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Atlyx's Translation Thread


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Hey guys, I think someone posted some of my support translations on another thread. It took a while, but my account was finally authorized. Here are some translations

Also, check out my blog, because it usually has the most up to date posts: http://bmgtranslation.blogspot.com/

Nono and Gaia Support C

(Nono)Hey hey, Gaia!Who did Gaia vote for?

(Gaia)Huh!? …vote?

(Nono)Before, everybody got together and voted.We're gonna decide who the prettiest girl is.

(Gaia)Hrmph, they're voting on that? Oh well, they're men after all. When men get together they end up acting like kids.

(Nono)Which lady will Gaia vote for?

(Gaia)I don't really care. What does it matter? If I have free time, eating candy by myself is the best.

(Nono)Hmm…but what's Gaia's type? Ah, does Gaia like older ladies? Or maybe younger ones?

(Gaia)Jeez, you won't give up, huh? Whatever, umm…older is good.

(Nono)That means Nono is Gaia's type!

(Gaia)Ehh? Oh, yeah. That's right. You're, like, 1000 years older than me. But no matter how I look at you, I can't believe it.

(Nono)Is Nono really that old? Nono is an elegant lady! Gaia doesn't believe Nono?

(Gaia)No, I believe you but…You're different from the average woman. I mean, the kind that can fascinate and beguile men….the kind that have feminine mystique.

(Nono)Misteek? What's "Misteek?"

(Gaia)"Feminine Mystique" is like…the power to be seductive to men.Don't worry about it, it has nothing to do with you.

(Nono)Ohh! Nono's lived for over 1000 years, of course she has "misteek!" Gaia just hasn't noticed it yet.

(Gaia)What's with this girl…Getting worked up over something so stupid.

Edited by atlyx
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Nono and Gaia Support B


(Gaia)Oh, Nono...chk! What's that smell..?

(Nono)Well? Well?Doesn't Nono's perfume gives off "Feminine Misteek?"

(Gaia)Th...this is perfume? I think you put too much on....my nose is going to twist off.

(Nono)Huh?Did Nono make a mistake?

(Gaia)Er...no, it's alright.Yeah, uh, you've got "Feminine Mystique."

(Nono)Hehe, great!See, Nono is a refined older lady, right?

(Gaia)Eh..um, yeah, I suppose so.

(Nono)Mwahaha,Gaia is totally in love with Nono, isn't he?

(Gaia)...that's not true.

(Nono)Wha? Even with the Misteek?

(Gaia)Didn't I say I'm not interested in all that? You just asked if I liked older or younger women, so I answered.

(Nono)Okay, then don't answer that question. Just tell Nono your type and Nono will transform into it. Nono will definitely not lose.

(Gaia)Huhh!? Why are you picking on me?Alright, I got it.I like magnanimous women.There's no way you could fit that description.

(Nono)What's "mag...nena....mouse"?

(Gaia)Jeez, this girl is such a pain..."Magnanimous" is being wrapped in generosity and big-heartedness.

(Nono)Can't Nono just wrap around Gaia?Just like transforming into a dragon.

(Gaia)Please...just stop.You're wearing me out here!

(Nono)"Wearing?" Like a dress?What does that mean? Gaia makes no sense.Make it easy for Nono to understand!

(Gaia)Sheesh, I'm not good with kids at all...

(Nono)Oh! Gaia, by the way...


Edited by atlyx
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Oh, someone posted it, yes.


If you can do any of the ones we haven't done yet, we'd appreciate that then.

The entire list of what have been translated so far are in the spoilers on this post:


Well, even you don't, someone will probably find them and post them for you. XD

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Oh, someone posted it, yes.


If you can do any of the ones we haven't done yet, we'd appreciate that then.

The entire list of what have been translated so far are in the spoilers on this post:


Well, even you don't, someone will probably find them and post them for you. XD

Oh okay then, I'll have another set ready soon. How do I do that spoiler guard thing?

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Oh okay then, I'll have another set ready soon. How do I do that spoiler guard thing?

You can click the 'Other Styles' option while posting and select 'Spoiler' for that.

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Ah, cheers! I'm still learning forum-ese.

Has Chrom x Sumia been posted? Here's a few:

Chrom X Sumia C

(Sumia)So here's where you've been, Prince Chrom.

(Chrom)Oh...Sumia. What's wrong?

(Sumia)Rufle has been searching for you for a while.

(Chrom)...ah, yes. I assume he wants to hold a briefing.I'll be there shortly....ah, ahhhh!


(Chrom)Ah, d-don't wory about it.

(Sumia)Is it your feet?---they're really tired, don't they?

(Chrom)I-I'm fine. Don't worry about me.I'm just as tired as everyone else.

