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Starting out Tearring Saga for the first time

Constable Reggie

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So thanks to the awesome people who made the english patch, whoever they are, I'm able to play Tearring Saga. I've gone up to map 4 so far, and my planned units currently are Runan, Kreiss, Sasha, Ezekiel, Kate, and Julia. Vega just came and destroys Julia in terms of stats, but I decided not to use him this playthrough.

So my main questions are:

Around how many characters should I use during the game?

Is using Zeek worth it considering he leaves you?

Why does Vega come with an insanely broken sword?

Who are some recommended characters beside Narron?

Who are some reviled characters and why?

edit: Around what time should I promote characters? I read that the promotion system is something like Geneology's, so I'm not too sure about this.

Thanks for the help.

Edited by Davinatorman
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So thanks to the awesome people who made the english patch, whoever they are, I'm able to play Tearring Saga. I've gone up to map 4 so far, and my planned units currently are Runan, Kreiss, Sasha, Ezekiel, Kate, and Julia. Vega just came and destroys Julia in terms of stats, but I decided not to use him this playthrough.

So my main questions are:

Around how many characters should I use during the game?

1. Is using Zeek worth it considering he leaves you?

Why does Vega come with an insanely broken sword?

2. Who are some recommended characters beside Narron?

Who are some reviled characters and why?

edit:3. Around what time should I promote characters? I read that the promotion system is something like Geneology's, so I'm not too sure about this.

Thanks for the help.

1. I find Zeek to be worth using, even if he leaves the army. He's hard to ignore cause he has high stats, high growths, good skills and he can move through trees without movement penalty.

2. Lionel is really recommended, You get to recruit him when you're playing as Holmes army. Go to Welt Kingdom then you'll get another choice to choose one of the four units. and Lionel should be there. What I also recommend are: Raffin, Sun, Shigen, Xeno, Roger, Rishel, Alicia, Mintz, Sierra and Rennie (if you want a bow user).

3. You can promote them early at level 10 if you want. But some units that isn't promoted yet can learn skills at a certain level. Example: Samson learns the Awareness skill at lvl 20 as an Axe Fighter, but if he's promoted to Warrior then he won't learn the skill. So you might wanna wait until he learns it at lvl 20.

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Around how many characters should I use during the game?

Is using Zeek worth it considering he leaves you?

Why does Vega come with an insanely broken sword?

Who are some recommended characters beside Narron?

Who are some reviled characters and why?

edit: Around what time should I promote characters? I read that the promotion system is something like Geneology's, so I'm not too sure about this.

Keep in mind you'll have to split teams sometimes. Lords and a main healer are free for each party, and Holmes has an extra fighter in bonus that acts as a pseudo lord. About 8-12 fighting units should be good enough.

Zeek is fairly good since his stats are quite high, grows easily and has a lot of skills, but if you want to avoid using him as much as possible, pick Narron and promote him as early as you can, preferably before level 12. This can be done as early as chapter 3.

Not mentionned. Other than he's a duelist who killed another character's lover, there's not that much info about him.

Raphin, Vega, Shigen, Lionel, Roger, Mahter, Mintz, Alicia, Rishel, Samson, Xeno, Sun, Mel, Plum, Lyria, Sierra and maybe Barts.

Mostly Maerhen, who lowers accuracy of others about him by 50% and has growths that make Banutu's look great, and Feena, who has no Strength to speak of and comes in chapter 26. Shooters aren't terribly useful either because they have low movement.

Look at the learnt skills link in the TRS section, since some characters learn skills only when unpromoted or promoted at a certain level. Keep in mind that the later you promote, the more levels you can get later. A unit promoted at level 10 will max at 30, but one promoted at level 17 will max at 37, which saves Super Proofs. Units that cannot promoted cap at 30.

Edited by Dio
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You'll probably want to use like 16ish characters or so (plus filler), because once Holmes' maps begin there is a basically permanent route split and you'll want to fill both parties with some good units.

