One of the Berserkers survived, but I have Noire restore Legion and have him kill that weakened Berserker with a Luna'd Helswrath which did 39dmg. It was more than enough to finish him. =3

I now advance everyone else healing Tharja with a Concoction and advancing everyone else ending my turn. Enemy Phase. (By the way, I've had Donnel and Owain use Forged Bolt Axes to attack the Berserkers) The Dark Pegs attacked Tharja for 12dmg and the Thoron one attacked with Thoron on Chrom+Rune. Duel Guarded it and finished her off. Tharja got hit both times. As they have Hawkeye. Ohh! -.- That smarts. NOW! Player Phase. 7 turns left. I have Chrom+Rune finish off another one with no rallies as I needed to keep my ralliers safe from those Dark Pegs learning to keep them out of their ranges. The leader one is a problem though as she can't be doubled and what's worse is that she has a Naga tome and Slime. NOW! The other Dark Pegs was taken out with the Luna Spear and Chrom's Brave Sword. The Luna Spear was received in spotpass. Cuz, it's doing wonderful here. Especially when none of the Pegs cannot blunt it's hits. Now! What to do about that leader peg? Anyway, Rune Galefordced and I attack her anyway with the Luna Spear which did 26dmg and the Brave Sword did 16 each hit. They couldn't get rallied which this is why Limitbreaker and All Stats+2 comes in handy. I can't battle the boss right now. As the Sages have Cathesis and wouldn't move from their positions. NOW! I rally Severa+Laurent and those rallies with one another and had Noire rescue DLC Kat keeping her out of the leader Pegs' range. As I have her Rally my Ralliers and Severa. As I need to keep them protected from that Dark Peg. I needed to be in range of only 1 Sage each as they all possess Luna+ and having Pavise+ and Dragonskin that covers their squishy defenses completely. I'm in a hurry to kill those Sages as this is timed. Let's see...Legion vs the boss.

A 16
H 74%
C 0%

Boss Berserker
A 28
H 100%
C 0%

During the enemy phase, the Luna+ Sages hurt like there's no tommorrow. Severa got Duel Guarded from one hit, but the second one dealt her 41dmg. Thanks to a HP tonic is why she could survive if she got hit both times. The boss Peg was dealt with unrallied Tharja+Tiki. She Aegis+'d them and the Sages healed her to full. Damn Cathesis staves. Yep! That's why I can't attack the boss Berserker right now. Turn ends! Now I only have6 turns left. I have Rune+Chrom and Owain+Lucina finish the peg off easily with no rallies. Now there is a problem with the Sages. There is no way that I can take care of one at a time now. Especially when they can get ganged up on twice. It's thanks to sucky Mov is why that this is a prob. Upon the next turn, Lissa easily got wasted by one of the Sages as the Luna+'d hits did enough to kill her outright after 2 blows. I deceide to continue and Legion+Florina and Laurent+Severa easily took care of the other 2 while King Marth got attacked during the enemy phase. Which he got Luna+'d, but Aegis got it so he was dealt only 26dmg. Upon Player Phase, Laurent+Severa easily took care of the last one with rallies and now...I rally everyone and attack the boss with Bolt Axes and Brave Sword combos as the bos has Counter and Aegis+. He did 69dmg to his enemies and now Anna TSON is shocked that I've finished it as she made a puzzled sad look on her face again. Like for the first time that you finish the round. Now I answer No and now she gives me 7 turns and now Anna herself comes and she now summons 2 Berserkers, 6 Sorcerers (3 in both western and eastern areas and 5 Snipers appear south. Knowing that you get more turns after finishing the 4th round as I didn't know beforehand as I thought that you only had 10 turns to finish the next two rounds. Anyway, the Snipers have Silver Bows and one of them has a Forged Brave Bow. Their defenses aren't much. Only around 45-55 and that they have Dragonskin, Counter, Luna+, and Vantage+. The middle one has Dragonskin, Luna+, Pavise+, Aegis+, and Vantage+. Thank god that he doesn't have Counter, or this would almost be un-winnable. I now pair up Donnel with King Marth as Lissa got wasted. Let's see...the Sorcerers have Forged Nosferatu's and the 4 have Dragonskin, Vengeance, Vantage, Hawkeye, and Miracle. The center ones have Vantage, Miracle, Pavise+, Dragonskin, and Luna+. The side ones Luck is 70 and the mid-ones are 99. Their other stats are the same as before from the 3rd round. Except the mid-ones. Which theirs are around the 70's. The Berserkers stats are the same as the 4th boss' and that they carry Helswrath. They possess the same skills too. Now the final boss of this game has HP99, Power 60, Mag Pwr 50, Skill 70, Speed 70, Luck 65, Def 55, and Mag Def 55. The throne actually gives her 3 more Def and 20 avoid. She can move too. She has a Forged Spear and Brave Sword. Great! Well...to deal with the Sages in the 4th round, you actually have to wait another turn after taking one out before dealing with the others. It would be un-winnable if they were forged. I've figured, cuz why else aren't they forged? If I didn't say it before, I'm continuing to further nalyze this route and trying to finish it before I restart the mission. I had Chrom+Rune with Celica Gales take care of one of the Snipers. They were piss easy to defeat if you battled them one at a time. Battling 2 at once would likely mean death. Rune duel guarded Chrom before they've finished him. The other one was dealt with Owain+Lucina. Owain got Luna+'d hitted for 56dmg and he finished him. The other 3 advance and the enemy phase ends. I've got to get the others to rout the enemies separately as they do not move from their positions. Now the other 3 Snipers should be a piece of cake. After rallying them, Legion+Florina easily killed him with Forged Brave Bows. Legion Luna+'d again as he Luna hitted for 56dmg each with the Helswrath both times killing one of them outright. They cannot withstand more than 2 or 3 of your strikes, Legion. He got dealt 55dmg during the battle. Donnel+King Marth dealt with the other one. Attacked far and Donnel got dealt 55dmg with a Vantage+ and Luna+ counterattack. Remember. You have to attack them far away as they have Counter except for the Forged Brave Bow one. I now have Laurent+Severa take out the leader one as he was piss easy. He Aegis+'d all of Laurents hits but being attacked nearly 20 times with 2 Astra'd Forged Ill's along with Severa's Brave Bow's non-blunted strikes were more than enough to kill him. You shouldn't ever attack him far away. As he has a Forged Brave Bow with Luna+ making this combo un-surviveable without at least 1 duel guard. Now to deal with the others. I already have 6 turns left. I advance Tharja+Tiki, Lucina+Owain, and Morgan east. I advance Chrom+Rune west by the Sorcerers keeping out of their ranges on this turn. As it is dangerous to attack them now. As 2 of the 3 can gang up on you. Which is certain to be death without duel guards. Now to deal with the middle ones first as they have Luna+'s. The others can be dealt with later as they have Vengeance. They should be able to kill them during the next enemy phase. As they will still be rallied upon it. Owain+Lucina deals with the Luna+ one. He got Luna+'d getting dealt 55dmg and getting restored 23HP. But enough Brave strikes with a Celica's Gale and Brave Lance were more than enough to kill him. Miracle didn't activate either. Heh, I guess that 1% chance dipped in my favor. =D
Chrom+Rune galed the Sorcerer to death. Lucky that his heal saved him. Okay, I hope they can Duel Guard the next Luna+. As I cannot get the others to help. I have Noire Physic Chrom and have Celica(Spotpass) Fortify them both. I put Morgan next to the other Sorcerers out of range as well as advancing the others up north healing them with Elixirs while putting Tharja+Tiki in range of one of them before ending my turn. Enemy Phase. Chrom+Lucina did well, only that Chrom's Celica Gales broke and now the Vengeanced hits are going to hurt like hell if they aren't duel guarded. The Luna+ ones hit got Duel Guarded and that he was dealt with in short order. Owain+Lucina and Tharja+Tiki cleaned the eastern Sorcerers out so easily. Sure their Miracles activated, but they were dealt with anyway. Enemy Phase ends and now I have 4 turns left. They were rallied of course. Player Phase. I had Chrom take out another Brave Sword and Katarina's Lightning out of the convoy and then kill one of the other Sorcerers with no rallies. As I wouldn't be able to rescue them out of the way. I've rescued Lucina+Owain and Tharja+Tiki to get them by the center out of range of the Berserkers and Anna. Chrom got Vengeanced as he couldn't counterattack as he was equipped with a Brave Sword. Legion+Florina gets rallied and putting Legion+Florina in range of one of the Berserkers. Brave Bow wasn't a good option after all. As the Berserker Aegis+'d all the hits as no Luna's activated this time. Legion got clobbered 66dmg with a Luna+'d strike. Ouch! The other Berserker advances and the enemy phase ends. Everyone gets rallied and Severa+Laurent offed the western Berserker and Severa got dealt 66dmg as she blew her stack and critted killed him with a set of Astra's. Remember, you have to attack them with melee weapons far away with every one of them but bows as they have Aegis+, Hawkeye and Counter. She Galeforced. I have Donnel+King Marth and Lucina+Owain kill the other Berserker. Donnel got hit for 69dmg with a Luna+'d hit and Lucina got duel guarded. Donnel attacked with a Forged Bolt Axe and King marth nailed him with a Forged Brave Sword in the duel assistment. Lucina with Spear and Owain with a Celica's Gale finnally kills him. Aegis and Pavise don't activate during assistent strikes. Keep that in mind. Lucina Galeforced and decide to wait until next turn to battle Anna as it would be bad news if she attacks with her Forged Brave Lance along with Aether and Counter. I move everyone else next to but out of her range as well as advancing Chrom+Lucina east to the edge of the Sorceres range equipped with a Katarina's Lightening, so he can be able to counterattack upon the next enemy phase and I've healed everyone that was hurt with Elixirs before ending my turn. Enemy Phase. Chrom easily deals with the Sorcerer with an Aether'd Katarina's Lightning and getting hit by Rune's Celica Gales. Player Phase. Alright! Time to battle the final boss of this game! 2 turns left. I have Noire transport Chrom+Rune with Rescue as her Rescue Staff broke. I rally everyone then I have Chrom+Rune have a crack at her. She Aether'd and shown her animation as she was shouting Shikarami". She got down to 34HP. Then I have Laurent+Severa finish her off. We did it, guys. We won! =D
Anna smiled and she gives us a Supreme Emblem as a token of her thanks. It's so pretty! But I can't keep it as I need to start this over now as Lissa died. -.-
But we did it, fella's! We have officially bitter ended the post-game! But first things first, Lissa must survive our next round before we call it a game! =)
She was proud that there are finally strong enough warriors who can battle her minions as she smiled too. ^__^
I don't save the game and I look at mah Supreme Emblem for mere moments before restarting!

