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NBA 2012-13 Season

Model Emu

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However, with Jennings potentially walking out this season, this can loosen up the scoring load for Ellis as Reddick is a spot up shooter. Ellis will still need to rely on Reddick's good scoring touch. Speaking of surprises, how about the Trail Blazers in getting Eric Maynor? I feel that can help unload some pressure off on Lillard's back.

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Kobe said at the very beginning he'd retire at the age of 35. We'll see how true that is soon enough.

Dammit Randombobman I don't want to see Kevin Ware's injury over and over again hahaha

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Yeah a lot of people have been comparing it to Michael Bush or that Redskins QB injuries. It was a watershed moment for me though, even though it is painful, I'll always remember who's house I was at/what was happening when I witnessed it

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That was nothing like RG3's leg!! RG3's leg was just broken, the bone wasn't sticking out or anything!!!

Everytime I think about this, I think about my already really bad leg, how he did this by just slipping back, and finally i move my hand up and down around my knee multiple times because I get real jittery and nervous...........

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Yeah a lot of people have been comparing it to Michael Bush or that Redskins QB injuries. It was a watershed moment for me though, even though it is painful, I'll always remember who's house I was at/what was happening when I witnessed it

Yeah, I agree.

That and Trey Burke's shot were the to IT moments of the tournament. Though Ware's injury was much bigger moment because BONE CAME OUT!

NBA injury tonight, Danilo Gallinari. That really hurts Denver. I thought they had a chance to make some real noise this year in the west.

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Well we're fucked lol. We only had a puncher's chance at advancing past the first round and now it's basically nil. All the amnesty talk is interesting though, and I have to agree that using it on Kobe would work our perfectly for all parties. He'd have a full year off to rehab and not have to worry about carrying the franchise. Also, if we do resign Howard, it gives the rest of the team a chance to build chemistry and sign better players with the MLE and Bi-annual excetpion that would open up if the Lakers do amnesty him. It sounds so fucking bizarre to be talking about amnestying Kobe and it's the best choice...

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Wow I fucking hate the new SF. But really.

Well we're fucked lol. We only had a puncher's chance at advancing past the first round and now it's basically nil. All the amnesty talk is interesting though, and I have to agree that using it on Kobe would work our perfectly for all parties. He'd have a full year off to rehab and not have to worry about carrying the franchise. Also, if we do resign Howard, it gives the rest of the team a chance to build chemistry and sign better players with the MLE and Bi-annual excetpion that would open up if the Lakers do amnesty him. It sounds so fucking bizarre to be talking about amnestying Kobe and it's the best choice...

I am all of the sad.

The one thing I don't know about amnesty, does it work like waiving someone where everybody gets a chance to pick him up on his current contract and if he clears that he can be resigned by his original team? Or does he just instantly become a FA?

If it's the latter, the Lakers really should do it. Saves 30 million, and let's Kobe get all his money. Plus since he's injured it's not AS bad from a PR standpoint. Only ignorrant fans would be angry.

honestly though I'm so used to the Golden State Warriors sucking that I'm...pleasantly shocked they're in the playoffs this year.

So from a Warriors perspective would you guys rather be the #2 seed and get banged up San Antonio, or get Memphis/Denver?

I'm a Rockets and Lakers fan, thinking San Antonio is a good team to play and I think the Rockets can beat the Grizzilies after seeing them lose last second last night.(When they didn't have Chandler Parsons their second leading scorer)

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I can't believe we got the 7th seed. San Antonio is the only team we have a chance in hell against. Too bad the rotation is so damn short. Fucking D'Antoni doesn't know how to play a 9 man rotation ffs.

I am enjoying the GS-DEN serious immensely though. Funny to see the Nuggets get a taste of their own medicine lol

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Fuck man I'm so pissed that the Rockets couldn't make a god damn pass to save their lives.

And then Durant's 3 popped around and did a dance on the rim before rolling in. WHY? Why does he need any extra luck, basketball gods?

Other than that, great game for the Rockets. They played terrible defense in the 1st quarter allowing 39 points but ended up holding OKC to just 38 points in the 2nd half with 4 of those coming from garbage free throws.

Houston needs consistent defense,(They also should've never played Lin) more ball movement, a couple more players to the mix, and experience in general.

Frustrating to watch the last couple games but at least they've been entertaining. I think they'll be really good in a couple years. I'm almost expecting them to add one of Dwight Howard or Josh Smith. Where do you guys think those 2 end up?

I didn't get to see ANY of the Memphis game, but heard that they just outplayed a Clippers team with no effort. I think Memphis is starting to click and their defense should probably scare OKC right? (Not that their series with the Clips is done though, good chance this one goes 7)

Nate Robinson kilt it! Chicago's gonna take that series for sure I'd say.

Al Horford has got to be a lock on 1st team all underrated with Jose Calderon, Jared Dudley, Shawn Marion, and LaMarcus Aldridge.(Averages over 3 points more per game than anyone at his position this year and is never mentioned as the top PF in the league.[i know KLove was out but still]) on that team with him.

Awesome job by Horford and the Hawks. No one saw that coming.

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I stopped watching Lakers-Spurs after the second game. There's just no hope with OUR ENTIRE STARTING BACKCOURT injured. Here's how we stack up against the Spurs:

Steve Nash -dtd-

Steve Blake -out-

Kobe Bryant -out-

Jodie Meeks -dtd-

Ron Artest -dtd-

Jordan Hill -dtd-

And then we have Howard playing through his shoulder injury and Jamison playing through a sprained wrist. We've just been completely raped by injuries this season. I blame D'Antoni and Jimmy Buss for this. Mike still hasn't figured out how to NOT wear down his players before the post season and Jimmy is getting some serious Karma payback for doing the obviously wrong thing and hiring D'Antoni instead of PJ. I just hope we can stay healthy next year or I might stop watching the NBA for a while.

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Wow I was surprised that the Warriors pulled it out Sunday.

Thunder look like a sinking ship, and so do the Bulls.

I like the Pacers to pull it out vs Knicks and I think home teams win out in SA vs GSW. Who does everyone else have?

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honestly though I'm so used to the Golden State Warriors sucking that I'm...pleasantly shocked they're in the playoffs this year.

oh hey, would you look at that, they have a chance to make the conference finals!

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