Zeek is fantastic. He leaves, but gains experience at a high enough rate that he's not hogging it too badly. His insane stats, skills, and mobility will definitely help out in a pinch and make the game easier in general. He'll probably need some lighter weapons to be effective, though, haha.

Broken weapons are a common theme in TRS. Some of the enemy ones are really unfun, too. There's a dragon knight boss with a ranged spear that negates defenses and drains the damage it deals, for example. (The guy more or less needs to break his weapon on NPCs before you take him on.)

A few that I liked that haven't been mentioned yet are Rofarl, Martel, and Mel. Mel has a support with Roger, who is nice to have around anyway, and she's easily your most mobile healer. She can even use a thundersword to give her some decent offense. Mahtel is pretty much Raffin lite. She probably won't end up as good as a Salia Tome'd Sasha, but she's a LOT less effort to raise and holds on her own with combat while having great mobility. The relative rarity of dragon flutes might make it less than ideal to use both Sasha AND Martel, however. Rofarl seems like a no-brainer to me. He looks like filler, but his base stats are actually really good (like, silly old Kreiss might never even catch up to him good), has some decent skills (particularly life or death), and really does not need to be trained at all. Toss the man a speed potion and a re-move scroll and he's probably about as good as a mounted unit as anybody. I would also recommend using Narron even if you do not like him since he helps out big time during trickier chapters. Him vs. Ezekiel isn't even a contest, and you'll get a good Sergeant in Lionel anyhow. Oh yeah, and Raquel is a pretty nifty high stat bow user even if her inability to finish off units blows. She's quality filler particularly on monster maps.

Basically, anybody with poor movement in this game is reviled. Your mounted units can move like 8 spaces a turn, so when you've got guys only moving 3-4 spaces per turn they can often become irrelevant. The armored units are super guilty of this, but others like the mages are surprisingly iron-footed as well, so they must have something special going for them to bring them along. An example of a unit who does NOT have this is Ruka, who basically moves like Wallace but fights like Rebecca. The thief units and Melhen are also rather reviled just because they cannot really fight...

Promote all of your units at level 10 unless they learn a skill from staying in their base class. They have a lower level cap if they promote early, but it will probably not be reached unless you are grinding or if that unit has elite. For the latter case, there are scrolls that increase maximum level to 40, so you can promote early even for those that do have elite!

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The learnt skills chart on the website doesn't say which skills are learned as which class--so which skills come at what point?

If it's not specified, it doesn't matter which class it is.

Small nitpick on Raquel : she can't finish off HUMAN enemies. Might be better to move her on Holmes' team if you want to use her seriously since he faces most of the monsters. And yeah Rofarl is pretty great.

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Thanks for all the help, I'm up to Map 8.

I glanced at the learnt skills page, and there's not many skills learned past 30, so I might as well promote at 10-12, thanks for the advice.

Also, it's not that I hate Narron or anything, it's just that after I past the 4 characters choice, I learned that he's apparently the best character in the game, and I don't really want to trivialize my first playthrough by using him. Also, I chose Ezekiel thinking "hey sweet an axe knight, he's probably dismounted like Narron is in here so when we go outside he'll be moun- damnit"

Thanks for the info on Zeek, I'll use him.

Now I've got a big question: is there any reason to use Sasha at all? I read somewhere she's important to the storyline, but good god she is awful. Does making her a pegasus knight help her at all? Should I just stop using her?

I hope I'm not sounding like that dude asking everything about Fe5.

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Thanks for all the help, I'm up to Map 8.

I glanced at the learnt skills page, and there's not many skills learned past 30, so I might as well promote at 10-12, thanks for the advice.

Also, it's not that I hate Narron or anything, it's just that after I past the 4 characters choice, I learned that he's apparently the best character in the game, and I don't really want to trivialize my first playthrough by using him. Also, I chose Ezekiel thinking "hey sweet an axe knight, he's probably dismounted like Narron is in here so when we go outside he'll be moun- damnit"

Thanks for the info on Zeek, I'll use him.

Now I've got a big question: is there any reason to use Sasha at all? I read somewhere she's important to the storyline, but good god she is awful. Does making her a pegasus knight help her at all? Should I just stop using her?

