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Return of the Emblem Chapter Ten: Converging Destinies


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Why is it calling Raquel Discovery...something from her dreams is coming to life? This is too strange. Veronika thought to herself. "All right mage or ghost or whatever you are, I want to know your intentions with Raquel and the emblem. We are in no mood to be harassed, so state your business and then be on your way," she said, attempting to sound far more confident than she actually was.


"What happened when people called you Gabbie while you were working solo? Was there something that happened that made you not want to use that name with most people? I mean, I don't think I'd like people calling me 'Connie' but I probably wouldn't be punching people in the nose for it," he said to Gabbie, giving her a questioning look.

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"Better than being stuck in a cage, I guess," Norbert responded with a nod. Then he grimaced as a thought crossed his mind. We're part of that group, too, even if we're not hostile towards her... "You want us to leave you alone, too?"

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Katrina was a bit concerned for Zach as his mood had gone downhill quickly. She didn’t see the tears, but his body language said as much. She answered Marella’s question in his stead. “I believe we got it from, uh… minor gods.” Man, that sounded ridiculous out loud.

Nadya apparently heard the mage’s question earlier and came over to express her opinion. Kat didn’t really care for this subject, but wasn’t rude enough to just ignore her. “Those are usually the options, yes… You shouldn’t go around assuming things though,” she said.


So that was it then? Most of the people in the galley had left, but Synthia didn’t really have anywhere else to go at the moment. She ended up sitting over by Luka again to continue her moping, this time curled up with her head on the table.


Well Suzume was bound to have an exciting two weeks… confined to the hold, unable to leave. Maybe Valter did have a little sympathy for her. At least she wasn’t stuck in the brig with the bodies, though. Bert was concerned about leaving her alone, but the horseman was quite content to leave her to herself. In fact, he wouldn’t really complain if they did that right now…

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"No one knew my real name when I was on my own; I'd just use an alias," Gabbie explained, sounding vaguely amused. "This 'Gabbie' thing didn't start until Weyland found me. Anyway ..." Gabbie trailed off for a moment. "There are only two things I remember from my past ... my name and ... Ringo. That's all I have left from my old loife, a loife I can't remember, and so both of them are pretty damn important to me. At first, I was just relieved to be able to go by my real name now that I was working for Weyland. But it spread fast and caught me completely off guard. Everyone everywhere, even people I didn't know or loike, all calling me 'Gabbie' loike it was no big deal. I always wondered if someone using my name had just heard it in passing or actually knew who I was. Every toime I heard my name said, it felt like these random people knew more about my past than I did and I got sick and tired of it. At least the people I had grown to know and trust weren't completely oblivious, not after I started enforcing my rules~" Gabbie's expression became darker after that. "And then there's that eagle head guy who troied to kill us. Did he just hear my name in passing or does he know who I used to be? As much as I want to foind out, Raquel's too much of a coward to confront him ... and so I have to sit around ... waiting ...."


On his way down to the training area, Reign did some thinking. So Gabbie's had the egg since last night. We should probably let Zachary hold onto it until around this time tomorrow and then give it to someone else. I'd rather not have to be the one to make sure the rotations are happening on schedule but Raquel can't even keep up with accounting anymore, so we might not have much choice if we want to get this right. As he descended the stairs lower and lower into the ship, he came close to the infirmary and heard that slew of voices that the dragon head used to communicate. All of those voices speaking together sounded almost like a choir and caused the collective noise to reach out even farther and be even more noticeable. He stopped and winced, looking fed up. "Grrrr ... so tempted to just keep on walking; this thing doesn't deserve all the attention it's getting ..."


Emblem shining ... and the dragon showing up in the real world ... uuuuuurgh, I can't think straight! Raquel struggled to figure out the connection while Shadrak stayed back with his tome at the ready. The doctor just sat on the bed, adjusting his glasses to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. There was a phantom coming out of the wall, so he had to be sure that it was both real and he was perceiving it correctly.

"I want to help," the dragon head answered Veronika, its smile not fading even a little bit.

"Then why don't you 'help' us by doing something more useful?!" Shadrak yelled.

"Like what?" the dragon replied, its smile finally fading into a bit of a frown.


