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mmKALLL vs Momentai

Snake - Lucas 2-3

DK - Lucas 1-0



Falco - Bowser 1-1

Falco - ZSS 1-2

Ganondorf - ZSS 2-1

Ganondorf - Ness 0-2

Wolf - Ness 0-3

ROB - Ness 1-3

G&W - Ness 2-1

G&W - Kirby 2-2

Momentai~ wins with 4 stocks.


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Have you played with him? He doesn't suck like people did a year ago here. hell, everyone's improved a lot though; even Soul is a tough match nowadays for me Anyway, I clearly underestimated him first, and perhaps chose my characters a little poorly against his strong ones.. Still, I lost, and it was lots of fun! :D

Maybe we should get Inui to stalk SF again, even you'd have trouble against him, probably he'd even beat you! I'd actually be interested in seeing you two face off, even though he doesn't take SSBB too seriously. or didn't around apex'12 from what I gathered at aib

Edited by moneymatchKalle
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Have you played with him? He doesn't suck like people did a year ago here. hell, everyone's improved a lot though; even Soul is a tough match nowadays for me

Clearly you just got worse in the past year.

Maybe we should get Inui to stalk SF again, even you'd have trouble against him, probably he'd even beat you! I'd actually be interested in seeing you two face off, even though he doesn't take SSBB too seriously. or didn't around apex'12 from what I gathered at aib

On top of that, Inui doesn't wifi as far as I know.

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I did not expect Momentai to beat Kall o_o.

That's the good thing about being new; I got off easy because everyone expects the new people to be bad. xP

it was lots of fun! :D

Ya, lots of fun, I agree!

PKL-I'm available for the next hour or so. If you can't do it now, my mornings are generally free (I'm on the east coast of the US, I'll be available from about 9am)

Edited by Momentai~
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PKL vs Momentai

Pkmn Trainer vs Bowser 2-0

Pkmn Trainer vs Dedede 1-0

Pkmn Trainer vs Lucas 0-3

Diddy Kong vs Lucas 1-0

Diddy Kong vs Zero Suit 0-3

Zelda vs Zero Suit 2-0

Zelda vs Ness 1-0

Zelda vs Kirby 1-0

Zelda vs Peach 0-3

Pikachu vs Peach 2-0

I wont with 11(?) stocks left. Momentai is really really good.

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Oof! The Princess face-off!

of course I underestimate you since your zelda got 3-stocked

Also what, I'm pretty sure I know that you're one of the world's best players. What's this about "still" underestimating? Maybe I'm overestimating Inui then or something lol.

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Ugly Pikachu thing. You free after 8 pm cst today?

Please, call me UPt! Sorry, but I wasn't available after I finished my matches with PKL. I will be available for the next few hours though!

Does anyone else here have tourney experience aside from PKL? o:

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I am available now. And I didn't mean you had to stop...I'm just saying that UPt would save time. xP

edit: Could you do the results?

edit2: welp, it looks like I took too long to respond again. Sorry! We keep missing each other.

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Momentai, apart from Kalas and yourself, everyone else has offline tournament experience from what I know. You seem pretty good, so I'd bet you have some as well, and as for Kalas, I haven't played him and don't know much about him anyway.

Also, I guess I'm free for playing today - that is, until around 10 hours from this post. I won't be checking SF or the IP chat that regularly, though. Again, MSN is the best way to contact me. so how about it Kalas?

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mmKALLL vs Lieutenant Colonel Kalas

DK - Marth 3-1

DK - Samus 2-2

Snake - Samus 1-1

Snake - Pit 3-0

Snake - Sheik 3-0

Snake - Captain Falcon 3-1

Snake - Wario 2-1

Ganondorf - Wario 2-1

Ganondorf - Ike 1-1

Wolf - Ike 2-1

mmKALLL wins with 11 stocks

Sorry for not suiciding at the start of each match, but I made sure to cover up each time.

Some tips on how to get better.. You have lots and lots to improve, if you actually want to do it.

Your playstyle seems like a person's, who's played quite a few times with a very limited group of people who dislike cheap tactics, and you embraced these "cheap" tactics in order to exploit the rules of the tournament as far as you can. That's considered wanting to win, but as you can see quite clearly, they were far from bringing you more than even just one stock per character. You Samus got two, and two characters got zero.

Now, where does the problem lie in? You played the more boring playstyle in order to win, so the lacking part of your game is either in technique or excecution. I'd say both, actually. As for technique, you can read lots and lots on how the game mechanisms work from smashboards, you should start by learning things like Directional Influence and momentum cancel to survive longer, and frame data and moveset analysis to improve your offense. Learning doesn't mean just reading up, though - DI, SDI and other methods of longer survival need to become automatic and second nature because you often have a very limited amount of time between being hit and being dead to use them - this is easily accomplished by playing and putting extra focus on them until you don't have to even think about it anymore.