I hope I'm not sounding like that dude asking everything about Fe5.

After you finish Map 8, you get to split teams for Runan and Holmes. Put Raffin, Plum, Zeek, Maruju, Raquel on Runan's Team. and Put Mahter, Estelle/Norton/Kate, Yuni, Maruju, Roger and Mel on Holmes' Team.

Axe Knights are footed units in this game. They promote to a useful class called Sergeant, they can use Swords, Lances, and Axes. There are only two playable units that promotes to Sergeant, they are Ezekiel and Lionel. Lionel is a better unit cause he starts out as a Spear Knight, allowing him to use Lances indoors. and he has more movement (and may get more movement when leveling up.)

You can stop using Sasha if you want. There's no reason for using Sasha, except for favoritism maybe. I used her a few times in my playthroughs and she wasn't that good. I still like her though.

Oh, and Monsters can have a random chance to dropping items (you can't see it in their stats window). Like, Zombies/Mummies may drop Healing Herb after you killed them.

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I forgot to recruit Plum, so oh well for her. I'll be sure to put those people in the groups. edit: you have Maruju under both teams? Are one of the tomes better or is it just preference?

Also, I'm going to stop using Sasha now. She's just terrible.

Any other things I should be aware of while I play through the game?

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edit: you have Maruju under both teams? Are one of the tomes better or is it just preference?

Reeve tome is not actually a tome, It raises MHP, Luk, Mag, Wlv Growths by 10%. If you want that item, Then put him on Runan's team. If you want the Sylpheed early, then put him in Holmes' team. Otherwise, you can get another Sylpheed tome by takling to NPC Alfred with Alicia at Map 21.

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Sasha can promote to Peg Knight (preferably after L10 so that she gets Elite) and then immediately take the Dragon Flute to go Draco (I'm not sure if you can send the Dragon Flute together with Plum to Holmes's party so that Mahter can use it there; I wouldn't dare to risk losing it). She'll grow faster than Raffin that way. She's annoying to train with sword lock, low move, crap stats and a poor weapon level, though.

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I'd actually recommend that Maruju go on Holmes' team. Sylpheed is a ridiculously good tome, with massive Mt and nullifying counterattacks. Maruju doesn't do particularly well on Runan's route, where the enemies are more spread out, but he can function decently in Holmes' route where there are a few indoor maps and maps with bad terrain.

Sasha is pretty terrible, mainly because of her slow start. She has very low stats as a Princess, and it is a struggle to get her to level 10 for Elite. She also isn't very good promoted as well, having lower strength and defenses than Mahter or Raffin. Dragon Flutes are also extremely rare, you can buy one in Map 10 but you have to wait all the way until Map 30 to get the other one. Mahter is a much better candidate for the earlier dragon flute than Sasha, as waiting until Map 30 to promote is needlessly long and hurts her utility in the long run.

I also find Lee to be a great choice for the first / second recruitment. Lee has high base magic and decent stats, and can use all types of magic and staffs. He can do massive amounts of damage with Sylpheed, and he stays good for a long time as enemy stats are really low for the most part. Even in the lategame chapters, he still can use Physic for utility in a pinch. Lionel and Ezekiel need to get lucky stat procs to catch up with him, and Ruka is just plain terrible.

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Sasha is pretty terrible, mainly because of her slow start. She has very low stats as a Princess, and it is a struggle to get her to level 10 for Elite. She also isn't very good promoted as well, having lower strength and defenses than Mahter or Raffin. Dragon Flutes are also extremely rare, you can buy one in Map 10 but you have to wait all the way until Map 30 to get the other one. Mahter is a much better candidate for the earlier dragon flute than Sasha, as waiting until Map 30 to promote is needlessly long and hurts her utility in the long run.

As L20 Peg Knight, Mahter beats Sasha in skill and defence but loses in speed. I'd say with Elite Sasha is about as good as Mahter, and she's only unavailable for one chapter, so if you baby Narron, why not baby her as well? Though the comparison with Narron might not be very fair because Narron is mobile, has lances and can reach promotion without costing you a single turn (just not as quickly). Training Sasha slows you down a bit.