"... yeah," Suzume replied, looking down at the floor. "The fewer people paying attention to me right now, the better ..."

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Norbert nodded in response. "Alright. Guess we won't be seeing you around, then," he replied before turning his attention back to Valter, "Let's go check ou--"

"Hoy, what're ye doin' here?" Gytha asked as she walked up to the scene and sternly shifting her gaze from the men to Suzume and back. She was holding Suzume's breakfast entirely unspilled, too.

Norbert's previously neutral expression and tone shifted to a somewhat offended one. "We were just leaving, not that it's any of your business."

"Get lost?" she asked.

"Something like that," he answered.

"Where were ye goin'?" Gytha asked.

"What do you care?" Norbert returned.

"'Cause if ye learn where it is, ye won't wind up botherin' th' girl anamore unless yer lyin' about gettin' lost," she replied suspiciously.

"There's a place designated as a training area for us, if you really want to know. Valter and I were just going to check it out and finish our breakfast there," he answered, still a bit defensive of the mariner.

"N' where's that supposed t' be?" she asked, figuring someone would have at least told them where on the ship this place was supposed to be located. As she did, she handed Suzume the stew she'd been carrying.

"Well," Norbert began, trailing off a bit uncertainly and awkwardly. Uh, wait, where did he say it was again? Something about holds, I think, but... Blast it! I can't remember!

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I figured it had to do with her not knowing her past... Connor thought to himself. "Well if we see Griffin again, maybe we can just ask him about it ourselves? I have no idea what he would have to do with your past, but since no one seems to know it wouldn't hurt to ask," he said, shrugging.


"Help with what? And how?" she asked the dragon head. Conversing with this...thing struck her as completely ridiculous, but it didn't seem like they were going to get answers anywhere else.


"Probably true, but assumptions ain't always a bad thing. Assumin' some sketchy lookin' guy in a back alley is out to get ya is pretty handy for instance," she said, attempting to change the subject from whatever was making Zach uncomfortable.

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They were just about to leave when Gytha returned bearing food. Ah, that must’ve been Suzume’s breakfast. Unfortunately she assumed they were doing something they weren’t supposed to, which slightly irked Valter. Were simple conversations not allowed? Gytha started questioning them and Bert gave rather unhelpful answers. The horseman didn’t step in until he was actually needed, though. “We were going to the forward cargo hold,” he answered, annoyed. “We just ran into the girl on the way down. I apologize, I didn’t know it was a crime to stop and say hello.” Yeah, that just about covered it. “Can we go now?”

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"No, not Lilith's goon, the other eagle head, the one with the avian helmet ... uh-Burke," Gabbie clarified. "According to John and Sophia, Burke said we could take him on if we wanted answers, but loike I said, Raquel's too much of a coward to go full offense ..."


"Discovery knows what I'm trying to help her with ... and how~" the dragon answered Veronika, though it was hardly an answer.

"Hmm," the doctor pondered. The question wasn't aimed at him, but he was paying close attention to this whole exchange. His pondering also got Shadrak's attention.


"I suspect this specter is directly tied to the 'emblem' the girl is carrying. In what way, I can't be sure, but certainly there is a connection."

"Uhh ... like don't we already know that?"

"Maybe? What I meant is that either this specter is the artifact she carries or is some part of it. Suspect the specter made no appearances in reality or her dreams before finding it, so this seems like these seem like the most likely scenarios."

Raquel's eyes widened as she overheard the doctor's conclusion. That must be it! Turning to the dragon she said, "That's why you want to help me with the emblem, right? I'm ... uhh ..." I don't want to say 'I'm worthy', that really doesn't make any sense no matter how you look at it. "I'm ... iiin need of it ...?"

Shadrak raised an eyebrow at her wondering what was with the wording she used. Couldn't she have just been straight forward and said she'd earned the right to use it? That's what he was wondering, and the dragon head merely began smiling again at her question.

"And you're almost there~" it added.


The second Gytha handed her the stew, Suzume quietly turned to leave, heading back to the crate she was using. She placed the bowl on top of it before hopping up herself. She began eating while sitting on its edge.

