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DMC(Devil May Cry Reboot)

Gold Vanguard

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So what do you people think of the new DMC? In my opinion, I dislike it. I mean they could have name this a completely different game and it would have been just fine but nope Capcom just had to reboot DMC. Its not like the story ended yet ,we still have DMC2's cliffhanger.We also don't have a true backstory to Sparda yet. My reason you may ask? Two reasons,

1:The characters.........


The characters look...how should I say it,"Lame". Dante. the main character, was a cool, pizza loving, take no crap/taking names kinda of guy. Now in the world this game is in he's a smoking, complaining(don't know if I used the word correctly) emo. Like I said haven't played the game but it yet but from the trailer thats all I see. His brother, Vergil was a don't give a crap about no one, killing everything badass. Trailer, the exact opposite.

2: The name

Really if this was a different game then no one(including me) would say anything about it. The game could attract both new and old fans to capcom without pissing on one side of the group with changing beloved characters. Its like if Sega turned Sonic into teenage boy in Highschool, see what I did there? I change everything about the Sonic series but the names. So what do you think?

Edited by Gold Knight
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It's the fact that people complain about the characters that irks the most. It's a reboot, of course the characters will be different. I'm tired of people complaining because "DANTE'S HAIR ISN'T WHITE, OHMYGOSH HE'S NOT DANTE ANYMORE BLAH BLAH BLAH." It's not the same person, deal with it.

They made the reboot in the first place because the plot was going no where; sure, there were openings to continue on, but Capcom backed themselves into a corner with that. Besides, Capcom made the first Devil May Crys with gameplay in mind, not story, that's why its gameplay is so appraised.

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As long as the gameplay is on par with the previous games, I dont mind the reboot.

I can live with Dante's new look, however, I think Vergil looks absolutely terrible in that trailer.

Im going to try to be optimistic but I have a feeling that this is going to be bad.

On a side note, my initials are DMC.

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It's not that they changed stuff about it, it's that the changes are uninspired, dumb and positively awful.

So, absolutely in the vein of Devil May Cry.

What we have is a modern-day representation of the Dante of the last decade. His behavior was antiquated when he was first "born," and by DMC 3 his shtick was seriously unbearable. Nevermind the atrocious dialogue and pitiful storyline throughout the series.

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we still have DMC2's cliffhanger

haha what are you talking about there is no DMC2

Anyways, I personally don't give a flying fuck about character redesigns, lame stories, and all that. Although I really liked the original DMC's plot and characters, I acknowledge the fact that a lot of it was lazy/bad. Charmingly so, I'd argue, but still bad.

What matters though, what really matters, is whether or not the game is as fun to play as it's predecessors, and this is where I have beef. Cause' from what I've seen of the game in trailers, streams from gameshows etc, it does not look even close to other titles in the franchise. SSStylish with spamming one move? Like 3 or 4 enemies on screen at best? Constant little quips telling you to press x to punch this wall or swing on this ledge? I mean I wish I had all this stuff saved so I could put it here for you all to evaluate, but point is combat and general gameplay looks real suspect right now.

At least Ninja Theory knows how to make pretty set-pieces, though.

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The thing about DMC is that it never used to take itself so seriously. The very first trailer for this had Dante jabbing a cigarette butt into a demon's eye socket. That's... a little hardcore, oui? The Dante we know and love would be a bit classier (read; narm charm-ier) than that... and that, I think, is the issue we all have. It has nothing to do with plot or characterisation. It has to do with the tone. We all liked DMC because the series knew its own story was a giant sack of poo and so it just had fun with the whole thing. Remove "DMC" from this game's title and what do we have? Another "daarkk, broooddy, griiitttyyy" action game.

While I'm sure The Kids will swoon over the designer violence and that, as a game, this will turn out okay, it just doesn't look like it's having any kind of fun with itself: except in that sort of dark, violent, sadistic humour that only fourteen year-olds like because they're fascinated with limbs flying all over the place.

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What do you mean by that?

"I haven't actually played it yet but man from the three-minute [? your video link is broken] trailer the characters look lame as hell and therefore this game is going to suck hard and tarnish the vaunted DMC name!"

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"I haven't actually played it yet but man from the three-minute [? your video link is broken] trailer the characters look lame as hell and therefore this game is going to suck hard and tarnish the vaunted DMC name!"

Ok be honest, did you read all of my post? I never said the game would tarnish the series. I said dislike it in my opinion. I'm intitle to what I like and dislike. I also said that opinion might change after I play the game. I did say the characters look lame but that has nothing to do with tarnishing the series.

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Ok be honest, did you read all of my post? I never said the game would tarnish the series. I said dislike it in my opinion. I'm intitle to what I like and dislike. I also said that opinion might change after I play the game. I did say the characters look lame but that has nothing to do with tarnishing the series.

