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Return of the Emblem Chapter Ten: Converging Destinies


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Alright, so the guards had went to check his story. Now, time to see how close everyone was to returning to the Prometheus. Raquel was missing, so someone, maybe Veronika, had brought her back to the boat. Shadrak, Zachary, and various others including the wyvern rider who had aided them during the battle were over near the corpse of a wyvern - Gil, Blake realized gloomily-, alongside a rather large wyvern who was carrying two people. Or rather, the bodies of John and Lia. Best not to think about that, though, oddly, Sophia was missing. Perhaps someone else had already taken her up to the ship?

Aneda and Gabbie were talking to the guards, so he'd check on them later. Another person he'd check on later would be Suzume, the thunder spellcaster. For now, his attention was drawn to the group of Bert, Valter, Synthia, and the new cleric, who had patched him up during the fight. They seemed to be discussing something involving the pegasus rider, who was still on the ground for no discernible reason. Slightly curious and slightly impatient, Blake slowly made his way over to the little ensemble.

"What's the issue over here?" he asked, simply.


Great, Blueberry over there- Would he still classify as Blueberry, given all those bruises and all that blood caked on him?- pointed Grant out to the guard, and the next thing he knew, the Tracean was in his face, asking about whether or not he was with these mercenaries. The duelist let out a sigh.

"No, I am not 'with' this group of mercenaries," Grant said, as he looked away from the carnage to address the guard. "What had happened was essentially a rebel ship ran into the Leverager over there, and began ship- to -ship combat. At the same time, their ground forces doused the lamps in the port area. The scorched wyvern carcass you've probably already seen belonged to one of the mercenary bands' riders, who was killed by a meteor spell. You'll find the tome on one of the bodies, most likely. Anyways, his death set off the fight, and the mercenaries routed all the enemies except this one pegasus, who flew off. This was around the same time that the Leverager blew the enemy ship sky high, and then you and your coworkers arrived on the scene. Is that what you needed, sir?"

That was probably way too detailed, but, well, he really just wanted to get this interrogation over and done with.

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Bogdan was a busy captain and Gytha could tell she was dismissed. So, she headed off the Leverager, message in-mind. She was a little sad about leaving, but there was no time to reminisce; the Leverager had to set sail. There was someone standing in the way, but he stepped aside. As soon as she was by him, someone tried to push past her to get onto the ship, but shortly after that she heard a splash. She turned around to take in the scene that followed. When she heard the guy couldn't swim, part of her wanted to try to help him out of the water, but the part of her that wanted to burst out laughing won over in force.

After she'd recovered from that, the mariner continued walking on her way towards the new ship, as many others were already doing. As she was walking, Maw came up along side her, trotting. "Oh, ahoy, there, Maw," Gytha greeted. The cat just continued to keep pace instead of giving any more of a reply other than a swish of her tail.


When Synthia tried to lift him up with her, he scrambled a bit to get his feet under him to try to stand up on his own. He could move again, though it hurt a little. It wasn't anything he couldn't handle and he didn't want to put anyone through any more work than they'd already devoted to helping him out. "I'm fine, I'm fine," he hastily tried to reassure the others, "I can ride back on my own."

That was when Blake showed up asking what the problem was. "I have an arrow stuck in my side," Norbert bluntly replied as he mounted up into Rizen's saddle. It sent a sharp pain out from the arrow, but he ignored it, only flinching a little at the pain. "I'm going to talk to the new boat's medic about it since it has to be cut out."

Then, to Valter, Synthia and Luka, he simply said, "Thanks for the help." And with that, he began riding Rizen at a rather quick canter back towards the Prometheus. If anyone got in his way, he'd just take to the skies. It wasn't entirely good for his wound to be riding like that, but he didn't really care at the moment since he figured he'd be seeing a doctor soon anyway. As for the pain from the arrow, it was just ignored.

