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Soul Calibur


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SC2 is a lot of fun. It's very memorable and still probably my favorite out of the whole series. Not to mention link was pretty fun. Actually one of my favorite parts about this game is the voice acting/quotes.

I wish people would be a bit more open minded and actually give 5 a chance though. The actual gameplay is excellent and possibly the best in the entire series. It's possible it won't have your favorite character(It didn't have mine), you'll also have to adjust to some new mechanics, and character movesets always change between these games. But if you go into it judging it as a new game by its own merits and not by how it doesn't have talim, you might end up really liking it like I did. The game was rushed though, there's no denying that. It's clear that with the short time they had, they prioritized balanced gameplay and very good online modes over more story/modes/characters. (A choice I agree with, but others may not)

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I really wanna play the other Soul games. I might try out Viola or Pyrhha. I just bought Soul Calibur legends and I heard alot of people hate SCL. I like adventure games like the Legend of Zelda and yeah. Maybe they didn't like it because it didn't have much characters. Well the game is set between Soul Blade and Soul Calibur, but I just don't get how Seung Mina didn't make it in Legends.

Or maybe it's because people didn't like the idea of it beging a 3rd person game. I like the game this way where you control a character. It would of been stupid if SCL was like the other 2 player fighting game especially with only little characters.

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Since I only ever had I only played the third game. It was cool and all, but I wonder why those console ports of fighting games have such a hard time adding a mode that allows to select a character for the computer to play.

I rented Legends and... well, as far as I could see, it really lived up to it's expectations.

My main grief is the targeting. It's like every enemy that spawns gets a number assigned and the targeting system selects them in that order. So instead of select an enemy close to you, the game will instead target some enemy on the opposite end of the area. I remember playing without targeting didn't go too well either.

For multiplayer, I just don't get why you can't play all the levels in story mode co-op instead of just those few short missions. In story mode, the game even makes you select two characters.

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I pick my namesake and Forward + Triangle to win every match.

^ Too bad my Wii isn't working because of the fan or other wise I would of played Legends.

You're missing out on an experience, Soul Calibur Legends is without a doubt one of the worst games I've ever played. And by experience I mean playing the same handful of levels over and over and over. And by levels I mean near linear paths with boring ass combat.

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