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Lunatic (Am trying it!)

After finishing TSON with everyone alive this time, I then save my characters in my logbook, kill Grima again before starting a new game. Playing this on Lunatic on Classic of course. I never play on Casual.

Chapter: Prelude

Just pair up Chrom and this is cake.

Turns 3
MVP None


Chapter: Prologue

It's a simple matter of having Freddie weaken these guys then having Thanatos+Chrom kill them. Basically, I'm having Thanatos spam with his Veteran skill to get him started. Too bad that outside DLC, only MU can get this skill. Then having Freddie kill the boss to end the chapter.

Turns 11
MVP Thanatos&Chrom



Chapter: Chapter 1

Hard. Hard. Hard. Had Freddie weaken the enemies and having Chrom+Thanatos kill them. But with them advancing at once will make this hard for Freddie. Since one carries a Hammer. To deal with such a dangerous foe, had Freddie paired with Thanatos then had him hide in the thicket. It was...then I have him kill the boss to end the chapter. Freddie's Sword and Spear rank increased upon the end of this stage thanks to Discipline.

A 16x2
H 100%
C 0%
-Bronze Sword

A 28
H 42%
C 4%



Turns 7
MVP Thanatos&Frederick

Supports are now finnaly accessible. After Supports C with Chrom&Thanatos and Frederick&Thanatos, I then begin the next chapter as you cannot buy or forge anything yet.

Chapter 2

Hard! Hard! Hard! I've experienced death in the face more than enough times than I know what to count. It's very likely that your units won't be protected 100% as the enemies stand aside you and all advance to you surrounding you quickly. They are nearly impossible to stop with most characters due to their very high speed stats. Unfortunately, Stahl and Miriel died. They didn't stand a chance. Chrom did say some stuff to Freddie about something. Probably happens if too many characters die. Aside from that, I have Sully+Thanatos and Freddie hold off the foes coming by. With their high speed stats, this does make this difficulty setting a living hell. I've had Freddie+Chrom take care of the foes on the fort by the boss. As the foes do all advance once you get into one of their ranges. After the Risen Cheif dies, I then end up clearing this in 12 turns. That Iron Sword helped once Freddie got it. As you still can't buy or forge any weapons yet.

Turns 12
MVP Chrom& Frederick

It went quiet with no music as Freddie and Chrom had a little chat before the battle ended. Well....

Chapter 3

After I support Freddie&Chrom, I now begin the next chapter. Since you still can't buy or forge any weapons yet. Time to start. And Miriel and Stalh's deaths will never be forgotten. I wasn't planning to use them anyway. Anyway, times to start.


-Door Keyx2

Another chapter that you get pinned to the mat by powerful enemies on both west and eastern sides. There has to be a way to break through this force, or die trying.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Lunatic Cont. Chapters 3-Post-game