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She nodded. "Aye. Best not t' tell anaone about 'er, though. Don't need anaone startin' a fight," Gytha replied, looking over to Norbert with the last bit.

"What are you -- her bodyguard or something?" Norbert asked, still a bit miffed at the tone of the conversation.

"Aye," she replied with a nod.

Well, that explained a lot. "Wait what?" he asked in confusion, his annoyed tone fleeing in favor of his new found confusion.

"Captain's orders. I'm supposed t' check on 'er ev'ry now n' then. Until 'er actual guards come by, I figure I should keep an eye on 'er n' make sure no trouble starts up," she explained before indicating the direction the forward cargo hold, "Th' forward cargo hold's down that way. Big doors -- ye can't miss it."

"Uh... Thanks..." Norbert replied, not really sure how else to respond.

Gytha just turned and headed in the direction Suzume went to make sure no one else bothered her until more ample security could arrive.

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"Oh right, that guy with the coffin girl. Why would he want to meet with us on our terms anyway, if he's our enemy? Maybe Raquel suspects a trap- unless this one of those Kigenese warrior honor duel things what he's doing doesn't make much sense," he pointed out.


"Why are you interested in helping Raquel use the emblem? And how do you plan to help her?" Veronika asked. Again with the 'Discovery'...does this entity think Raquel should use the emblem to discover something?

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Well, Blake's words had some sort of effect on the crowd, as, aside from the wyvern rider from the night before, the quarreling had come to an end. This was probably in no small way aided by the return of Reign, who announced that the captain had loaned the group a practice area. That was an excellent development, as now the swordsman could spend an inordinate amount of time training without bothering the crew or being interrupted as easily as on the previous boat days. Gabriella obviously had a similar idea, as while he was in the process of acquiring a bowl of fish stew, she asked Shadrak if he'd like to be her 'punching bag', a phrase which here probably meant sparring partner. Evidently Shadrak didn't believe it warranted his time, as he declined the invitation. As the Ursian swordsman sat back down at the table and began to breakfast, Synthia, the wind mage and often-times healer, spoke up to tease the druid about his refusal to spar. Oh boy. Blake could feel a headache coming on.

Shadrak, of course, overreacted and lashed out at Synthia, unintentionally angering Gabriella by addressing her as 'Gabbie'. After having realized his error, under duress of death, the druid quickly corrected his mistake, by dismissing the lancewoman's strength and calling her 'Gabbie' once more. The response was, well, much tamer than the Ursian mercenary had expected. Connor's bodyguard revealed the Vasilus egg - it must've been retrieved last night, somehow- and launched it straight towards Shadrak's face. Her aim was true, and the projectile connected with a sickening crunch. Gabriella didn't stay behind to admire her handiwork, but her ward did. The boy went and apologized for his guardian's excessive use of force, all the while a separate conversation began about how durable the egg was. Pretty sturdy, he'd say, but uh now wasn't the time to wonder about that. Especially not when Robin somehow managed to ignore the entire exchange, and, ironically enough coming from the archer who shot at people for waking her up, attempted to paint the group as a whole as brash and temperamental. Even ignoring the irony, this was incredibly foolish, as, if they were all as moody she suggested, she'd be similarly assaulted. The swordsman elected to consume his stew, instead of intervening in the matter, as the green-haired wyvern knight called the Neviskotian woman out on her hypocrisy, which, unfortunately but not unexpectedly, devolved into an argument when Synthia jumped in to attack Shadrak some more. They must've had some history between the two of them, as she kept at it, even though he already literally had egg on his face.

That, regrettably, did not stop Shadrak from erupting with scorn for how the incident was allowed, and how it was apparently the popular thing to blame him for everything. Blake was less than sympathetic, especially after the furious scholar went and lashed out at Reign, but he had to admit that the druid had a point: the infighting outside of practice needed to be toned down. Otherwise, well, the Organization could and probably would try and exploit it. Regardless, the arguments went on, with Gar adding a witty remark, which, after insulting Shadrak once more and arguing with the wyvern knight, Synthia responded to by telling him to shut up. Before the swordsman had to intervene, luckily, the argument was defused by Shadrak deciding to halt his attack on the group's leadership, and instead go get his nose looked at. That just about ended things, aside from another out-of-place outburst from Robin. They were calming down, despite what she believed, so there really was no need to shout. Regardless, Shadrak left, shortly followed by someone who appeared to be the doctor. Zachary was given the egg, then Raquel quickly made her exit. She was off to the infirmary as well, in this case, to talk to the dark magic user. And that was that.

