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Return of the Emblem Chapter Ten: Converging Destinies


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"Mind if I come along?" Zach asked the blue haired swordsman "Or is this one of those "Important" people only kinda meetings that only concern the few of you?" Once again asking with a shrug

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"Well, I can't stop you from eavesdropping, but if you do come with you're going to have to keep quiet until a decision is made," Blake said, before returning his attention to Raquel. "We can't have half the campsite knowing about this just yet, especially with our 'guest' being present. Anyways, follow me," the man finished, before he moved to a spot about a hundred feet away from the Dauntless and thus, further away from the campfire.

"Right, so as you may know, the Organization's probably going to try and recruit us tomorrow, at least, judging by what Colin was saying earlier," Blake said, once the others had caught up. "Given how he was pretty confident that he would recruit us, I think it's safe to say that they have an ace up their sleeve. To be blunt, I think that 'ace' is Jethro. In other words, my theory is that Jethro will be at the meeting tomorrow as a member of the Organization. Whether willingly or otherwise, I can't say."

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"Seems like a reasonable enough expectation to me with everything we've learned so far to be honest. At least the trying to recruit us part, but assuming they do have Jethro what would you suggest we do?" Trailing off Zach actually started to think about this one for a moment. "Maybe we should actually keep Raquel back from this one. Emotions are a hell of a strange thing and we really don't need that influencing any possible decisions do we. Blake stays back with her while Veronika and I go with the rest to meet with them?" Shrugging again the sage added "Choice of you guys really, I don't have much of a say or anything."

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Veronika frowned heavily at Blake's statement. "Why would Jethro join the Organization? They kidnapped him- that's a very poor recruitment method. I think it's more likely that they're going to use Jethro's hostage status as leverage to get what they want- the emblem. If we're willing to trade the emblem piece for Jethro, then we can hope they keep their word about not attacking us. If we're not willing to trade the emblem piece for Jethro, then I question our going to this meeting in the first place. A successful rescue attempt given our current numbers against their likely numbers seems...unlikely," she said hesitantly.

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Once Raquel left, the dragon head slowly faded away, leaving the Dauntless looking normal again ... normal for one of Weyland's wagons at least. Reign was a little surprised. He expected the dragon head to linger, at least for a little while, but then realized that if it was originating from Raquel's own mind, then there might be some range limitation ... or something. Perhaps it was that, or maybe the dragon was simply following her ... or both; he wasn't certain one way or another. He was curious about Blake's theory too, but hadn't been asked for, so decided to stay put for the moment. Raquel would tell him if he asked her about it later and that was enough for him.


That was his theory? Raquel was more than a little put off by the idea. She shook her head ignoring pretty much everything that was said afterward. "No way." And she kept on shaking as she continued. "He wouldn't do that; he quit fighting because there was no point to any of it so he wouldn't turn around and join up with those people. There's just no way." There's nothing they could say to convince him to fight for them. Wait ... wait a minute. What if it's me ... or Reina or even mom? What if they're threatening him? They know everything there is to know about me so I wouldn't put it past them ... oh no ... no no no ...

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A Man Called Gar

Gar's arrow mentioned had an effect. Was it one he wanted? Well probably. But either way it did shake'em up a bit, which was nice. Sword-guy wanted to do some talking all sensitive like away from the fire, so Gar sauntered along with everyone else because no one could stop him. He kept quiet though, as sword-guy explained that Raquel's papa joining the enemy group might be why Colin was so insistent that they were all about to join forces.

Did Gar know Colin was an enemy? Did he even know who that was?

Well, either way, Zachary-boy and Veronika wasn't, and both got to wondering and thinking while waiting for Raquel's reaction. Which was an as-expected: NO. "By your words, all there has to be is a point to get him fighting again," Gar calmly said. "And you've clearly realized that possibility yourself now that it's been brought up." Gar shrugged. "Though saying on the way of point, it's a lot easier to take someone down when you're not a prisoner you know."

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"But there's no reason for him to fight again, especially not alongside someone like Sardis," Raquel protested, though she had quickly gone from denial to complete and total uncertainty and it showed in her voice. "Maybe they tried, but it wouldn't work ... not on him." Somehow she managed to sound even less certain with that attempt at assuring everyone.

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Right, time to defend.

"That's what Raquel and Veronika need to decide," Blake said, to Zach. "Though I don't think keeping Raquel back from the meeting will help things, given that, well she's their primary target. I already have an idea of what we could do in order to try and escape, but that all depends on whether we play fair with the organization or not."