Chapter 3
Item selecting and covoy are finnaly available. Since theyhardly are none at this point of the game, time to begin the next chapter.
-Door Keyx2
I really, really, REALLY hate this chapter. Some sacrifices had to be made in order for me to get through. I've restarted this chapter like 50 times cuz nothing ever dippied the odds in my favor. Stahl and Sully died for me to get through. At least the boss was easy. Nothing else here was. =)
(Stahl and Sully were characters that I wasn't going to use anyway.) For a moment, I thought I had to start over again since I thought that I didn't stand a chance.Turns 21
MVP Thanatos&Miriel
Afterwards, we finnaly can buy items and weapons. Done some supports. Now after getting a few power and defense tonics for Chrom, Freddie and Thanatos, then I forge a weapon for Chrom before beginning the next chapter. Oh yeah, I also pick up my renown items and give Chrom my Angelic Robe, Power Drop, Dracoshield, and Talismen. The renown I've had total was 53680. It was 53640 from my last run. I also hire Clair for 3900G as well as giving her Power and Def tonics and a forged Iron Lance by 4 mt which came to 2800G. Done! This gold bar (Bullion (L)) had gotten useful after all. I also buy Vaike a def tonic before beginning the next chapter. I've also given Chrom the Tiki's Tear which it's boots will help out tremedously here.
After giving Chrom the Speedwing and Tiki's Tear, he should now not get double attacked by Marth. Because he has 16 speed in this mode. So, you'll need 13 to not get doubled which Chrom got exactly that. This is also a chance to grow him more tremendously here which I didn't have much of a chance to do beforehand. Clair did great here against those damned Thunder mages. Chrom also reached LV7 by the end of this chapter. Miriel got her chance to grow some too. The boss took a few tries to do, but had Freddie, Chrom, and Clair stick it to him ending the chapter.
Turns 7 (Finally. A decent record.)
MVP Chrom&Lissa
Afterwards, I decided to start over since I was planning to use Kjelle.
Turns 2
MVP None
Chapter: Prologue
Turns 11
MVP Thanatos&Chrom
Chapter 1
Luckily with Eirika's Rapier, I've made this boss battle much easier.
Turns 11
MVP Viole&Sully
Chapter 2
-Iron Lance
-Iron Sword
Turns 12
MVP Frederick&Viole
Chapter 3
-Door Keyx2
Turns 19
MVP Thanatos&Stahl
Only Kellam died this time which I didn't give a fuck. Which I wasn't planning to use him anyway.
This time I forge Sully a Bronze Sword and Lance. Bronze Sword by 4 MT and Lance by 1. I summon Clair and hire her for 3900G then forge her an Iron Lance and give her a Javalin. Chrom gets my Tiki's Tear, Angelic Robe, Power Drop, Dracoshield, and Talismen. Which I have alreadycollected my renown items. The (L) Bullion was sold of course to afford all of this. I've given Vaike, Thanatos, Frederick, Sully, and Clair a Power and Def tonic. Chrom got my renown Tiki's Tear which will help out tremendously here. I now begin the next chapter.
Chapter 4
Turns 6
MVP Thanatos&Chrom
I did the same as before.
Chapter 4 Sidestory
Easy. It's just a simple matter of giving my other characters EXP that they didn't have much chance to get before. Thankfully, with a forged lance, it wasn't hard at all to level up Donnel to 2. Since he won't join your party if you don't. The Thief got away with the Killer lance, but the enemies by me needed to be stopped. At least they don't all advance and gang up on you here. Thank god!
-Treasure Key
Upper Left-Killer Lance
Turns 24
MVP Thanatos&Chrom
Chapter 5
-Hand Axe
-Bullion (M)
This was pretty hard especially when the fliers put fourth effort into surrounding the map and that this map floods to death with Dracoknights quickly. Unfortunately, I could not protect Ricken. He got clobbered and this is yet another casuality that I could not prevent. Litterally restarted this map over 20 times. But I'm glad that this isover. This now makes 2 casualities in this run so far.
Turns 22
MVP Thanatos&Chrom
Paralogue 4
-Goddess Icon (Victor)
It wasn't hard at all. Except that they yet again try to surround you to go after your weaker units. Vincent wasn't hard at all to deal with except having Wrath makes it all bad, but he was cake anyway. Anna (NPC) died, I didn't feel like restarting, and foronce I get through a chapter without any restarting. The Physic Staff village got demolished, but I can buy these in spotpass anyway. That Goddess Icon will come in handy too.
Turns 9
MVP Thanatos&Chrom
Already purchased a Levin Sword and Physic in spotpass before beginning the next chapter. Also had Freddie equip the Meracius Sword here as it did good dmg last chapter. Got it with renown.
Chapter 5
Hard, but it was a matter of killing the enemies before they get to Emmeryn and my weaker force as this is another chapter that they put fourth effort into surrounding you. After 15 tries it finally ends by continuing to train Freddie, Chrom, and Thanatos. The others had to stay away as all the troops do advance here even though that they've got a crack at a few enemies here. Thanatos+Chrom's A Support helped out big time here. Unfortunately, Gaius had to die as this map already swarms as it is and not wanting to end up getting surrounded. Not planning to use him in this run anyway.
Turns 8
MVP Thanatos&Chrom
Afterwards, I pick up 15000G at the Gaffe episode mainly to get a Master Seal as Anna the merchant was selling one which I desparately need to promote Thanatos with. And you can forget about doing the encounters as they're too hard to be able to have them manageable. I've alsoforged Sully an Iron Sword and got a Levin Sword for Freddie. I now start the next chapter.
Chapter 7
-Steel Sword
-Steel Bow
-Bullion (M)
(After Chapter 7, Sumia punches Chrom in the face.)
Another Chapter that tries to surround you. But it wasn't that hard after a few tries as I needed to kill the enemies quickly before they surround me.
Turns 7
MVP Thanatos&Chrom
Paralogue 4
For once, Easy. I'm not getting surrounded giving my other units a chance to level up as I need to get them better for the later chapters. The villagers didn't make it, but the enemy units are already too strong for me to save them.
Turns 8
MVP Thanatos&Chrom
I've now got through 1/3 of the main-game and now it's time to get Tiara summoned. (Only will use her in the DLC episodes and whatever chapter that the Lunatic enemies catches up to her in stats. (Which will be very fast.) She was only used in the main game in my first run and have ended it there. Now it's time she gets her stats maxed out by the end of this run. Her stats are in her 20's now and have already saved her in the logbook before ending the run. I first summoned Aurthur, Caeda, Raquesis, Lute, Nephanee, Mia, and Salem. I battle them except for Raquesis which I've had to hire her for the gold. Now I do 3 EXPOmnigirowth rounds for a reward for completing 8 chapters on Lunatic without grinding. I'll do this again after another 8 chapters (3 rounds). I also do a Gaffe run to summon Tiara as her cost came to around 30000G. I do the DLC episode to get DLC Marth. God, he's hot as hell. I also get DLC Micaiah and then get Chrom, DLC Micaiah, DLC Marth, and Tiara all All Stats+2 skills. Then I purchase 2 Kill Swords, 2 Killer Axes, and some brave weapons along with a Katarina's Lightening and Micaiah's Pyre through the Gaffe rounds money. I now begin the next chapter.
Chapter 8
-Steel Lance
-Kill Sword
-Power Drop (Chalov)
-Master Seal (Left one)
-Rescue (Upper right one)
-Second Seal (Bottom)
For once, no reinforcements arrive and that the enemies don't gang up on you. After a few tries due to unlucky crits and misguience of Nowi, Gregor, it was a great chapter for your weaker units to fight.
Turns 13
MVP Sully&Lon'qu
There are another 2 encounters, but neither of them are manageable and that the enemies in them are all promoted having the rare Hit+10 skill and that their stats were well in the 30's with a couple of them being to the 40's and capped. I start the next assignment.
Chapter 9
-Dracoshield (Pomodoro)
-Killer Bow
-Elthunder (Tharja)
I really, really, REALLY hate this battle. This chapter will get swarmed fast in a matter of seconds. After several tries, I've managed to keep Lissa and Serra safe. And Lissa is already a Troubadour going on the path to Deimoiselle. A herd of Dracoknights will appear to the north and surround you by turn 5. Do not bring any Calvary and axe units as the sand will hinder their movement and that the dracoknights will kill them like with Quan and Travant (FE4). Tharja decided to attack Miriel and Miriel killed her. It makes the same tune as if you've lost a unit if recruitable characters die as I've forgot to mention that with Gaius. I've already had it up to here with this chapter and that I'm not starting it over. So, screw her. I wasn't planning to use her anyway.
