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Return of the Emblem Chapter Ten: Converging Destinies


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Blake calmly sidestepped another fire spell designated for his person and finally arrived to within striking distance of that damned enemy. He could have, and would have struck the sage down immediately, but another target had just emerged from the darkness. One of them, with an odd-looking bow, appeared to be their leader. The swordsman calmly walked away from the murderer, snapping his fingers once to draw Zach's attention, and, once he did, pointing towards the fire magic wielder. After a short pause, there was the sound of lightning, and the Ursian swordsman directed his attention to the enemy ranger. While she was conversing with Valter and Bert for some reason, the mercenary closed in on his target, and with one blow, knocked her clean off of her horse. That didn't stop the ranger from unloading a shot at Blake, which, while intercepted by the wyvern rider, seemed to have hurt enough to have forced her to withdraw. Oh well. This would only take one more blow, anyways.


Bard Bonus! +2 Hit!

Heroic Stance activates! HP -3, STR +2, SKL +2, SPD + 2, DEF +1

HP is now 9/15.

Might is now 11.

Hit is now 13.

AS is now 10.

Evade is now 12.

Defense is now 7.

Blake is defended by Katrina! (attack roll 3).

2,3,4 = 15-15 = Hit! 14 points of damage!

6,6,6 = Lethal hit! Defended (Katrina)! 3(18-8) = 30 points of damage! Katrina is down! ;w;

Team Blaze gains 1 point.

Team Shadowkat gains 1 point(?)

Blake 9/15 HP

Alexandrina 4/18 HP

Katrina 0/24 HP

Edit: Valter attacks Alexandrina! What could possibly go wrong?


Hit + 2! Now 12!

[1,4,3] = 15-13 = Miss!

[5,5,2] = Hit! 17 points of damage! Valter is defeated!

Valter loses 5 points.

Valter 0/15 HP

Alexandrina 4/18 HP

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Zach attacks the Murderer of John!


Confirmed kill!

+5points for Team Blaze


This was it, this was the sage that had murdered John! He was Zachary's kill, and Blake seemed to know that as well, because as soon as the blue haired swordsman had snapped his fingers there was one less mage left in the world. Body lying on the ground twitching while there was a fire burning in the eyes of his killer, revenge was had, but it wasn't enough.... not yet.

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A Man Called Gar

Gar's lack of killing confused him. The dull little Bard swung its own knife in a futile attempt to hit Gar. He dodged effortlessly and kicked the Bard to the ground. "Quit it." Gar scratched the back of his head in annoyance. How did such a squishie target survive? He pondered this outcome diligently as he cleaned his knife.

While he stood around thinking, he took a quick glance over the battle. Specificlly looking for Robin who'd been... knocked down. Great. He was gonna get blamed for a lot of this huh? Well, the latest torch reveal showed off that water brat and what obviously was the leader of this group. That male pegasus rider and male horse rider went over and parlayed with them. That didn't work so well as the two of them were eventually knocked aside. The swordsmen ran in and dealt a nasty strike to the horsewoman, but she countered and felled the wyvern rider backing the swordsmen up.

All up to me of course. Gar looked at the bard. "You stay here, I'll be back to kill you real soon." Gar said and swiftly ran after the enemy horsewoman. She was still distracted by the others, so Gar slipped around back and leapt at her from behind. "You have naught but yourself to blame." Those words came out just before the knife penetrated the back of her neck and killed her. Gar dragged her to the ground and flipped back flashily in an attempt to draw attention off the nearby injured.


Gar cleaned off his knife.

Gar attacks Alexandrina. Gar autohits, Gar does five damage minimum.


Gar/Mushirah/Robin +10 points(32 total)

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"B-Big sis! No!" Having been so distracted by the frontal assault, he didn't even notice Gar move into position and bring down Alexandrina before it was too late. He ran to her as quickly as he could, stumbling the whole way and leaving his water shields to fall to the ground. "Big sis, no! No!"

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Time for the final act. Grant moved towards that sniper, who had held a fascination for shooting people who were lighting lamps up. Tough guy had a silver bow. Let's see what that would do for him, once the duelist froze his hands.

Grant defends Team GSL!

