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fe8 Skirmish #3


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I'll pick Knoll.

Considering there's 7 units left now (since Colm was thrown on the free bucket), I think it's the reversed round. Peppy's turn.

Edit: Also update the OP for clearness please.

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I don't think I need a foot swordie, nor another thief since colm is free... hm....

Gimme Syren -- Innes and we'll call it a draft. Innes.gif

Also I'll just edit this post to add my attempt of an earlygame instead of double posting:

Prologue - 2 Turns (2 total)

At first I wondered how the heck people 2-turned this with Eirika alone.

Then I realized movement arrows are my friends.

Chapter 1 - 5 turns (7 total)

Well this took a few tries.

Also the soldier up the northern fortress has one of the weirdest AIs in this game, Eirika finished the boss on turn 4 EP with 2HP left and the soldier just moved to her left and waited.

Chapter 2 - 5 turns (12 total)

Eirika went south while Vanessa rescued Ross (she still can rescue NPCs), Garcia killed whatever was on the right side (which was a brigand and an archer I think), Eirika handled the brigands down south with no crit luck.

Vanessa dropped Ross near Moulder after he took the Gem and Elixir and he healed him so he'd chip the two random spawning brigands, Eirika had already handled the brigands on south leaving only one behind with low HP and getting a lucky crit on the boss.

The low health brigand chased and suicided on Eirika and then the two brigands were taken care of with Eirika + NPC!Ross co-op.

Chapter 3 - 10 turns (22 total)


Why did I choose Moulder over Gilliam again.

Having only Eirika and Colm to attack with can be a chore. I'm thankful Eirika made up by getting enough speed to have 7 AS with Seth's steel sword, it'll really help next chapter.

Chapter 4 - 8 turns (30 total)

Oh. My. Lord.

Colm and Eirika were pushed to their limits on what a swordie can do with the RNG goddess on their side. None of them critted, but Eirika managed to manhandle most of the map with amazing dodge blessing, while Colm just ignored the snag and went to fetch Lute walking through the river, but he took the Chapter 2 elixir because he didn't get dodge lucky. Lute and Colm then tagged to defeat the bottom enemies.

Eirika's luck came with a price however, Seth's steel sword only has 4 uses left and the rapier has 1, bother. At least, she's getting somewhat speed and def-blessed.

Positioning arthur was quite annoying but it helped changing the movement of enemy AI.

Chapter 5 - 8 turns (38 total)

I am so glad that Colm had that elixir, he took so much enemy fire it's not funny. Lute was a dear in the final stretch and got the torch village, she had to burn a vulnerary though, Eirika handled the bigger threaths like Joshua and the boss (with a nice ORKO from the armorslayer Colm almost died to get).

Moulder got and ate the Dragonshield, btw.

(and of course I took the guiding ring if you're wondering)

Chapter 5x - 7 turns (45 total)

After a bazillion restarts I finally did this chapter (somewhat) right.

I didn't get to take Forde's javelin and the vulnerary away from Orson but I took his other items, if I can play my cards right I'll make up for the lack of instant javelin. Didn't bother to get the Killer lance on any of the chest keys, it was Kyle and Orson stampeding, probably could have done better but meh.

Chapter 6 - 4 turns (49 total)

Oh boy, back to the Colm and Eirika show! (featuring Moulder and Lute)

I'm thankful the Chapter 5 town sells steel swords, Colm is so speed blessed his combat with those turns out to be amazing (and after so much abuse in chapters 4 and 5 he's almost at C swords, too bad I killed Joshua but meh). I also bought a torch staff to Moulder because why not.

Colm burns one use of a vulnerary and the last use of the elixir to get through the enemy flanks up north while making his way to the boss. Lute moves up on turn 1 to divert the cavalier's attention while Moulder tags along to use a torch staff and make sure Lute doesn't explode. Eirika goes through the woods to divert the attention of many lance users from colm, at turn 2 she sits on a forest and brings out her armorslayer and at turn 3 she sits on the fort and just rambos with the steel sword.

When Colm got to the boss he attacked him with the steel sword and finished him on the EP, luckily dodging his attacks both times. I enjoy combat-ready thieves.