Turns 10
MVP Thanatos&Sumia
Chapter 10
-Angelic Robe
-Master Seal
-Bullion (M)
-Dragon Killer
-Beaststone (Mustafa)
East! After a restart, it was all a matter of patience. Unfortunately, I've failed to get the Angelic Robe and Master Seal. The enemy's bulk and the amount of Dracoknights that surround the area made them unobtainable. Especially, when I'm in a hurry to end this chapter before reinforcements arrive. (Dracoknight of Plegia)
Turns 6
MVP Gregor&Nowi
Chapter 11
-Levin Sword and Dragonstone (Gangrel)
-Bullion (L) (Left)
-Goddess Icon (Right)
Easy. Just had Chrom taken care of most of the enemies here as I only have this chapter to pair him with Olivia. Although Donnel is also good too for her. I did however tread EXP to Sully, Lon'qu, Thanatos, Gregor, Nowi and DLC Marth from the reinforcements. All's well that ends well.
Turns 7
MVP Chrom&Olivia
By the end of the chapter, Chrom had an S support convo with Olivia looked like a cherry throughout the convo. I also could pair her with Donnel to have Inigo inherit Aptitude. But with Chrom, you can get him Rightful King and Galeforce. It was priceless to see Chrom blush too. Just hope thatno one else was watching as Chrom had a radiant time with her! =D
Lucina, always so adorable. ^-^ Looks at me with those gentle eyes. <33
I then sell my used Thoron and Bullion (L) and then buy both the Second Seal and Talismen.
Pairing planned....
After buying a Kill Sword, Silver Sword, and Iron Sword, I then begin the next chapter.
Paralogue 4
-Talismen (Vincent)
Easy, if Anna dies. Otherwise, a pain. I didn't get any of the treasure here as I've had no thief to open the treasure. I did however get Clair alot of EXP here. Thank you, Veteran.
Afterwards, I do another Gaffe round then buy a Rapier, Power Drop, Spirit Dust, Second Seal, the Master Seal. Since encounters aren't manageable and couldn't get the treasure in the Paralogue. I have to do another Gaffe round as gold is almost non-existant without Despoil/Gaffe in this difficulty. I need the gold for the Seals as Anna was already flashing several in my face. x.x
Chapter 12
-Master Seal
-Second Seal
-Silver Lance
-Bullion (L) (Doluhi)
-Silver Sword
Hard. After several restarts and having Thanatos Rally Spectrum every turn, the force did exceedingly well. I gave a Tiki's Tear to Clair and after Rallying her every turn with (DLC) Marth aside her, No one could touch her. It's thanks to Veteran, she levelled up 9 times here after killing half of an entire force. *Hugs you* Cleared this quickly as they all do advance towards your army.
Turns 9
MVP Sully&Lon'qu (Tee hee, it should have been Chrom and Clair. They did all the work.)
The skirmish foe finally goes away and now I buy the Second Seal from a merchant. Then I continue to build up supports and I then do Lost Bloodlines 1.
Lost Bloodlines 1
After a few tries, it was all a matter of using trees, Demoiselle, and Rally Specturm as cover. DLC Leif proved to be boss here as he was owing all of the NPC enemies. Ares proved to tank well more than most of the forces here. Anyhoo...I'm proud of Tiara's success with Mjolnir. After the episode ends, DLC Leif is recruited. It makes the song of Tharacia 776 in certain stages as well as the player phase battle theme in it! I then sell the Bullion (L) and buy a Levin Sword for (DLC) Leif before beginning the next chapter. Looks like I've got my replacement for opening treasure as (DLC Leif) came with Renewal, Lockpick, and Underdog.
Chapter 13
-Silver Bow
-Secret Book (Rsen Cheif)
-Silver Axe
After several restarts, I simply round up the enemies and in a hurry to kill the Risen Cheif before reinforcements arrive.
Turns 6
MVP Gregor&Nowi
After selling the Beaststonesx2 and used up weapons and have done Lucina+Chrom and Lucina+Olivia (C Support), I now begin the next chapter after promoting Clair. As she reached LV17 already in the Tactician class. Going on the path to Ignis now. =)
Chapter 14
-Master Seal(Boraz)
-Short Axe
-Chest Key
-Short Spear
-Bullion (M) (Eastern top)
-Second Seal (South)
Unfortunately, I have yet received another casuality now making 4. Lucina didn't make it through the Pegasus squadren down SW. This map will surround you as a horde of Peg Knights floods the map everywhere making no one sae if they aren't put out of existence. Lucina got gutted from a few pegs with Silver Lances. But I did get Clair, Vaike, Gregor, and the others alot of EXP as I'vve restarted this map enough times that I've lost count. I'm not planning to use Lucina anyway. So she dies.
Turns 10
MVP Greagor&Nowi
Afterwards, I grind Nowi and Olivia at EXPOmnigrowth for skill inheritance. Inigo will have Rightful King and Galeforce when he joins me.
Chapter 15
-Steel Sword
-Master Seal(Hoffin)
-Steel Lance
1 2 3 4
1. Seacond Seal
2. Manual
3. Physic
4. Bullion (L)
Breezed through it! Got some exp treaded to the other characters here as they don't all advance to you and that they are busy trying to kill Say'ri upon which I save her by turn 5. She also can be saved by Physicing her or Rescuing.
Turns 15
MVP Sully&Lon'qu
After having some scweet C supports chats with Nowi, Gregor, and Nah. My battery power gets about done for to continue. But I plan to start the next chapter tommorrow. Aya out!!!!
Now after base conversations and getting All Stats+2 Manuals and Elite for Chrom. Then I begin the next chapter.
Chapter 16
-Bullion (M) (Cervantes)
-Steel Bow
-Master Seal x2
-Steel Sword
-Short Spear
-Killer Axe
-Silver Sword
-Beast Killer
-Bullion (M)
Easy. Just charged like a maniac with everyone. Especially Thanatos who is now a great frontliner. I luv u, Veteran. Especially with having both that and Elite. <3
Turns 4
MVP Thanatos&Miriel
Paralogue 11
-Bullion (M) (Boss)
Easy. I've just had Thanatos+Miriel kill everything without the break of a sweat. Yep! Crushed it into dust. Thanks to Veteran and Sol skills that is. It was meant to be hard on Lunatic. As you noticed the amount of Dracoknights that come out of the forts and that every foe here has Hit+10 skills and a couple having Hit+20 skills. Anyways, Thanatos&Miriel crushed it into dust, but I could only save 2 of the 6 civilians there. It isn't manageable to get any other characters experience as the enemies here are quite powerful with forged Silver weapons. But anyway, no one else other than Chrom and (DLC) Leif, and (DLC) Marth shined up till now. Thanatos, Gregor, Vaike, and Serra are more candidates that are starting to rock on Lunatic now! I'm luvin this. I did get Jerome to inherit Aptitude and Duel Support+ in the proccess.
Turns 9
MVP Thanatos&Miriel
After doing more supports with Gregor+Nah (B Support), Thanatos+Miriel (B Support), JJerome+Donnel (C Support), Jerome+Cerche (C Support), I then begin the next chapter.
Chapter 17 Inexorable Death
2 3
1 4
1. Boots
2. Angelic Robe
3. Master Seal
4. Bullion (L)
Easy. Just have to get to the Thief in time before he gets to those Boots first. Vaike and Gregor did exceedingly well here. Especially, now that they are Deadfighters. DLC Marth helped me hold off the reinforcements as he is already a great frontliner now like Chrom, Leif, and Thanatos. It's all thanks to Elite and Aptitude that is.
Turns 14
MVP Chrom&Vaike
Chapter 18
-Silver Axe
-Silver Lance
-Killer Lance
-Amatsu (Yen'fey)
-Noble Rapier (Yen'fey)
Easy. I now start using Tiara as their stats are now like everyone elses and Vaike, Gregor, DLC Leif are now getting awesome! Tiara and Leif (DLC) rocked here. I luv u. Time to make my first creation even better. ^__^
My characters are getting better now! Bout time!
Turns 12
MVP Gregor&Nowi
Lost Bloodlines 3
Wasn't too hard. Just had to split up my forces to defeat them before I got surrounded. Actually had to use Tiara, Chrom, and Clair to make this manageable. I nowget an Elite manual and buy a Change Seal, Elixir, Master Seal (Lesser price at 2050G), and s Spirit Dust. After I had got more Elite Manuals for my other story characters (6 total) I then begun Paralogue 6.
Insane! The enemies stats are well in their 30's and this cannot possibly be manageable without a well trained force. But with the amount of EXP earned in LB3, this chapter finally has gotten manageable. Now Change Seals get available to buy now if you have gotten Inigo. Since I've needed several of these right now, I planned to do another Gaffe round for them. I also get through the Chapter with Chrom and Clair as they are the only characters I have right now that are strong enough. I then initiate some supports with Chrom+Olivia along with their son. (C Support)