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When Norbert heard Valter's cry of pain, he immediately looked in that direction. "Valter!" Blast it, I wish they'd all just stop!

Then the kid began mourning the other woman after she was killed by Gar. That was painful to listen to. So the woman with the horse and the bow was the kid's sister. That was...just terrible.


Things were going fairly well from what Gytha could tell and she managed to get the Leverager crew a nice, disposable present named Barnabas to question. There seemed to be some trouble a bit further away, though, as several members of theirs were falling. That wasn't good. Luckily, Gar took out one of them. There was a kid mourning that one. Either that or someone really short. She couldn't quite tell what the other one was doing, though. It looked like she was...holding Norbert? What? He looked hurt or something. She didn't recognize the girl either. That was very unusual behavior for an enemy so...was she on their side?

Gytha couldn't tell, so, she asked her captive. "Hoy, that lass o'er there," she indicated Suzume "She one o' yers?"

"Why should I tell ye?" the bitter ex-pirate snapped.

Gytha unamusedly drew her pistol and cocked it at Barnabas as a reply.

"A'right, a'right! Aye, she's on our side -- all o' those three are. Well, were. Alex seems a bit dead," he replied.

"I knew I could count on a pirate t' betray his allies," Gytha sighed as she aimed her pistol at Suzume.

"Look out!" Barnabas called over to Suzume.

Gytha uses Valiant Stance! -4HP, +1str, +1skl, +2hit from bard boost

Gytha attacks Suzume!


(16+2)-10 = 8 damage!

Gytha 19/24

Suzume 16/24

Gytha/Raquel/Miri(?) +1pt

The bullet imbeded its self in the girl's shoulder from what Gytha could tell. The mariner cast Barnabas a small glare. He just smirked in return and reminded, "Not a pirate anymore."

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A Man Called Gar

Gar checked the bow of the horsewomen. Synthesized. She was the one who shot Armor-Guy and started the whole thing off. Well, that ought to be a relief to others. Gar nonchalantly strolled past the kid running and tripping and screaming about "big sis". "Remember this," Gar calmly said as they crossed paths and continued in their directions.

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Norbert and Valter seemed to be having a discussion with the enemy, which ended extremely poorly for both of them. Nadya decided to revive one of the wyvern riders who got shot to death. Well if she takes a shot like that again, that's one I didn't take. she justified to herself.

Nadya rezzes Katrina with the Skill Book! Katrina 18/24 +2 Nadya, Norbert, Valter

Veronika was surveying the now well-lit battlefield when she overheard Gabbie talking to Chelsea.

John and Sophia are dead!? No, she must be wrong-although she has no reason to lie...urgh I have to fous on the battle for now. as she managed to ram an enemy spellcaster through the chest even with the distraction of her own thoughts.

(4,3,2)= Hit. 11-1= 10 damage! Bard B down +5 Team Shadowkat

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Suzume and Bobby

The sound of a panic stricken Bobby didn't bode well. Suzume looked over to see Alex downed, a man who seemed to be responsible walking away, and Bobby desperately running to her side. That was a painful blow in and of itself, realizing that after all of that talk, she stopped to help Bert and left Alex wide open for a flanking attack. Before she could set Bert down carefully to try and grab Bobby and run-the most logical course of action at this point, a bullet went flying right through her left shoulder, forcing her to the ground. Bert was more or less dropped in the process. "Agh! Urrrg ..." Well, so much for that idea ...

Bobby stumbled onto his knees in horror as Gar passed him. How could he be so cruel? Big sis wasn't perfect. She wasn't the nicest person. She wasn't even nice really, and she actually got off on doing Belial's dirty work, but still! Well since I'm not sure where I'm going with this ... Bobby crawled the rest of the way to Alexandrina's fallen form and held her close. He couldn't do anything for her but mourn now.

"B-Bobby ..." Suzume struggled to call out. "You have to do what she said and run away now. There's no reason left for you to stay here!"

Instead of listening, he cried over his big sis even more.


Well they went down relatively hard, and Shadrak was unable to escape without a sprained wrist, go figure. His first instinct was to find the nearest enemy and suck them dry, but perhaps Katrina deserved some attention after that unsuccessful bout and subsequent crash. Yeah! He could suck someone dry and give the energy to her instead! Wait, maybe it's a bit too soon to be that forward. Of course he wasted so much time deliberating on the method, that Nadya healed Katrina first, leaving him with the wyvern. Sighing he said, "... this is important. This is important," and began healing Volga.

