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FE8 Thief AI


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change their AI to just steal from chests instead of steal from the pcs

you can't really make them only open doors though(it'd be kind of weird for a thief to do that anyway "hey i found a door with treasure, let me not open any of the chests and go to the next room!")

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change their AI to just steal from chests instead of steal from the pcs

you can't really make them only open doors though(it'd be kind of weird for a thief to do that anyway "hey i found a door with treasure, let me not open any of the chests and go to the next room!")

Well, thing is, I placed a thief in Chapter 8 Its a Trap! of FE8 so that he can open the door in Turn 1 and the Generals come at you. But he goes for the chests instead of the door, which delays the generals by 1 turn. And I need thieves to attack and not steal to make one of my maps more challenging. I cant find any option for thieves not stealing from pcs btw. And even if I take out thieve's ability to steal, they still do it o_O

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Well, they'll steal if they have the ability to, so...

Wait what, that shouldn't happen, I've done that before and they acted like normal units

Then again, it was in fe7....

Also, you could move the chests farther away or put them behind a door.

Or just give those generals a door key

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You could just edit the -- Oh, right.

Inserting a map is easy enough. It wasn't too hard to figure out on my own (use mappy, export, insert at empty space and edit the pointers), although Arch's really long event tutorial and Blazer's Ultimate tutorial give directions on how to do it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, thing is, I placed a thief in Chapter 8 Its a Trap! of FE8 so that he can open the door in Turn 1 and the Generals come at you. But he goes for the chests instead of the door, which delays the generals by 1 turn. And I need thieves to attack and not steal to make one of my maps more challenging. I cant find any option for thieves not stealing from pcs btw. And even if I take out thieve's ability to steal, they still do it o_O

You could put him on the side of the door opposite the chests.

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