I now get them the rest of their rookie skills and even had a problem with Leif as his Staff rank would not go up. I've just repeated the LB1 episode and resetted his stats in the logbook and started over rasing him at the EXPOmnigrowth to get him back to where he was except this time I give him an A in staves by Rescue Staff spamming. Also using Discipline to do so. Remember to do this whenever you discover this problem. I've also done LB3 and COY3 to get his Elite and All Stats+2 skills back. Now I...do 3 more round of LB2 as I needed 3 Dread Scrolls for Vaike, Gregor, and Nowi. I now pick up Kjelle.
Paralogue 8
-Dracoshield (Boss)
Left-Short Spear
-Right Bullion (M)
Easy. Just had to get to Kjelle quickly before they execute her.
Turns 7
MVP Chrom&Vaike
After initiating C supports with Both Kjelle and her parents (Sully&Lon'qu), I then buy a couple of Silver weapons and a Manual at the 2 random merchants. Then I...
Paralogue 16
-Spirit Dust (Risen Cheif)
Bottom top-Second Seal
Top-Bullion (M)
Not easy as enemies are packed with stats that are well in their 20's and having Hit+10 makes it even worse. Nah came with Armsthrift which is wonderful. And completing this chapter took a few tries as I have got surprised by those trick doors letting the enemies out as they automatically start advancing on you afterwards. And the Warriors here have Counter which you do have to watch out for. It's actually easy as being equipped with Slimes does make them vurnable as it isn't manageable for Nah and Kjelle to fight.
Chapter 19
-Silver lance
1 3
1. Change Seal
2. ???
3. Rescue
4. ???
Normal. Other than getting surrounded in the end, this has been a good palce to get more exp to my weaker units giving them all Elite to get them better faster. =)
Although, most of the Warriors had Counter watching out for that and that every foe including Yen'fey had Hit+10. There was treasure here, but I've forgot to bring leif or Thanatos to open them up. But Luckily, I've brought2 Chest keys and opened up the treasures 1 and 3 which contiained a Second Seal and a Rescue Staff. The lava trap destroyed the 4th one. I was surrounded by Griffon Knights at the time, so it couldn't be helped. Couldn't open the second one, but, oh, well...
I didn't bring leif or Thanatos, because they've already received a buttload of EXP from the past 3 chapters. As they are already good frontliners now. I needed this EXP for the weaker after all.
Turns 11
MVP Chrom&Vaike
I now start the next Paralogue
Paralogue 9
-Second Seal
-Bullion (L) (Boss)
Another chapter that I would get surrounded if I don't have my strongest warriors take them out. Which I have Chrom, Vaike, DLC Marth, do the honors. Hope and prey that you have plety of ranged weapons as most of the enemies here uses them. Also, after killing Cynthia in one of my restarts, another one it is. Because, there would be no point in coming here if she dies. Anyways, she inherits Luna and Galeforce and have given her my Dracoshield, Angelic Robe, and Elite manual. After the next tryout, all's well that ends well.
Turns 6
MVP Chrom&Vaike
After selling all my 4 Bullion (M)'s and Bullion (L)'s, I make 40k ans start buying 3 barriers, 3 Elixiers, 5 Levin Swords (Spotpass), 2 Spears (Spotpass), 2 Brave Swords (Spotpass), 2 Thorons (Spotpass), and 5 Javalins. Then then do C supports with Cynthia's parents Sumia and Frederick, I then begin the next paralogue.
Paralogue 17
This is meant to be hard, but if you wait till around Chapter 22 to do this, it should get manageable. Since I've given everyone Elite, I can do it now. Bring only your strongest stalwarts here, unless you want to get annoyed the hell out of all the restarting. They all possess Hit+10 and they come for a fewturns. DLC Leif, Thanatos, DLC Micaiah, Inigo, and Lachesis did wonderfully here. I get a harmain Staff from the Risen Cheif boss which I will use to repair my Mjolnir tome as it now has only 1 use left. You don't have to do a thing here, form a wall as they will all come to you to meet their end, that is! =)
Leif and Serra's renewals came in handy as they were restored to full nearly everytime.
Turns 7
MVP None
I now buy a Second Seal for Miccy, made her a Sage, and begin the next chapter.
Chapter 19
-Sol Sword (Walhart)
-Silver Sword
-Silver lance
-Silver Bow
-Silver Axe
Wooah! Walhart this time has Rightful King along with Pavise and Aegis. His minions have Hit+10 skills including 1 of them that has Luna. This was a fun chapter. It was bad-ass seeing Micaiah (DLC) using Ignis'd Nosferatus, Chrom Aethering with a Spear, Thanatos Mjolniring everything into oblivion. He also has Armsthrift of course. I'm so glad that I named you "Thanatos". Being a Dark Knight in the end and endgame reasons is why that I named you that. Miriel even showed a league of her own as she was getting some lucky 57% hit dodges and pairing her with Thanatos gave her more speed as I've place her on the fort. She is also a Dark knight, too...
Miccy and Thanatos did a good job holding off the reinforcements. Walhart was easy, with an A Support Chrom+Vaike. After he's at half of his health, Thanatos Mjolnired him, he Aegis'd it as it only did 11dmg to him. I had Chrom take the Luna Spear out of the convoy (Got it from spotpass) and finished Walhart off with it ending the battle. Love this maps song too. (Destiny1) Including Walhart's (Nemeisis). Love this game!
Turns 5
MVP Chrom&Vaike
I now ead stright into the next chapter.
Chapter 20
-Bolganone (Excellus)
-Dracoshield (Cervantes)
-Bullion (L) (Walhart)
12 34
1. ???
2. ???
3. Beaststone+
4. Spirit Dust
Another fun chapter. Had DLC Micaiah, DLC Leif, Thanatos, DLC Marth, Inigo, Vaike, and Clair battle mostly here. Miriel did a number on the eastern Generals with Thoron. DLC Micaiah had battled the center forces. Inigo, Clair, and DLC Marth battled the western forces with Levin Swords. As they can do good damage with them. I gave Miccy an Aversa's night this time and she's doing good against Cervantes and Excellus's forces. Thanatos continues to pawn with Mjolnir showing howbad-ass he really is. I gave both him and DLC Marth Sol. So they're great frontliners. When the reinforcements arrives, Miccy took care of all the southern forces by herself. DLC Leif took care of the eastern forces. The western forces were dealt with DLC Marth and Inigo. Inigo got countered several times by one of the Warriors getting dealt 9dmg each. His hits were weak and enough for him to kill the foe and surviving. I have him gug an Elixir after the enemy phase ends. Walhart and his forces were easy enough. As his forces by the throne were dealt with in short order by Chrom and Thanatos, keeping out of Walhart's range of course. Walhart now looks for a fight as he moved from his post. I didn't care to get the treasure here as they contained stuff that I didn't want and Walhart is already at our forces. As I must end the battle now. I've had Clair Celica Galed'd him. Shecould do 20x4 dmg to him. He Aegis'd all of her hits as it activated every time dealing on 10dmg to him. 2 out of those 4 hits, She Ignis'd him doing 20dmg as he is now at 18HP left. So it was enough to finish him ending the battle. Excellus was cake as I've had Miccy kill him by turn 3. I've had Thanatos finish Walhart by mjolniring him. He could only do 19A H 83% C 14%. He was at only 18HP left, so it was easy to finish him ending the battle.
Turns 7
MVP Thanatos&Chrom
I buy 2 Nosferatu's for Miccy as her other one was close to breaking. Her Luck was only at 38 and not at 50. She has Armsthrift. Aversa's Night now has only 3 uses left. I also buy a Concoction and 3 Pure Waters and selling Walhart's Bullion (L) and then after some base conversations with Miriel+Gregor (C Support) before I begin the next chapter.
Chapter 21
-Bolt Axe (Algol)
-Master Key
1 3
1. Skill Book
2. Noble Rapier
3. Fortify
4. ???
Not so easy. The enemies here are powerful and you certainly want to bring only your strongest characters here. Since their stats are well in their 30's. And I would make like a Tornado and blow before Slime priests have fun picking off my characters and bringing fourth powerful reinforcements. Chrom, Clair, Micaiah, Thanatos, Tiara, Leif (DLC) applied here as I've tried bringing Cynthia and Jerome here when the Slime priests had fun picking off Jerome causing a restart. I didn't get the 4th treasure as enough powerful reinforcements arrived and was in a hurry to getting the hell out of here.
Turns 10
MVP Thanatos&Chrom
Just headed straight into the next chapter.
Chapter 22
-Goddess Icon (Aversa)