Now that most of the drama had concluded for the moment, Blake returned to the systematic destruction of his stew. Veronika and Reign eventually left, which killed any chance of raising the prisoner issue. Oh well, that could probably wait, but not for long, given that people were now out and about. Eventually, the bowl was empty, so, the swordsman returned it to the chef and unceremoniously left the galley. Time to head to the holds, and figure out where exactly the practice area was, seeing as he had a feeling that he'd be spending a very long amount of time there.

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"I dunno," Gabbie shrugged in response. "He wants us to 'foight for it' or somethin'. Even if it's a trap of some koind we've got no reason not to accept his challenge. We either do it once we've readied ourselves, or we just let him show up on his own and attack us at at his leisure ... without the promise of any answers if we do survoive. I say why give him the chance to screw us over loike that? Figuring out what he knows is worth the risk ..." she explained, sounding irritated again.


Reign didn't want to just barge in on whatever was happening and risk things escalating, not unless things got completely out of hand on their own. That was a tough thing to judge from the wrong side of a barely cracked door, though. He tried his best to listen in as the discussion continued.

"Great things lay ahead for her ... and for the rest of you if you stand by her. But she must believe. That's all~"

What are these people talking about? How many are in there anyway? There's no way there's that many people in there unless ... Reign tried to peek through the door but for some reason the damn thing decided to expose him by drifting open at the slightest touch. He stopped leaning toward it and stood up straight with a scowl on his face. That scowl was replaced within two seconds by the sight of the relatively enormous dragon face sticking out of the wall like a deer mount. "... I don't ... I don't even know what to say here-just ... just ignore me ..."

"Fine by me," Shadrak said, glaring at Reign for a moment before turning his attention back to the dragon. "Okay 'believing', how does she do that?" he asked, putting away his tome and crossing his arms. His nose still hurt, but he could bear to leave it be for the moment.

"... interesting question," the dragon responded. "Only Discovery could possibly answer it."

"... oh great, another test," Raquel muttered.

"Mmm no, the emblem lessons have all concluded. You know how to work alongside the emblem, if only intuitively. You only need answer the shaman's question and you will be well on your way to overcoming all of your oppressors, Discovery."

"But I don't know what to do! Every time I've ever used the emblem it's been so stressful that I thought my head was about to explode and that's not reliable in an everyday situation! Err-not ... that I think it should be used in everyday situations, it's just ... kind of unreliable if I can't use it at will, you know?"

"True, but the lessons are over. I ... suppose there are additional ones you could take if you wanted, but you already know how to persuade the emblem and can do so whenever you truly wish to do so. These other lessons ... they would only serve to help you and your allies work more effectively together." Raquel frowned and her gaze fell a bit, not all the way to the floor, but close. Not that the group in general getting help wasn't a good thing, but feeling like a graduate of emblem school who still had no idea what she was doing completely overshadowed the potential boon.

"... hell, with the tension that's been building up, a distraction like this might actually be kind of nice," Reign noted, mostly musing aloud.

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Listening in, Aneda had to stop eating for the moment just to make sure she wouldn't choke while consuming and laughing. the situation seemed so silly and dumb to her she couldn't help it. Dragon heads appearing and now it's just kinda teasing her? Seems like my kinda guy or something, if I was into decapitation... and dragons... Maybe Fyodor is into that kinda thing? And that gave her a light chortle as she continued to wolf down the remains of her foodage.

Gods, eggs, and talk of being a single parent, specifically a dad. Oh, and other commotions but this alone is kinda weird in its own right. Mushirah knew Zach meant it in a flirting manner, briefly smiling at its intended value, but then Nadya came along and gave a fairly accurate answer to it which left Mushirah puzzling. Slightly, anyway. "Well..." Mushirah spoke up, "I think a single dad deserves a bit of respect, regardless of the circumstances. At least he isn't just giving the kid up, right? I, at least, think that says something, however little, about his character.