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You have to be kidding me... its like two steps away from Marcissuses starting position. It's where he's standing (the thief) And I started checking from left to right. Would've saved so much time if I started the other way.

Unless its random.

I also found out the turn counter phase thing maxes at 255 turns. lD

And looking closer at the tile, it is slightly darker. How did I not notice that? ;_;

Edited by L95
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So thanks to the awesome people who made the english patch, whoever they are, I'm able to play Tearring Saga. I've gone up to map 4 so far, and my planned units currently are Runan, Kreiss, Sasha, Ezekiel, Kate, and Julia. Vega just came and destroys Julia in terms of stats, but I decided not to use him this playthrough.

Kriess brings an impact upon this game if your trying to recruit Leteena. Which may be considerable (As I always recruit her in my runs) because Rebecca sucks and only Leteena can gets the Silence Staff. But you have to kill Kriess off before the end of Map 26 if you've chosen Lionel, Lee and or Narron. Because she will leave your party after Map 30 otherwise. Only way to keep Kriess is if you've chosen Ezekiel. As you need both him and to choose the 2nd option to keep Leteena from leaving your party after Map 30. Ruka doesn't get a mention because he sucks and isn't around forever if your trying to break the sacred sacrament to get Raquel to kill human enemies. Sure Raquel will start to kill humans after Map 26a, but it's not worth giving up Lee, Narron, Lionel, and Map 26b's better items and the extremely rare Mov Potion for.

So my main questions are:

Around how many characters should I use during the game?

Raffin, Sun, Shigen, Xeno, Roger, Rishel, Alicia, Mintz, Sierra and Rennie

Everything Ryunan said and Frau, Mahter, Sasha, Narron(A Must), Maraju, Meriah, Roger, Samson, Barts, Estelle, and Rishel.

Is using Zeek worth it considering he leaves you?

Everything Ryunan said.

Why does Vega come with an insanely broken sword?

Because he's the grim reaper of Sharam. xD

Who are some recommended characters beside Narron?

Everything said above!

Who are some reviled characters and why?

Play the game yourself.

edit: Around what time should I promote characters? I read that the promotion system is something like Geneology's, so I'm not too sure about this.

Thanks for the help.

1. I find Zeek to be worth using, even if he leaves the army. He's hard to ignore cause he has high stats, high growths, good skills and he can move through trees without movement penalty.

Not to mention that his growths are the best in the game.

2. Lionel is really recommended, You get to recruit him when you're playing as Holmes army. Go to Welt Kingdom then you'll get another choice to choose one of the four units. and Lionel should be there. What I also recommend are: Raffin, Sun, Shigen, Xeno, Roger, Rishel, Alicia, Mintz, Sierra and Rennie (if you want a bow user).

With him having a chance to also grow movement. It makes it alot easier to get the extremely rare Mov Potion in Chapter 26b. =)

3. You can promote them early at level 10 if you want. But some units that isn't promoted yet can learn skills at a certain level. Example: Samson learns the Awareness skill at lvl 20 as an Axe Fighter, but if he's promoted to Warrior then he won't learn the skill. So you might wanna wait until he learns it at lvl 20.

Heed this advice!

You'll probably want to use like 16ish characters or so (plus filler), because once Holmes' maps begin there is a basically permanent route split and you'll want to fill both parties with some good units.

Zeek is fantastic. He leaves, but gains experience at a high enough rate that he's not hogging it too badly. His insane stats, skills, and mobility will definitely help out in a pinch and make the game easier in general. He'll probably need some lighter weapons to be effective, though, haha.

But you don't want to overuse him. He just will leech off of you EXP that your other characters should have. Even though he is crucial to use in Maps 6, 9, 17 and 18.

Broken weapons are a common theme in TRS. Some of the enemy ones are really unfun, too. There's a dragon knight boss with a ranged spear that negates defenses and drains the damage it deals, for example. (The guy more or less needs to break his weapon on NPCs before you take him on.)