The man then turned to Veronika, who had expressed disbelief. "I didn't say he was definitely recruited willingly, no offense. Not to mention that if they just want the Emblem, why did Colin go along willingly with us? He could've had a squad wait wherever he encountered the two of you, and thus he could've made a clean getaway. There was no need for him to risk himself by going along with this, unless they're after something other than the emblem piece. Which is why I'm guessing they're trying to recruit us all.

"As for the just plain avoiding the meeting, in a sense that might be worse, because we have no idea when the Wrathites are going to strike. We might end up being attacked by both the Wrathites and the Organization, which would not end well," Blake concluded, before turning to address Raquel, last but not least. Perhaps predictably, she denied that her father would take up his sword, before falling into silence. Gar stated the obvious, in that maybe Jethro found a point to fighting again, which the merchant denied, but a bit less sure this time around. Poor girl.

"I understand how you feel," Blake said, remembering that incident from almost five years ago, "But the problem is, Colin was talking to you about what Jethro thought as if he knew your father. I don't think he'd be able to say things like that if Jethro was still a prisoner. Keep in mind, the organization might have mind magicians, or other ways of persuading someone to fight for them."

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"I suppose mind magic could be a possibility, I know little on such matters," Veronika admitted begrudgingly to Blake's theories. "I still think Colin ran into us by chance and that's why he didn't have a squad on hand, no matter what he says. If they wanted to recruit us, why not negotiate with us earlier?" she asked.

"In any case, I doubt the Organization will negotiate with us without Raquel present. It's her artifact and her father anyway- we can't make her decisions for her," she said stiffly.

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"Ohoho~ Seems like quite the predicament you've got there~"

The voice did not belong to any of the group members, though it's owner was not completely unbeknownst to them. Slinking out from the shadows, the woman with the appearance of a nine-tailed fox... to be more accurate a slutty Halloween party's nine-tailed fox, but a nine-tailed fox nonetheless, gave the small theory discussing group a sly smile.

"Now I knew that was a deliciously strange magic of yours, Ra~qu~el~, but to think it could be the Fire Emblem? I knew there was something special about you~" The woman continued, strutting closer to Raquel, appearing to largely ignore the others.

"So tell me, did you miss me?"

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Blake drew his sword and moved in between Raquel and the... fox... lady. The same one from the port? Regardless, the swordsman leveled his blade at the entity.

"Identify yourself. Then, explain why you are following us," Blake said, his tone ice-cold.

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"Oh, hey Kit, what's up." Zach said in a rather dead toned voice. Really after all the crap the young man had seen the fox woman showing up again wasn't really that far out there, let alone her popping up out of nowhere. They really needed to take a vacation....

Wait a second....


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"Mind magicians?" Raquel echoed. "Y-you think they brainwashed him?! I ... can't let that ... ... if they did that ... if they did that to my father ..." She made a fist out of her left hand and tears welled up in her eyes as it shook in front of her chest. "I'll ... I'll won't let them get away with it. I won't ..." She couldn't believe that Jethro would join Sardis willingly, so she had adopted the brainwashing version of Blake's theory almost instantly. If there was any possibility at all in this, that was it as far as she was concerned.

She wasn't given much time to fester, though, as that woman from Chousokabe showed up out of the blue. "Miss you? I hardly know you," Raquel replied, a bit hostilely. "W-what do you want?" she asked as she began to quickly wipe her eyes. The question seemed like the right one to ask in her head, but once she said it and thought back to the woman's initial interest in the emblem both now and back in Chousokabe ... "I haven't changed my mind; I don't want anyone examining this," she quickly amended herself.

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"Ooh, so cold~" The woman replied with a pout, before turning her eyes to the swordsman.

"You really need to work on your manners, mister~ It isn't polite to greet a poor girl with steel... but I'll humour you, lucky boy~ My name is Kit, and as for why I'm here, that adorable little Emblem holder of yours is just too damn interesting... I haven't met such an intriguing person in a long while I'll have you know... what kind of pursuer of knowledge would I be if I just up and left without my answers?" Kit replied to the man, before circling closer to Raquel, her tails swaying to and fro.

"I've even been nice and civil about all of this too, I hardly see what need you have to complain... I'm more than willing to scratch your back too~ How about that mind magic you were just talking about, hmm? If that sort of thing is happening, I'll be able to pick it out no problems at all~" She offered, more than willing to provide such a simple service if it would get her closer to that deliciously intriguing artifact.