The other thing, execution. You used a very limited subset of your moveset in all situations. Against opponents from mediocre level to good, this is considered a very special tactic, one to throw them off for a moment by switching playstyles and forcing your opponent to get caught in the tempo. Against beginner to low level players, a tactic like this can be all you need for victory, as beginners often lack in all areas of the game (unsurprisingly) and low level players either don't or can't figure out a way to deal with the tactic. What I saw was that with each character, you employed a tactic of using moves which you considered the safest, and getting around me by rolling whenever I closed in. You also only used the get-up -attack whenever you were on the ledge, unless I was charging a smash attack towards you, in which case you jumped. You only erred from this behaviour twice during all of our matches.

This is fatal against anyone who is capable of using their brain while playing.

Using projectiles is a very good option, but if you only use a very limited amount of your options all the time, you opponent doesn't have to consider you using the other ones and can focus on only countering the ones you use. In most cases, you limited yourself to one or two moves which you would use in a particular situation, and being a mediocre player myself, I was capable of analyzing which options of mine would be the best to counter them. You, on the other hand, often didn't think of using an alternative, only putting yourself in worse positions to use those moves, and didn't (or atleast didn't appear to) adapt to me countering your attacks, using counters to my counters. Not talking about the move "counter" here, though, but, like, being able to deal with Snake's ftilt, for example.

Using patterns against better players is really, really bad, as they will quickly be able to beat your game by shifting their playstyle. Especially if your patterns are this easy to read into, where 95% of the time you only use down-B and side-B as Marth, for example. Offline I would've been able to conduct countering strategies even faster.

So, long story short or shorter - avoid repeating the same move, especially if that move is easy to punish. Fast moves (this also means short cooldown) are more difficult to punish. Marth's counter starts on frame 4, the counter frames last until frame 27, and it has cooldown until frame 44 iirc. This means, I have 17 frames of time to punish you on reaction. If I expected it coming, I can, for example, charge an fsmash for about 30 frames and then time it to hit just as you're about to regain control, around 40 frames after you used the move. All characters have moves which hit before frame 7, so most characters are able to run up to you and attack even if you counter far away or above me or whatever. This obviously applies to most other things you did. Of course, punishing on reaction is more difficult online - and that's why online, prediction is even more important. Keeping your opponent guessing is just as important as predicting and punishing, and that's why you should avoid using predictable patterns and not only think of what you're doing - look at your opponent's actions as well.

Hopefully you had even some fun, even though I won. Good games.

Edited by moneymatchKalle
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Unlike around a year ago, SF tournaments are pretty much occupied with players from mediocre level to good.

But you know, you should still try to improve - the mediocre players here were mostly about as good as you are right now back then. If you put some effort to it, you could become a good match against me or Soul or Knife in even a couple of weeks.

Sure, getting beat up sucks sometimes, but at least I try to give constructive critisicm. If you get better, you won't be beat up. It's that simple. And it's not like PKL isn't overkilling everyone here, haha. But fun matches is the most important thing, no?NewYearsEmoticon.gif

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Soul isn't that good from what I remember.

Knife vs. Ugly Pikachu Thing

Battle 1:

Link vs. Lucas

Link beat Lucas with a paddle but was left with 1 stock.

Battle 2:

Link (1 life) vs. Ness

Ness finished Link off.

Battle 3:

Fox vs. Ness

Ness finished Fox with 1 stock remaining.

Battle 4

Sonic vs. Ness (1 life)

Sonic suffered a fatality but finished Lucas off.

Battle 5

Sonic (2 lives) vs. Bowser

Sonic takes 2 lives off Bowser but gets KOed

Battle 6

Mario vs. Bowser (1 life)

Mario finishes Bowser off without a scratch, like always.

Battle 7

Mario vs. ZSS

Mario loses completely pull down one stock of ZSS.

Battle 8

Yoshi vs. ZSS (2 lives)

ZSS beats Yoshi but with 1 life left.

Battle 9

Luigi vs. ZSS (1 life)

Luigi finishes off ZSS without a scratch.

Battle 10

Luigi vs. DDD

Luigi takes 2 stocks off but is KOed.

Battle 11

Lucario vs DDD (1 life)

Lucario finishes DDD off.

Battle 12

Lucario vs. Kirby

Lucario takes two stocks off but loses.

Upt wins with 4 stocks

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