He's piss easy. Just use characters with the highest Def, Def Wand if you have it, and or Power Staff. =)

Higher Def=less HP absorb.

The thief units and Melhen are also rather reviled just because they cannot really fight...

But they can steal some weapons with their steal skill.

The learnt skills chart on the website doesn't say which skills are learned as which class--so which skills come at what point?

GameFAQS is your friend for this.

See here....


Raquel can also be used to weaken enemies on Runan's route. So the weaker units like Runan, Rennie or Meriah can get the kill for EXP.

Also, after you finish Map 14, you get to open 5 of 28 chests. Just get all the promotion items and the Elixir.

Everything said here.


And to the first time player. The treasures I'd recommend for Map 14 are...

-Sage Proof (Because you only can find 4 of these in the game without random encounters and won't get one of them until Map 39.)

-Knight's Proof (Alot of your characters will need them)

-Elixir (Needed to make the Dragon Bow. Because the only other way that you can get this weapon is from Dragon Corpse enemies which you may never get this way. =))

-The Plus Potions. 2 of any kind that you deem need.

And about the Hero Proof. Ignore it. Because you will get more of these than any other class changing item in the game!

After you finish Map 8, you get to split teams for Runan and Holmes. Put Raffin, Plum, Zeek, Maruju, Raquel on Runan's Team. and Put Mahter, Estelle/Norton/Kate, Yuni, Maruju, Roger and Mel on Holmes' Team.

Heed this.

GameFAQS's route split recommendations

#1 (After Map 8) (Most important)


Events in Runan's squad


- Arkis and Kreiss

- Support level increases after Chapter 9

- Sasha

- Gain 3 Luck by talking to Loffaru

- Kate

- Conversation with Sasha and Loffaru

- Conversation with Norton about Zeek, all three must be present

- Maruju

- Can obtain the Reeve Tome after Chapter 17

- Norton

- Conversation with Kate about Zeek, all three must be present

- Plum

- Unlocks event to learn 'Dance'

- Estelle

- Conversation with Arkis, both must be present

- Raffin

- Recruit Sharon and Billford, can promote to Dragon Knight

- Narron

- Talk with Runan after Chapter 10, support level increases

- Ruka

- Talk with Raquel after Chapter 10


Events in Holmes' squad


- Arkis and Kriess

- Initiates the event to recruit Leteena

- Maruju

- Can obtain Sylpheed from Mars Temple

- Barts

- Save Plum, support level increases

- If Holmes saves Plum, Barts > Plum + 5%

- Vega

- Conversations with Shigen and Krisheenu, support levels increase

- Roger & Mel

- Mel can recieve the Magic Staff from Mars Temple

- Mahter

- Recruit Frau in Chapter 15

- Xeno

- Conversation with Katri

- Conversation with Holmes and Tia

- Yuni

- Give Power Staff to Lyria

- Garo

- Conversation with Sennet


Recommended characters for each group



| Runan | Holmes |


| Sasha | Arkis |

| Plum | Kriess |

| Raffin | Barts |

| Zeek | Vega |

| Kate | Mahter |

| Norton | Xeno |

| Sasha | Yuni |

| Maraju | Garo |

| | Roger |

| | Mel |

| | Maruju |


Route Split #2 (After Map 23)


Events in Runan's team:


Arkis - Recruit Rina in Map 26a / 26b

Kreiss - Recruit Leteena, recruit Rina in Map 26a

Julia - Recieve Rukuud from boss of Map 26a / 26b

Vega - Recieve Rukuud from boss of Map 26a / 26b

Ruka & Raquel - If both are deployed in Map 26, at the end there will be an

event. Raquel will either leave the group, or Ruka will

die and Raquel can kill human enemies. (Ruka can be revived

with the Dakuron)

Meriah - Recieve Aura Rain from Rishel

Rishel - Give Aura Rain to Meriah


Events in Holmes team:


Plum & Lionheart - Conversation if she has Lan's Mirror

Xeno and Yuni - Special conversation

Yuni - Recieve Re-Move book

Attrom and Lyria - Special conversation

Attrom - Recruit Renee

Krisheenu - Special Event in Morse Tower if previous events were


Bud - Recieve Dragon Flute

Julia - Recieve Dragon Saint skill after Map 30


Recommended characters for each group



| Runan | Holmes |


| Arkis | Plum |

| Kreiss | Lionheart |

| Vega | Xeno |

| Rishel | Yuni |

| Meriah | Attrom |

| Raquel | Lyria |

| Ruka | Bud |

| | Julia |

| | Krisheenu |


Route Spilt#3 (After Map 30)


Events in Runan's team:


Mintz - Recruit Hagaru

Kate - Leave after Map 34, can be re-recruited in Map 39

Sasha - Recruit Kate again in Map 39


Events in Holmes team:


Kate - Leave after Map 31, can be re-recruited in Map 38

Sasha - Recruit Kate again in Map 38


Recommended characters for each group



| Runan | Holmes |


| Sierra | Rene |

| Mintz | Lyria |

| Narron | Yoda |

| Loffaru | Yuni |

| Rishel | Plum |

| Vega | Samson |

| Sasha | Alicia |

| Kate | |

| Bud | |

| Narcus | |

| Mel | |

| Roger | |




Lionel is a better unit cause he starts out as a Spear Knight, allowing him to use Lances indoors. and he has more movement (and may get more movement when leveling up.)

Makes it easier to get the Mov Potion in Map 26b. ) Incredibly useful for Sasha, Runan, any other low mov character. Since they never grow Mov naturally. Other than this one the only other way to get it is in random encounters in the Mermel Caves and 5th floor of Morse Tower.

You can stop using Sasha if you want. There's no reason for using Sasha, except for favoritism maybe. I used her a few times in my playthroughs and she wasn't that good. I still like her though.

Always use her. She's the best flier in the game.

Oh, and Monsters can have a random chance to dropping items (you can't see it in their stats window). Like, Zombies/Mummies may drop Healing Herb after you killed them.

Everything said here and.....


-----[ SPECIAL SPOILS ]-----

They will drop from some respective units after you've killed them.


- Lunar Swd: from Dark Cavaliers.

- Dragon Spr: from Dark Infantries.

- Solar Swd: from Armored Skeletons.

- Iron Sld: from Skeletons.

- Stellar Swd: from Black Golems.

- Moonlight: from Yellow Golems.

- Dragon Ax: from Yellow Ogres.

- Repair Hammer: from Green Ogres.

- Dragon Bow: from Dragon Corpses.

- Death: from Witches.

- Herb: from Zombies n' Mummies.

- Fruit: from Eye Splitballs.

- Amulet: from Harpies.

- Gold Bag: from Gargoyles.

I forgot to recruit Plum, so oh well for her. I'll be sure to put those people in the groups. edit: you have Maruju under both teams? Are one of the tomes better or is it just preference?

Also, I'm going to stop using Sasha now. She's just terrible.

Any other things I should be aware of while I play through the game?

Plum. Meh, you don't need her to complete the game. Move on. =)

As for Sasha. Okay. Use Mahter and Frau. They're good too! ^^

Reeve tome is not actually a tome, It raises MHP, Luk, Mag, Wlv Growths by 10%. If you want that item, Then put him on Runan's team. If you want the Sylpheed early, then put him in Holmes' team. Otherwise, you can get another Sylpheed tome by takling to NPC Alfred with Alicia at Map 21.

Heed this.

I don't think it'll work. It may get sent to Runan's Supply Convoy, I'm not really sure about this.

IIRC, She comes with Lan's Mirror and her Defense Staff when you get her back on Holmes' route, but no Healing Staves tho.

I never knew. I thought that you lose the Defense Staff if you don't take it off her.

Before middle of Chapter 10.

That's before she gets kidnapped in the bar in chapter 10.