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Did Bert really just ride off on his own? That idiot. “I didn’t say you could leave! Get your ass back here, Norbert!” Synthia yelled after him. She stomped the ground in frustration. “Urgh! Why does no one listen?” It was beginning to dawn on her that this might be a lost cause. Try as she might, apparently she wouldn’t be able to stop him or anyone else from pointlessly risking their lives. What was the point of this? Mere stubbornness?

Meanwhile, Valter had already mounted up in preparation to follow. “I’ll… make sure he doesn’t hurt himself,” the horseman said, hurrying after. He didn’t like the idea of leaving the mage behind, but carrying her off to beat the crap out of Bert wasn’t particularly appealing either.


Well with the dead on board and no reason to stay, Katrina began the walk back to the Prometheus with Volga following. She wasn’t really in the mood to say anything at the moment, so she kept silent.

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'D-did that idiot just ride off with the arrow still in him? ALONE? Lady Mercy might have the patience to love all her children but I certainly don't.'

Pulling Rika around Luka held his hand out to Synthia, just like the first time. "We can't let that fool die on the way there, probably need to hurry to make sure that doesn't happen right?"


There was nothing left to be done here now. With the bodies loaded up onto the back of Volga it was time to leave. Not seeing any other available option, Zachary walked after Katrina, soon catching up and walking in step with the woman. She at least knew the way back.

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When he reached the ship, Norbert didn't dismount until he and Rizen were on its deck, though he'd slowed as they neared it. By now his side ached. Not surprising, though Norbert himself wasn't all that concerned with it. He simply sighed, dismounted and let Rizen follow him as he stepped up to the nearest sailor. "Hey, can you tell me if we're supposed to put our mounts somewhere? Or can they just roam around the deck?"

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Sinbad had nodded quickly, then turned and headed up the ramp to the Prometheus. Calling back to Reign over his shoulder he said, "Sick bay or infirmary or whatever you call it is aftwards and a couple decks down. Don't think you'll find any beds before there unless you just barge into one of the officer's cabins, and I doubt they look too kindly on that. I probably won't beat you by much, but at least the sawbones'll be getting ready for you. See ya when ya get there."

And then he was off, at a swift pace, sickbay bound.

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Nap Time

Sitting alone in the medical bay was a kigenese man who appeared to be in his late twenties or early thirties. He was fast asleep in his chair swaying ever so slightly with the ship. There were four available cots in his med bay, about the average for a ship that size, but it would never be enough in an emergency.

The Abyss

I must have died. Why else would it be so dark? Why did this have to happen; I tried so hard and it still wasn't enough. Nothing I do feels like it's ever going to be enough to make a real difference. What am I supposed to do, just sit back and hope everyone comes back alive? I can't do that anymore, i just can't. Then ... I don't know ... I guess it might not matter either way if I really am dead ...

"That was a close call, Discovery, but you are not dead. Not yet~" came the familiar voices.

Raquel opened her eyes expecting to find that old cryptic dragon head floating around somewhere, but saw nothing but darkness. She couldn't even tell if she was right side up or upside down and had the sensation of floating. "Where am I ... and where are you? Please, none of your funny business right now, I need to know what's going on!"

"I ... suppose you have enough to deal with, already. Discovery, this is one of the deepest reaches of your mind. This is where your dreams spawn," the dragon head replied from the darkness.

"Then why am I not dreaming ... err-why am I not seeing anything but black?"

"I think both of us are going to find out very soon. This is it, Discovery; this is your chance ..."

"Chance to what ...? Hello ...? Dragon? Wait, don't go! I need to know what you're talking about! Come baaack!"


"Need to ... know ..." Raquel muttered in her sleep as Reign carried her up the ramp onto the Prometheus. Delan and Connor happened to be nearby, and when Delan saw Raquel, he grimaced, realizing that she might have been involved in whatever happened way over yonder. "... please ... tell me ..."

"Gods, what happened?" Delan asked.

