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So I need a little help with things.

The Joker

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I've read much of Blazers ultimate tutorials but I'm still confused about a tad many things since I'm new to rom hacking

and I really want to learn how to do these from pros like you guys.

1. When you want to create a new character, you just overwrite an existing character's data with Nightmare right? practical examples would help.

2. If you plan to make an entirely new story, what would be better, to make the characters first? or to make the maps and events etc.?

3. What's the use of other game modules for another game? for example, will there be a purpose or result in using FE8 modules in FE7?

What are the practical uses of doing such if there is?

4. How do you change character names with FEditor Adv? xD

so far, these have been the questions pressing me the most.

Thanks in advance guys for helping a noob out.

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1. When you want to create a new character, you just overwrite an existing character's data with Nightmare right? practical examples would help.

Pretty much. Try it, and if you get stuck, post an actual question, and be specific. Screenshots help.

2. If you plan to make an entirely new story, what would be better, to make the characters first? or to make the maps and events etc.?

I don't think it really matters. The important thing is to take it a piece at a time, have a vision, keep notes and keep backups.

3. What's the use of other game modules for another game? for example, will there be a purpose or result in using FE8 modules in FE7?

The most likely result is that you screw everything up. We have modules for each game because each game needs its own modules, because the data for just about any given feature is in a different spot in each game's ROM. (And in many cases, the feature works fundamentally differently, e.g. FE6 sprites not having blinking frames.)

4. How do you change character names with FEditor Adv? xD

They are text. Find and replace in the text editor (keep in mind that any given character's name will appear a whole bunch of times, in the main story, support conversations etc.). The tutorial should cover how this works.

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1. When you want to create a new character, you just overwrite an existing character's data with Nightmare right? practical examples would help.

easiest way to explain this would be that if you copied, for example, rebecca's information onto wire's character slot, then wire will basically be rebecca (some things you'll have to change elsewhere, but most of the information is in the character editor).

2. If you plan to make an entirely new story, what would be better, to make the characters first? or to make the maps and events etc.?

write the story first

then just work on it one chapter at a time, making the characters as you need them. you can't do anything that you've suggested "first" because what you should do first is figure out why you want to have certain characters, maps, and events exist. you can't do that without at least some idea of what the story is going to be.

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I've already written a story with FE in mind. I just didnt have(I still dont have that much) skill in ROM hacking. That's why

I'm particularly interested in learning.

Thanks again for helping. I'll keep that in mind.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've already written a story with FE in mind. I just didnt have(I still dont have that much) skill in ROM hacking. That's why

I'm particularly interested in learning.

What I'm doing is writing down the plot and character backstories first, get the tricky plotline shit outta the way. Then once that's all done, I'll work on the graphics and (perhaps) music. After I've got an idea on what the game will be, I start planning out the hacks - How am I going to create new characters? Will I assign custom classes? Will adding x custom features work? How will I go about doing it? After a few weeks or so of planning the hacks, I actually get on to the hacking, ideas and techniques all mapped out in my head.

However, that's just my workflow. Others work differently, some find it easier to do things in different orders, or maybe even omit some methods completely. It's all up to you!

My advice would be to plan out your planning. Think about how you're going to approach the development, think about what you find easiest, most effective, and most fun - ROM hacking isn't all boring, drab stuff!

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