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FE6 in FEditor Adv

God of Humility

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As discussed in this thread by people much more knowledgeable about this than I am, it seems FE6 is broken when opened in FEditor Adv because autopatching doesn't work right and overwrites crucial data.

Now I'm wondering to what extent it is a problem? Could you get away with text editing if you didn't insert new entries but simply edited existing ones? Is animation inserting possible in any way?

Edited by God of Humility
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So, I finally returned home and got access to my computer again and decided to test it myself since no one seems to have an answer. I took a rom, opened it in FEditor Adv and saved it without editing anything so the auto-patches would be applied. I playtested it and encountered problems in Ch. 6. When I moved my cursor in the upper-left room, the graphics messed up until I couldn't do anything anymore.

This seems to confirm that the auto-patches are overwriting graphical data. Before I made this thread, most of my problems arised around Ch. 5 or 6. I never bothered to go farther than that since the problems were pretty game breaking.

So, if anyone cares, I think its very likely that the auto-patches are indeed making FE6 unplayable and give rise to multiple glitches overwrites some non-free space.

Now, the next question is: Is there a way to resolve this problem? The internet research I did seems to indicate no real solution exists, unfortunately. Otherwise, is there any way to do some of the things FEditor Adv does (text editing, animations, etc) without FEditor Adv or at least without the auto-patches?

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Basically, all you CAN do is edit the source java code.

The only way you're going to be able to hack FE6, is if you fix FEditor yourself.

It's a perpetual cycle of "We don't want to hack FE6 because FEditor breaks it. And no one who does have the capability to wants to fix FEditor because no one wants to hack FE6."

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actually i have the capacity to fix FEditor and the desire to do so but i'm a) lazy and b) i'm giving feditor a more comprehensive rehaul so this is kind of low priority for me

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I figured there wouldn't be an easy solution. Oh well, nothing I can really do.

@ Cam : I understand laziness but I'm wondering what exactly this "more comprehensive rehaul" would entail. Would this fix the current problems with FE6? Any general timeframe for when this could get done? I know everyone has a life and doesn't neccessarily want to do stuff for free for complete strangers, but I'm just wondering if I should get my hopes up. (Probably not)

Anyway, thanks for you both for clarifying the issue. At least now I know and won't waste my time trying what can't be done.

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this 'more comprehensive rehaul' would, in theory, allow you to choose where autopatches are written to, thus bypassing the issue altogether. I'm also thinking about adding in limited support for rescuing already-broken FE6 ROMs.

and the timeframe would probably be like "some time in the next two years" so don't get your hopes up.

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What about just hacking something in the rom BEFORE using feditor so that the autopatches aren't applied? That should do the trick, just change something minor like a character's growth rate.

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Could you elaborate on the AH patch? How does it work? Is it relatively easy to use?

Basically in involves going into a hexeditor with Table capabilities like WindHex32, loading up the text table for FE6 (which I'll get around to posting somewhere because finding it these days is a pain), and manually typing in text and the text codes. It's a pain as all FE6 characters take two bytes (bits? close enough) and if you mess up even one character, you'll end up with a lot of hearts instead of text that you want to use. Additionally, unless you want to repoint stuff yourself, your space is limited to what is already there.

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Yeah FEditor really needs to be redone properly

this 'more comprehensive rehaul'... and the timeframe would probably be like "some time in the next two years" so don't get your hopes up.

Also let's talk more about how this would work, like in PMs and stuff

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