Easy. Had Micaiah (Aversa's Night) take care of one of the 12. Chrom+Thanatos take out the eastern ones. leif did good with the Sol. Sword. Although, he was in critical state after one. He dodged the Valfalme. it wouldn't have killed him since I've raised his Mag Def and that he is paired up. Had Chrom+Thanatos take care of the upper right 2. Thanatos was in critical condition after the 2. As the Ill spell one did a number on him. Raquesis was given a Naga Tome as she has enough Luck to get infinite uses out of it. Aversa was easy enough with Clair (Celica's Gale) 22x4 H 100% C 0% Aversa-Goetia HP71 A25 H 66% C 0%. After she drops a Goddess icon, the battle ends.
Turns 6
MVP Thanatos&Chrom
-Naga Tome
-Celica's Gale
Had them use these there.
After giving Gregor a Brave Sword with a Goddess Icon for his Armsthrift to work better. As his luck now is only 21, I then begin the next chapter.
Chapter 23
-Dragon Killer
-Silver Bow
-Silver Sword
-Silver Lance
-Talismen (Validar)
Validar LV18 EXP--
HP 80/80
Str 6
Mag Pwr 44(Capped!)
Skill 33
Speed 31
Luck 29
Def 34
Res 34
Skills: Rightful King, Anatheme, Dragonskin, Renewal, Vengeance
Normal. Took a few restarts, but Thanatos and Chrom's crits with the Gungnir and Mjolnir did a number on Validar. Don't underestimate an A support, Validar. Time to pay the piper, they say! Anyhoo, it was a rad battle watching Clair do Ignis'd Celica Gales, Watching Inigo Astra the shit out of everyone critting like crazy with a Killing Edge, watching Miriel touch her glasses and performing crits with a Thoron tome, Watching Thanatos Mjolniring the shit out of everybody. Even had Flavia participate as her crit animation looked bad-ass. DLC Leif Levin Sworded nicely. Raquesis Naga'd the living shit out of everyone. It was a fun battle. It's meant to be fun, not hard!
Turns 5
MVP Thanatos&Chrom
Afterwards, I then do "Infinite Regalia" episode, which should be manageable at this point. I've gathered these following weapons during my several rounds.....
-Sol Sword
-Bolt Axe
-Vengeance Axe
-Astra Bowx2
-Goddess Staffx2
-Silver Card
I now begin the next chapter after my troops got awarded another 3 rounds of EXPOmnigrowth.
Chapter 24
-Bullion (M) (Risen Chief)
A boring, but semi-hard chapter. Not only do reinforcements appear from several forts every turn, but they also have Hit+20 skills to make this battle a living hell. Another map that they try to surround you. Had Chrom+Vaike, Clair+Nephanee take care of the upper squad and DLC Micaiah and Serra take care of the bottom squadren. Serra would have died as she got ganged up on by several Dracomasters, but Miracle activated and saved her. She had 46+6 Luck. That Luck+4 and All Stats+2 came in handy. It'll get even better in the post-game! I knew that Miracle would be good for her. It activated at the right time as Thanatos, etc, Miracled too. It can get useful sometimes. I was in a hurry to getting the hell out of here before the map gets flooded to death. Covered up 3 of the forts, had Chrom kill the boss with an Armorslayer as he was a Risen Chief Great knight.
Turns 8
MVP Chrom&Vaike
I now use my lone Rift Door that I've saved throughout the game and used it on Chapter 24's area and Anna sells a Harmain Staff, Manual, and Angelic Robe. Lunatic only had 1 Harmain Staff throughout the game. Which I've already used to repair the Mjolnir tome. I've bought all of these with the Silver Card of course. The Harmain Staff was on sale for 850G. After buying them, I begin the next chapter.
Chapter 25
-Goetia (Aversa)
-Levin Sword
Wooah! Everyone here has Hit+20 skills and are all well armed with forges. Time to do the same as before if they all try to gang up on me. This has to be the hardest chapter on Lunatic. They surround you in seconds and flood the map completely after a few turns. The reinforcements arrives starting by Turn 4. What I actually had to do was solo it with Chrom+Vaike. I'm just in a hurry to complete it ASAP. Since I can't warp skip this map. They had to solo it entirely as powerful reinforcements rises everywhere and will try their best to obliterate you as they have powerful weapons and skills like Hit+20 Astra combo and such. I'vebrought alot of Elixir to keep Chrom healthy as I kill Aversa by turn 7 ending the chapter. Just like that, I break it with a sledgehammer. I had done this map several times to realise that it is too dangerous to stick around in and had to solo it entirely.
Turns 7
MVP Chrom&Vaike
And now I...buy a couple of Spears and forge an Arcwind and Bolt Axe by 2 MT for both Gregor and Serra then I begin the next chapter.
Final Chapter Grima
Grima LV20 EXP--
HP 99/99
Str 50(Capped!)
Mag 40(Capped!)
Skill 50(Capped!)
Speed 45(Capped!)
Luck 45(Capped!)
Def 50(Capped!)
Res 50(Capped!)
Skills: Anathema, Ignis, Rightful God+, Pavise, Dragonskin
Great battle! Unfortunately, Clair and Tiara died in thisbattle from the Beast Killer Falcoknights(Valhalla bitches) as I was delighted to see them say their last breaths "Baka-na". =D
Anyhoo, the last boss has these stats (Shown above). Used the Parellel Falchion and after killing their healers. So they don't heal the boss which they actually did once already. I then had Chrom+Thanatos stick it to him. Nothing else hardly damages him without the Parellel Falchion. As it can actually do bonus dmg to him. After killing Grima, my creation (Thanatos), the credits rolls and Lunatic+ now gets unlocked. Clair and Tiara aren't really permenetly dead as any characters that die here don't premenetly die as the game does not save after this point. So, their still in one piece and that now the post-game starts.
Paralogue 19
After a few restarts, it's only a matter of bringing your strongest units and killing off the reinforcements before they surround you. What's worse is that every enemy has to die including Walhart in order to clear the chapter. It was fun fighting him once again....for the third time. And that this time he has Luna. It showed his bad-asss animation scene too. Anyways, after routing everyone, Walhart doesn't join. *resets*
I realised that Walhart only joins if Chrom fights him. Looked on serenesforest.net FE13 recruitment section. So, I have to do this again by resetting. Since you only get one chance and that the chapter disappears for good and that you get only one try. I this time solo it with Chrom+Thanatos with some Elixirs and he joins the party afterwards.
Turns 10
MVP Thanatos&Chrom
Paralogue 22
This is a crazy chapter. You actually battle yourselves here. I battle everyone that I'm using in this run and this has to be one of the best chapters that I've ever seen. You may have to Rescue NPC Aversa away. As this will make pointless coming here ifshe dies. She must survive in order to be recruited. I get a Spirit Dust and a Bullion (L) by completing it and Aversa joins.
Turns 4
MVP Thanatos&Chrom
Paralogue 21
-Sol Katti
Hard. Not only do they surround you with Assassins that all have Pass, but also throw in powerful Swordmasters having both Hit+20 and Astra. I actually had to have Thanatos+Chrom solo it entirely thanking Sol for this. You actually have to rescue Yen'fey away and having Say'ri talk to him. He turns into a player unit afterwards. After a few restarts, I finally get through this and Yen'fey joins me after the battle.
Turns 7
MVP Thanatos&Chrom
Paralogue 20
-Bullion (M)
-Talismen (Khan)
-Fortify (Chapter completion)
Easy. It was just a matter of waiting for them to get to me and take them out. Rescuing Emmeryn was the only way that she could be saved as there were a ton of Assassins that are hot on her tail and that there will be no point in being here if she gets gutted. Also the only spotpass Paralogue to not have any reinforcements. The boss is piss easy. As being equipped with Slime made her vurnerable. After she dies, Emmeryn gains some of her memory back and she joins me. <3
I've had Chrom talk to her first beforeending the chapter!
After getting palla, Catria, and Est, I then begin to grind. As up to this point of the game, Only Chrom, Thanatos, (DLC) Leif, (DLC) Marth, Inigo, Vaike, Serra, Clair, Tiara, Nah, Mia, (DLC) Micaiah, Gregor, and Raquesis have been any good at fighting up to this point of the game. Now it's time that I have everyone else shine. After initiating supports with Aversa+Thanatos. They get married, have a baby. And now I begin the next paralogue.
Paralogue 12
-Goddess icon (Risen Cheif)
-Naga's Tear (Chapter completion)
1. Fortify
2. Second Seal
3. Bullion (M)
No strategy. Since this was geared to be a mid-game map, it was very easy. Their stats are no more than around the 10's. Just picked up the treasure offed the Thieves to get the other 2, then defeated the Risen Chief to end the chapter. Walhart and yen'feyeven had their fun with them, too...
Turns 6
MVP None
Training time!!!! =D
Margan F came with this...
Morgan (F)
Class: Peg knight
HP 55/55
Str 24(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 27(Capped!)
Skill 30(Capped!)
Speed 29+2(Capped!)
Luck 28(Capped!)
Def 23(Capped!)
Res 28(Capped!)
Lance C
Skills: Speed+2, Refresh, Armsthrift, Shadowgift

