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There's Nothing Wrong With Taking a Game Concept...


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...but games like this are pushing it, wouldn't you agree?

Don't get me wrong. There are "clone" games out there that I enjoy and have no problem with, like Crash Team Racing and Playstation All Stars Battle Royale, since it takes a concept and introduces new elements to it and/or changes around the game world so it's not plagiarizing intellectual property. But ripping off character designs (like those angry tortoises and the red shirted protagonist with blue overalls and a red cap from 3D Cartoon Land Safari) and levels (every track on Mole Kart is taken from Mario Kart Wii) is crossing the line.

Still, I can't help but chuckle a bit looking at those screenshots and that video. I can't explain why.

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Dear god, I'd hate if some company rips-off a really well known series like Final Fantasy, Tetris, or Pac-Man... Oh wait, Gameloft (or w/e) probably did already.

I can agree that the lack of originality is both rage-inducing as it is hilarious. Still, could it kill them to differentiate themselves a little. Atleast TOUHOU PROJECT fangames adds the bullet hell and fanon to differentiate themselves a bit...

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It's hardly surprising. It's been happening in the video game industry for Decades, but mostly stuck to cheap clones in China where western copyright laws don't apply and where China doesn't care about their people making money off other's ideas (for some reason...). But seeing it on games available in the US is pretty surprising. They probably won't last long, but every time one is removed, a new one by a 'new' company will pop up in it's place, quickly made and will last long enough to turn a tide profit before getting it's cease and desist order.

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