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More people down and injured, thankfully it seems some of the women were focusing on making sure they didn't die for the moment. That meant he could still help out those that were fighting the enemy still.

Luka heals Blake to 15/15 HP!

+2 points for G/S/L

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A Man Called Gar

The crack of a flintlock sent the other woman nearby sprawled unto the ground with a bullet. Which meant it was gun-lass's doing. She yelled at the kid to run, but he just sat there weeping over a corpse. "Take her advice and run, run far and long, and come back one day strong enough to kill me," Gar advised the little brat. "If you're still here by the time I get back you will die. The others might show mercy against children, but I don't." Gar said as coldly as possible before walking completely away.

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Suzume was letting him rest on the ground carefully when a gunshot sounded, which resulted in near simultaneous, stark cries of pain. One from Suzume from her new wound and one from Bert from his being dropped onto the ground with his present injuries. Suzume tried to talk to the kid -- who was named Bobby -- in an attempt to convince him to run away. Thanks to that new hole in her shoulder, she probably couldn't just pick the kid up and run either. "Blast it..." he breathed, still furious at the situation. There was nothing he could do.

Rizen was watching the proceedings from afar. Her rider was in clear need of assistance. It would be difficult to get over there, though. So, for now, she just anxiously stomped her hooves and partially-spread and refolded her wings, watching worriedly for a clear way to get to Norbert.

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So, the ranger didn’t accept an offer to surrender. That was fine. Valter never expected her to. Their standoff continued while Bert finally caved and attacked Suzume, though the horseman could only see the aftermath in his peripheral vision, lest he look away entirely and Alexandria shoot him first. Ya know, maybe if people listened to him they wouldn’t get lit up like, eh, whatever holiday Sardis has with lights. Suzume was immediately regretful of her actions, but that didn’t really change the end result.

Valter didn’t have much time to react before Blake appeared and knocked Alexandria off her horse. The shot she had been aiming at him instead struck the charging wyvern rider and the horseman took the opportunity to loose his own arrow at her. It barely missed.

Somehow after her injury she had managed to nock and shoot another arrow. It struck him in the shoulder of his sword arm, but she had likely been aiming for the heart. “Aaaghk, dammit!” That hurt. Worse yet, he could barely move his arm. Had she hit a nerve?


Blake changed targets abruptly, but Katrina wasn’t going to argue. Whichever one of these bastards they took out was fine with her. While Alexandria was distracted by the horseman Blake struck, but the archer was alert enough to shoot at her second attacker before falling to the ground. “Ha, you think an arrow’s gonna stop-! Guh?” The penetration of the arrow straight through her plate and chain mail was not something Katrina had been expecting for sure. There wasn’t much she could do but gurgle as the force of the shot pushed her back into Shadrak.

Volga, trying to stop after realizing her rider had been hit, only succeeded in fumbling and sliding on her side as she tried to skid to a halt. The ensuring crash knocked both passengers off her back, but there was only one she cared about at the moment. Thankfully the nice healer lady came by and fixed Katrina back up. The magic person who had been riding with them healed her, and she gave him a big slobbery lick before turning to Nadya to thank her too.

Katrina groaned and struggled to her feet. “I hate archers…”


…What was the point of flying over to the enemy if you were just going to stand there and talk to them? Synthia couldn’t hear all that was being said from where she was (well, when people weren’t yelling anyway). Good thing too, because there were still dangerous arrow people who needed to be removed.

VS Sniper A

Synthia attacks! [2,4,1]

8 + 2 + 2 = 12 – 10 = HIT

8 + 4 = 12 – 0 = 12 DMG

Sniper A counters! [3,3,1]

3+10 = 13 – 9 = HIT or whatever

10 + 3 = 13 – 8 = 5 DMG

Grant counters! [3,4,2]

6 + 2(Davod) +3 = 11 – 10 = HIT

8 + 4 = 12 -0 = DEAD SNIPER A

Grant’s HP: 16/21

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"............What?"- Chelsea couldn't believe it, she refused to believe something like that was possible. In the time she had known them both, John was a ridiculously strong guy, and it would take at least a batallion, she estimated, to take down the wyvern rider, and Sophia herself was even more lucky than Chelsea. The cleric had an incredible luck that she could avoid most enemy attacks, unlike Chelsea who was slow to react. To hear that both of them died.....