I read every word. If you *really* want me to (I don't feel like it), I can pick quotes from it apart and show you exactly how I came to my conclusion. My conclusion still stands, regardless of if you used the precise words that I did.

Also, you never said that your opinion might change, explicitly or implicitly. Your post was very little but scorn and vitriol.

There's more to communication than exact words, mate.

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The thing about DMC is that it never used to take itself so seriously. The very first trailer for this had Dante jabbing a cigarette butt into a demon's eye socket. That's... a little hardcore, oui? The Dante we know and love would be a bit classier (read; narm charm-ier) than that... and that, I think, is the issue we all have. It has nothing to do with plot or characterisation. It has to do with the tone. We all liked DMC because the series knew its own story was a giant sack of poo and so it just had fun with the whole thing. Remove "DMC" from this game's title and what do we have? Another "daarkk, broooddy, griiitttyyy" action game.

While I'm sure The Kids will swoon over the designer violence and that, as a game, this will turn out okay, it just doesn't look like it's having any kind of fun with itself: except in that sort of dark, violent, sadistic humour that only fourteen year-olds like because they're fascinated with limbs flying all over the place.

Exactly my point. DmC is just another generic dark and broody game (and there are millions of those out there), and while the original DMC games weren't exactly original, they were at least creative with what they did. And not just with the story/character, but also with the setting, designs, and etc.

Whoever faults DMC for the story is not the intended audience for the games, anyway. And even then, I think it has some cool moments (particularly in DMC3).

I played DMC 4 (one of the two games considered "good") and thought it was pretty boring. Waste of my €1.

DMC4 is the second worst game, actually, right behind DMC2. If you want a good game, go play DMC3 or 1.

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haha what are you talking about there is no DMC2

Anyways, I personally don't give a flying fuck about character redesigns, lame stories, and all that. Although I really liked the original DMC's plot and characters, I acknowledge the fact that a lot of it was lazy/bad. Charmingly so, I'd argue, but still bad.

What matters though, what really matters, is whether or not the game is as fun to play as it's predecessors, and this is where I have beef. Cause' from what I've seen of the game in trailers, streams from gameshows etc, it does not look even close to other titles in the franchise. SSStylish with spamming one move? Like 3 or 4 enemies on screen at best? Constant little quips telling you to press x to punch this wall or swing on this ledge? I mean I wish I had all this stuff saved so I could put it here for you all to evaluate, but point is combat and general gameplay looks real suspect right now.

At least Ninja Theory knows how to make pretty set-pieces, though.

I dunno, man, I was never anyone to care about the silly ranking system of how I was doing but I thought the little bits of combat I've seen look really cool and...customizable? It looks like there's a huge diversity in how you can attack opponents now.

I played DMC 4 (one of the two games considered "good") and thought it was pretty boring. Waste of my €1.

I would recommend you try the first game, as it's the most classic example of the franchise. There are still a few bits left over from a Resident Evil title that it was originally going to be, so at times it can almost feel it's somewhat gripping.

DMC4 is the second worst game, actually, right behind DMC2. If you want a good game, go play DMC3 or 1.

Man, I have to be the only guy that actually liked 2. I had fun with some of the moves you can do, and the combat was interesting enough.

I never liked that jewel setup-thing though.

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Edgy Donte: The Edgening


It's a reboot, of course the characters will be different.

The point of a reboot is to remove the bloat and clutter that has infested the series so far while retaining the very core elements that made it appealing in the first place, not completely change everything.

I bet most of the complaints would be gone if the game wasn't using Devil May Cry's name.

Well, duh!

To be fair, I think this game might turn out to be a cult favorite, if mostly hated/ignored at launch like Street Fighter 3.

Actually that's what DMC2 is shaping up to be, now that Capcpom is acknowledging it by including it in the HD collection.

I don't like this trend with "a once hated game is suddenly the hottest shit" anyway...

Edited by Ike-Mike
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I don't get how DMC1 was so great. >_>

It was rather dull combat wise. >___>

Although I never got very good at the game so that may be why. >_____>

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I read every word. If you *really* want me to (I don't feel like it), I can pick quotes from it apart and show you exactly how I came to my conclusion. My conclusion still stands, regardless of if you used the precise words that I did.

Also, you never said that your opinion might change, explicitly or implicitly. Your post was very little but scorn and vitriol.

There's more to communication than exact words, mate.

Well since I didn't say it in my last post then I will say it now, my opinion may or may not change after the game comes out. Its not like I truly hate this game with all my might. Theres a few things here and there that I dislike but thats debatable. I will still buy the game just to see what it looks like. Maybe I will like it after I play it, or maybe not, but until that time comes, I will stick with my opinion.

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IMO the difference seems to be that fan-favorite DMC3 Dante is

DMC5 Dante, at least as advertised so far, well:

I dunno, I think there might be a difference there

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