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Battle Prep Dialog Removal

Crimson Red

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Okay so there's some text I am trying to get rid of here

When Merlinus and Hannah join in FE7, they say some stuff in the battle preps

But for some reason my Merlinus decided to say it... twice

Once in chapter 15, once in chapter 17 (when he actually joins)

Which doesn't make sense to me as I don't have any codes at the end of chapter 14 or in chapter 15 that should add him in; furthermore the other trade options aren't unlocked until chapter 17 like they should be

So now I am just trying to remove it completely

Disassembling got me to find that the portrait is at 0x8F468 for Merlinus' conversation and which text it loads is at 0x8F49C (the instruction to load the text is at 0x8F478 AFAIK)

The portrait must load and when it does it loads a text box as well so even if the text entry is empty (I repointed it to an empty text entry) it still shows the text box for a second which is not cool

And also I don't really want the flash either so yeah :\

Alright, if anyone wants to help me, that'd be great, until then I'll just continue to do this...

EDIT: The next 2 instructions control the positioning of the portrait (X and Y respecitvely) on the screen and the byte after that controls what layer it's on I think (I should probably be paying attention to the bits, but laziness is getting to me).

Edited by Strawhat Luffy
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