"The meteor... that's not even funny. That's bullcrap, they couldn't have used a meteor spell for something so.....*hic*"- It couldn't have been, but it was most likely that meteor spell's intended target were John and Sophia. In addition to Lisandra, two more people had died... two people that were important to her had died.

"Why.... they had so much to live, so why.. didn't they take me instead? *hic *hic*"- Chelsea lamented their death, and began sobbing, burying her face in Nenesha's mane. She was not embarrased to show her tears, or rather she just didn't care who saw those tears.

"Why not me?"- was the girl's last coherent thought as she collapsed into tears.

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Last Stand

Shadrak had been violated, but at least it wasn't by the enemy ... or something. "Y- ... you're welcome." he replied to the wyvern dejectedly.


When Gar threatened to kill him, Bobby stood up from Alexandrina and turned to face the encroaching enemies. There were so many of them. And that gunshot ... Suzume was the one that got hit, and she was barely getting back up on her feet by the time he noticed. "No stop! Leave'er alone!" He quickly moved in front of her trying to keep whoever shot her from doing so again.

"Bobby, don't. I came here to protect you and Alex, not the the other way around ..." she pleaded as she used her uninjured arm to retrieve a potion. She quickly drank it and dropped the bottle. "Please, Bobby, we have to fall back."

"What about the others ...?" he asked, on the verge of tears again.

"I can only protect you, Bobby!" Suzume snapped.

"Uh ... I ... I dunno ... I ..." He refocused on the enemies around them again and said "Stay back! Stay away! We didn't do anything wrong! STAY BAAAAACK!!!"

If my arm would just hurry up and heal ...

Bobby defends Suzume!

Suzume uses Tonic! +5 hp! MT and SKL+ 25%!

HP: 21/24 MT: 8+2 Hit: 8+2

Pegasus Knight B attacks Zachary! Rolls 6,3,3



-10 hp -1skl

Pegasus B hp 18/18

Zachary hp 5/15

Alexandrina (Erratic) 0/18

Bobby (Erratic) 9/9

Suzume (Erratic) 21/24


Warlock A (Defending- Aggressive) 0/24

Bard A (Aggressive) 0/21

Monk A (Aggressive) 0/15


Wyvern Rider A (Defending-Aggressive) 0/24

Fighter A (Aggressive) 0/18

Soldier A (Aggressive) 0/18


Hero A (Subvert) 0/21

Myrmidon A (Subvert) 0/15

Shaman A (Subvert) 0/15


Wyvern Rider B (Defending- Aggressive) 0/24

Pegasus Knight A (Aggressive) 0/18

Cleric A (Aggressive) 0/15


Magician A (Defending- Aggressive) 0/24

Shaman B (Aggressive) 0/15

Myrmidon B (Aggressive) 0/15


Halberdier A (Subvert) 0/18

Mage A (Subvert) 0/15

Archer A (Subvert) 0/15


Mercenary A(Aggressive) 0/18

Pegasus Knight B (Aggressive) 18/18

Bard B (Aggressive) 0/21


Wyvern Rider C (Defending) 0/24

Sniper A (Erratic) 0/18

Sage A (Erratic) 0/18


OoC: Sorry don't feel like posting the other stats right now. Just check the spreadsheet if need be.

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Suzume wasn't about to run away so long as Bobby was there, but her arm looked a bit better. "Suzumay, do you think you can carry him?" he managed to ask. Discarding that idea as they would catch up to the duo in a heartbeat, he attempted another one.

"Bobby!" Hopefully, that would catch his attention, "Listen, I have sisters, too. It's hard, right? Having to leave her... But what can you do now? By staying here, you're putting yourself and Suzumay in danger!" Merz, it's hard to talk like this... Easier than before. I can move a bit better now than earlier, too. Still useless, though... "None of my sisters are related to me by blood. Isn't Suzumay like a sister to you? Protect your sister and run!" It was a long shot, but hopefully it would work.