Stats time...
Japanese run 2

Chrom LV20/15/10/15/20 EXP--
Class: Dreadfighter
Final Class: Great Lord
HP 80/80(Capped)
Power 53+2(Capped)
Mag Pwr 48+2(Capped!)
Skill 51+2(Capped)
Speed 52+2(Capped)
Luck 56+2(Capped)
Def 48+2(Capped!)
Res 52+2
Sword A Lance A
Skills: Aether, All Stats+2, Aggresor, gamebreaker.pngLimitbreaker, Rightful King
LV20/10/15/10/12 EXP96
Class: Dark Flier
Final Class: Dark Flier
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 48(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 52(Capped!)
Skill 54(Capped!)
Speed 49(Capped!)
Luck 54(Capped!)
Def 44(Capped!)
Res 51(Capped!)
Lance A Tome A
Skills: Iote's Shield, Ignis, Armsthrift, Galeforce, Limitbreaker
Lissa LV20/15/10/15/10/10/8 EXP66
Class: Dark Peg
Final Class: Dark Peg
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 44(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 54(Capped!)
Skill 50(Capped!)
Speed 52(Capped!)
Luck 57(Capped!)
Def 40
Res 52(Capped!)
Lance A Tome A
Skills: Tomefaire, Galeforce, Lancefaire, Iote's Shield, Limitbreaker
Severa LV20 EXP--
Class: Assassin
Final Class: Dark Flier
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 53(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 30
Skill 63(Capped!)
Speed 61(Capped!)
Luck 53(Capped!)
Def 41(Capped!)
Res 40(Capped!)
Sword A Bow A
Skills: Armsthrift, Astra, Swordfaire, Galeforce, Limitbreaker
Laurent LV20/17/15/15/10/5 EXP2
Class: Paladin
Final Class: Paladin
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 41+2(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 57+7(Capped!)
Skill 51+2(Capped!)
Speed 52+2(Capped!)
Luck 54+2(Capped!)
Def 52+2(Capped!)
Res 54+2(Capped!)
Tome A
Skills: Vantage, Astra, All Stats+2, Tomefaire, Limitbreaker
Has grew three levels since her last report.
Noire LV21 EXP70
Class: Bride
Final Class: Bride
HP 80/80(Capped)
Power 51(Capped)
Mag Pwr 53(Capped!)
Skill 55(Capped)
Speed 57(Capped)
Luck 53(Capped)
Def 51(Capped)
Res 49
Lance A Bow A Staff A
Skills: Pavise, Luna, Duel Guard+, Astra, Limitbreaker
Donnel LV25 EXP10
Class: Dreadfighter
Final Class: Dreadfighter
HP 85/85(Capped!)
Power 53+2(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 47+2(Capped!)
Skill 49(Capped!)
Speed 50(Capped!)
Luck 58(Capped!)
Def 50(Capped!)
Res 52(Capped!)
Sword A Axe A Tome A
Skills: Armsthrift, Limitbreaker, All Stats+2, HP+5, Aggressor
Gaius LV20/10/15/10/15/10 EXP48
Class: Assassin
Final Class: Assassin
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 51+5(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 24+5
Skill 60(Capped!)
Speed 58(Capped!)
Luck 53(Capped!)
Def 40(Capped!)
Res 30+10
Sword A Bow A
Skills: Aggressor, Swordfaire, Astra, Res+10, Limitbreaker
Lucina LV20 EXP--
Class: Master Lord
Final Class: Master Lord
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 54(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 35
Skill 57(Capped!)
Speed 53(Capped!)
Luck 56(Capped!)
Def 52(Capped!)
Res 36
Sword A Lance A
Skills: Aether, Rightful Queen, Duel Attack+, Galeforce, Limitbreaker
Florina LV30 EXP--
Class: Bride
Final Class: Bride
HP: 80/80(Capped!)
Str 50(Capped!)
Mag 49(Capped!)
Skill 54(Capped!)
Speed 56(Capped!)
Luck 56(Capped!)
Def 48(Capped!)
Res 49(Capped!)
Lance A Bow A Staff A
Skills: Lance A Bow A Staff A
Linde LV20/10/15//10/10/10/9 EXP71
Class: Sage
Final Class: Sage
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 39(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 55+5(Capped!)
Skill 55(Capped!)
Speed 56(Capped!)
Luck 56(Capped!)
Def 40(Capped!)
Res 49
Tome A Staff A
Skills: Galeforce, Armsthrift, Luna, Tomefaire, Limitbreaker
Mist LV15 EXP45
Class: Valkyrie
Final Class: Valkyrie
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 45(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 54(Capped!)
Skill 48(Capped!)
Speed 53(Capped!)
Luck 58(Capped!)
Def 37(Capped!)
Res 54(Capped!)
Tome A Staff A
Skills: Demoiselle, Luna, Miracle, Galeforce, Limitbreaker
Ursula LV16 EXP65
Class: Valkyrie
Final Class: Valkyrie
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 40(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 56(Capped!)
Skill 48(Capped!)
Speed 55(Capped!)
Luck 54(Capped!)
Def 37(Capped!)
Res 53
Tome A Staff A
Skills: Galeforce, Astra, Armsthrift, Demoiselle, Limitbreaker
Celica(DLC) LV15 EXP81
Class: Sage
Final Class: Sage
HP 80/80
Power 37(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 60+5(Capped!)
Skill 52(Capped!)
Speed 54(Capped!)
Luck 55(Capped!)
Def 40(Capped!)
Res 48
Tome A Staff A
Skills: Rightful Queen, Luna, Tomefaire, Armsthrift, Limitbreaker
Owain LV15 EXP40
Class: Dreadfighter
Final Class: Dreadfighter
HP 85/85(Capped!)
Power 52(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 50(Capped!)
Skill 49(Capped!)
Speed 51(Capped!)
Luck 61(Capped!)
Def 50(Capped!)
Res 54(Capped!)
Sword A Axe A Tome B
Skills: Armsthrift, Limitbreaker, HP+5, Agressor, Astra
King Marth Lv28 EXP38
Class: Lodestar
Final Class: Lodestar
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 55(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 37(Capped!)
Skill 55(Capped!)
Speed 52(Capped!)
Luck 55(Capped!)
Def 53(Capped!)
Res 49(Capped!)
Sword A
Skills: Luna, Rightful King, Pavise, Aegis, Limitbreaker
Celica(Spotpass)LV12 EXP38
Class: Sage
Final Class: Sage
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 27(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 50(Capped!)
Skill 42(Capped!)
Speed 44(Capped!)
Luck 45(Capped!)
Def 30(Capped!)
Res 42(Capped!)
Tome A Staff A
Skills: Rally Love, Rally Spectrum, mRally Res, Rally Speed, Rally Mag
Tharja LV20 EXP--
Class: Sorcerer
Final Class: Sorcerer
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 28+2(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 23+2(Capped!)
Skill 33+2(Capped!)
Speed 38+2(Capped!)
Luck 32+2(Capped!)
Def 38+2(Capped!)
Res 40+2
Tome A
Skills: Luna, Pavise, All Stats+2, Limitbreaker, Lifetaker
Hector LV12 EXP51
Class: Sage
Final Class: Sage
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 34(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 31
Skill 44(Capped!)
Speed 39(Capped!)
Luck 44(Capped!)
Def 33(Capped!)
Res 30
Tome B Staff C
Skills: Rally Def, Rally Str, Rally Skill, Rally Spectrum, Rally Luck
Lewyn LV7 EXP98
Class: Sage
Final Class: Sage
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 27(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 50(Capped!)
Skill 42(Capped!)
Speed 44(Capped!)
Luck 45(Capped!)
Def 30(Capped!)
Res 42(Capped!)
Tome A Staff C
Skills: Rally Def, Rally Str, Rally Skill, Rally Spectrum, Rally Luck
Morgan LV10/15/10/10/8 EXP0
Class: Sorcerer
Final Class: Sorcerer
HP 80/80
Power 44+2(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 55+2
Skill 53+2
Speed 49+2(Capped!)
Luck 56+2(Capped!)
Def 53+2(Capped!)
Res 54+2
Tome A
Skills: Rightful King, Ignis, All Stats+2, Armsthrift, Limitbreaker
No change.
Katarina(Spotpass) LV2 EXP82
Class: Dark Knight
Final Class: Dark Knight
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 36
Mag Pwr 44(Capped!)
Skill 40(Capped!)
Speed 42(Capped!)
Luck 42(Capped!)
Def 42(Capped!)
Res 40(Capped!)
Sword C Tome A
Skills: Rally Love, Rally Spectrum, Rally Res, Rally Speed, Rally Mag
Legion LV20 EXP--
Class: Warrior
Final Class: Warrior
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 61+5(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 40+5(Capped!)
Skill 51(Capped!)
Speed 50(Capped!)
Luck 55(Capped!)
Def 51(Capped!)
Res 45(Capped!)
Axe A Bow A
Skills: gamebreaker.pngLimitbreaker, 034vu.pngAxefaire, 038n.pngBowfaire, 023ck.pngArmsthrift, lunaw.pngLuna
Katarina(DLC) LV20 EXP--
Class: Grandmaster
Final Class: Grandmaster
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 39(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 43(Capped!)
Skill 40(Capped!)
Speed 42(Capped!)
Luck 42(Capped!)
Def 40(Capped!)
Res 42(Capped!)
Sword A Tome A
Skills: Rally Love, Rally Spectrum, Rally Str, Rally Speed, Rally Mag
Tiki(Adult) LV20 EXP--
Class: Manakete
Final Class: Manakete
HP 80/80(Capped!) With the Real Dragonstone!
Power 39+13(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 43+8(Capped!)
Skill 40+7(Capped!)
Speed 42+6(Capped!)
Luck 42+2(Capped!)
Def 40+15(Capped!)
Res 42+11(Capped!)
Skills: Biorhythem, Swordbreaker, All Stats+2, Lancebreaker, Limitbreaker
Sophia LV17 EXP71
Class: Sage
Final Class: Sage
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 40(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 60(Capped!)
Skill 53(Capped!)
Speed 54(Capped!)
Luck 54(Capped!)
Def 38(Capped!)
Res 51(Capped!)
Tome A Staff C
Skills: Demoiselle, Limitbreaker, Duel Support+, Duel Guard+, Luna
Soren LV17 EXP24
Class: Sage
Final Class: Sage
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 37(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 60+5(Capped!)
Skill 52(Capped!)
Speed 54(Capped!)
Luck 55(Capped!)
Def 40(Capped!)
Res 52(Capped!)
Tome A Staff C
Skills: Limitbreaker, Luna, Lifetaker, Renewal, Tomefaire
Lilina LV10 EXP0
Class: Sage
Final Class: Sage
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 39(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 60+5(Capped!)
Skill 50(Capped!)
Speed 54(Capped!)
Luck 55(Capped!)
Def 40(Capped!)
Res 52(Capped!)
Tome A Staff A
Skills: Luna, Limitbreaker, Vantage, Armsthrift, Tomefaire
Lyn(DLC) LV15 EXP0
Class: Assassin
Final Class: Assassin
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 50+7(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 40+7(Capped!)
Skill 60+2(Capped!)
Speed 60+2(Capped!)
Luck 56+2(Capped!)
Def 38+2(Capped!)
Res 39+2(Capped!)
Sword A Bow A
Skills: Swordfaire, Bowfaire, Astra, All Stats+2, Limitbreaker
Jaffar LV12 EXP0
Class: Assassin
Final Class: Assassin
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 51+7(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 39+7(Capped!)
Skill 62+2(Capped!)
Speed 56+2(Capped!)
Luck 52+2(Capped!)
Def 43+2(Capped!)
Res 40+2(Capped!)
Sword A Bow A
Skills: Swordfaire, Bowfaire, Astra, Galeforce, Limitbreaker
Nino LV16 EXP0
Class: Sage
Final Class: Sage
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 39(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 55+5(Capped!)
Skill 55(Capped!)
Speed 56(Capped!)
Luck 56(Capped!)
Def 40(Capped!)
Res 49(Capped!)
Tome A Staff A
Skills: Limitbreaker, Armsthrift, Vantage, Astra, Tomefaire

