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Event Assembler: Smoother Text Transitions and Next Chapter Question


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So I have almost gotten everything in my hack to work, but I am having two difficulties with my chapter ending event.

I know this may sound silly, but I have experienced problems transitioning between blocks of dialog text. The FADU and FADI commands make the portrait transitions very choppy when MORETEXT is used to continue into the next block of text. When I try a second TEX1 or TEX2 command, it just overlays portraits on top of portraits that I would just like removed. The REMA command is great for removing unwanted portraits, but this makes me return to the map, which is not my intention. Basically I am looking for any suggestions/pointers on how to make smooth text transitions.

Secondly, for some reason Event Assembler does not register the MNC2 command. This is the command to go to the next chapter map while skipping the world map. Has anyone successfully used this command?

I have included a part of my ending event hack for reference. Thanks for your time.


FADI 0x10

BACG 0x03 //village at night background

STAL 0x20 //stalls the game

FADU 0x10

MUS1 0x0039 //In the Shadow of Triumph


MUS1 0x0038 //Triumph


FADI 0x10

STAL 0x20 //stalls the game

FADU 0x10


MNC2 0x23

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I didn't realize you could use [ClearFace] in Event Assembler. I thought that was a command that was unique to the text editor in Feditor. If MNC2 is only unique to FE8, is there a way to move to the next chapter while skipping the map in FE7? Or is that not possible? Thanks!

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I didn't realize you could use [ClearFace] in Event Assembler. I thought that was a command that was unique to the text editor in Feditor.

He meant that you should [ClearFace] at the end of conversations (in FEditor) that will be followed by a MORETEXT in the events.

EDIT: You can skip the world map by just disabling it in the Chapter Data Editor in NM.

Edited by dondon151
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