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[From hack to indie] Path of the Midnight Sun

Alfred Kamon

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Fateborn, on 24 May 2014 - 03:27 AM, said:

Found an error with your text scripting for chapter 2 house. (The closest house to the shop/armory)

There's no [A] or pause to let us read them while accelerating the emulator.]

Pretty sure this is intentional? The old lady talks a lot, and the character that enters the house even leaves because she is talking too much. Well, it struck me as an intentional joke... -shrug-

That's intentional. What cued me in was the fact the sentence doesn't stop. I think my comment on the matter was "Egad! Does this woman even breathe?!?"

[spoiler=About Sae'rah]

So, is Sae'rah supposed to be recruited by Garion, then?

Am I missing some sort of special condition for Andre or Djambo to visit the left village near the start of Chapter 6? Because for some reason, neither of them can visit the village.

How you're supposed to do it is visit the top left village with either Andre or Djambo, then talk to Sae'rah with the same character. Any other combination just gets a generic "this girl looks dangerous" line.

It was working when I was playtesting a couple of versions back (with a couple of glitch scenes that Alfred has since dealt with), but he's done a lot of general clean up in the last few days. Maybe something's been knocked loose.

I'll dig up an old Ch. 6 save and see if I can recruit her. I suspect Alfred's sleeping at the moment.

Overusing Hellios in Ch. 2? Yeah, I got told off for doing that. But then Andre was a one hit wonder back then, Cristoph was wearing magical magnetic armour, Menmus was a bit lacking in the speed department, and the only non-Oifey/Jeigan reliable character for surviving enemy attacks for me was Rya. An archer. Hellios is a godsend if you want Cattleya.

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There is definitely something wrong with the chapter, the same thing happens in Chapter 5, actually. In Chapter 6, I was unable to go to the top left village like other people have been complaining, so I restarted the chapter and then I could visit it. Similarly, in Chapter 5, everything was fine at first until I made a mistake and had to restart the chapter, upon restarting the chapter I sent Schwarz (without Fa) to visit the very right village whilst she was with Menma and I couldn't visit it. Instead I tried to visit it with Fa/Men and I still couldn't, so I restarted the chapter and then it let me again.

Basically if it's not working, restart the chapter till it does, I'd say.

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Chapter 8 completed

So, Hellios left. Not sure if it pisses me off more that he's a traitor, that he left the party, or that the took a full steel sword, the Solaris AND the Hookblade with him. Luckily, given that it's the last ch available, will probably start a new, better file for when next patch becomes available. Also, in ch 8, when Shiori says something about a last chance, does it mean that after the enemy phase of that turn it's game over?

EDIT: Also, for some reason, in the skirmish in Adas Plains, any unit movement triggered a Game Over.

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I'm on chapter . . . 6? 7?

Whatever, I'm curious if we actually get something to open these chests?

I hadn't started the map yet so I might be a moron now.

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Better is not the word I'd use, but yes. He gains XP at a Tier1 rate while having berserk starting stats, a mount and a 1-2 range weapon. His growths are quite solid, too. He can pretty much pull a Seth and solo the game if you're so inclined.

I'm enjoying the hack immensely (Except Chapter 5), though. It's really creator preference in that regard, since FE8 was fine with Seth being as silly as he was.

[spoiler=Hellios, God Emperor of Magvel]


There are reasons for Hellios to be that OP.

Design reasons, of course?

I'm really glad you are using him that much~

Good nigth guys,hey alfred,great game,great music,everything is great,i'm on chapter 7 already and i want to know how can i recruit Djambo?


[spoiler=recruit Djambo in chapter 4]You have to talk to Garion in chapter 3, so that he appears on turn 4 in chapter 4. Recruit Garion with Shiori.

If by the end of the chapter Garion is alive, he will save Djambo who will then join your group.

[spoiler=Chapter 5 Stuff]

It's really misleading what walls traversable and what ones are not, and makes the chapter...not so enjoyable to play, IMO.) If a chapter boils down to 'do this specific set of movements, or fail', I don't think it's really in the spirit of Fire Emblem.

[spoiler=chapter 5 stuff]It is not, in fact. I wanted to create something different, for once. That was a risky experiment. In fact, some players appreciated that chapter, while some others didn't. I'm sorry if you're among those who didn't appreciate it. ^^" There won't be other chapters like that in the future anyway.

