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Pokemon Fire Red Pick My Pokemon (PMP)


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Progress Update the !st.

I have currently defeated Misty and Gary. I did not do the optional Gary fight. Brock and Misty were jokes. I decided actually to not take the backups, because they would've got in the way. I have decided to catch my next party member as a Diglett, so I may get Magnitude. Ivysaur (Bulby) is level 25, has Hasty nature, and stats in order of HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed, as it will be from now on for describing stats, are 73 38 37 47 46 40. He currently has Tackle, Sleep Powder, Leech Seed, and Razor Leaf as attacks. My trainer name is Konnor, I have ID #06641, and I have $4368 (dollar sign just because). I made sure I have the Helix Fossil, which is Omanyte's, right? I will be kinda-sorta breaking my rules a little to catch an Oddish for Cut and Flash, because there is no way I am keeping those moves on my Pokemon until Fuchsia.

Edited by Konnor97
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Double post. I made a poll for when I get to Celadon and when I get to the Game Corner. I'll end the polling at noon Eastern Time tomorrow. For reference, it is about 5:30 P.M. for me now.

Edited by Konnor97
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I'm ending the poll early, I don't think another option is getting at least 5 votes in an hour. So I'm going to gamble fairly. I'm going to use the machine with the best odds though.

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Double Post.

Progress Update the @nd.

I have just received the flute. Eirika was easy, Giovanni was easy, Gary was easy, and Surge was easy. I spent like 2 hours gambling up enough coins for Shadow, which I gave to Eevee, which I named Refa. I caught a female Machop in Rock Tunnel, which was named Wendy. Venusaur (Bulby) is level 35 with stats of 113 68 64 81 77 73, and he has the same moves as last time. Dig-Dug (Dugrio) is level 35 with stats of 76 73 45 43 69 103, and with Scratch, Fury Swipes, Magnitude, and Dig. Wendy (Machoke) is level 35 with stats of 105 83 63 44 45 40, and with Karate Chop, Revenge, Vital Throw, and Foresight. Refa (Flareon) is level 35 with stats of 99 117 58 67 86 61, and with Quick Attack, Sand Attack, Shadow Ball, and Bite. I currently have $33760. Next update should be around Blaine.

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Progress Update the #rd

I have just arrived in the league. Silph Co. Gary was easy, Silph Co. Giovanni was easy, Sabrina was easy, Koga was easy, Blaine was easy, Viridian Giovanni was easy, Gary wasn't as easy. I searched through every room in Silph Co., beat the 4 Rocket Brothers, beat Gary and Giovanni, beat up Sabrina, use the Cycling Road way to Fuchsia, spent 35 minutes trying to catch a Tauros before just using an auto catch code, trained Tauros out to the right of Fuchsia, beat Koga, cycled back to Pallet, went to Cinnabar, got Omanyte, trained it in the Mansion, trained it against the gym, beat Blaine, did the island stuff, go to Viridian, beat up the Viridian gym trainers, evolve Omanyte, destroy Giovanni, run into Gary, somewhat struggle against Gary, go through Victory Road, and arrive at the league. Bulby is level 45 with stats of 144 88 87 104 99 96, and with the same moves except replace Tackle with Strength. Dig-Dug is level 44 with stats of 94 94 56 54 86 133, and with moves of Slash, Aerial Ace, Magnitude, and Rock Tomb. Wendy is level 45 with stats of 134 109 84 57 59 53, and with moves of Vital Throw, EQ, Strength, and Foresight. Refa is level 44 with stats of 122 148 74 88 107 78, and with moves of Shadow Ball, Fire Blast, Quick Attack, and Bite. Red Bull (Tauros) is level 44 with stats of 125 107 97 54 79 111, and with moves of Strength, Horn Attack, Surf, and Pursuit. Shellthulu is level 44 with stats of 129 67 122 108 76 60, and with moves of Surf, Mud Shot, Bite, and Blizzard. I have a poll up to decide what my next update will be, it ends at 10:00 A.M. tomorrow my time, which for reference it is 3:42 for me.

Edited by Konnor97
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Could I ask what natures your Mons are?

Kill the Birds! Uno, dos, tres!

And when you get to Bruno, you should totes kill both his Onix with Tauros's Surf. It'd be funny. :D

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Could I ask what natures your Mons are?

Kill the Birds! Uno, dos, tres!

And when you get to Bruno, you should totes kill both his Onix with Tauros's Surf. It'd be funny. :D

Don't kill Moltres. :(

Also, go in the order of numbers. Artic, Zap, and Mol

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Uh, Bulby is Hasty (+Spd, -Def)

Dig-Dug is Careful (+Sp.D, -Sp.A)

Wendy is Lax (+Def, -Sp.D)

Refa is Adamant (+Atk, -Sp.A)

Red Bull is Serious (No Changes)

Shellthulu is Hardy (No Changes)

I am not killing the birds, I'm going to catch them.

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Progress Update the $th.

I went to the birds, in order of number, and caught them. I used savestates, but I counted how many Ultra Balls it would've taken. Articuno took 8 balls, Zapdos took freakin' 142, and Moltres took 24. Short update, but the next one will be the Elite Four, so yeah.

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Triple post, but it should be the final.

Progress Update the %th.

I attempted to record the fights, but couldn't figure out how to, so sorry.

Anyway, Lorelai was pretty easy, mainly either Bulby with a tiny bit of Wendy did the work. Refa also helped with Jynx.

Bruno was fairly easy, Red Bull Surfed the Onixes, Dig-Dug/Bulby took on the Hitmons, and Bulby and Refa helped with Machamp.

Agatha was also pretty easy, Dig-Dug took on Arbok, Shellthulu did in the first Gengar and Golbat, and Refa knocked out Haunter and her main Gengar.

Lance was kinda tough, Bulby took on Gyarados and Aerodactyl, Shellthulu helped against Dragonite, and Red Bull took on the Dragonairs.

Gary was a jerk, Shellthulu beat Pidgeot, Bulby took on Rhydon and Gyarados, Refa took on Alakazam and the egg dude who's name I can't spell, and Shellthulu also beat Charizard.

No final stats because the game refuses to load a normal save, and since you save after you beat Gary... But anyway, Bulby was probably the ace followed by Refa, and Wendy was practically useless.

This is my final update because of the stuff the line right before this says, so no aftergame. Look for a similar named topic by me in the most likely near future, but for now, toodles.

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Red Bull was good when he battled, which wasn't that often. There wasn't really a time where he was notable, but he helped out when he was brought out. Overall on the list, he was probably between Shellthulu and Wendy, but that doesn't mean he was bad. Wendy was by far the worst, and he is really close to Shellthulu, being almost tied. Shellthulu wins out because he was very helpful against Gary's Charizard, like half of Blaine's team, and Giovanni. I'd rate my team in order of most useful to least useful overall. Bulby>Refa>Dig-Dug>Shellthulu>Red Bull>>>Wendy.

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Haha, Wendy was that bad? Machop can generally hold it's own once the poison spree if over and you get it to par with levels. Maybe I just play different, who knows.

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