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There was once a Silver bow Sniper,

Who truly was way too hyper,

He unloaded an arrow,

To bruise Grant's bone marrow,

But was stamped out just like a viper.

There were only 3 enemy combatants left, so, looks like Grant's part was over.

"Not bad, at all. Just got a cut on my arm," Grant said to Synthia. "You alright?"


First the enemy horsewoman (preceded by the allied horseman) fell, then the sniper, and all that was left was a female magician, being covered by a bothersome boy with some sort of water magic technique, near the wounded yet conscious mace pegasus rider, who was talking to them for some reason. The swordsman tried to knock the boy out of his way with one clean sword blow, but the child resisted and tried in vain to bash his attacker to death with the water barrier. Irritated, Blake punched right through the barrier and, after grabbing the enemy by his tiny throat, pulled his sword back...

Wait, what was he doing? Here he was, lifting this innocent little boy up, and about to gut him, just like that enemy swordsman did to Lia. And it wasn't even for the sake of John or Sophia: their killers were already dead. How could he have gone so far as to have even thought about killing a child? They were right. He WAS just like his father.

"Wrathdammit," Blake said, as he lowered the child to the ground and put away his sword. He was disgusted with himself, but not willing to show it to the outside world. There was still the female magician to deal with.

"...Look, our quarrel was with the murderers of our comrades. If you would surrender now, we won't kill you," Blake said, regaining his external composure while simultaneously ignoring Bert, "I don't want to kill anyone else tonight, if I can help it. I'm sure my colleagues agree." And if they didn't, sad day for them. He'd hold them off if he had to.

[spoiler=Roll]Heroic Stance activates! HP -3 STR + 2 SKL +2 SPD +2 DEF +1!

HP is 12/15.

Might is 11.

Hit is 11.

AS is 10.

Evade is 12.

Defense is 7.

3,3,4 = Hit! 14-9 = 5 points of damage! Bobby 4/9 HP

5,2,2 = Critical! 2(4-1) = 6 points of damage! Blake 6/15 HP

6,5,1 = Hit! 16-9 = 7 points of damage! Bobby is defeated!

Team Blaze gains 5 points.

Blake 6/15 HP

Bobby 0/9 HP

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When Blake came in and attacked Bobby, Norbert's furious glare locked onto the swordsman. So, he'd kill a kid, huh? But then, Blake stopped. He set the boy down and then offered to let them go if they surrendered. Norbert could hardly believe it. There was something that surprised him about what Blake said, though. Apparently, they'd lost some people. That would explain why they'd been fighting so ruthlessly. It was worrisome, but at the same time, Norbert couldn't believe it: it sounded like the kid and Suzume would make it out alive! It was a strange mix of emotions, but for the present, he only focussed on the relief that came with Blake's offer.

"HA--! Oww...!" he began to exclaim, punching into the air and even sitting up some before his injuries screamed at him for the action and he dropped back to the ground resulting in another wave of agony. I'll just...stay down here...

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Crap Baskets

Sister? They were closer than most people he knew from around here, in fact he wasn't very familiar with most of the people the party had already killed, only Alexandrina and a handful of others. Of course if they turned to run now, what was stopping whomever shot Suzume from shooting again? They'd be running ducks, or something. Before making a final decision, Blake stepped in and overcame him in just a couple of seconds. Bobby couldn't believe his water attack didn't knock the swordsman down ... and now he was going to get stabbed in the face while choking to death. Holy crap, yes, he knew this was dangerous work but come on. At some point during this strange hold, the swordsman cursed and let him down. He did not want to go through that again, and in his fear fell back onto the ground. He quickly crawled backward toward Suzume, who in turn dropped down, removed his hidden tome and threw it away before shielding him with her arms and erecting a smaller scale thunder shield. Bobby wasn't going to get to speak for them though, and just as well as he needed to focus on catching his breath.

"We surrender! Just don't hurt Bobby ... Alex only wanted him to douse the lights."

So much for what I said earlier ... "A-and Suzume was just making sure nothing bad happened to me and big sis! Don't hurt her!", he pleaded.


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Blake let out a small sigh of relief when Suzume surrendered, though there was at least one enemy left in the background. Time to start wrapping things up.