Found an error with your text scripting for chapter 2 house. (The closest house to the shop/armory)

There's no [A] or pause to let us read them while accelerating the emulator.

Edit: I have to ask...

Who made that lovely Cattleya mug?

Edit2: Also, will one have a chance to acquire another Warp Blade for Hellios? (mine broke on chapter 2 while ramboing Tirado)

That's not an error, as L95 pointed out. That old hag is just hella talkative.

> All the FC mugs were made by Regina aka Arcfalchion ^^ (read the Credits!) and maybe drop a comment on her page if you liked her sprites!

> Nope, sorry.

I am 90% sure that Amelia made that Cattleya mug.

The hair shading is very reminiscent of her spriting style.

Could be wrong but that's muh guess.


As I just said to Fateborn, all the mugs were done by Arcfalchion.

Read the Credits before asking/guessing these things, guys... XP

[spoiler=Chapter 6]In chapter 6 i cant visit the two villages, is this meant to happen? is it timed whether i can visit them or not?

[spoiler=chapter 6]You ARE supposed to visit them. That's strange, and probably it's due to some event IDs problem. As for now, just restart the chapter and see if they work.

I'll try my best to fix it asap.

If you restart Chapter 5x, you get the boss kill cutscenes in succession after visiting the house.

Up to Ch6 at this point and the chapters are really interesting.

What? Really? That's really strange. x_x Does it happen every time you restart the chapter or did it happen just once?

Thanks, anyway. ;)

Found a text script error again on Chapter 4.

After turn 2 in the conversation with Faratrass (you know which one) An [A] is missing there too.

Screenshot, please. :3

Can I have/do I have permission to Screenshot LP this?

Of course! :D Can't wait to see that!

Pretty sure this is intentional? The old lady talks a lot, and the character that enters the house even leaves because she is talking too much. Well, it struck me as an intentional joke... -shrug-


But in all seriousness, you're totally right on that.

You're getting. . .feedback on Known Issues. I'll get to playing the patch when I stop hacking body parts up.

That should be "fit".

If you'd like, I'm willing to rewrite the Known Issues for clarity's sake (along with whatever other issues people have found since the initial release).

Yeah sorry, I wrote that quickly in order to release the patch asap.

Feel free to rewrite it and PM that to me. ;) Thanks

No Menma x Faratrass support? I cry every time.

Menma? This isn't AnoHana XD

Supports are... unsupported in v.1.0.

I have plans for Menmus x Fa supports, don't worry.

So, is Sae'rah supposed to be recruited by Garion, then?

[spoiler=chapter 6 recruitment]No. To recruit Sae'rah, go to the upper-left village with Djambo or Andre, then talk to her with the same person who visited the village.

Am I missing some sort of special condition for Andre or Djambo to visit the left village near the start of Chapter 6? Because for some reason, neither of them can visit the village.

No. That's due to some faulty event IDs. I'm still not sure whether that is the emulator's fault or if I did something wrong in my events.

I'll try to fix the problem via events asap and I'll let you know.

As for now, just do what SlipperySlippy says:

There is definitely something wrong with the chapter, the same thing happens in Chapter 5, actually. In Chapter 6, I was unable to go to the top left village like other people have been complaining, so I restarted the chapter and then I could visit it. Similarly, in Chapter 5, everything was fine at first until I made a mistake and had to restart the chapter, upon restarting the chapter I sent Schwarz (without Fa) to visit the very right village whilst she was with Menma and I couldn't visit it. Instead I tried to visit it with Fa/Men and I still couldn't, so I restarted the chapter and then it let me again.

Basically if it's not working, restart the chapter till it does, I'd say.

Thank you very much for explaining. Yes, that should fix the problem for now.

I still don't know whether this is a bug or not. I'll try to fix it asap anyway.

Chapter 8 completed

[spoiler= HUGE spoiler on chapter 8. Don't open if you haven't finished the patch yet]So, Hellios left. Not sure if it pisses me off more that he's a traitor, that he left the party, or that the took a full steel sword, the Solaris AND the Hookblade with him. Luckily, given that it's the last ch available, will probably start a new, better file for when next patch becomes available. Also, in ch 8, when Shiori says something about a last chance, does it mean that after the enemy phase of that turn it's game over?

EDIT: Also, for some reason, in the skirmish in Adas Plains, any unit movement triggered a Game Over.