Reign shook his head. "She went into battle unprotected again. I think she's alright, but I need to get her to the doc just to make sure. She's still out cold, so I can't be sure if anything else is wrong with her."

"Sounds like she's having a nightmare," Delan pointed out, tipping his tricorne down slightly.

"Well, there's nothing I can do about that, so ..."

Not far away, a sailor was being addressed by Bert. "We've got a space set up for the equines, so go ahead and get this one below decks. We'll be setting sail soo-holy mother of Levi, what happened to you?"

Last Look

Katrina went off ahead with the bodies; that was fine. He wanted to make sure they didn't leave anyone behind, and was also curious about the dragon that was present. It wasn't long before he went over to investigate, but he was soon accosted by a guardsman, and quickly laid out the events as he recalled them before escaping to the dragon.

Gabbie couldn't care less about the dragon and was just making one last scan of the place before mounting Ringo and taking off. She two was accosted by a pair of guards, but she directed them toward Shadrak, mounted Ringo as they turned toward the shaman, and then took off the instant they looked back to confirm it. "... this is getting completely out of hand. We should just start detaining everyone. We are running out of witnesses."

Shadrak arrived at the scene just in time to overhear the following. "Very well, I will look after him."

Suzume sighed in relief. "Thank you, Master Fyodor."

"And thank you for listening to my old ramblings, hmhmhm. I always worry it falls on deaf ears."

Suzume shook her head several times countering with, "Of course not."

And Shadrak continued to listen. Maybe the context issue would handle itself at some point, here.


"Yes, that should do. Thank you for your cooperation," the guardsman replied. He was surprised to see so many people missing. The local area seemed to be filled with almost nothing but guards now. "Oh ... well, we know we have at least one person to keep an eye out for, though if they have any intelligence, they would flee this port as quickly as possible. At least the empire is not making a move against us just yet. We may still have time, and that despite this nonsense, is a relief," he added, mostly just talking to himself.


Once Bogdan's men got the loading ramp hauled back in, Lev and his men felt confident enough to leave the rest to them. He and his men quickly mounted their wyverns and took off. The Leverager needed to get out of port, and Lev and his men had a ship out on the water to get to. It was going to be a long night ...

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So Valter caught up once the pegasus was at the loading ramp or something. He was talking to a sailor, which really shouldn’t have been a priority at the moment. The horseman rode up the ramp and dismounted on deck before walking over. “Hey, get yourself to the infirmary. I’ll take care of Rizen.”


And then Volga and the mourning crew were halfway to the Prometheus or something, hell if I know. They’ll be there soon.

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Bert responded rather bluntly to Blake's query, explaining that he had an arrow in his side that he was going to see a doctor to get cut out, before taking off on his pegasus at a decent clip, trailed by Valter. Despite having multiple capable healers right next to him, having an untold number of people who could cut the offending projectile out all around him, and risking further injury to himself because of impaired pegasus riding. Right. The swordsman couldn't blame Synthia and the other healer for being angry, as they took to the skies to pursue the stubborn patient. A happy side-effect was that they were no longer an immediate concern in getting out of here. Time to deal with the rest...

All three of them. The only people Blake could see, that were of his immediate concern, were Shadrak,Robbie, and Suzume. Everyone else was either a guard, or named Grant Brayden, and thus not really affiliated with their group for the time being. He'd go over there in a moment. But first, there was something he had to do.

The swordsman slowly walked over to the scene of Lia's death, and picked up the dirt-and-blood-covered axe. It had somehow been forgotten somehow by the mourners, and was rejected, with due cause. He should've just left it there, but he couldn't. Maybe he was getting sentimental, but the weapon, like himself, had failed the little girl when she needed it the most. It didn't seem right to just leave it there, while he was allowed to continue on. So he wiped the grime off of the weapon, looped it onto his belt, then returned to the group near the dragon. He'd figure out what to do with the weapon later, as even though it was perfectly usable, the Ursian couldn't bring himself to use one. Not after what his father had done with axes.

