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How do you find yourself into your heart?


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How do you find yourself into your heart and how do that reflect outside to others?

Personally, I'm very neutral, I'm severe -faced neutral-faced most of the time, yet I'm pleasent to others as long as others are proper to me and I'm friendly too - I like having people at ease around myself - yet, the moment they try to bitch me out because they think I'm dull or something I let them notice not to fk negatively with me, otherwise they lose all of the friendship they earned that far and I'll consider them, that moment on, maggots undeserving my attention.

Usually I say whatever I think always, I'm direct too, so if there is a point, that is. Only when it's really something too hot that could damage somebody I go for methaphors.

With children, I always am at ease cause they are so ingenous and honest you can't have fun around them! Plus, they really are like something you would care for, even if they don't belong to you. :D

Example of ADULT people bitching with me and what it ends like:

This girl meddled into a discussion I had with a friend about travelling - she was completely out of it - and started indirectly (Italian suckers do that a lot cause they have no courage at being direct, they do that in real life and on internet too, so fk them, worthless crackers) mocking me about me travelling around Europe - I then asked her if she did, she didn't, so my intention would have been to tell her "STFU U pingas-dead loser", yet I SAID that by telling her, in the right contest "So, this shoes (they were horrible), you bought them from the Nice Shoes Shop"? - so she noticed people laughed at her and she started to exagerate and then I always responded to her with sentences that meant she was a worthless hoe, even if they were meek sentences (I use nice methaphores), and the more umproper she said, more I was a bastard at counterattacking her with words.

When I left, she was left there alone and spoke no word cause she was, I noticed, too thrilled to face me again, cause I owned her totally.

Briefly: Beware the nice ones.

Edited by marcus90
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Could I just give my

opinion on how one should be to

others? Personally, I feel

like you, being nice should be the default mood.

Sometimes I get annoyed at

the people around me when they're sarcastic

or don't

respect what I have to say. But I'm not as quick-witted as

you, so I sometimes think of a comeback after the fact.

But before you be blunt with someone, ask yourself, do they

really have a problem with what you're saying

or could there be extenuating circumstances?


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I am awesome. Or average. Or terribly awesome. Or a combination of the three and maybe a hidden fourth option with another hidden fifth option just for kicks.

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I'm a terrible person.

I am awesome. Or average. Or terribly awesome. Or a combination of the three and maybe a hidden fourth option with another hidden fifth option just for kicks.

These sum me up pretty well.

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