"In fact, figuring out a person's hidden motives happens to be my specialty~!" She noted, before turning a knowing eye at the exclaiming sage.

"For example, the mere thought of our earlier encounter is enough to make sparky churn with panic~ Though you might want to temper yourself a tad better, getting so hot and heavy over the mere sight of a lady won't do you any good at all~" She cooed towards Zachary, her voice indicative of her intent to tease and play about with the sage.

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Dragon Face

When Kit hinted at offering to help them, Raquel began to think it over, but her thoughts were interrupted by something appearing in front of her. At first she thought maybe her hair was getting in her eyes randomly, but as the image began to become more and more opaque, she realized it couldn't be her hair, no way, no how. She saw a set of jaws forming slightly in front of her mouth, and a thin glowing red beginning to overtake her eyes. The spectral dragon head had appeared over Raquel's face, heavily obscuring her view of things, and causing her to reach up to remove it, only to fail. "Hey! What's going on?!"

"Can you figure out my hidden motives?" the dragon face mask thing inquired mischievously.

"It's you?! What are you doing on my face?!"

"Well it was either here ... or ... ... your chest ..."

"Mmmph ..." Raquel moaned, conceding as her hands fell back to her sides.

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As the Dauntless left Sergio port, Chelsea indeed did take the rear guard as promised and that's where she stayed for the majority of the time. Even when the group decided to camp, she refused to get any closer to the Dauntless, because HE was there, the jerk.

As night fell and shit was happening throughout the campsite, Chelsea thought maybe it was time to talk to Raquel about the current situation... as soon as the girl left the Dauntless and went faaaaaaaar away from Collin.

Thankfully she and a few others, Veronika, Zach and Blake left the Dauntless, probably to discuss shit. It took maybe only a few minutes for Chelsea to follow in pursuit. Luckily even though it was dark, she had that nice pendant from Ursium she won.

"Snrk. Poor Ucollas, it took him forever to win something and even then it wasn't all that useful... well not to say mine is even remotely useful, I can still barely see, this is something you give to a child who is afraid of the dark."- she spoke to no one but herself as she neared Raquel's group. When she reached the group though, she swore that she wasn't even awake, or maybe she was just going insane.

She saw Veronika, Blake and Zach, and they looked fine. However... Raquel seemed to have acquired a dragon's head and there was a very foxy(literally) lady, flaunting her goods.

"I am so not in Ursium anymore."- the troubadour muttered to herself as she slowly approached the group.

"Could someone explain where I could find Raquel?"- she asked the group.

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A Man Called Gar

Some... thing, came, and started acting all big and bad and--no, no. Gar shook his head. He wasn't gonna dignify the obstruction in front of them with a notice. So he turned to Raquel. "I wish I had a dragon mask. Though if he blocks arrows his latter suggestion might not be a bad idea," Gar commented with a smirk.

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"Ironic that, despite your complaints, you're the one who was eavesdropping and following us," Blake said icily, as he continued to try and keep between the merchant and the foxwoman. "And given what I heard about the last encounter, I'm not inclined to trust you."

Of course, that was when the dragon head decided to make his reappearance, by blocking Raquel's vision and by completely derailing the previous discussion. Great. Blake decided to not respond to the head's comments, and so went to respond to Chelsea, who had suddenly appeared while he was distracted.

"She's right here," Blake said, tilting his head to the masked merchant. "But this isn't a good time. Can you come back later or maybe even just bring a few people over here?"

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After a whir and a blur of activity, and so many people coming and going to see the mystery of the amazing talking dragon head, things had started to disperse a bit again, as the blue-haired swordsman took Raquel off to the side to discuss matters without "the guest" present. Sinbad had to assume that meant him, but on the other hand it seemed a little blunt to say that to his face, even if it was phrased... delicately, so maybe not. He was hardly doing well keeping up with all the developments here, everything was going mighty fast for him, and he needed some time to let the ol' noggin do some thinking.

Sinbad leaned his back up against the mammoth wagon, and fished out a small wad of chew and wedged it comfortably into the gap between his teeth and his lip, and started going through things. More likely than not, he could find good use for as much training and experience as possible by the time he finally caught up to the bastard. If the one-armed man had gotten himself a gang of friends, well, one man against an army doesn't usually fare well for the lone gunman... Even if this isn't the team Sinbad would ride with at the end, getting some familiarity with how to work with others couldn't be all bad, could it?

The juices started to flow.

