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Who is the best father?


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I wanted to know who you guys thought would make the best father for each of the children characters in FE13. I want to exclude Mark and My Unit from the topic since they are overpowered units and have all the skill and class options.

I'll start with who I believe is the best father for Noire.

Based on the data from the FE13 Serenes Page, Gaia and Henry are, in my opinion the best fathers for Noire. The reason why I list two for Noire is due to what kind of unit one wants Noire to be: a glass cannon, or a bulky unit. Gaia would make Noire a Glass Cannon; Henry makes her a tank.

Henry offers Noire the most amount of Max stat. Modifiers, a total of +10 of modifiers, focusing on Magic and Defense; Gaia offers +8 modifiers focusing mostly on Speed. Noire's Growth rates from Gaia and Henry are fairly similar in comparison, but Noire!Henry's growth rates are just barely higher than Noire!Gaia's growths. Noire takes a hit in her luck modifier (-4!) from both Henry and Gaia, but she loses luck from all her other father options (except Donny who gives her +1 in Luck) so that doesn't really matter.

If one wants Noire to be more of a fast glass cannon attacker Gaia makes a great father since he offers her Lightning Speed since he is the only father to give her the Pegasus Knight Class. She also benefits from Gaia due to the Thief Class and the possibility of inheriting Counter from Gaia, which is probably the best skill to have on a Sniper. The Thief class is important to an Archer due to the Pass skill and thus allowing her not to get "boxed in" by enemy units.

The best Skill Set for a Sniper!Noire from Gaia would be:

1.) Bow Slayer

2.) Counter

3.) Lighting Speed

4.) Pass

5.) Magic Slayer

Noire inherits great class sets from her mother, so she makes great use from the two slayer skills so she is basically invulnerable to Bow and Magic Attacks.

Counter would be used to reflect damage to an attacker who attacks her at close range. Lightning speed allows her to use "hit and run" tactics or potentially kill two units.

The best Skill Set for a Sniper!Noire from Henry would be:

1.) Bow Slayer

2.) Counter

3.) Great Shield

4.) Pass

5.) Magic Slayer

Same as above, but she takes less damage from close range attacks (due to a 50% activation rate for Great Shield) thus making her harder to take down.

The reason why I choose a sniper class for Noire is that she has these unique perks that allows her to make great use of the Double Bow which essentially gives her a free Bow Expert Skill due to the +5 Strength bonus.


Edited by Leif
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The way you phrase makes it sound zoophilic. Or...Poképhilic? Wrys.gif

I dunno

never actually did much breeding in Pokemon either, just used the ditto thing, if I wanted to give people Evees or whatever.

at a point, I have to wonder what's worse, the shippers, or the eugenics. . . at least (for the more sane of them) the shipping is based on some actual humanity. . .

This is so your kids can be perfect little death machines lol

I could just imagine MU saying: "That's right, you get in there and knock her up, daddy needs a new Mercenary!"

y'see? Creepy

FE4 had that and came out before Pokémon.

I speak from my own experience from the series, of coarse, and that's one of the few I haven't gotten around to playing. . . mostly for the reasons I've stated before

Edited by StrategistPockystix
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I think this is probably why I'm avoiding the whole marriage thing. . .

feels kinda weird. . . like Pokemon breeding. . . with people. lol

FE4 had that and came out before Pokémon.

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Great Shield? On a sniper? That seems kinda... unnecessary. Especially since you're relying on counter for all your EP damage and archers shouldn't be taking attacks on EP anyway. The Gaia build definitely looks better, ignoring the issue of weapon rank building because an ex-sniper will be doing nothing as a pegasus knight with bronze.

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After reading the topic title, I was thinking more in terms of which characters are best at parenting in the support conversations.

Definitely not the parents of Wood...

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