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If you were to get a Rom of an older FE game, which would you get?

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You shouldn't dismiss FE 2 because it sounds weird. I'm playing FE 2 (Gaiden) right now, and it is an excellent game. It is a bit different to the recent (6-10) FEs (although it has some striking simularities to FE 8: Sacred Stones) yes, but that doesn't make it any less enjoyable (infact I'm playing both 2 and 6 right now, and I'm enjoying FE 2 more). You should really give the game a chance - you might be pleasantly suprised about how much you enjoy it (like me). Also you really shouldn't dismiss FE 1-3 because you don't like a single character (although I suggest waiting for FE DS), nor should you dismiss FE 5 because it is hard (you scared of a little challenge ;). Although I haven't played FE 1, 3 and 5 (therefore can't give my own personal opinion like I did with FE 2) (although I want to play them, and plan to) I still suggest you give them a chance.

Well I wouldn't mind playing any of them really. It's just that FE5 is said to be imposibble to beat without losing a character(I ALWAYS restart when I lose a character). I guess I could try FE2 but I don't know where I could get a translated version. Yeah I'm going to try out FE11 eventually but FE4 sounds more appealing than FE1-3.

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Well I wouldn't mind playing any of them really. It's just that FE5 is said to be imposibble to beat without losing a character(I ALWAYS restart when I lose a character). I guess I could try FE2 but I don't know where I could get a translated version. Yeah I'm going to try out FE11 eventually but FE4 sounds more appealing than FE1-3.
I didn't realise you were still online so I sent you a PM. Anyway, check the PM for a nice suprise (as well as the nice suprise, I also rambled on a bit. Sorry 'bout that).
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It's just that FE5 is said to be imposibble to beat without losing a character(I ALWAYS restart when I lose a character).

Not really. I never lost anyone, and it's not really all too hard. Just annoying :/

I guess I could try FE2 but I don't know where I could get a translated version.

FESS has an amended version of the final patch, bug fixes with spells included (j2e's had a bug where the game could crash completely).

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