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Naesala gba sprite


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http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=25963 < Spriting resources thread, follow Maklo's splicing tutorial o:

I also suggest 1. you upload your image to a different website, such as Photobucket, imgur, or even use gyazo

2. GIMP/Photoshop aren't really ideal for spriting from the get-go unless you really know your way around some of the advanced stuff in there, because FE sprites are usually limited to 16 colors (yours has over 1000 colors in it.) I'd suggest you use Paint instead o:

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There could be the case where OP doesn't have a platform that runs paint, though. Paint's simpler and if you have it, use that, or Paint.Net like some of my friends use and recommend.

But IIRC those are Windows OS only so since OP already has photoshop I'll just list my setup for it.

http://gyazo.com/c88a2fc07a1de49d4e83a9c211e0190e See the top bar here? I have Fill bucket selected but you want to work with lasso and magic wand too. Or at least that's what I use.

-Turn off Anti-Alias on Paint Bucket Tool, Lasso Tool, and Magic Wand Tool.

-Turn off Feathering on Lasso Tool.

-Set Tolerance to 2 in Paint Bucket Tool and Magic Wand Tool.

-Switch Brush tool with pencil tool.

-Set Eraser to pencil.

Contiguous is an interesting option. Having it checked makes it function like Paint fill bucket, where it will only fill in an isolated area of the same colour. Turning it off allows you to fully recolour all instances of one colour to another colour of your choice (the foreground colour unless you change your options) on the layer you're working on. Like if you click a pixel of #880088 and your foreground colour is currently #404040, all instances of #880088 on the layer you're on, given contiguous deselected, will be turned into #404040.

http://gyazo.com/a51211903459ffa1d9e21ef971cab141 And set up your workspace. Paths and Channels are usually for my non-spriting work, but the others should apply to spriting. Swatches is especially nice, since it lets you keep track of palettes in an organised manner. Clear the PS default swatches and fill them with palette sets of three colours each like in my setup---I recommend borrowing colours from FE sprites at this stage. Those colours, for the most part, work---so you have a few palettes to work with. Don't use pure black, ever. Don't mix colours from FE6/7 and 8, either, for future reference.

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