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Lol knife. That often happens with inexperience in a matchup. I destroyed Kall's Ganon because I pretty much know the entire cast by now due to my tournament experience except for Olimar lol who I have no idea how to play against.

Edited by CR-S0I
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I already thought that, no matter how impossible you may consider it. Restarting the stock was a fair alternative, but still a disadvantage if there was a suicide rule in place which had been in my favour.

I'm not salty or anything - I used the sideB on my own discretion, aiming for the suicide. The matches were good too. But what I want is that instead of trying to turn this to a win on my part, I'd just want there not to be confusion on the matter in any of my future matches.

Hey, you want a rematch or soemthing?

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Battle 1:

Link vs Marth

Marth won with 1 stock after I had some embarassing SDs.

Battle 2:

Sonic vs Marth (1 life)

Sonic kicked Marth's ass without losing a life.

Battle 3:

Sonic vs. Sheik

Sonic lost 1 life but destroyed Sheik.

Battle 4:

Sonic (2 lives) vs. Samus

Sonic lost 1 more life but destroyed Samus.

Battle 5:

Sonic (1 life) vs. Pit

Sonic managed to take 1 stock off Pit but he was slain.

Battle 6:

Fox vs. Pit (2 lives)

Fox lost a life but finished off Pit.

Battle 7:

Fox (2 lives) vs. Wario

Fox was run over by a bike and got KOed, but Waha Punished Wario. Wario was quite shocked and almost let some gas out in fear.

Battle 8:

Fox (1 life) vs. Captain Falcon

Fox took 2 lives but was slain. RIP Fox.

Battle 9: Luigi vs. Captain Falcon (1 life)

WTF is with Kalas and SD with Raptor Boost. Luigi remains unscratched.

Battle 10:

Luigi vs. Ike

Super Jump Punch all day. He did take 2 stocks off so congrats to that. Didn't know how slow those F-smashes are. Ike became a shooting star thrice.

I won with 10 stocks remaining.

Had a couple friendlies and called it a day. Made me feel like an expert brawler.

Edited by Knife
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Meh. Matriculation examinations are pretty important, so I sadly can't allow myself to play more matches until they're over. And after they're over, I have some catching up with schoolwork to do, coupled with a tournament. But next week mon afternoon until thurs evening I'm available to play. not while sleeping tho, lol

I'm also stalking the IP chat much more often

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