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So how do you like you story telling?

Gold Vanguard

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Do you like stories in where they the series progress in order(EX: The Harry Potter series) or when they mix it up like Devil May Cry, Street FIghter, etc. You know like in DMC in where the first game tells one story, then the second comes after the fourth, the third comes after the first, and the fourth comes after the first. Which do you preffer? Mostly I like the second kind because it makes you look more into series and think all the other series and see how they all connect. It puts you more into the series for me.

Edited by Silver Mercenary
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I'd rather see it all in one story. it's annoying when they split a story into two or more Games/books just to sell more, especially when the story can fit in just one Game/book. (Golden sun Dark Dawn, i'm looking at you!)

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I prefer releases in perfect chronological order.

But if I like a game enough to play its entire series, I don't mind it too much.

The Legend of Zelda is so screwed up, even with the 'official' timeline that there's really no point in pretending there is one.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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I prefer releases in perfect chronological order.

But if I like a game enough to play its entire series, I don't mind it too much.

The Legend of Zelda is so screwed up, even with the 'official' timeline that there's really no point in pretending there is one.

I like it in perfect chronological as well!

It is cool to see prequels every now and then but the whole "first game is #3, second game is #5, third game is #1, etc." thing is super annoying. :p

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