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Shattered Honour Chapter Two (Supply route)


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also do tell me if you're listed as being on the wrong route

also rogues in this party should probs check the OP again; y'all can dual-wield now!


Angeline of Atros, Level 1 Bernician Warrior

Izdihar Fihri, Level 1 Baharese Mercenary

Ibn Fihri, Level 1 Baharese Rogue

Leon the Younger, Level 1 Dracian Rogue

Rine, Level 1 Tascaran Archer

This... thing, Level 1 Dracian Archer

Bilbo, Level 1 Tascaran Apothecary

You set out on the long road to Caril, laden down only by two rather apathetic-looking donkeys. The journey is initially quite peaceful, and you go mostly unmolested.


This upcoming guard post, however, doesn't look quite so friendly. It may be an abandoned house claimed by somewhere in the vicinity of five people, but it still looks less than optimal. Still, they aren't exactly proving diligent, and haven't noticed you yet. What do you do?

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Leon looked at the group heading to replenish supplies and thought to himself, 'Of course this group has less people. What, don't those people realize how important supplies are for their damn revolution? If we don't get enough supplies because there weren't enough people, then I blame them.'

While he inwardly complained about the size of his group, Leon noticed a building in front of them and said out loud, "Hey everyone. That building over there seems pretty supsicious. Do you think we should find a way around it or what?"

Edited by Lieutenant Colonel Kalas
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"Does it look like we could sneak around it?" Ibn says as he scans the surrounding area, "If we can't go around, we'll have to deal with them. It would be less suspicious for us to go in smaller groups. My sister and I could go first with one of the donkeys. If we keep our weapons close at hand, but out of sight we could probably get the drop on them just in case they decide to give us any trouble. The rest of the group could follow us not long after, doing something similar."

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"Damn," says Ibn, looking back toward the group, "It looks like we'll have to take a chance then, there's no way we'd be able to sneak around here."

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"Although I'd like to avoid any combat, I'm still ready to fight." Leon said as he drew his sword. "Besides, it looks like we have more people than them, so this shouldn't be too hard."

OOC: Are we the only two in the supply route currently on? Damn, this'll take a while if that is so.

Edited by Lieutenant Colonel Kalas
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"I don't know about you," says Ibn, "But if there's any way I could avoid even the chance of getting stabbed in the fucking face, I'll probably take it. Besides, if it does come down to a fight anyway, we'll be more or less in the same boat. That said, if you want to fight them, I won't stop you, but I sure as hell will be standing back."

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"I think you don't quite get what I'm saying," Leon said while sheathing his sword. "I'd like to avoid combat, but right now the chances of doing so look slim at best. So if we can't avoid them, it'd be better to attack them while we still have the upper hand."

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"How do you figure that?" asks Ibn, "I mean, I think the odds of avoiding combat with my plan are a lot better than slim, but how exactly does us charging this outpost give us any sort of upper hand? They'd see us coming a mile away, and they have all the protection. If my plan does go awry, at the very least some of them will be outside the guardhouse when the fighting starts, and they probably won't be expecting it."

"I guess we could always just torch the place from afar," he adds, "But that doesn't sound very subtle."

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"I only say that because I'm more used to sneaking around. If you sneak around without them noticing you, you can probably down them before they trouble you - of course, the same could happen to you, so be careful." Leon said. "There's still the part of taking down the survivors, but that'll be easier with if you take down several of their fighters. But enough of that, if you feel that your plan is good, then I'll just have to trust you and follow your plan."

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"Listen carefully, little boy." Izdihar says, leering at Leon with both eyes (even if he could only see one of them) "You do not make people want to kill you. They don't know shit about us. Hell, if Ibn and I go first, we're visibly foreigners, they likely won't just suddenly jump us out of fear that we're out to kill them. Hell, that supposed guard post hardly looks like anything more than a house, it could very well just be a group of half-dead ruffians scared shitless that someone will find and kill them. We don't want to risk our hides for that. Ibn and I start off first."

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"Oh by the stars no. I'm not gonna go in there into a pack of savages to bargain with them alone! Not with a group either!"

However there was a little something. Bilbo stepped a little forward anyway, begrudgingly and muttering to himself "O Bilbo you fool," and sort of even looked like he was ready to go in there to bargain with a pack of savages.

Bilbo let out a loud last fart. Didn't seem to care.

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(As a note, I'll be away for possibly the next couple days, probably not quite as long. Talk amongst yourselves, but try not to involve NPCs.)

Edited by Furetchen
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Leon looked up at Ibn and Izdihar, then over at Bilbo, and thought that the three of them were taking an unnaturally long time getting their objectives done.

OOC: Seriously though, I risk the threat of getting a warning from a mod just for to write this. Hope that everyone else hasn't become uninterested.

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jesus christ whatever let's do this

Ibn and Izdihar saunter up to the outpost like they're collective Kings Shit. The guard reaches quickly for his crossbow when he sees Izdihar's axe, then relaxes. "Oh... just a couple of Baharese. Thought you might've been Tascaran... a few of those rats have managed to run from the hidings we've been giving 'em. You're welcome to go through, but, uh... I'd advise caution, there's been a bandit attack on the road ahead."

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Bilbo stares at Ibn and Izdihar as they walk. They stop, and are listening to something or someone, but don't seem to be tense. However, he still waits for a little while to make sure it's safe to go through that shithole without getting your trachea torn off.

Bilbo mental note #1: walk behind izdihar. Them buttocks.

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"I can't quite tell from over here," Leon said, "but it looks like they already got through. Alright, let's split into smaller groups and then pass."

OCC: I hope there's someone else here with Leon, or else I just made him look delusional.

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