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Portrait Box


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I post this here as something of a last ditch effort to locate the proper dimensions one should utilize when trying to input a custom portrait into the Feditor. Thus far, my search across the web has yielded no resultsand my attempts at guessing the proper dimensions have always yielded crooked and warped images in the Rom despite how perfect they look in the Feditor. I've tried moving and resizing the image several times to align it properly but nothing I do seems to stop the picture from distorting when I go to test it in game. If anyone can provide this road weary soul with a solution to this daunting obstacle, it would be greatly appreciated. A simple download link or some such containing the proper portrait box dimensions should suffice but any assistance will be welcome. Should it become necessary, I can provide screenshots of the issue in action if it will better assist you in understanding my issue.

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I'm hoping that the image you provided grants me what I seek. Here is what I've got though:

What you'll find is the custom portrait I seek to enter into the game, what it looks like when I put it in the Feditor, and the resulting mess in the ROM

Edit: It usually looks a bit more lined up in the Feditor but I'm too frustrated to align them right now. Either way, it still comes out looking like that in the ROM

post-5931-021774500 1347743124_thumb.png

post-5931-060034000 1347743421_thumb.png

post-5931-082951100 1347743431_thumb.png

Edited by Alpha2090
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Boy, stop it with your verbosity.

I lol'd. Hard.

Just click and drag the parts.

Also, things need to be aligned to a grid. There're tutorials for this all over the place. Check those, first.

Like AK said there's a bunch of tutorials for it.

If you need a video showing you, here's one by Ace... it's old and he's pretty much disappeared... but the tutorial still does the job pretty well when explaining it to people.

Once they're aligned, just click and drag it to the proper place on the bottom portrait.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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you can DO that?

i always manually edited it in nightmare...

Also, I don't know if you're changing the mug later or don't want feedback on it right now, but it looks weird to me, the red on the shirt's a little too bright, (even if it's exactly what Marisa uses) and the hair is really fluffy and sticks out too much, also, the way the hair goes over the right eye is super cliche just looks kinda bad. It's not really how hair works, I guess? Maybe it does, but it just doesn't look right to me. Also, the parts where it sticks out are too thin, and the one in the bottom right shouldn't exist, because it's floating in mid-air. Also (again) you need to outline the hair.

also also also.

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I'm having the same problem. However, Ifollowed that tutorial above and my mug is still wacked-out an unaligned. I've found, though, that depending on the index where the mug is stored, the alignment wacks out in different ways.

Am I missing something? My sheet looks like this


Any ideas?

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I'm having the same problem. However, Ifollowed that tutorial above and my mug is still wacked-out an unaligned. I've found, though, that depending on the index where the mug is stored, the alignment wacks out in different ways.

Am I missing something? My sheet looks like this


Any ideas?

Following the color coded grid will help you in the long run.

Another would be using your own grids in your image editing program.



You have to make sure that the frames you copy from the actual mug are aligned, or else you'll always have that happen to you.

If you do that, then when you drag the frames on the bottom FEditor screen to the right spot, they'll fit right on the mug.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Sorry, but aligned to what?

See the grid? You see all of the Mouth frames and eye pieces? They were taken from a 32 x 16 pixel piece that always lined up to the grid and then pasted on their proper spots.

You can't just take a random piece of the mouth and put it as the mouth frame. It won't fit where the mouth is on the original mug if the mouth or eye pieces aren't divisible by 4.



See the highlighted part of it? When copying a "piece" it has to line up with the 8x8 pixel grid.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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See the grid? You see all of the Mouth frames and eye pieces? They were taken from a 32 x 16 pixel piece that always lined up to the grid and then pasted on their proper spots.

Ah, thank you! I was wondering what you meant when you said aligned. I thought you meant a grid of some sort, but I wasn't sure.

It won't fit where the mouth is on the original mug if the mouth or eye pieces aren't divisible by 4.

I'm having a bit of trouble understanding what you're saying... divisible by four? Do you mean the dimensions? The grid?

All that matters is that you click and drag the frames in FEditor where they belong, and it auto-aligns them as needed ingame. Seriously, FEditor couldn't make it any easier, aside from doing that part itself.

Ah, you can drag frames around in FEditor! I never saw that anywhere, thank for pointing it out, dude.

I think I've got it all sussed out now, thanks for the help guys.

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Ah, you can drag frames around in FEditor! I never saw that anywhere, thank for pointing it out, dude.

I think I've got it all sussed out now, thanks for the help guys.

Well, the thing I was saying is that even though you can drag the frames in place... they won't be in place unless you made your "pieces" for the frames right.

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I think you missed my post entirely saying you just need to drag but I'm glad you get it now XD I was totally lost when I first inserted a portrait too. It's sort of just common knowledge to people since it seems simple

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I think you missed my post entirely saying you just need to drag but I'm glad you get it now XD I was totally lost when I first inserted a portrait too. It's sort of just common knowledge to people since it seems simple

Your post...? Sorry, I'm not used to a thread moving so fast! I must've missed your post, whoops!

Yeah, it's probably common knowledge to some, but it's a little too simple, yeah? There's really no indication that you can drag the pieces, which woulda been nice. But y'know, beggars can't be choosers!

Well, the thing I was saying is that even though you can drag the frames in place... they won't be in place unless you made your "pieces" for the frames right.

I figured so, but when you tried to describe what "right" was, you were a little foggy on the details. But I think I've got it sorted out - the segments need to be aligned on a 4x4 or 8x8 grid, due to FEditor moving these frames in increments of 8 or 4 pixels when you drag them. Thanks for the help though!