(Sumia)Prince Chrom...please, you don't have to act brave in front of me.I know you have a great deal of pressure already, just by being the leader.It's no wonder you're so exhausted.

(Chrom)Thank you, Sumia....however, I'm the commander here.I must maintain a firm appearance.I must remain strong and act without hesitation....at least, that's the kind of aura I must portray.


(Chrom)...therefore, what I just said...that will have to be our secret.

(Sumia)Y-yes, I understand...but...

(Chrom)Come now! Don't make that face!I've still got a lot of energy! Don't worry!

(Sumia)Alright, if you request it of me, I won't say anything.But...hehehehe...


(Sumia)I guess that's a secret that just you and I share.

(Chrom)Hm...I suppose it is.

(Sumia)Alright, please don't push yourself. Make sure to get enough rest before coming to the briefing later.


(Sumia)I will tell Rufle that you will be a little bit late.

(Chrom)Is that price for keeping my secret?

(Sumia)That is correct. Hehehe.

(Chrom)I..I see. Okay.Thanks for looking out for me.

(Sumia)My pleasure. I'm just glad I can be of use to you.Well, I will take my leave, now.

(Chrom)Haha...I can't match your energy.

Chrom x Sumia B

(Sumia)Prince Chrom?Oh, where has he gotten off it?

(Chrom)Oh, Sumia. What's wrong?

(Sumia)...here you are. I prepared lunch for you.

(Chrom)Eh? Lunch? But, I always eat meals with everyone else....this is unexpected.

(Sumia)Well, recently you've been pushing yourself so hard.I just wanted to prepare a lunch with a special vegetable selection to help you regain your strength.

(Chrom)Ve...vegetable selection..? I don't know the difference but wouldn't a "meat selection" be better?

(Sumia)Of course meat is important for energy but without proper vegetables you will become fatigued.You should aim for a healthy balance of both.

(Chrom)Y, yeah, I suppose. Sheesh. You making a fuss about nutrition kind of makes me feel like I'm a kid again.

(Sumia)Hehe! Well, while you're eating I'm going to do the laundry. It's my turn to take care of it.Bon appetite!

(Chrom)Ah...alright. I suppose I'll give it a try....ehh?She put the stuff I hate in here.Oh well, if it's for my healthy...*munch* *munch* *munch*

...huh!? It's actually pretty good!I can actually eat them, no problem...


(Chrom)...phew.I guess I ate all of it.

(Sumia)...Prince Chrom, I've returned.Eh...did you finish it all!?

(Chrom)Yeah, it was incredible! What's more, I could even eat the stuff I usually hate.What did you put in there?

(Sumia)Nothing really. I just thought about what you might like and experimented with some spices.

(Chrom)Huh, that's it? That's all cooking is? Adding a few spices to make things better?

(Sumia)I'm so glad you liked it. I'll go get you some tea.

(Chrom)No, I'm the one who should be showing gratitude. Let me make the tea for you.Please wait here.

(Sumia)...P-Prince. I'm glad it turned out so well. I had to try 15 times to make it edible...

Chrom x Sumia A

(Sumia)Prince Chrom!

(Chrom)Hm? What is it?

(Sumia)I made lunch for you again!

(Chrom)Oh, you shouldn't have.Isn't this too much trouble?

(Sumia)Not at all! Doing it once in a while is perfectly fine.It does take a little while to prepare so.....maybe every day would be impossible...but it's not like I detest cooking or anything.

(Chrom)I see. Well, I guess there's no harm in it then.

(Sumia)Right!Today, I made some for myself as well, so why don't we eat together?

(Chrom)Hahaha. How could I say no when you get this excited?I almost feel bad for having to put a weapon in your hands and ordering you to fight.

(Sumia)Ah! Please don't say such a thing!That's my pride as a soldier...but it doesn't mean I can't enjoy other things in life.

(Chrom)Eh?...like what?

(Sumia)Like spending time with my baby.

(Chrom)Your ba...!? Ah, your pegasus, you mean?

(Sumia)Right. I love riding her.Hmm....actually, perhaps even more than riding, I love taking care of her.

(Chrom)Yeah, that seems so like you.I get that feeling whenever I see you and her together.

(Sumia)...however, I can't bear to see pegasuses injured in battle. They always seem to get a sad sparkle in their eyes. The same goes for when you and the others get hurt. That's the reason why I fight.I want to help bring peace back to our world. So please...don't say you're sorry for ordering me to fight.

(Chrom)...I'm sorry...er...I mean, thank you.Not only are you kind-hearted, you also head into battle with fierce determination.Let me reaffirm my vow as well. Little by little, I will fight to return

peace to this world.

(Sumia)My Prince! I promise I'll do whatever I can to aid you!

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