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SSBB Draft


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Sorry guys, there's no point in continuing any further. CR has the tournament by the balls.


but umm, who's available for me to face?

I'll have time in about 2 hours (around 10pm edt)

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Round 1! D3 Vs Marth;D3 won, 2 stocks, 31 percent.

Round 2! D3 vs Pit;

D3 won, 1 stock, 91 percent.

Round 3! D3 vs Sheik!

Sheik won, 2 stock, 40something percent

Round 4! Bowser vs Sheik!

Bowser won, 3 stock, 191 percent xP

Round 5! Bowser vs Captain Falcon

Bowser won, 2 stock, 158 percent!

Round 6! Bowser vs Wario!

Wario won, 1 stock, 100something percent!

Round 7! ZSS vs Wario!

ZSS won, 3 stock, 40something, I think

Round 8! ZSS vs Samus

ZSS won, 1 stock, idr the percentage lol.

Round 9! ZSS vs Ike!

That went out with a bang xP

Ike won, 1 stock, 16 percent!

Round 10! Lucas vs Ike!

Lucas won, 3 stocks

It looks like I win this one. GGs sir!

Hey, is this format alright?

edit: Ah good, it looks like the percentage we ended with was not necessary lol. I kept forgetting them anyways. I thought we'd have to start at the same percent we ended with.

Also, am I allowed to use projectiles like ZSS's armor pieces and Wario's bike parts? I'm sorry if that was against the rules.

Edited by Momentai~
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That's the games. Dear gawd, compared to my match with CR this was WAY EASIER. Like comparing Sacred Stones normal modo to Thracia 776. At least I got to your 4th person.

Lol, I accidently got myself killed once as the CAPTAIN. Thanks for taking the dive too.

That ZSS and Ike match was INTENSE. Seriously, I think that was the best match I've ever had. Not to easy, yet not too one-sided, that's how I like it!

BTW, I'm thinking of starting a Subspace Draft after this madness is done, any takers?

Edited by Lieutenant Colonel Kalas
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LOL! Hey, I'm at least hard mode!

Actually, you sd'd twice due to FD's derp ledges, and np. xP

Yeah, I enjoyed that match. I do like playing against Ike. I got slain by that fsmash though. Such overkill!

Alright, now I know what to expect!

Oh, subspace draft sounds interesting...

I've never done one before, but it sounds like something I'd like to try. I do like SSE.

Edited by Momentai~
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Ah, the derp ledges, need to be careful with those.

For the Subspace draft it would probably be more or less the same. Up to 5 people, 6 characters each (with Zelda and Sheik being seperate) and going through SE on (probably) hard mode with your selected characters. It would be assumed that everyone already beat SE and have most of the characters, and you can choose which ever of the 6 characters you have for each stage. Stickers would be banned (too much variability) and the there could be up to two winners: point total and coin total or continue usage.

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Counting points for SSE is pretty much pointless, seeing how you can get infinite..

Speedrunning would be much more viable, and not very viable either. My best time is around 10 hours, so.. It's quite tiresome and quite a bother.

Momentai, that format was a little hard to follow, but 'tisalright I suppose.

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Of course you can use them silly :S

Ah thanks, I started using them but then I remembered the no items thing. I wasn't sure if they counted as items xP

Counting points for SSE is pretty much pointless, seeing how you can get infinite..

Speedrunning would be much more viable, and not very viable either. My best time is around 10 hours, so.. It's quite tiresome and quite a bother.

Momentai, that format was a little hard to follow, but 'tisalright I suppose.

I looked back and saw the format you guys put it in, and mine does look a bit confusing compared to that. I'll do it that way from now on.

Will anyone be available for matches soon? I'll be on in about an hour.

edit: No one? Alright, maybe tomorrow then!

Edited by Momentai~
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Well, my and Knife's match could have ended in a very different way if there was an established rule on suicides.

In short, it's a rule to tell what happens when a suicide move is used (or in the case of other kinds of simultaneous deaths), such as from using Ganondorf's side-B offstage, Bowser's side-B, Kirby's inhale etc. to kill yourself with the opponent simultaneously. The game itself is found to be consistent but random with the results, sometimes two very similar scenarios resulting in the suicide move user's victory, sometimes in the victory of the opponent, and sometimes in Sudden Death. Because of this randomness, there usually is a rule in place which dictates how such situations are supposed to be taken care of in tournaments.

Usually, if you use a suicide move and kill both players with it, regardless of what the game says the user wins.

But since my and Waha Kitty's case was unclear - due to PKL not having the rule - we decided to replay the match with one stock. Waha Kitty won that match, and so retained one stock to the next match.

He won with two stocks overall, so if there was a suicide rule which had given the victory to me in that case, I probably would have won the whole set of matches with one stock remaining since my Ganondorf performed very well and might have beaten two stocks with his remaining stock. Do the math - I have one stock more vs he having one more - it's a difference of two stocks combined, and one stock victory to me if I manage to get two stocks off with Ganon.

Edited by moneymatchKalle
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Well, my and Knife's match could have ended in a very different way if there was an established rule on suicides.

In short, it's a rule to tell what happens when a suicide move is used (or in the case of other kinds of simultaneous deaths), such as from using Ganondorf's side-B offstage, Bowser's side-B, Kirby's inhale etc. to kill yourself with the opponent simultaneously. The game itself is found to be consistent but random with the results, sometimes two very similar scenarios resulting in the suicide move user's victory, sometimes in the victory of the opponent, and sometimes in Sudden Death. Because of this randomness, there usually is a rule in place which dictates how such situations are supposed to be taken care of in tournaments.

Usually, if you use a suicide move and kill both players with it, regardless of what the game says the user wins.

But since my and Waha Kitty's case was unclear - due to PKL not having the rule - we decided to replay the match with one stock. Waha Kitty won that match, and so retained one stock to the next match.

He won with two stocks overall, so if there was a suicide rule which had given the victory to me in that case, I probably would have won the whole set of matches with one stock remaining since my Ganondorf performed very well and might have beaten two stocks with his remaining stock. Do the math - I have one stock more vs he having one more - it's a difference of two stocks combined, and one stock victory to me if I manage to get two stocks off with Ganon.

You can't possibly think you had a chance even if you had gotten that suicide to count. My next character would have wiped the floor with Ganon anyway. Plus restarting the stock is a pretty fair alternative no?

*is a little embarassed that I did worse against Ganon than any of his other characters.

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I already thought that, no matter how impossible you may consider it. Restarting the stock was a fair alternative, but still a disadvantage if there was a suicide rule in place which had been in my favour.

I'm not salty or anything - I used the sideB on my own discretion, aiming for the suicide. The matches were good too. But what I want is that instead of trying to turn this to a win on my part, I'd just want there not to be confusion on the matter in any of my future matches.

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