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A request


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Hello, my name is Franklin. I've been playing FE games since I got 7 for my GBA back in the day. Never been much into hacking, but of late, I've been quite curious. As well to this, as of late, I've been wanting to try and play FE8(Due to overworld stores) as a hack. But I've had a certain sort that I've been wanting. I would push forward to this myself, learning how to do it proper, but between work, my family, and the like, I have very little time to properly work on my own hack and to learn all the proper things to make a solid hack. Of course, I do not have any major desires for a brand new story. Oh that is furthest from my original intention. I am seeking nothing more than a replacement of seven, or less depending on what the person who accepts this prefers, characters and given new names and classes. I would like slight sprite adjustments, but that's just a like. I could go without that and be entirely happy with just a name and class change.

Thank you all for reading this, and I look forward to any responses. Even denies. An answer of any kind of much appreciated.

I should note, if anyone would like to do this, I could name the characters then, unless I should have now. Not sure if the character who it is is vastly important.

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The majority of what you desire then, would be accomplished through the use of Nightmare modules.

(Editing stats and such for said characters, changing their classes, etc.)

As for the text (names) and portrait replacements, you would use FEditor Advance to do so.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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so you want some one to make you a hack the hackers dont like taking requests and being minions i can link you to hacks in progress for fe8

hackers do like being asked good new questions that are not answered in tutorials so if you want to have a hack made for you can do it your self there are many great tutorials teach you

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Ah yes, Nightmare Editor. I have tried to use this on my own time, but failed quite horribly. When I changed their class, a simple thing I had assumed, nothing would happen in-game. I can change stats, growth, and even weapon abilities. But when I attempted to do class, nothing would happened when I saved it and loaded the Rom. Thus my ask of others.

Thank you, though, for your assistance.

I'll be sure to read all and reply once I return from week this evening. Have a good day, everyone.

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Ah yes, Nightmare Editor. I have tried to use this on my own time, but failed quite horribly. When I changed their class, a simple thing I had assumed, nothing would happen in-game. I can change stats, growth, and even weapon abilities. But when I attempted to do class, nothing would happened when I saved it and loaded the Rom. Thus my ask of others.

Yeah you have to edit the classes of characters and whoever else with the Chapter Unit modules.

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But when I attempted to do class, nothing would happened when I saved it and loaded the Rom. Thus my ask of others.

that's because you have to use the chapter unit editor, the character editor only changes what class they use in the support area, not what class they are in-game

ex: forde's is a cavalier at all times, even if he's promoted to paladin or GK

yeah screw you too feawr

Edited by Kitty of Time
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I see... Thank you all for your assistance. It's wonderful to have all your help here. Perhaps not what I expected, but I suppose there is a certain reward to modifying the game yourself. Hopefully it won't take too long!

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I'm just going to rename and reclass. Nothing else. I don't have that kind of time. I have a wife, a job, and I help out my mother with my two sisters. One of which is special needs. This is why I asked for help, not to be told to read tutorials, Cyron. I did not mention the reasons, but I did mention I have little time. The primary reason I wanted help for the sprites, and the whole thing. I cannot afford to spend weeks, or days, reading something about a hobby I entertain for an hour a day at the very most. I am not trying to be insulting, but would like you to understand why I will not put forth multiple years for nothing more than wanting to use my friends and family as characters.

Should also mention I only play a game two, or three, days a week. So you can why I was more inclined to ask someone.

Edited by FranklinMS
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i did not mean to be insulting i am simple being realistic and am putting things in perspective by telling you how long what you wnt takes and how long a full custom takes although i am sorry for using pidly to to descibe a reskin that does sound unkind a better word would be simplistic **edits post**

Edited by Cyron
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I'm not insulted, nor trying for a full custom anymore, Cyron. I've been following what others have said, and am getting some progress on class changing. As of now, I'm just seeking to change their class and growth, nothing else. I have my imagination for the rest. But I've run to a block- I cannot change the rate of which Seth gains experience. I made him a Pupil, yet he gains as if he were a Paladin still. And I cannot change Eirika's class from Lord despite using the chapter unit editor. Any tutorials for just this? Or answers?

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I tried that website, Cyron. It is FE7 oriented, while I am using FE8.

Edit: I also cannot seem to find out why I cannot change Eirika's class, nor why Seth has estranged growth from what a Pupil should have using "The Ultimate Tutorial".

Edited by FranklinMS
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You have to change Eirika's class in the prologue editor. And if that doesn't work, screenshots would be helpful in helping you.

Edited by Arim
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Now that I've given up altogether on Eirika, I'm using Seth(Journeyman), Gilliam(Pupil), Franz(Recruit), Ross(Thief), and finishing off with Garcia(Mercenary). Things seemed to be working, until I load up the second chapter. Then all goes to hell and back. I read up on that "Ultimate Tutorial" that I should be fine editing Seth in the first chapter alone. Or must I edit him on every single chapter?

To define "hell and back", Eirika vanishes from the map. Seth is there, as a Journeyman like the prologue battle, and has everything he should. I can wait a turn, and then Gilliam and Franz show up, but they are their primary classes. Am I missing a step?

What I am changing are their starting weapons, as they might be used as per classes, attribute, starting stats, and growth. Nothing else.

Edited by FranklinMS
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I have been toying with this more, and discovered that even if Seth is a journeyman, he won't upgrade. I just went around this and made him a straight up fighter. And just acted as if he was a Journeyman previous(Upgrading his stats by random number generator). But I still cannot change Franz or Gilliam in chapter 1. I truly do not know what it is I am doing wrong. I change their growth, affinity, stats, class(via the chapter unit module), and starting weapons. I give Gilliam just a fire tome, since he usually starts with a spear.

I am so very puzzled and cannot find the answer.

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oh you can't promote automatically if the unit isn't ross/amelia/ewan, that was hardcoded into those character slots

gilliam and franz show up twice iirc, in the prologue part 2, look around for that

not sure what's going on with eirika, did you change her character slot or something?

Edited by Kitty of Time
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I did not change Eirika what so ever. I left her entirely the same. The auto-promotion was a bit of a let-down, but I learned to live without it. I'll try doing what you suggested with Franz and Gilliam.

I noticed that only Franz appears in the prologue, while Gilliam does not. He appears only in chapter 1 as a reinforcement unit along with Franz. And yet, I cannot seem to edit him in the chapter 1 selection?

Edited by FranklinMS
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