Eirika is lv15 and Colm is lv12 by the end of this chapter, yay.

Chapter 7 - 5 turns (54 total)

I feel too lazy to write this one, so have a video.

Thank the RNG for that Eirika level up, else it'd be a 6 turn. Also, I don't think I've seen a crit since chapter 2, lol.

And then Moulder ate that Energy Ring.

Chapter 8 - 10 turns (64 total)

8 Turning this chapter with a 7-use armorslayer isn't very reasonable, so I decided to go for the elysian whip instead.

Colm went to meet with Ephraim's crew and brought Vanessa's Javelin as a present for Kyle. Super Eirika had a hard time with all these Knights and only 7 armorslayer uses, so instead she alternated between an iron sword to take the soldiers and such, and her steel sword tagging along with Lute for the Knight Room of Doomâ„¢ and the Knight and soldiers in front of Tirado, conveniently enough her steel sword lasted until the last soldier. That let Moulder rush to heal her without getting squished, then Moulder enough magic fire to live, and Eirika defeated Tirado by turn 9 EP, with Colm getting the elysian whip on turn 10. Finally done with the early game.

I severely underestimated Prologue-Chapter 8, my obssession with getting a flier and staffbot got me burned. Curse you, FE4!

Not having any of Gilliam/Franz/Vanessa/Neimi/Ross/Garcia really hurt me in chapters 3, 4, and 8 to an extent, I only have myself to blame.

Let's see how many turns I can make up for in the long run.



God Eirika is God.


Helped on chapter 2 and 4 and after that he became... a thing.


Actually helped a bit in chapter 4 and another bit in the Knight Room of Doomâ„¢.


Omg so amazing father my children <333


I got nothing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I'm inclined to believe Paladin Kyle could benefit my team more early on, but I really wonder.

Also you're able to choose whichever of Eirika's or Ephraim's route, right? (just making sure, I've got an idea of which one is preferred)

Edited by Xinnidy
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Double posting to update on my progress, this kinda took a while and got pretty big. ._.;


I've been wondering and I'm going to risk and bait Ephraim's Route, lack of Tana and Vanessa and the fact I picked Cormag really give little reason to go Eirika, or so I think.

Anyways, after a bit of grinding:



Did not bother raising him to lv20 yet.


Ephraim is Ephraim


Before I knew it she capped speed at 20/-- so I wondered if I could raise that further and reset-skirmished a few levels (because screw grinding Promoted units too much this early). I aimed for 24 because that'd give her max speed when rescuing an unit.


Where did that speed come from?

Not promoted in this pic because I was still deciding which of GK and Paladin would be best, leaning to Paladin for quite a bit.



Current supports are:

Colm x Kyle C

Kyle x Lute C

Colm x Moulder C

Chapter 9 Ephraim - 10 turns (74 total)

Could have been 9 turns but I'm a dunce.

I was unsure what to promote kyle to so I held on to the knight crest until I've tested the map and decided, but when I entered the map to check my plan I went automatic mode and saved, then I realized I was out of javelins.

So he went GK for garcia's hand axe, yay. *shoots self*

Anyways my plan was to use my 24 speed Lute to rescue Eph until Kyle opened the door with that C3 door key I never used. then she went in and dropped Ephraim so he'd recruit the free speedwing, the rest of the map was Lute bringing eph to the throne and killing Gheb while Kyle killed the chest key Mage and got the Ocean Seal, Moulder and Colm just stayed behind baiting and cleaning enemies to make sure free speedwings wouldn't get attacked.

Colm promoted to a rogue after this chapter.

From this chapter on I start making backups of my save files, serves me right.

Chapter 10 Ephraim - 6 turns (80 total)

I suck at this don't I? Could have been 5 with Paladin Kyle.

Ephraim recruited Duessel to recruit Cormag. Lute and Kyle Rushed the place and Kyle Halberdier'd the boss dead (yay for lancereaver working on my favor). Didn't get the Hero Crest.

Cormag's whip = free money.

Then I decided to grind Cormag and Moulder a bit more:

Moar STATS!!!