"Alright, then, have you finished your discussion?" Blake asked Suzume. It was time to at least begin to depart, so hopefully, that chat was done.


"In that case, can I go? It's getting late," Grant mentioned, since the guard said that his input was satisfactory. He really didn't want to be standing in a port full of corpses for any longer than necessary, and he really had to get an inn, or see if he could arrange passage to Ursium, before everything completely closed down for the night.

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A Man Called Gar

Gar eventually made it over to the new ship. It was too dark to make out the name, and he really didn't care all that much or he'd have bothered to learn it earlier, it was really only a passing curiosity at this point. Which was all he really had to do since he couldn't carry any bodies--not like he wanted to anyway--or deal with guards or do any fancy healing things. Well, he could contort everyone's grief int rage, but not when they were all scattered around like they were. Something to try for later then.

Gar ascended unto the new ship with proper boarding procedure and nearly walked into Reign-guy carrying Raquel in his arms. She probably wasn't dead on account of everyone not screaming doom and gloom to the heavens, but her being reduced to baggage again didn't speak well to the guardian qualities of the others. That kid from before and some other person were now hovering about the two. he, probably should care about this because if Raquel kept getting beat down like this she might die and ruin Gar's chances of finding whoever was swindling the Howling Voice. But his talents really weren't in protecting someone in the heat of battle. Except maybe from guns, which wasn't really relevant for this one. Not that he saw what took her out, but the only gunshots were from the ship battle and Gun-Lass and the latter's shot hit that girl next to the kiddo. So other than stabbing the hell out of whomever went after Raquel there wasn't much Gar could have done to prevent this.

With that long and needlessly complicated series of thought processes completely absolving Gar of feeling any guilt at all complete, the knife man just sort of stood roughly near them meandering about waiting for everyone else to get themselves here.

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The pink haired bishop and his passenger soon landed back at the Prometheus, catching back up to Norbert and Valter near the loading ramp. "Norbert, get to the damn medic now before I knock you out without my staff and drag you there myself!" Fumed the rather annoyed boy. If the fool didn't get that arrow removed soon he really was going to die.

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"Maybe she's having some hallucinations due the head trauma," Connor offered. Maybe I should offer to make Raquel a helmet or something...though later this wouldn't be very good timing.

Nadya arrived at the Prometheus, but once again decided to stay outside instead of going back below decks. She figured that they wouldn't be setting sail until everyone came back and there was no way that everyone had beaten her there.

Veronika was about halfway back to the Prometheus, still carrying Sophia. I suppose I should ask Captain Delan if there's any ice on board we can use to preserve the bodies...an unpleasant topic but one that must be breached. she thought to herself, trudging along.

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「Hey! Wake up, there's an injured person on the way,」 Sinbad called out when he noticed the doctor seemed to be taking a nap. Then since you never could tell what would be necessary to actually get someone up, he tossed his hat onto one of the cots, and went over and lightly shook the man by the shoulders, repeating himself in common this time. Just because someone appears to be of Kigen descent wouldn't necessarily guarantee they spoke it, after all, and this was an Ursium-bound vessel with Ursian crew for the most part. "Open your eyes and look alive, we got a pretty young thang wounded getting carried in here right soon."

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Nap Time's Over

"Who-wha? Pretty? How pretty? Never mind, kind of irrelevant if she's already taken; have to assume that since some lucky bastard is carrying her. Alright then, I'm awake. Let's see just what we're dealing with here," the man responded, shooting up out of his chair once it was safe to do so without knocking Sinbad over.

To the Infirmary

"I hope not, but she's been out for awhile. If this wasn't normal for her, I'd be extremely worried," Reign replied. "Alright, that's enough. I should get going."

"I'll be down to check up on her once we set sail," Delan replied. "Speaking of which, Connor, I should get my men ready. It won't be long now; we're just waiting for whoever hasn't made it back yet."