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Well I'm glad to see that my topic managed to aid others aside from myself. I managed to figure it out on my own shortly after posting here last (It took a bit of resizing and slight shifts in the portrait). My thanks to all whom offered their assistance and for those who provided videos to watch, though I had already viewed those tutorials dozens of times over before coming here. The gesture was greatly appreciated.

@Jealousy: I'm afraid that your meaning is lost upon me. This is the way I always speak and is my natural tone of voice. My apologies if that vexes you in some way. Just as well, like I has stated prior to this, I had viewed those tutorials before.

@Sgtsmilies: I did not post that image for feedback, but rather to make more clear the source of my confusion and error. I'll assume that you are honestly attempting to critique the portrait as opposed to blatantly insulting me. I do not care for images where all the colors are dark and as my first portrait, I think it turned out fairly well. I personally see no fault with the red coloring. Just as well, I'm rather fond of the way the hair turned out and frankly originality was never a factor and as such, cliche or not, I'll not alter the picture for so minor a reason. I am not so one who goes for originality just for the sake of being original and little else. I am not entirely sure what you mean by the too thin section however. Would you mind elaborating further upon that? And lastly, the outlining the hair was actually a fairly good point and I have indeed mended that in the latest incarnation.

All in all however, I'm glad that this topic is seeing some use after all. I had imagined that it would die shortly after my initial post.

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@Sgtsmilies: I did not post that image for feedback, but rather to make more clear the source of my confusion and error. I'll assume that you are honestly attempting to critique the portrait as opposed to blatantly insulting me. I do not care for images where all the colors are dark and as my first portrait, I think it turned out fairly well. I personally see no fault with the red coloring. Just as well, I'm rather fond of the way the hair turned out and frankly originality was never a factor and as such, cliche or not, I'll not alter the picture for so minor a reason. I am not so one who goes for originality just for the sake of being original and little else. I am not entirely sure what you mean by the too thin section however. Would you mind elaborating further upon that? And lastly, the outlining the hair was actually a fairly good point and I have indeed mended that in the latest incarnation.


Holy Circles, batman!

In any event, Purple box: It appears that the last line of the mug was repeated multiple times downwards. Was this a glitch? It looks strange, especially on the bracelet.

Green: Whenever skin touches hair, it should have the second lightest shade adjacent. There are exceptions, but usually this is the case.

Red: These shadows seem to pop off the side, in an unnatural way

Blue: here, the two strings of hair do strange things. The top one has it in a diagonal angle, but suddenly it flops downwards. In the bottom one, it appears that the hair has decided it will float above the rest unnaturally.

Yellow: Here I'm not too sure, but the way the darkest tone just kind of pops out of nowhere seems strange to me.

Also, the minimug is way too small.

And finally, the large amount of hair on the far left is mostly the second lightest shade, when it should be the lightest, considering how broad it is.

So, I was wrong about the red on the coat, looking at it.

Sorry for posting about something that wasn't to be feedback'd but I think it could stand a little improvement.

I also don't know how critique could be blatantly insulting you, but whatever.

Also, strikethroughs are not to be taken seriously!

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Holy Circles, batman!

In any event, Purple box: It appears that the last line of the mug was repeated multiple times downwards. Was this a glitch? It looks strange, especially on the bracelet.

Green: Whenever skin touches hair, it should have the second lightest shade adjacent. There are exceptions, but usually this is the case.

Red: These shadows seem to pop off the side, in an unnatural way

Blue: here, the two strings of hair do strange things. The top one has it in a diagonal angle, but suddenly it flops downwards. In the bottom one, it appears that the hair has decided it will float above the rest unnaturally.

Yellow: Here I'm not too sure, but the way the darkest tone just kind of pops out of nowhere seems strange to me.

Also, the minimug is way too small.

And finally, the large amount of hair on the far left is mostly the second lightest shade, when it should be the lightest, considering how broad it is.

So, I was wrong about the red on the coat, looking at it.

Sorry for posting about something that wasn't to be feedback'd but I think it could stand a little improvement.

I also don't know how critique could be blatantly insulting you, but whatever.

Also, strikethroughs are not to be taken seriously!

I'll address your points individually for the sake of organization:

- Purple: Ah, so you noticed that hm? I was hoping that it would not be too obvious for the sake of time preservation but you are quite right in noting that the image is a bit stretched out. As I stated before, I had to resize the image several times to get it to align properly in the ROM and sadly enough, that was the result. I honestly hadn't noticed it at first but now that you point it out...I'll do my best to amend it but I wouldn't except top tier quality.

-Green: I am not the greatest artist in the world and as such, many smaller details do indeed elude my notice. As it were, I shall trust your judgement with regards to the hair color and adjust it.

-Red: Noted, and will be fixed.

-Blue: Ha. The way you phrased that was quite humourous. Nonetheless, I concede your point on the matter and shall look into repairing it.

-Yellow: Are you suggesting that I lighten it then? And yes, I did note that my minimug was a bit on the small side. I'm not really sure how that happened though. I was pretty sure that I had the dimensions correct when I first completed it...With regards to hair coloring, I feel like shifting it to the lightest shade will sacrifice a bit of its depth, if that's the right word. I don't want it to seem like a enormous blob of color.

I suppose my own apologies are in order for the overly critical way in which I responded. Criticism is generally meant to help one improve and for that I should be grateful. However, when criticism arrives and I'm not expecting it, I often have a difficult time differentiating between it and insults for the sake of insults. Couple that with my frustrated mood, and yes I was indeed needlessly defensive. In that, I offer my apologies as well.

Just as well, my thanks for clearing up the whole strikethrough issue. I was not aware of the jesting nature behind such things and shall keep it in mind for future encounters.

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