I'd actually recommend that Maruju go on Holmes' team. Sylpheed is a ridiculously good tome, with massive Mt and nullifying counterattacks. Maruju doesn't do particularly well on Runan's route, where the enemies are more spread out, but he can function decently in Holmes' route where there are a few indoor maps and maps with bad terrain.

Sasha is pretty terrible, mainly because of her slow start. She has very low stats as a Princess, and it is a struggle to get her to level 10 for Elite. She also isn't very good promoted as well, having lower strength and defenses than Mahter or Raffin. Dragon Flutes are also extremely rare, you can buy one in Map 10 but you have to wait all the way until Map 30 to get the other one. Mahter is a much better candidate for the earlier dragon flute than Sasha, as waiting until Map 30 to promote is needlessly long and hurts her utility in the long run.

And don't try to go for the Dragon Flute in random encounters of Morse Tower. I've spent several days in both of my runs and never have found the flute. If you can't get the flute, you can otherwise use Super Proofs to make them reach up to LV40 in the Peg Knight classes.

I also find Lee to be a great choice for the first / second recruitment. Lee has high base magic and decent stats, and can use all types of magic and staffs. He can do massive amounts of damage with Sylpheed, and he stays good for a long time as enemy stats are really low for the most part. Even in the lategame chapters, he still can use Physic for utility in a pinch. Lionel and Ezekiel need to get lucky stat procs to catch up with him, and Ruka is just plain terrible.

Lee is also the only Magic user to be able to use staves in addition to tomes.

Edited by アイネ
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You have to be kidding me... its like two steps away from Marcissuses starting position. It's where he's standing (the thief) And I started checking from left to right. Would've saved so much time if I started the other way.

Unless its random.

I also found out the turn counter phase thing maxes at 255 turns. lD

And looking closer at the tile, it is slightly darker. How did I not notice that? ;_;

Already found it, lol.

But I do have another question. When that one guy promotes to dragon knight, if I say no, do I get to keep the dragon flute? (It automatically switches to holmes before I actually check the inventory)

Serenes says I need to buy it for 10,000 but IDK.

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Already found it, lol.

But I do have another question. When that one guy promotes to dragon knight, if I say no, do I get to keep the dragon flute? (It automatically switches to holmes before I actually check the inventory)

Serenes says I need to buy it for 10,000 but IDK.

No you don't.

But why would you want to resent this anyway?

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I'd actually recommend that Maruju go on Holmes' team. Sylpheed is a ridiculously good tome, with massive Mt and nullifying counterattacks. Maruju doesn't do particularly well on Runan's route, where the enemies are more spread out, but he can function decently in Holmes' route where there are a few indoor maps and maps with bad terrain.

Sasha is pretty terrible, mainly because of her slow start. She has very low stats as a Princess, and it is a struggle to get her to level 10 for Elite. She also isn't very good promoted as well, having lower strength and defenses than Mahter or Raffin. Dragon Flutes are also extremely rare, you can buy one in Map 10 but you have to wait all the way until Map 30 to get the other one. Mahter is a much better candidate for the earlier dragon flute than Sasha, as waiting until Map 30 to promote is needlessly long and hurts her utility in the long run.

I also find Lee to be a great choice for the first / second recruitment. Lee has high base magic and decent stats, and can use all types of magic and staffs. He can do massive amounts of damage with Sylpheed, and he stays good for a long time as enemy stats are really low for the most part. Even in the lategame chapters, he still can use Physic for utility in a pinch. Lionel and Ezekiel need to get lucky stat procs to catch up with him, and Ruka is just plain terrible.

You can get two Sylpheeds, Maruju will receive one by visiting Mars Temple (if you have included him in Holmes' team) and Alicia will receive one by talking to Alfred at Map 21.

Not to mention he'll give the Defense Staff to Plum, if you have recruited Lee first, that is.

I never knew. I thought that you lose the Defense Staff if you don't take it off her.

Before middle of Chapter 10.

That's before she gets kidnapped in the bar in chapter 10.

You don't. She'll still have it in her inventory. It's just healing staves she won't have.

Edited by Ryunan
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