Japanese Run 3 (Lunatic)

Chrom LV17 EXP71
Class: Great Lord
Final Class: Great Lord
HP 80/80(Capped)
Power 44+2(Capped)
Mag Pwr 10+2
Skill 41+2(Capped)
Speed 42+2(Capped)
Luck 46+2(Capped)
Def 41+2(Capped!)
Res 35+2
Sword A Lance A
Skills: aether.pngAether, 103hr.pngAll Stats+2, 037wu.pngHit+20, 098o.pngParagon, royalweapon.pngRightful King
Julia LV2 EXP23 (Post-game)
Class: Sage
Final Class: Sage
HP 80/80(Capped)
Power 27(Capped)
Mag Pwr 49
Skill 39
Speed 44(Capped)
Luck 45(Capped)
Def 30(Capped!)
Res 40
Tome A Staff A
Skills: 090ag.pngRally Love, 008ag.pngRally Spectrum, 075n.pngRally Res, 049gu.pngRally Speed, 019pk.pngRally Mag
Katarina(DLC) LV20 EXP--(Post-game!)
Class: Grandmaster
Final Class: Grandmaster
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 39(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 43(Capped!)
Skill 40(Capped!)
Speed 42(Capped!)
Luck 42(Capped!)
Def 40(Capped!)
Res 42(Capped!)
Sword A Tome A
Skills: Rally Love, Rally Spectrum, Rally Str, Rally Speed, Rally Mag
Olwen LV1 EXP9 (Post-game)
Class: Dark Knight
Final Class: Dark Knight
HP 80/80(Capped)
Power 41
Mag Pwr 41(Capped)
Skill 42(Capped)
Speed 40(Capped)
Luck 44(Capped)
Def 37
Res 41
Sword A Tome A
Skills: Rally Love, Rally Spectrum, Rally Res, Rally Speed, Rally Mag
Gharnef LV1 EXP19 (Post-game)
Class: Sage
Final Class: Sage
HP 80/80(Capped)
Power 29(Capped)
Mag Pwr 49(Capped)
Skill 43(Capped)
Speed 44(Capped)
Luck 42(Capped)
Def 31(Capped)
Res 42(Capped)
Tome A Staff A
Skills: 012nh.pngRally Def, 029jg.pngRally Str, skillcry.pngRally Skill, 008ag.pngRally Spectrum, luckcry.pngRally Luck
Julius LV1 EXP0 (Post-game)
Class: Dracomaster
Final Class: Dracomaster
HP 80/80(Capped)
Power 45(Capped)
Mag Pwr 33(Capped)
Skill 38(Capped)
Speed 40(Capped)
Luck 42(Capped)
Def 46(Capped)
Res 32(Capped)
Lance A Axe A
Skills: Rally Def, Iote's Shield, Rally Skill, Rally Spectrum, Rally Luck
I was meanting to make him like Julius in Tear Ring Saga. That is why he is a Dracomaster in the end.
Lissa LV14 EXP33
Class: War Monk
Final Class: War Monk
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 38(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 42(Capped!)
Skill 36
Speed 41(Capped!)
Luck 47(Capped!)
Def 28
Res 38
Axe A Staff A
Skills: 017me.pngMiracle, 076ir.pngDuel Support+, 103hr.pngAll Stats+2, 009mw.pngGaleforce, renewal.pngRenewal
Cynthia LV20 EXP--
Class: War Monk
Final Class: War Monk
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 41(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 39(Capped!)
Skill 43(Capped!)
Speed 43+2(Capped!)
Luck 46(Capped!)
Def 39(Capped!)
Res 42
Axe A Staff A
Skills: Miracle, Luna, Speed+2, Galeforce, Renewal
Miriel LV16 EXP83
Class: Sage
Final Class: Sage
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 26
Mag Pwr 49+9(Capped!)
Skill 44(Capped!)
Speed 43(Capped!)
Luck 45(Capped!)
Def 28
Res 40(Capped!)
Tome A Staff A
Skills: magic2x.pngMag+2, 103hr.pngAll Stats+2, 068h.pngLifetaker, 076ir.pngDuel Support+, 020nw.pngTomefaire
Nah LV21 EXP88
Class: Manakete
Final Class: Manakete
HP 80/80(Capped!) With the Real Dragonstone!
Power 44+13(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 26+8
Skill 37+7(Capped!)
Speed 34+6(Capped!)
Luck 46+2(Capped!)
Def 45+15(Capped!)
Res 41+11(Capped!)
Skills: Armsthrift, Vantage, All Stats+2, Astra, Renewal
Emmeryn LV18 EXP35(Post-game!)
Class: Sage
Final Class: Sage
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 12
Mag Pwr 50+7(Capped!)
Skill 43(Capped!)
Speed 43(Capped!)
Luck 45(Capped!)
Def 29(Capped!)
Res 41(Capped!)
Skills: 020nw.pngTomefaire, 017me.pngMiracle, magic2x.pngMag+2, renewal.pngRenewal, 009mw.pngGaleforce
Morgan (F) LV18 EXP18(Post-game!)
Class: Grandmaster
Final Class: Grandmaster
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 40(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 44(Capped!)
Skill 42(Capped!)
Speed 42(Capped!)
Luck 43(Capped!)
Def 43(Capped!)
Res 43(Capped!)
Sword A Tome A
Skills: Armsthrift, Shadowgift, Solidary, Galeforce, Ignis
Tiara LV3 EXP17
Class: Grandmaster
Final Class: Grandmaster
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 41+2(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 38+2(Capped!)
Skill 40+2(Capped!)
Speed 39+2(Capped!)
Luck 47+2(Capped!)
Def 42+2(Capped!)
Res 40+2
Sword A Tome A
Skills: Armsthrift, All Stats+2, Renewal, Galeforce, Ignis
Inigo LV29 EXP72
Class: Dreadfighter
Final Class: Dreadfighter
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 44(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 35
Skill 43(Capped!)
Speed 44(Capped!)
Luck 47(Capped!)
Def 38(Capped!)
Res 42(Capped!)
Sword A Axe A Tome A
Skills: Armsthrift, Galeforce, Aggressor, Rightful King, Astra
Walhart LV2 EXP66(Post-game!)
Class: Conqueror
Final Class: Conqueror
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 49(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 35
Skill 40(Capped!)
Speed 39(Capped!)
Luck 44(Capped!)
Def 49(Capped!)
Res 33+10(Capped!)
Sword A Axe A Tome A
Skills: Conqueror, Res+10, Deliverer, Aggressor, Luna
Thanatos LV20 EXP--
Class: Dark Knight
Final Class: Dark Knight
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 38+2(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 41+2(Capped!)
Skill 40+2(Capped!)
Speed 40+2(Capped!)
Luck 44+2(Capped!)
Def 44+2(Capped!)
Res 40+2(Capped!)
Sword A Tome A
Skills: Armsthrift, Sol, All Stats+2, Miracle, Ignis
Leif(DLC) <3 LV8 EXP73
Class: Trickster
Final Class: Trickster
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 34(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 38(Capped!)
Skill 44(Capped!)
Speed 47(Capped!)
Luck 47(Capped!)
Def 29(Capped!)
Res 37
Sword A Staff A
Skills: Armsthrift, Renewal, Underdog, Miracle, Lucky Seven
Marth(DLC) <3 LV12 EXP70
Class: Lodestar
Final Class: Lodestar
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 42(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 31(Capped!)
Skill 43(Capped!)
Speed 43(Capped!)
Luck 48(Capped!)
Def 38
Res 39(Capped!)
Sword A
Skills: Aptitude, Armsthrift, Swordfaire, Astra, Sol/All Stats+2
Serra LV8 EXP70
Class: War Monk
Final Class: War Monk
HP 78/78
Power 41+2(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 41+2(Capped!)
Skill 38+2(Capped!)
Speed 41+2(Capped!)
Luck 48+6(Capped!)
Def 37+2(Capped!)
Res 39+2
Axe A Staff A
Skills: Miracle, Luck+4, All Stats+2, Demoiselle, Renewal
Clair LV1 EXP64
Class: Dark Peg
Final Class: Dark Peg
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 38+2(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 44+2(Capped!)
Skill 41+2(Capped!)
Speed 42+2(Capped!)
Luck 48+2(Capped!)
Def 29+2(Capped!)
Res 40+2(Capped!)
Spear A Tome A
Skills: Ignis, Armsthirft, All Stats+2, Iote's Shield, Galeforce
Vaike LV26 EXP15
Class: Dreadfighter
Final Class: Dreadfighter
HP 85/85(Capped!)
Power 45(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 19
Skill 41(Capped!)
Speed 42(Capped!)
Luck 37
Def 39(Capped!)
Res 19+10
Sword A Axe A Tome A
Skills: HP+5, Sol, Aggressor, Paragon, Res+10
Kjelle LV15 EXP78
Class: General
Final Class: General
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 50(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 15
Skill 47(Capped!)
Speed 41(Capped!)
Luck 40
Def 38
Res 19
Spear A Axe A
Skills: Astra, Aegis, Deliverer, Pavise, Paragon
Gregor LV10 EXP62
Class: Dreadfighter
Final Class: Dreadfighter
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 44(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 17
Skill 42(Capped!)
Speed 41(Capped!)
Luck 36
Def 40(Capped!)
Res 26+10
Spear A Axe A
Skills: Armsthrift, Astra, Res+10, Aggressor, Paragon
Jerome LV19 EXP76
Class: Dracomaster
Final Class: Dracomaster
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 51(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 24
Skill 37(Capped!)
Speed 37(Capped!)
Luck 49(Capped!)
Def 50(Capped!)
Res 25
Spear A Axe A
Skills: Armsthrift, Aptitude, Paragon, Iote's Shield, Renewal
Yen'fey LV15 EXP94
Class: Griffon Knight
Final Class: Griffon Knight
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 41(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 8
Skill 45(Capped!)
Speed 45(Capped!)
Luck 45(Capped!)
Def 39(Capped!)
Res 28(Capped!)
Axe A
Skills: Astra, Lethality/All Stats+2, Vantage, Hit+20, Iote's Shield
Nephanee LV1 EXP0
Class: General
Final Class: General
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 51(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 29(Capped!)
Skill 45(Capped!)
Speed 35(Capped!)
Luck 44(Capped!)
Def 48
Res 34(Capped!)
Spear A Axe A
Skills: Vantage, Astra, Wrath, Pavise, Deliverer
Say'ri LV3 EXP010
Class: Swordmaster
Final Class: Swordmaster
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 39+5(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 20+5
Skill 45(Capped!)
Speed 47(Capped!)
Luck 44(Capped!)
Def 33(Capped!)
Res 25
Sword A
Skills: Astra, Swordfaire, Paragon, Galeforce, Lethality/All Stats+2
Catria(DLC) LV1 EXP72 (Post-game)
Class: Dark Peg
Final Class: Dark Peg
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 35(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 37
Skill 43(Capped!)
Speed 46(Capped!)
Luck 45
Def 31(Capped!)
Res 30
Spear A Tome A
Skills: Galeforce, Paragon, Ignis, Armsthrift, Iote's Shield
Raquesis LV2 EXP22
Class: Valkyrie
Final Class: Valkyrie
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 29+2(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 44+2(Capped!)
Skill 37+2(Capped!)
Speed 43+2(Capped!)
Luck 49+2(Capped!)
Def 29+2(Capped!)
Res 40+2
Tome A Staff A
Skills: Demoiselle, Paragon, Charm, Armsthrift, All Stats+2
Micaiah(DLC) LV17 EXP46
Class: Sage
Final Class: Sage
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 30(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 50+5(Capped!)
Skill 43(Capped!)
Speed 44(Capped!)
Luck 44(Capped!)
Def 28(Capped!)
Res 41(Capped!)
Tome A Staff A
Skills: Shadowgift, Demoiselle, Tomefaire, Armsthrift, Ignis
Mia LV4 EXP0
Class: Hero
Final Class: Hero
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 39(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 30(Capped!)
Skill 47(Capped!)
Speed 46(Capped!)
Luck 47(Capped!)
Def 39(Capped!)
Res 27
Sword A Axe A
Skills: Paragon, Lethality/All Stats+2, Galeforce, Pass, Armsthrift
Palla LV1 EXP0 (Post-game)
Class: Dark Peg
Final Class: Dark Peg
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 38(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 42(Capped!)
Skill 44(Capped!)
Speed 39(Capped!)
Luck 41
Def 34(Capped!)
Res 41(Capped!)
Spear A Tome A
Skills: Galeforce, Armsthrift, Counter, Ignis, Iote's Shield
Arthur LV5 EXP0
Class: Dark Knight
Final Class: Dark Knight
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 37(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 41(Capped!)
Skill 43(Capped!)
Speed 40(Capped!)
Luck 45(Capped!)
Def 43(Capped!)
Res 34
Sword A Tome A
Skills: Wrath, Paragon, Astra, Armsthrift, Vantage
Salem LV1 EXP0
Class: Sorcerer
Final Class: Sorcerer
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 31(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 43(Capped!)
Skill 42(Capped!)
Speed 40(Capped!)
Luck 42(Capped!)
Def 43(Capped!)
Res 43
Tome A
Skills: Paragon, All Stats+2, Astra, Armsthrift, Vantage
Caeda LV1 EXP0
Class: Falcoknight
Final Class: Falcoknight
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 35(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 35(Capped!)
Skill 46(Capped!)
Speed 48(Capped!)
Luck 47(Capped!)
Def 32(Capped!)
Res 40(Capped!)
Spear A Staff A
Skills: Armsthrift, Miracle, Ignis, Renewal, Iote's Shield
Lute LV2 EXP0
Class: Sage
Final Class: Sage
HP 80/80(Capped!)
Power 29(Capped!)
Mag Pwr 49(Capped!)
Skill 43(Capped!)
Speed 44(Capped!)
Luck 44(Capped!)
Def 29
Res 40
Tome A Staff A
Skills: Renewal, Miracle, All Stats+2, Armsthrift, Luna

Edited by ポーラ
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