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Pokemon Trainer Squirtle vs Captain Falcon 3-0

Squirtle vs Marth 2-0

Ivysaur vs Sheik 2-0

Charizard vs Samus 1-0

Charizard vs Ike 0-3

Metaknight vs Ike 3-0

Metaknight vs Pit 3-0

Metaknight vs Wario 3-0

GGs Kalas. Sorry about being your first opponent here. I heard playing me can be a rough experience >_>

Edited by CR-S0I
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I'm swearing at an imaginary character for  fucking curbstomping me. You tell  me if I've been roughed up.<br />Ah, it's cool I guess. That just tells me I need more training...

I'm gonna fucking play Monster Hunter to vent my anger

Edited by Lieutenant Colonel Kalas
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So, when I wake up, nobody's here? Great. Why no love for Europe? D:

I suppose I'll have to wait until evening for it to be morning there then

Open for playing until 10 hours have passed from this post.

You can get my MSN address from my profile, it's the fastest and most reliable way of contacting me, but otherwise I usually check the boards every hour or so. Maybe I'll go idle in the IP chat too.

Edited by Time to change my name :D
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mmKALLL vs Knife

DK - Link 2-3

Ganon - Link 1-0

Ganon - Mario 3-1

Ganon - Sonic 3-2 (ended with suicide, redid with 1 stock both, Ganon lost so Sonic kept one stock)

ROB - Sonic 1-1

ROB - Yoshi 1-2

Game & Watch - Yoshi 2-2

Game & Watch - Fox 1-1

Wolf - Fox 2-2

Wolf - Luigi 0-1

Snake - Luigi 2-3

Falco - Luigi 1-1

Falco - Lucario - 1-2

Knife wins with 2 stocks.


DK - Pokemon Trainer - 2-3

G&W - PT 1-0

G&W - Diddy 1-3

Wolf Marth - Diddy 1-3 - Marciaxrolf's Wii didn't like Wolf so we agreed to substitute. :3

Ganondorf - Diddy 0-3

ROB - Diddy 1-2

ROB - Zelda 0-1

Snake - Zelda 1-3

Falco - Zelda 2-1

Falco - IC 1-2

PKL wins with god knows how many stocks. 11


Edited by moneymatchKalle
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Knife vs me

Pokemon Trainer vs Link 1-0

Pokemon Trainer vs Sonic 0-2

Diddy Kong vs Sonic 3-0

Diddy Kong vs Mario 2-0

Diddy Kong vs Fox 2-0

Diddy Kong vs Lucario 1-0

Diddy Kong vs Lucario 0-1

Toon Link vs Lucario 3-0

Toon Link vs Luigi 2-0

My Wii had trouble reading even Toon Link. But it worked somehow. Yoshi and Wolf dont work at all though :(.

Nominating Diddy Kong for stock stealer.

Edited by CR-S0I
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