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Where do you go to read manga or watch anime?

Gold Vanguard

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I go to Barnes and Noble or Borders when I want to read manga. Find a comfortable chair in an isolated corner and go to it. Well, less so Borders after the spate of store closings...

When I want to watch anime, I usually do it on Crunchyroll. niconico also used to be pretty good, and only cost like a quarter, but it seems Funi or someone reneged on a bunch of the shared licenses and had them yanked, if I remember right.


That said, Funi I think offers streaming of its own, but I was disappointed with the quality and the embedded ads, unless I misremember or they've upgraded. I also seem to remember ANN had started up something? I signed up and watched one show there, then forgot about it.

Edited by Balcerzak
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