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Rate The Unit: Day 68 - Ena

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6/10 because boobs are amazing. The exposure of boobs whether you like it or not is an indescribable force in the universe that makes everything better. Boobs making everything better, even if they're initially mediocre.

Woah, I didn't think you'd actually admit to being biased in favor of FE girls.

<br style="color: rgb(7, 55, 2); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(239, 255, 240); ">

Gareth exists, and one chapters out of 38 is not worth a 6/10, especially seeing as that's higher than what you gave Janaff and Ulki, who've been helping out for more than seven times that.

Silly Shotgunner, they lack boobs and are thus inferior. Anyway in other news i've been away from these RTU threads because of a whirlwind of unfortunate events. Being gravely ill, annoying relatives visiting, my laptop breaking down... etc. These were disappointing turns of events, and if I hadn't read Medaka Box from beginning to end I probably wouldn't be standing posting here today.


Edited by Starwave
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