Touch Down

And then Gabbie landed on the main deck and hopped off of Ringo. "Connor, anything happen while we were gone?" she asked as she approached him and Captain Delan with Ringo in tow once more.

Master and Student ... and Shaman ... ... and little Mage Boy

Suzume glared a bit at Blake when he returned, expecting him to reject what she was about to say in favor of having two 'hostages'. "My master has agreed to look after Bobby. I don't want him to be involved in this anymore," she said plainly.

That was interesting, thought Shadrak. So was Blake trying to bring the girl with them? Why? Why not hand her over to Bogdan and the others when they had the chance or turn her in to the authorities? Why take her with them, he wondered. Welp, curiosity won out and he just approached Blake and asked. "Hey, what are you planning, here?"


The guard nodded to Grant's question and began scanning the area some more. There weren't many people left and that number was decreasing by the second it seemed. Even the ship that was attacked was trying to set out and sail around the wreckage it caused. He shook his head somewhat amused by the whole fiasco. He had some suggestions for the commander once he got a hold of him.

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"I'll explain later," Blake said, to Shadrak, before returning to the matter at hand. Suzume had apparently arranged for the dragon and presumably his guards to take care of Bobby. If that was some attempt to defy the mercenary group and the swordsman himself, well, that was just fine.

"I was going to ask you if there was any place where someone could take care of him, so that suits things well enough," Blake said, wearily. "In that case, are you ready to go?"


"Alright then. Thank you," Grant said, bowing to the guard. From there, he made his escape, at a relaxed pace. Time to find a boat or an inn...

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When the doctor first opened his eyes, or his mouth if he started speaking first, Sinbad was more than satisfied, stopped shaking him and stepped back, over in the direction he'd tossed his hat.

"...didn't actually spend time checkin' her out ta be honest," he replied softly to the abandoned line of questions about Raquel's appearance. "Was just milling about the pier, curious 'bout whatever exploded down south, but not really wanting to be too far away and miss the boat. Reckon mebbe it had something ta do with that, though she didn't look burned or nuthin'," he added in a normal tone, as way of clarification, hoping maybe whatever information he shared might prove useful for any preparation that could be done before she arrived, which had to probably be any second now.

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"I suppose that's for the best," the man quickly replied as he began pacing in place waiting for the patient. "Her carrier sure is taking his sweet time, no?"

"Is a bed ready?" Reign asked as he appeared at the door, with Raquel mumbling quietly in his arms still.

"Yes yes, pick the one you like ... or pick the one she likes-whichever." Reign carefully laid Raquel down and then stepped aside so the quick spoken surgeon could have a look. While he examined the wound that was for all intents and purposes healed, he glanced back at Reign. "Is she your partner by any chance?"

"No, I prefer cynics."

"Hmm, well whoever got to her first appears to have dealt with the problem. This vest will certainly need a replacement, but there doesn't appear to be any scarring. Must have been a large blade of some kind."

Reign winced at the mention of a large blade. An arrow getting through to her was one thing, but who couldn't intercept someone with a 'large blade' coming at the party's supposed leader? This was insanity, and he clinched both of his fists in frustration. This had to come to an end, either by him gearing up and guarding her from now on, or her staying out of battles hence forth. He was leaning toward the latter, but he figured that was an argument waiting to happen.

The Old Battlefield

Shadrak grunted in annoyance. "Fine," he said before crossing his arms and turning to the side. The sooner Blake wrapped this up, the sooner he could learn what was going on here.

"... almost ..." Suzume replied to Blake before turning her attention to Bobby. She knelt down in front of him and said, "You're going to be staying with Master Fyodor for awhile. He'll look after you while I'm gone, so be good, okay? Stay out of trouble. And ... anyone who says they know your sister is someone you need to avoid from now on. Go to Master Fyodor and warn him right away."

"Okay, Suzume," Bobby weakly replied, suddenly on the verge of tears now that he was thinking about his sister again.