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"Weren't everyone's attacks pretty ineffective though? If his armor's strong enough you'll need specific weapons to cut through it- did anyone try magic? If he has a strong resistance barrier the only alternative I can think of is to poison him or something. No use fighting against an opponent you can't even hurt, information or no," Connor suggested.


"I thought this was about Raquel using the emblem- what does us working together have to do with anything?" Veronika asked the dragon head, somewhat confused.


"Better than abandonin' the kid I guess- that sort of thing doesn't really happen where I'm from, but I've seen enough street orphans to wonder where all their parents got to," Nadya remarked.

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The doors leading into the training area were impressive and the training area its self -- though presently empty -- was indeed spacious enough to suit their needs. "Hmm yeah, this should be good," Norbert commented as he walked a few paces into the area and looked around with satisfaction. His mood was better again, though he remembered he had to wait until the following day to actually utilize the room just to be on the safe side.

As he walked over to a wall to lean against, he asked the other Ursian, "What do you think?" Following the question, he began eating his stew again. It was a little cooler than it was a while ago but food was food and he wasn't about to complain.

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"I only remember Bert trying to be a hero and Robin getting a shot off at him but there was no way in hell some obsidian head was going to get through avian armor. We haven't really troied anything else, but magic is probably our best bet. Honestly, I've got no intention of charging this bastard down and expecting to do anything to him, but I can keep him from picking off casters left and roight. If he's on his own, a few of us watching everyone's backs should be enough legroom for our mages to hammer him into the ground. And if it works ... I may actually figure out what he knows ...."

Haunted Infirmary

"... survival. You don't want to lose anyone else, do you? That will only weaken all of you, her included."

Reign shrugged, muttering, "I suppose if Raquel could handle this on her own, it'd be handled by now ..."

Wait a minute ... Raquel began to consider something while Shadrak spoke. "Assuming we were to take you up on this extremely suspicious offer, how would you help us work more effectively together?"

"I ... haven't decided yet; these things take time and this is a new idea~" the dragon replied.

"Heh," Reign chuckled. He thought they were dealing with something with a little more forethought than that, so the revelation was more amusing to him than anything else.

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While Bert took a few steps inside, Valter stood at the doors attempting to gauge the distance from there to the front wall. “It’s a bit short for any meaningful archery practice,” he replied. Nevermind that it would be unsafe to do so if other people were using the space. “It should be fine for anything else,” he continued, walking in farther. The horseman spent a moment in thought considering his options. If the crew didn’t mind he could practice on deck, but they probably would mind. The next option was to just forget about archery altogether for two weeks and focus on swordplay down here. Or he could just sleep a lot during the trip. The third one sounded promising.


The conversation about single dads was continuing against Kat’s wishes, so adding more opinions to the mix wasn’t really high on her priority list. She did enjoy someone saying something positive for once, though. Leaning over, she clapped Mushirah on the shoulder. “Hey, I like you~ What’s your name?” she asked with a smile so cheerful it had to be fake (and probably was).

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Marella stared at the other two for a second and then shook her head. Hopefully I'm not stuck with a bunch of crazies here... "I... minor gods, huh? Sure, why not? And Zach, I'm sure you'll make a great impression on whatever's inside of it. Now, someone mentioned training. I could use some of that either with helping you or just for myself. Any clue where I need to head?"

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"Hm." Norbert took another look around the space they'd been given. Valter's pretty good at archery. I guess he would need someplace bigger than this. After quickly finishing up the stew he'd brought with him, the pegasus rider loosed a small, content sigh.

"Looks like I won't be training until tomorrow and you don't have a big enough space to work with your bow, so how about we check in on Rizen and Phyllis? Or, you could make good on that promise you made," Norbert suggested, "You know -- teaching me how to play chess."

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"Sounds like a plan. Just try not to blame others for you not being able to remember your past- if they call you Gabbie it's probably an accident more of the time than not," he tried to advise Gabbie gently.