"Alright, then," he said, turning a bit before raising his voice. "We're going to need a healer over here! Everyone else, try and take down that last pegasus knight!"

After a pause, he lowered his voice, "And Gytha, I know you're around here. Can you please put the gun away? I don't need to deal with anyone else being shot tonight."

Finally, to Bobby, the boy, and Suzume, the magician, the swordsman said, "Alright. Just don't attack us, and nothing is going to happen to you two. We just need to disable the last fighter, and then we can move on to dealing with this mess."

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Valter was still kinda hanging around. His arm was pretty much shot, not to mention the bleeding everywhere and the dizziness, but Bobby and Suzume weren’t terribly set on attacking anyone at the moment. He couldn’t really blame Bert for trying to talk the kid down either, he couldn’t fathom why his sister would even bring him into this mess honestly. Blake attacked and convinced the two to surrender, but in doing so mentioned murdered comrades. That was… something the horseman hadn’t been aware of. “...Who did we lose?”


“I’m fine. Thanks,” Synthia replied. Thanks to Grant no one had hit her the entire time, but she hadn’t really healed anyone either. Hopefully most people weren’t dying (as far as she could tell, they weren’t. Always good to check.) Bodies were littering the pier, and somewhere around here were two of theirs. Yeah, this was great. She was going to be a mess when the adrenaline wore off.

Well, until that happened there was still stuff to do. The one remaining hostile enemy was kinda fast, so it would probably be a better idea to assist someone who could hit it instead of attacking herself...

Synthia heals Gar +12 HP

lol Gar dun have that much HP

Gar is full of HP at 9/9


Volga didn't get a chance to thank Nadya before Katrina was up and jumping on her back. "Erm, sorry about my wyvern," she told Shadrak, before taking off again. The woman who had taken her down was already taken care of, and it looked like there was one person that was actually attacking people left. Hopefully her and whoever else charged the thing could stop that.

Kat defends Gar!

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"I already used th' shot," she informed from where she was. Things seemed to be settling down some, so she wasn't sure why he was telling her to put the pistol away. The barrel had cooled so she'd already done that anyway. Now she just had her sword out and was still guarding the ex-pirate she'd captured.


Norbert could finally relax, it seemed...and Rizen was trotting over happily, finally having a clear path to her rider. She became more anxious, though, as she remembered that the reason she'd wanted the clear path in the first place was because her rider was down. She stopped by Norbert and lowered her head to check to see if he was alright.

"Hey, Riz," he greeted. Well, he was talking, so he wasn't dead. That was good.

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A Man Called Gar

Gar headed back over to where he left the Bard laying on the ground and--he was dead. Oh dammit. Gar checked the body and saw one hell of a slash. There were only a few people around capable of this. Damn kill stealers. This battle had been remarkably low to adding to his glory belt, especially after the last one.

Gar spared a glance over at the kiddo and chick-o. Swordsmen was dealing with them. They still hadn't fled. Dammit. Gar sighed and looked for any remaining targets. Of which there seemed to only be a single pegasus rider left. Damn, they were kinda swift. He really didn't want to repeat letting someone live.

But well that's what swordsmen wanted as he shouted over. Gar glanced back. Those two were still up and hadn't fled. Ugh, well, at least Gar left himself an out for that. He shook his head and looked back at the pegasus. Then he got healed. Which was nice, and yet wrong at the same time because he should never get hurt in the first place.

Oh well, he went and stabbed the peggy.

Gar attacks.


Gar hits. Gar does (9+4)-1=12 damage.

Peggy Counters Katarina, autohits, does no damage. (3+4)-8=0. -1SKL

Katarina Defend Attacks, Katarina hits, does (7+2)-2=7 damage. Miracle activates.

Gar 9/9

Katarina 21/24

Pegasus Rider B 1/18

Gar/Mushirah/Robin +1 point (34 total)

Katarina/Shadrak/Veronika +3 (30 total)

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One of the, eh, knifemen attacked the remaining pegasus rider, but as usual the enemy took a lot more notice of the giant ass wyvern charging towards them and stabbed at them instead. Volga grunted. That almost tickled. While Katrina took a smack at the rider, Volga took a moment to headbutt the pegasus. Old habits die hard, it seemed.

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