Next she stood back up and addressed Fyodor. "You have my eternal gratitude, Master," she said with a deep bow.

Fyodor nodded and replied, "Farewell, Suzume, and please ... be careful out there, wherever you go."

"I will, Master. Goodbye." With a heavy sigh she turned back toward Blake. She kept her head down just enough to avoid eye contact at all times. "Lead the way."

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"All right, see you later Captain," he said to him before Gabbie arrived. "No, things were very quiet here- you were all in some kind of battle though, right? You don't look hurt or anything," Connor replied to her.

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"Alright then, let's go," Blake said, as he began to walk out of the port and up towards the Prometheus. Once the guards were out of sight and earshot, he began to speak, clearly and precisely.

"My 'plan', if you will, is to bring Suzume here onto the Prometheus, and have her accompany us until we reach our destination," he began. "From there, she will part ways with us. This prevents her from contacting the rebels immediately after we set sail and, as a result, triggering another rebel attack on our ship, which we don't need right now. At the same time it protects her from the rebels potentially murdering her in retaliation for her surrender, at least, in the short term. If you or the other mercenaries disagree with this course of action, then get Raquel or Veronika to deduct it from my non-existent salary. I'm not about to let another damn threat have a chance of occurring, nor am I going to allow someone who surrendered to me or my group to be killed because they surrendered." There were a few more reasons why Suzume would have to come along, but most of them were tied to that last statement.


Find another port it was, Grant finally decided. May as well try to get passage one last time, before resigning oneself to a dingy inn. So the duelist traveled north, and wound up near a rather busy-looking ship. Busy, because the Valcyn mercenaries were in the process of returning to it. They seemed to be everywhere, recently. Oh well, maybe he could gain passage on that ship, in that case. The spellcaster wandered around until he found a free sailor, then approached him.

"Excuse me, does this ship have any room for one more passenger?" Grant asked simply.

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A Man Called Gar

Reign-guy moved Raquel off to the ship insides leaving Gar with even less to do other than overhear. Not in the mood to go inside just yet, he waited by the brow for everyone else to return. This led to him spotting swordsmen, Shade Drake and the mage-girl from the enemies walking towards the new ship. This was gonna be unpleasant.

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The sailor seemed to be prepared for these sorts of questions and was being rather helpful when he apparently noticed the arrow. "I was shot by an arrow," Norbert replied unhelpfully to the sailor before replying, "Thank you for the information."

Suddenly, Valter came riding up and offered to take care of Rizen while he headed for the infirmary. Of course, that required instructions as he handed off Rizen's reigns to the horseman. As he did so and began to visibly show a bit of the toll the wound was taking, he replied with something of a sigh of relief, "Thank you, Valter. I appreciate that."

That done, Norbert asked the sailor directions to the infirmary. He was told said directions and began walking in that direction with a hand over the arrow wound which had begun to bleed a little again. He was moving a little more carefully than usual, too, as his instincts had been telling him to for a while now.

He'd almost made it to the ships interior when suddenly, that pegasus rider from before and Synthia came riding over to him and began being rather upset with him. It annoyed him but he was too tired to put much effort into his reply as he stopped, straightened up and gave them a glare. "What do you think I'm doing? Going to arrange flowers?"

That was as much as he was going to give them, instead choosing to turn away from them and continue on his way to see the ship's doctor. When he reached the infirmary, he didn't bother knocking since the door was ajar. Instead, he just pushed the door the rest of the way open with his free hand, stepped inside and asked, "So... Is the doctor around?" He wasn't feeling so great, somewhat bent-over with the arrow shaft between his index and middle fingers.


When Gytha arrived at the ship, the first thing she knew she had to do was find the captain of the vessel. There was a really tall man with a tricorne standing around on deck. That was probably one of the ship staff at least since it looked like they were fairly ready to head out. If not, she could always ask where the captain was, so that's what she did.

"Ahoy there," she greeted the man as she walked over to him. It was odd looking this far up to see someone's face, but eh. "Ye know where I can find th' captain?"

