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Side quest requirements

luigi bros

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Is there any way to change the requisites needed to go to a sidequest in FE7? I want to elimanate the requirement of Nils being level 7 for 19xx, but to keep the other requirements.

I've searched EA, and can't find anything. If it requires ASM hacking, I give up.

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in the 19x events there's probably some IFAT (if asm condition) that you can just remove

How can I tell which one? There's multiple IFATs. Also, how do I know which is the Nils requirement, and which is the Kishuna one?

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look in the ending event

I was wrong I see multiple IF-- lines, but no AFITs.

And again, which one is it specifically? Or at least how do I tell?

Edited by luigi bros
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look for MNCH

one of them will be for 19xx

the other for c20

look in that area for other things

Yeah, I've figured that out. What is the code for requirements though? I can just experiment if I know what states it.

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IF (condition)

MNCH 19xx



obviously there'll be stuff in the middle but that's the idea

Is it IFAF, IFHM, or IFYN?

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would it kill you to look up the conditions in arch's tutorial or the EA docs or something

IFYN is "if yes or no"

obviously it'd come after the brown scroll thingy

IFHM is self-explanatory

IF Hector Mode

IFAF is "if ASM routine is false" so it'd probably be that one

Edited by CT075
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