Yes, a Wyvern Lord. I'm suspecting higher Str cap and an access to a holy weapon that has more might and helps a more important stat to him > S Rank javelins and pierce. I'll test this out.


Still a thing.

Supports are now:

Colm x Kyle B

Kyle x Lute A

Colm x Moulder A

Dat ship - 6 turns (86 total)

In this chapter: Major 1~2 range aboos

Cormag had 2 javelins, Colm had a Runesword that dropped from the Tower, and Kyle had 2 hand axes (even though he only really needed one).

I have Cormag fly into the area the phantom ship moves to at turn 2 to clean most of it before the bridges even show up while Ephraim goes to the north of the starting ship to rid of pesky mogalls and Kyle and Lute take the wyverns south. Then Lute rushes in to kill one entombed and Cormag helps clear the top of the ship while Kyle and Colm move in. Lute moves back to take care of the boss and pesky fliers on the south of the starting ship while Cormag flies to the south or L'arachel's ship to get those Mogalls early, The south of the phantom ship is almost clean and Kyle rushes north while Colm stays for incoming fliers. The last two Mogalls were out of range but suicided on Lute at the EP.

The runesword still had 3 uses left, lol.

Chapter 12 Ephraim - 4 turns (90 total)

Cormacho javelin rushed to the boss and Lute actually managed to get Ewan's village before Cormag critfinished the cyclops, cute.

Oh and I got Marisa too, cool I guess. Lute ate Ewan's Dracoshield. And Moulder finally got a guiding ring!


He can help the team at last!

Chapter 13 Ephraim - 4 turns (94 total)

I made the biggest miscalculation. I though it was "defeat Boss" like chapter 13 Eirika, it's actually a rout chapter. fml

Gave Cormag THREE Javelins and got another Runesword for Colm to use, that sword proved to be quite relevant.

But I don't feel like writing this one so have a videorz if you actually care:

Apologies for the mega derp in minutes 8-9, my brain turned off for a moment and I forgot what I was supposed to do with cormag for a bit. xD;

Also Moulder ate the Goddess Icon and I gave the Hero Crest to Marisa and made her an assassin because, uh... FoW shenanigans, I guess. It's not like she's doing much so I'm just amusing myself.

Also Marisa and Tethys got an A support while grinding.

Chapter 14 Ephraim - 6 turns (100 total)

Lol 100 Mark.

Ok this chapter was awesome, I don't care what people think, having to go through those status staves, trying to get as many chests and still aiming for a low turncount was masochistically fun, in a good way. (to me at least)

The right side was pretty much Cormag rescue rushing L'arachel to Rennac and Lute carrying Ephraim to the throne room and 2RKO'ing Vigarde with Elfire. Grinded Tethys to lv14 and had her A support with Marisa for better dodge tankiness, Marisa helped clean the way and was a berserk bait instead of Cormag in turns 3 and 4, luckily she only attacked an enemy knight and an enemy bishop during berserk. Tethys dances Cormag so he'd javelin the fighter crew in turn 1 and Lute in turn 3 because she used her restore staff on Marisa then.

The left was focused on getting the treasures, Kyle was trying to go for the Seraph Robe but got hit by a sleep staff and failed it's mission, Colm and Moulder went to the room with the three treasures and got them succesfully, though.

I was pretty lucky on the Vigarde fight, Lute could only 3HKO him, and with Elfire. Him activating great shield on turn 5 EP meant that the Physic priests overlooked him and healed random enemies, so Lute finished him on turn 6 succesfully.

Well, I don't know what to analyze on Ephraim's route, it wasn't so bad. I don't know if this same team could have done any better on Eirika's.

I still deeply regret not getting Paladin Kyle due to major derp.

1 more chapter of pain until warp mode!

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After some Skirmishs


Chapter 9 11/76

Gilliam bulldozed all over the map and stuff.

Meanwhile, Trained Tana


Chapter 10 3/79

EirikaxTana OTP

Trained Joshua and promoted him to Swordmaster

Chapter 11 10/89

FOW my ass.

Chapter 12 9/98

Woho, this chapter is now easy to LTC. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

brb, Training L'Arachel

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  • 2 weeks later...