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Bad News

"Well I got out alroight, but ... not everyone did," Gabbie replied, her mood instantly declining. "We had three casualties over there, John, Sophia, and Lia. Some of them are still in shock over it so ... keep your distance maybe."


"Right here," Delan answered with an innocent smile at Gytha's question.


"If she's really a rebel, then I don't see why we didn't just hand her over to Bogdan or just kill her with the rest," Shadrak replied. He understood the whole mercy thing, but if she was a rebel, then she obviously planned on ruining Blake's plan, somehow and some way. Safer to just kill her then, no? "I mean ... sure, she surrendered, but there has to be some angle to it, right?"

"I suppose no one would care if I said I wasn't actually with the 'rebels'?"


Reign glanced toward the door and saw Bert, with an arrow in him. "This is just normal for you, isn't it?"

The doctor glanced over too and raised an eyebrow. "Hm, more disparity, greater more immediate injury, had to walk himself to the infirmary-no help in sight. Meanwhile the pretty lady here is-" "She's the group's leader ... just throwing that out there." Reign interrupted.

"I see, well then perhaps-" "On the other hand, she is the group's leader. I have no idea why she keeps getting injured with over twenty people to look after her." Reign interrupted again.

"Hmm, negligence may simply be a common occurrence within your group-not good for survival, though that's probably painfully obvious," the doctor said before turning his attention to Bert. "You made it all the way here so come closer-let me have a look at that wound."

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Reign's comment was a bit surprising, but Norbert couldn't help but find it funny. Quietly laughing at it some, he replied half-jokingly yet entirely seriously, "The arrow's new."

Regarding Raquel's injuries, he decided to speak up on that, too. "I saw her down, but someone was already handling it before I could help. I don't know why they didn't move her further away from the fighting after she went down, but at least she was tended to, I guess, and a bunch of people gathered in that area, so it's almost as good as moving her back. I can only speak for myself, though. I don't know what the others were trying to pull. It's great that she decided to fight with us, I think, but only if she can actually survive it. She needs to work on not getting hit by things for herself if you ask me. Maybe invest in some armor or a shield. It's not as bad as when she would just stand around doing nothing but keep in plain sight of the enemy."

He winced. Yeah, it was about time to get the injury looked at, it seemed. So, as per the doctor's request, the pegasus rider walked over to the doctor and stood there to let him take a look at the arrow wound.


"Ah, ahoy, there!" Gytha cheerily greeted, "Good t' meet ye. Me name's Gytha. I'm a mariner, but I've been travellin' with Raquel recentla. Was wonderin' if any o' yer crew's allergic t' cats. See, I have a cat named Maw who works with me. She's...probabla gone t' th' holds t' wait fer rats t' come after th' food stores." Well, the cat had disappeared. That was for sure. Gytha's guess was pretty accurate, too.

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"I don't think that it matters whether you are with the rebels or not, at this point in time," Blake said, before returning to Shadrak's question. "I don't think there was any 'angle' aside from keeping the kid safe when she surrendered, first of all. I would hope it would be kind of hard to scheme after being shot, and I really don't think she expected to be placed in this situation. Secondly, I'm not about to kill someone who surrendered to me when they very well could have went on fighting, whether it was by my own hand or by handing her over to Bogdan."

"Mind you, if Suzume does end up trying to kill us again while on the ship, or if she has arranged an ambush somehow," Blake said, "Let me be the first to try and strike her down. Or be the first to be shot, if Gytha's going to do any shooting. But until then, I'm not going to harm her, nor am I going to let other people harm her." And his position was set. He was on his way out with the mercenary band anyways, after the manse incident, so, why not just try and take things into his own hands, even if it meant angering the rest of the group?

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It wasn't too much longer before Volga and her escorts trudged up to the side of the Prometheus.

Valter took the equines to the stables.

Who cares where the fuck Synthia is. Probably walking back or something.

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