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Was Fargus always this insanely strong?

Constable Reggie

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So yeah, I'm playing a prepromote only run on Eliwood hard mode (didn't want to agonize myself on hhm, and having not played eliwood mode in oh, around, forever), and I'm currently on Fargus' chapter.

And jesus christ why is he so strong, 85 hp, and maxed/almost maxed stats in everything besides luck. I don't ever recall Fargus having such ridiculous stats in any other mode. Was this intentional?

Edited by Davinatorman
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It's probably an oversight by the developers.

On every other mode, Fargus is coded as an unit with a fixed Level. So he always has the same stats, although he gets 5 bonus level ups on HHM. However, on EHM he's coded as an unit that can Level Up, thus he gets a ton of hidden Level Ups, which increase his already high stats to a crazy degree.

HHM Maxime is also a victim of this.

Edited by VincentASM
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