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God damnit ants GTFO!!!

Gold Vanguard

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I have a huge ant nest somewhere in my yard. They always get into my house(mostly my room) and annoy me. Hell I can't even sleep at night anymore .One time I was laying down in my bed ready to go to sleep. While I was dreaming I flelt something biting me,I woke up and look under my cover and found a crap load of them on my leg. To make it even worse I found a buch of them living INSIDE MY CAR!! WTFI can't even get in my car anymore??! Ants want I do to you?

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There was this one time when fire ants were covering the car door from the inside and I didn't notice it until we were halfway down the street.

That was...fun.

Fire ants invaded my son's room, after a solitary piece of airheads under his bed. They built a nest around it. It's taken care of now but he never eats in his room anymore.

Found out I'm allergic to then that day...fun day.

You know, you live like 3 hrs away from me. Texas fire ants suck!

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I hate fire ants. I got bit/stung/whatever they do by one when I was like 7-8 on the foot, and they pain was so bad, I was bawling my eyes out. I was scared to go back outside for a few days after that, because another one may have got me again. Plus, since I'm allergic to insect bites/stings, that didn't help things.

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pffffft. I've never been scared of ants, although they can be annoying. For me its... bees. Fuck them. They sting and look scary.

The only pests which run all over my house are cockroaches. They're sick creatures, I honestly wanna kill them all.

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