"So there's nothing to agree to because you don't actually have a plan?" Veronika asked the dragon head, growing more irritated by the minute. Maybe this is just Sardis or someone sending an annoying diversion after us.


"If y'all are gonna be trainin' with lightnin' or swords or whatever I can be on hand to heal I guess. Not like there's anythin' better to do on this ship," Nadya grumbled.

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"Yeah, training... should probably get started on that. I heard that we had it in the forward hold, so I think I know where it is, follow me." Zach said in a rather solemn voice. Starting to leave the galley before the rest he paused for a moment. "She's telling the truth ya know.... It really was from a minor god."


Okay so things had gotten kinda awkward with regards to tall guy, but at the very least they seemed to be evening out. That egg sure was strange though, why exactly did this group have it? Oh well those were questions for later, right now it looked like everyone was going to train, maybe he could help out!

"I can help out with the healing too! But maybe it won't be needed if we're lucky..."

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"Heheh, hey, if indignants loike Shadrak can't be bothered to grant me one little request and not call me that, well then, I can't be bothered to not hurt them~" Gabbie reasoned.


"You can agree to me helping you if nothing else~" the dragon head replied to Veronika and Shadrak. "'How', will ... simply have to remain a mystery until I decide how to best address the lot of you."

"And why should we trust you?" Shadrak immediately countered.

"You might as well," the dragon head came right back. "If you were to all die in your dreams ... I would have had nothing to do with it."

"Our dreams?"

The dragon replied with a simple smile.

Reign shrugged. Made sense to him. It had been teaching Raquel in her dreams, so it wasn't all that surprising to learn it had the same thing in mind for the rest of them. Of course he half expected Shadrak to stupidly come back with suspecting the group to be attacked while they slept. Shadrak never brought that up, but Reign would have pointed out that the group tends to sleep every night anyway, and they could easily make preparations for this 'sleep training'.

"... how do we know you won't put us in comas or something?" Shadrak finally came back.

Okay ... Reign didn't see that one coming ... somewhat of a good point if not extremely paranoid. The dragon head cocked its head at Shadrak looking intrigued.

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"That's...fair enough I suppose. But Uncle wants to help Raquel and so do I- which means our people and Raquel's people need to work together as much as possible," Connor stressed.


Veronika cocked an eyebrow at the dragon head. "So we're going to be fighting things as a group...in a dream? I can't imagine I'll be of much use here, a sword cannot cut through magic and thoughts and I never remember my dreams anyway," she said with a shrug.


"If it gets so bad they need two healers on hand they should really think about shootin' at targets instead of each other," Nadya noted aloud, though she didn't really care whether the cleric came along or not.

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"Pfft, Shadrak's not 'Raquel's people', he's just some wandering mage trying to get in bed with her and that emblem piece of hers," Gabbie countered. Hmm, I wonder if that thing can do other things besides just shine. Maybe it can make people better in the bedroom. Now THAT'S something to use it for, and something I should probably look into at some point. "Tell ya what, Connor, I'll give people two warnings from now on. They're just begging for it after that, seriously ...."


"Oh I'm sure you'll remember everything that transpires~" the dragon replied. It didn't bother to address the issue of her sword, though.

"Hellooo? How are we supposed to trust you? You haven't answered my question," Shadrak interjected.

"Again, you might as well, right, Discovery?"

Raquel looked over, abandoning her thoughts for the moment. "I ... think it'll be okay, Shadrak. If he was going to hurt us, I'm pretty sure he could have and would have by now. If he can take us all into dreams while we're asleep, then we're already vulnerable. It's not like we would have to agree to this for it to happen ... I sure didn't agree to anything and half the time I found myself in the middle of some horrible situations as soon as I started dreaming ... like that one time when I was about to be executed, or those other times I drowned at the bottom of the ocean. That happened more than one time too," Raquel explained, wincing at the ocean bits.

Reign winced too, that was some harsh training there.

"Don't worry, Discovery's trials were for wielding the emblem against her oppressors, your trials will be for teamwork. That sounds fun, right?~"

"Heh, not falling for that one, buuut I'm in," Reign chimed in. "You'll be providing 'dream weapons' for us, right?"

"Mmhm," the dragon replied, smiling widely.

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