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Homosexuality > heterosexuality


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Homosexuals can't produce babies with other homosexuals.

That's actually a good thing considering the many irresponsible heterosexual couples this world has.

Asexual is the best.

>wanting no sex

bby u crazy

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Homosexuals can't produce babies with other homosexuals.

That's actually a good thing considering the many irresponsible heterosexual couples this world has.

Asexual is the best.

I agree with everything of the above.

I know they count, I just didn't know if Soul himself was counting them.

Unfortunately I have to.

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I didn't say that. You made that assumption on your own.

but that's what asexual is


you reproduce through budding and all that nasty crap ewww

EDIT: but on a serious note, isn't asexuality a lack of sexual interest?

Edited by Esme
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