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FE characters in Soul Calibur V

Murdok Dracul

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My first topic, woo!

So basically, the main reason I play Soul Calibur V is Creation, and aside from characters belonging to my fantasy novel-in-progress, I mostly make Fire Emblem characters. I just today learned that I could take screenshots on my PS3, much to my delight. Now, this is going to be a pretty big post with a lot of images, so please bear with me. In advance, I apologise for the sheer size of the images, but I don't think it's possible to crop or even resize a PS3 screenshot.

[spoiler=loads and loads of characters]

First up, the one and only :Joshua: (and look at his weapon name! :D).


Next up, the best magic user in the series, no arguments accepted. It's kind of hard to tell, but his branded mark is there.


Next up, boobs Mia.


And good old Neph...


Ike (in his Hero gear - I also made his Awakening incarnation, which I also like, but I scrapped that one to save room). Just like :Joshua:, look at his weapon name! It's small (medieval Europe-inspired) multiverse after all. (For anyone not in the know, weapon names are pre-set in Soul Calibur, but I'm sure everyone was in the know.)


Where there is Ike, there must also be the Black Knight. However, it's impossible to make a decent-looking set of BK armour, so I settled with giving Zelgius his red Begnion armour instead. I tried to pay attention to detail by giving him his Branded mark, too, which you can see when his armour breaks in battle. I also gave him a deep, manly voice.



And of course, Zelgius' pet (no, not Levail):


Now, onto FE13. I've only made two characters from it, and one of them is actually from FE2, but the design is from Awakening. Let's start with her. CELICA, my favourite character from Gaiden! (Not sure how many 'l's are supposed to be in her name because it's Japanese, but I always just go with one.) Instead of giving her the standard magic move set of Viola, I let her have Z.W.E.I.'s "sword + magical wolf thing" combination, 'cause I think it kind of almost resembles her original class. Also, SCV doesn't have any clothes skimpy enough for her, so she's just wearing her underwear instead. Pardon her.


And finally, the character who instantly became my favourite from FE13's original characters (though I'm not a pervert, I promise XP). I'm currently debating with myself whether I should use the fan name Sariya or the official Japanese romanisation Sallya. Anywho, I took two pictures of her. She's just so photogenic!


It's really not easy getting the hip equipment to look like it does in her official artwork. Do any SC players have any pointers on how I could do this?


I've made some characters from games other than Fire Emblem - Zelda and Skylanders (yes, I know eighteen-year-olds shouldn't be Skylanders fans), namely, but I think I've already got way too many huge images in this post. Let me know if you want to see them, and I'll post them. They're: Link, Zelda, Sheik, Ganondorf, Demise, Stealth Elf and Chop Chop.

Please, SC players, share any characters you've made, whatever franchise they're from, or even if they're completely original. I'd like to see if anyone else enjoys making them as much as I do.

Also, this is the first topic ever started by poor little me, so you're all morally obliged to reply.

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I'd like to see Neph and Zelgius fight each other.

I wanted to upload a video to Youtube of them fighting each other, but I have nothing to record it with other than the crappy cameras on my phone and 3DS. SCV lets you save replays, but only of online battles, which I've never played before. unsure.gif And that wouldn't let me pit them against each other.

Do more! Do more! Do more!

I did Amelia, but I deleted her to make room because she was essentially Nephenee but red. There are only 50 slots for creations, and I've used them all up, mostly with original characters. That said, I think I should be able to back them up and then delete them without losing them, but I don't really want to do that because I wouldn't be able to play as them without constantly fiddling with the data. I've been hoping for a DLC pack that will add more character slots, but alas, the people at Namco seem to think 50 is enough.

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Next up, the best magic user in the series, no arguments accepted.

Sety with Holsety

Those look very good indeed. I only played up until SC4 so I am not too familiar with what you can do in SC5 (Although I made a sick Zephiel in SC4 once, looked awesome).

Edited by Camus The Dark Knight
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Sety with Holsety

Those look very good indeed. I only played up until SC4 so I am not too familiar with what you can do in SC5 (Although I made a sick Zephiel in SC4 once, looked awesome).

That sounds cool; are you able to upload a picture of it to this thread?

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That sounds cool; are you able to upload a picture of it to this thread?

My friend has the Xbox360 and I made it on his since I am too cheap to buy more then one current-gen console. But if you have it, it shouldn't be too hard to figure out, although sadly nothing like Execcus exists in the game.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I love this game! I have actually made the black knight in mine, plus a few of the Avatar the Last Airbender characters and some others. Plus I made Raven from Tales of Vesperia as well as Lloyd Irving. Plus the Last Kusagari from Red Steel 2, Kaim Argonar and Kakanas from Lost Odyssey.

Unfortunately I lack a capture card to show them off lol! But heck I've been thinking about getting one. Out of curiosity, which one do you use Murdok?

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Unfortunately I lack a capture card to show them off lol! But heck I've been thinking about getting one. Out of curiosity, which one do you use Murdok?

I don't have one, and I don't need to use one. The PS3 has a function which allows you to take screenshots at any time. You just press PS and go to the pictures menu during gameplay. I don't know how you'd do it if you had it on X360 though.

If you ever become able to, you should upload your creations to here. I'm curious to see your Black Knight.

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I have SCV for 360, and i am also incredibly obsessed with character creation. I think I've filled up about 40 of my slots so far.

I have character from the Tales series, FE (obviously), Riviera, Megaman Zero... can't really remember them all right now.

But if i find a way to take screenshots (or finally buy a camera that doesn't suck) I'll definitely post some of mine.

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