[spoiler=HUGE spoiler on chapter 8. Don't read unless you've finished the game.]You should have visited the village in that chapter, haha! Anna informed you that you would have lost the items in Hellios' and Shiori's inventories.

Edit: That's a weird bug that may occur on ANY map... and I still don't know what causes it, nor how to fix it. I'm sorry. Luckily, it's pretty rare...

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Chapter 8 question

What about what Shiori says, is there a hidden turn limit on Ch8, or just a "soft enrage" mechanic with more and more monsters spawning?

Also, I presume supports aren't yet enabled, right? Had Menmus and Cattleya sticked to each other during almost every turn of every chapter played whenever I could manage to have them do so, but the Support option didn't appear.

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Chapter 8 question

What about what Shiori says, is there a hidden turn limit on Ch8, or just a "soft enrage" mechanic with more and more monsters spawning?

Also, I presume supports aren't yet enabled, right? Had Menmus and Cattleya sticked to each other during almost every turn of every chapter played whenever I could manage to have them do so, but the Support option didn't appear.

[spoiler=chapter 8]The latter.

That's right, supports aren't enabled for now. I'm sorry, I plan to add them later.

Hmmm. To promote to recruit (again) or to a soldier.


what's the difference D:

I should probably explain that to everybody.

If you promote them to the same class (Recruit to Recruit, etc.) you'll get some nice bonus with the new promotions system I'll create, once they get to tier 2.5 (what the heck is a tier 2.5? Well, you'll see).

However, they'll be relatively inferior to their other option, for the time being.

So the choice should be between "excellent until lategame" or "good until lategame, godly in postgame".

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Well, overall it's been a great hack so far, liked the multiple events and how Sae'rah begins with some levels already (or at least more than Amelia). Also, the Dark Meat item seems kinda squicky. The Wishbone I understand, but I don't think I'd have someone eat that. Also, it felt a little short on the funds, maybe give a little more gold?

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Well, overall it's been a great hack so far, liked the multiple events and how Sae'rah begins with some levels already (or at least more than Amelia). Also, the Dark Meat item seems kinda squicky. The Wishbone I understand, but I don't think I'd have someone eat that. Also, it felt a little short on the funds, maybe give a little more gold?

Thank you very much. ^^

Hmmm, the dark meat is so tasty~ But hey, you still haven't seen the Gorgon blood, or the Gargoyle tail... bwahah.

No, you can get a lot of funds imo if you find all the gems. You can get 5000 in chapter 5, 7500 in chapter 6, and so on. If you visit the southern houses in ch.6, you'll get some hints.

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Okay. Route split.

Oh the decision...

Oh right. Savestate.

Oh it ends there. . .

Edit: Before this derail thread again.

I'm going to try and grab the screenie of chapter 4 text error i mentioned before before I go to sleep.

And Kamon.

I think.

You're better off...

Being a horror writer.


My heart popped out at the violent reinforcement scenes and at Faratrass's dialogues, and NOW Shiori not really blind?

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Okay. Route split.

Oh the decision...

Oh right. Savestate.

Oh it ends there. . .

Edit: Before this derail thread again.

I'm going to try and grab the screenie of chapter 4 text error i mentioned before before I go to sleep.

[spoiler=chapter 8 spoiler]And Kamon.

I think.

You're better off...

Being a horror writer.


My heart popped out at the violent reinforcement scenes and at Faratrass's dialogues, and NOW Shiori not really blind?

You can have a skirmish battle, they are correctly implemented already. You get one out of 6 possible skirmishes, and IIRC if you replay the Interlude you can possibly get a different skirmish.

[spoiler=chapter 8 spoiler]Bahahah!!

Thanks sweetie, I'm glad I gave you an heart attack managed to emote you with those dialogues.

And congratulation on being one of the first to finish the patch! (I think?)

So, many of you have reported that Garion won't appear in chapter 4 after you suspend/resume the chapter.

I think I know what may be causing that.

I just need to know one thing... did you save in battle preps?

Edited by Alfred Kamon
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The line before this. Hel Demon King talks then "pfft" without a pause.

Edit: Yeah, I think I saved in battle prep. (Of course, that chapter was brutal for those who weren't prepared like me. Got 5 deaths, and four of them didn't have the handsome brigand that brings almost nothing but brute force and beef to your team)

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[spoiler=Chapter 4 Text]


The line before this. Hel Demon King talks then "pfft" without a pause.

