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Newbie Splices


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Hello! I'm new to these forums i'd like to hear some feedback about these splices of mine:

1. Cavalier PJDjU.png?1

2.ClericUSfnX.png?1 I'm having terrible problems getting his arms to look normal (not so very...egg like) Any advice?

3. Valkirie XlyIh.png?1

4. Mercenary dZGV7.png?1 I think he's quite clean but feel encouraged to prove me otherwise ;)

5.Paladin HShpP.png?1 I went ahead and tried to get rid of Beyard's scarf...some pointers? Also tried giving him an older look...but it didn't go to good i guess

6.Shaman FoDzA.png?1well he's supposed to look a little trappy-i'm editing helene's dress,again advice needed

7.My Unit uOmRh.png?1He's terrible and half-finished but it's my first splice and I kinda like him :P

As a long time lurker, it's a pleasure to meet you all at last. I'm trying to get my hacking knowledge together and use these :) Awaiting the critisism.

P.S For the spelling mistakes, I apologize. I'm a foreginer and doing my best to learn :)

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Uhhh. . .I'll just hit the really obvious stuff. . .

1. Hair needs more shading.

2. The headband is going up at an odd angle; reference Fiora/Farina for what headgear is supposed to do.

3. Head looks too small for the body.

4. His eyes are hard to see.

5. Head is too far forward; it looks like he's gonna fall over.

6. There's a huge gap between the fur and the far neckline, which doesn't look like it should be there.

7. Head feels too big for body.

Not a bad first foray, though.

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I've made some adjustments on the valkirye sprite :NbYwJ.png>BIf1h.png(and realised that a cleavage inside of a shirt sleeves is stupid so tried to cover it up)Also some anti pillow measures. Looking better? Thanks for a reply Eclipse!

Now the cleric :6gZYg.png >6UtQ6.pngtried to fix the shoulders problem and straighten up the headband a little.Working my way to get rid of pillow shaded robe. Better?

For the shaman : owWWw.png Looking better I hope

The Paladin: cJ1rh.png >s2nuu.png>7Lg8t.pngNo more zombie eyes! Moved the head and worked on the armor a bit :)

And Cavalier: FyGRS.png Little hairdressing but not as good as I would hope for

For the Mercenary: COd0U.png some shadowing fixes and collar correction no idea how to get eyes to look better though ...

P.s How do you use the spoiler tag? I'd like to shrink my posts a little

Edited by Scyllus
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They all look better but most of them still have a few errors. The Paladin in particular is....odd. My favorite is the Merc, besides some problems with the straps the biggest is his face, the scar looks really good but his eyes look way too small IMO.

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Kay lets seeeee. Spoiler tag is just like [ spoiler = insert whatever text you want to label the spoiler here ] [ /spoiler ] without the spaces.

I'll point out some things too.

The valkyrie's far eye isn't defined on the bottom with a dark line like the other eye is, making her look kinda like one eye is half open.

Cleric looks better but the headband seems to come out too far on the right. You might want to bring both shoulders in some more too to make him look less rounded in the shoulders.

Shaman is nice but her hair seems oddly cut off by the trim of her shirt. Is it supposed to be underneath her clothes? It's confusing.

Paladin's shoulders are pretty funky, my suggestion for fixing that is really just to give Sain or Kent a good luck and try to compare how their shoulders look. Your paladin's OPV left shoulder is like squished in and the right shoulder sticks up weird.

Cavalier isn't bad but his far eye comes out too far, makes him look Igor-ish. Perhaps bring it down a pixel? He also doesn't really have much of a cheekbone on that side of his face, look at the side of your cleric's face--the cheekbone is below the eye, try to make it more like your cleric.

Mercenary is nice too but the eyes seem pretty high and close together. His eyebrows are also a bit hard to read, might want to define them more.

Sorry that I didn't say more about each one, I just find it kind of hard to critique multiple things at once @_@ Info overload

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Thanks for hitting the stuff I mentioned! This is about where I stop being useful, so I'll leave it to those with better eyes/art than me to help you. Good luck!

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Hey Guys thanks for help as always! :)

Now lets see if i'm getting it right :


Muahaha it worked ! :D

First the cavalier: You were right Mew! :D I like him better now as well! MKLOY.png

Cleric-Tried to cover the odd placement of headband with hair:Zbh1P.png

Valkirie-To make it go better with nino eyes I moved the nose&mouth 1 pixel to the right-hope it didn't distroy the lookhiwii.png

Paladin-Sadly I'm running out of ideas how to save him ;( But this is what I came up with still... meh :( U7bdB.png

Edited by Scyllus
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