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Dark knight vs Dark peg

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to people who have played, im asking cuz iv been using dark knights and i like them but i hear D. pegs are good too, but im just iffy with the whole flying thing. are they worth it or do u need to be extra careful cuz they fly? i was thinking of making sairi and olivia one as i dont use sumia, and tiamo is a mercenary right now

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I haven't played the game but shouldn't Olivia stay a Dancer?

I would figure that giving her Lightning Speed (if you're willing to do that) would have her able to go for a kill and refresh an ally all in one turn. And that's if she's strong enough as a Dancer. Edited by Little Al
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I would figure that giving her Lightning Speed (if you're willing to do that) would have her able to go for a kill and refresh an ally all in one turn. And that's if she's strong enough as a Dancer.

pretty much, she's alot like donny, she comes under lvled with very weak stats, and she wont ever be useful unless you reclass her as dancer bases are horrible. if u really want her to be a dancer then she really should re-class and get some stats first, but by then i always just kept her as a swordmaster

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Olivia has issues surviving, but Dancers are incredibly useful if used right. I didn't really use her on NM or HM, but I can't imagine surviving LM without her.

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and she can defend herself now which is really nice instead of being sitting ducks they have some form of defense ill defiantly be using her why don't you like 13 dancer other than her starting stats

i haven't played but i think pegs are better because lote shield can be distributed to her where as conqueror is only avaliable to zephial,ephraim valhart and mark as his son and lus get rid of the flying weakness.

Edited by spoon98
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Iote's Shield is only available through a map that's about as difficult as the final chapter, so it's not very relevant. But yes, Pegasus Knights have some great options.

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i see, but back to my original question, ive been using dark knights as opposed to dark pegs, and im wondering if they have any advantage that would make them more viable, my original opinion on it was that most of the units able to promote to dark peg are not really mage units, like tiamo, sairi and sumia. and as a result they have low mag growths and would favor lance usage, whereas dark knight is a mage promotion so any unit able to be a dark knight will have a good mag growth anyway and most likely a sizable magic stat by the time of promotion and a good tome lvl. im trying to switch up my party a lil, was thinkin of trying out a extra MU by going to bow knight getting bow slayer then turning dark peg as im not buying dlc until the american release

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i dont generally use dancers. to me its a slot a strong unit could be using

I'm sorry to go off topic but I've always seen a fallacy in this argument. If you field a dancer the only action they do is to refresh a unit, allowing them two actions as if you fielded two of the unit you refreshed instead of a unit and a dancer. If you refresh your strongest unit every turn then it's as if you used the dancer's deployment slot for a copy of your strongest unit so what better use for the slot is there?

Also: I know it's not that simple, you need to defend a dancer and they may not always be able to get at your strongest unit, but this is just an analysis to point out the fallacy in the 'slot a strong unit could be using' argument.

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My opinion: Let's see...

Dark Pegasus: Lances and magic, high magic, somewhat good speed, high resistance. Dark Knight: Swords and magic, also high magic, higher defense than resistance, not prone to aerial effectiveness, can't traverse fast on sand.

I'd pick Dark Pegasus over Dark Knight. Reasons:

- Dark Pegasi uses lances. This means that they can attack both physically and magically at range 2. Sword users wanting to attack physically at range 2 need to use the rare Ragnell.

- Flying units can fly. Which means they're good for clearing maps quickly in terms of turn count.

Bows still need to be worried about, but this is hardly a problem in Normal or Hard.

Edited by nocturnal YL
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Bows still need to be worried about, but this is hardly a problem in Normal or Hard.

This doesn't sound right. A Silver Bow vs. a flier has 39 Mt; a forged one goes up to 51 Mt. And those weapons are rather prominent even on the lower difficulty levels, although not so much the forges.

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In Hard, they do give huge damage when hit, taking off a third to half of the HP of a fully-maxed, unprotected flier. But that's... you know, when it hits. Hit rates tend to be at around 20~40% for most enemies when Doubled with classes like Falcon Knights.

EDIT - I just played a bit of Gaiden 19. Forget what I said about enemies can't land hits. They're indeed highly threatening.

Edited by nocturnal YL
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I would figure that giving her Lightning Speed (if you're willing to do that) would have her able to go for a kill and refresh an ally all in one turn. And that's if she's strong enough as a Dancer.

Hadn't thought of that, really cool! Now that's a good use for her attacking ability!

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