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Subtle Quirks


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I just noticed that each character gets their own versions of Overworld Sprites, which is pretty surprising to me.

Some people might already know about them, but I've taken some screenies of different characters' overworld sprites, with credit to Remnant Sage and his scans.



Where's her hat 'doh?


[spoiler=Jerome (This thoroughly impressed me)]Jerome.png


My man-waifu



[spoiler=Callum (Another impressive one)]Callum.png

[spoiler=About Children]The children (barring Lucina) seem to be stuck with grey hair in their sprites because of their varying hair colors.

I'm pleased with the detail IS put into each character and their designs. How about you guys? Any nice quirks you've noticed about this game despite it not being released internationally yet?

Edited by Chidokyo
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That's pretty nifty although Miriel's lack of overworld sprite hat is saddening.

Wait. So the kids all have grey/white hair? Default MU really is everyone's OTP. ;/

Edited by Ein
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That's pretty nifty although Miriel's lack of overworld sprite hat is saddening.

IIRC Miriel, Richt, and Donny have their hats in their default class, but they all ditch them once they reclass/promote.

It's quite sad; those hats had feelings. Now they'll only be seen in-battle.

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You missed an amusing one. Viole. Check his Sniper sprite. He actually does that if he's an Archer, Sniper or Bow Knight. Compare to what a normal Archer/Sniper/Bow Knight would do...

Technically, you'll only see those sprites on a battle map since you navigate the world map with Krom. It's their animation when you put your cursor on them if they haven't acted yet.

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You missed an amusing one. Viole. Check his Sniper sprite. He actually does that if he's an Archer, Sniper or Bow Knight. Compare to what a normal Archer/Sniper/Bow Knight would do...

Technically, you'll only see those sprites on a battle map since you navigate the world map with Krom. It's their animation when you put your cursor on them if they haven't acted yet.

Haha, oh wow. I was looking at Viole and was like "Something's strange about this one..." Turns out he was flipping his hair, I think. It's hard to distringuish since it's only a still picture.

I also meant to say Battle Maps, but I failed to find the right words. :<

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Loran loses his hat as well it would seem but still keeps his glasses on. At least, on his sage sprite that is.

(Maybe on the others as well, I dunno.)

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Yeah, unfortunately, Miriel, Richt and Loran lose their hat in their overworld sprite when they're in anything but default class. Which is silly, because they keep them in their battle model. Likewise, Donny loses his pot, etc. Also, children with different fathers' hair colour changes in their map sprite to accomodate. For example, Cynthia will have blue hair on her sprite if her father is Chrom, but orange hair in her sprite if her father is Gaia. It's really cool. The animations make them that much more charming, too.

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Also, children with different fathers' hair colour changes in their map sprite to accomodate. For example, Cynthia will have blue hair on her sprite if her father is Chrom, but orange hair in her sprite if her father is Gaia. It's really cool. The animations make them that much more charming, too.

That's pretty awesome. laugh.gif

These individual map sprites are a small change, but compared to previous games, it is something worth appreciating.

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