[spoiler=chapter 4]Oh, that was intended. If you notice, he does the same in chapter 8. That's because it seemed to flow better like that in my opinion.

"Pffft.[A] Ahahah!" is a bit silly, while "Pffft-- Ahahahah!!" is what I was going after.

Does that disturb you? I may change it if many people report it as being disturbing.

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Naw, just being concerned.

I means, if it wasn't intended, and no one reported it because they thinks it's fine, and well. . . you might become obsessed with it.

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So, many of you have reported that Garion won't appear in chapter 4 after you suspend/resume the chapter.

I think I know what may be causing that.

I just need to know one thing... did you save in battle preps?

Yes I did save, and he DID appear on the first time I tried the chapter, just after restarting he didn't do it anymore.

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So, will savefiles be compatible between versions? If I download the update and restart the chapter, will it work fine?

Btw imo you should link to the download directly from the trailer's description, rather than your announcement post on page 25 or so - unless you can update the download or update both op and the announcement's downloads.

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Yes I did save, and he DID appear on the first time I tried the chapter, just after restarting he didn't do it anymore.

Ah. Alfred? When does the game check for (and delete if appropriate) the "virtual unit" you're using instead of a permanent event ID? Before the battle preparations by any chance?

(EDIT: Never mind. My glitched out saves seem to be caused by an improperly patched ROM. Unless anyone else bumped into 70hp+ pegasus knights in the prologue?)

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Yes I did save, and he DID appear on the first time I tried the chapter, just after restarting he didn't do it anymore.

Thanks, then it's pretty clear to me what the problem is.

I'll upload the fixed patch after lunch.

So, will savefiles be compatible between versions? If I download the update and restart the chapter, will it work fine?

Btw imo you should link to the download directly from the trailer's description, rather than your announcement post on page 25 or so - unless you can update the download or update both op and the announcement's downloads.

Yes, that'll be fine, don't worry.

Also, I link it to the announcement because I might add some information in that post in the future. Chances are high that people won't bother to read the Known Issues.txt, so... If I have something urgent to say, I'll leave it there.

And there's only one download link, so that's not a problem.

Ah. Alfred? When does the game check for (and delete if appropriate) the "virtual unit" you're using instead of a permanent event ID? Before the battle preparations by any chance?

Yes, I thought about the same problem as soon as I heard of it.

Honestly speaking, it *should* still work theoretically, but... well, that's not the case.

Could someone provide me a save at the end of chapter 3, before talking to Garion?

That will help me fix the problem in chapter 4.

Just send me a PM in case.

Thank you very much.

(also, I don't know what the problem in ch.6 may be. My theory is that there are some conflicting event IDs, so I just untoggled them at the beginning of the chapter... we'll see if that fixes the problem. A save of a faulty chapter 6 may help too, thanks)

I hope you're all enjoying the hack despite these few minor bugs... ;)

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You totally should play the game through and make a save of each chapter's beginning?

The problem is that the game works perfectly on my part for whatever reason.

That's why I need *your* saves.

You might have done something that I usually don't do, and that caused the problem(s).

Whatever, I'll just make some blind changes. Even if I don't test them, I'm pretty sure I know what the problems are.

Don't worry guys, just enjoy the game.

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Expanding on that, the hack creator probably does things in certain ways compared to someone playing blind, and since someone did something differently, their save for the chapter is probably different in some way to the hack creator's, hence the point of sending someones glitched save, since, they're the one that did something different. (run on sentence...)

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Well, all Sae'rah recruitment events are working fine for me, now that I've got a properly patched ROM (NUPS let me down; same FE8 ROM and different patcher, and it's working fine. My old saves aren't obsolete after all). If I get a chance today, I'll see if I can test an old Ch. 3 save right through to Garion's recruitment.

Yep, different players, different glitches. While looking for every last bit of text, I found 3 extra endings to Ch. 2 (working on the unlikely scenario Menmus was alive but unrecruited at the end - Alfred's apparently fixed them), Sae'rah issues resulting from the wrong character trying to recruit her (or without fulfilling the recruitment conditions properly) - again, apparently fixed), and the very messed up end scene resulting from transferring a Ch. 3 save state from one version to the next - although that last one was my fault.) And a few others that Alfred did know about.

...I still think the bugs have a nest somewhere in Ch. 2 though.

Just for the record though, I was playing blind as well. I had a couple of hints, but that was it.

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