Chapter 15 - 6 turns (106 total)

Cue Knoll grinding before chapter 15:


Not bad.

Could have been 5 turns but meh.

Sent knoll and moulder to rush caellach and the tons of fliers while cormag and lute wrecked the bottom, cormag even ORKO'd Walter with a spear, how cute.

Two thieves allow me to fetch the swiftsoles, warp and the body ring as a freebie... oh, and a killer bow too.

At the end of the chapter we get two holy weapons that matter!

Chapter 16 - 3 turns (109 total)

Ephraim Route positioning is dumb.

Had to make my 3 staff users warp Cormag, Tethys, and Eph in turn 1. Eph was danced, used a pure water and had a spear while cormag moved north with javelin of awesome. Turn 2 I sent Moulder up to silence the sleep staff sage, Cormag ORKO'd Orson with Audhulma and Eph used an elixir to survive EP. Turn 3 he seized after people killed stuff just because.



And the twins are now awesome!

Chapter 17 - 1 turn (110 total)

Two warp uses, meh.

Lute killed the druid in front of lyon so that Cormag would Audhulma-stab the guy.

Syrene, Rescue, and random holy weapons get!

Now to grind Syrene!


Hey there STR Bless.

Chapter 18 - 6 turns (116 total)

Shame, I was one egg short of 5 turns, oh well.

Aside from that both Syrene and Cormag are amazing at this point.

Chapter 19 - 1 turn (117 total)

Warp Cormag in front of Riev.

Wild Riev fainted!

Chapter 20 - 1 turn (118 total)

Warped Cormag to ORKO Morva with Audhulma, then rescued Ephraim with Lute just to the right spot to be warped 14 spaces in seizing range.

Finale 1 - 1 turn (119 total)

Ephraim was moved up, Lute casted the last hammerne use on the Warp staff, Swiftsole!Tethys danced Eph and Moulder warped him adjacent to Lyon. Eph attacked Lyon and then Knoll used Latona to recover his HP. Lyon suicided on siegmund at EP.

Finale 2 - 1 turn (120 total)

The twins attack and are followed by:


Best finisher.


Final analisys:

Could have been much better, last pick doesn't really get the trinity of Tana/Franz/Vanessa to breeze through Eirika's route, so being a little creative helps.

I could have been smart and picked people that matter in the early chapters, but nope. That hurt my turncount a fair bit.

Another thing that hurt was the unfortunate events that made me promote Kyle to GK, he's essentially useless like that, having nothing at all over paladin Kyle. If I had Paladin Kyle, I realized I could have just promoted Lute to sage for the usefulness that 30 mag warp could bring me lategame, c'est la vie.

I also had issues in ch16 ephraim, which made me think that maybe I should have gone Eirika after all. Ch18 was a derp, however.

Overall I think I could have shaved 6 to 10 turns if I were more prepared, definitively more than that with better picks and Eirika Route.

And now, for posterity's sake:

[spoiler=Everybody's Condition!]


Aside from his str skl and spd, other stats were surprisingly high.

It didn't matter much in the long run since he was going to be Latona'd after hurting Lyon because he'd still get 2HKO'd.


God Eirika still lives up to her earlygame tankyness.


Cormacho the MVP.

His usefulness lasted from the phantom ship to the last chapters.

He ate a secret book btw.


Nice utility thief whose combat actually helped during earlygame.


Useful warp and Latona user.

Did not disappoint.


The best of the best.

Ate some random Lagdou stat boosters for posterity sake.


Due to Kyle's unfortunate fate, she became the midgame clutch.

She was a very good clutch, indeed.


So useless. :c

Granted he was tanky in my Lagdou derp but SO USELESS.


Walking Ephraim support






Swiftsoles to help with the final stretch


Ate a Lagdou angelic robe, because

A second flier does help in c18

I still failed to 5 turn that chapter though.

The following two people I forgot to screenshot before finishing the game so that's why there is a B W L ratio in them lol.


Actually helped with c14 shenanigans.

Would you look at that.


Despite the stats, he did nothing important.

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