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Well, that hadn't yielded much of any sort of information. Not regarding mind magic anyway. Blake wanted to privately talk to Raquel about something along with Veronika, so, naturally, Zach asked to be a part of it and he and Gar followed. Chelsea went after them not long after that. The dragon head had disappeared, too. Norbert wound up leaning against Rizen, thinking about what he had managed to gather from that discussion. So, teamwork, huh? I don't know enough about that to judge how good or bad we are at it. 'Course, that in and of its self might be an indicator... Should I go along with this? If it's mind magic... I don't want to set myself up for something like that. I don't particularly like the idea of someone being in my head anyway. Hmm... Or would it be...my going out of my head? No, that'd be even worse...I think...

Gytha, meanwhile, found it interesting how Dragon Head had taken up his description as his name. Wonder if it's because o' that emblem piece she has... Maybe she named 'im without even knowin' it, heheh... Hmm r'gardin' this dream trainin', though... Aye, I should do it. I need t' get me mind off o' piracy fer a while. If this'll help unite us, then it's be good t' be a part o' anaway! It'd be nice. Smiling, the Mariner decided to head over to the campfire. She saw Synthia there and wanted to discuss the upcoming training.

"Ahoy, Synthia," Gytha greeted as she sat down next to the mage. She was about as friendly as ever, though she was lacking her usual enthusiasm. "Ye'll never guess what's happenin' t'night."

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Well, that was certainly an interesting turn. Raquel's face had been obstructed by some sort of dragonesque thing. Kit attempted to get something from it, but to no avail.

"Well no, it seems I can't, Mr. Dragon~ You're just giving me more reasons to stick around, Raquel~ I've never had this much interesting stuff show up so close before~" Kit replied, likely to the chagrin of everyone else present... oh well.

"Ahn, you're so hostile Blake. If I wanted to harm your little merchant she and I would be long gone by now~ Can't a girl just be curious about such an interesting person?"

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With the dragon head back and currently over Raquel's face and Kit well... being Kit poor Zachary was currently in the middle of a mental breakdown of epic proportions. Currently going over the options available in what was left of his sane mind. Mar wasn't here, Veronika was kinda mean, Raquel had dragon problems. "CHELSEA SAVE ME!" rushing and hiding behind the healer girl.

Quite the futile effort really considering the different height between the two


"Oh, okay then. Maybe I can come up with something on my own, a love song maybe. Might not be fitting for the moment but I like the way it sounds~" Luka said once it became evident that he wasn't going to have a partner for the next tune. Due to the fact that he was already warmed up the pinky didn't have any problem slipping right into playing

He played Layla by Eric Clapton. If you don't know what that song is I will cut you

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Raquel glared at Gar--as best she could--and then turned back toward Kit. "If you're so interested in the emblem, go bother Sardis or something; I'm pretty sure he has one too." And then a bunch of thoughts came rushing in all at once. Why had she essentially advised Kit to go stir up trouble for Sardis with such an important meeting coming up? Why had she brought up such sensitive matters so reflexively? What if those two ended up working together? This was just a very bad day in general it seemed. "Look, I'm not going to show it to you, especially not when you're stalking us like this. You might as well find something else to be interested in."

"Why not let her stick around for awhile?" the dragon mask inquired, sounding neither disappointed nor happy for a change.

"We've already got one person under guard. This is going to get too complicated if people keep showing up out of the blue," Raquel quickly and angrily explained. "I'm really not sure it's a good idea to even train now, honestly." She then glanced at Zachary wondering why he was so scared. She personally was more concerned with Sardis herself, and that was overwhelming hatred, not fear.

"Perhaps you should take her with. You needn't guard what is fast asleep right alongside you," the dragon suggested with the beginnings of a grin appearing.

I'm not really comfortable with her around in general, but if she won't leave on her own, then there's no way it'll be safe to train tonight. If she's asleep too then ... it's less of an issue I guess. I'm not sure how the dragon head can get that to work though ... "Are you sure that will work?"

"As long as she is ... willing~"

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Zachary had some sort of meltdown and was now hiding behind Chelsea, which was... out of character for what Blake knew of the man. He'd have to inquire later. But for now, this 'Kit' individual.

"Just because you haven't went and outright attacked yet doesn't necessarily mean that you aren't hostile," Blake said, keeping his weapon raised. "Magicians have more than one way of creating havoc, after all. Not to mention that from my experience, people who are 'interested' in my employer, or at least with her emblem piece, have generally not been allies if they weren't part of the original group." Kit's manner was wearing thin upon the swordsman, but it sounded like Raquel was debating whether or not to have her accompany them for a while longer. So the man frowned, but did nothing.

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