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Yet another thing I have noticed


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I have finally figured out why stave users achieve the A level so quickly. Of course, I mean just Serra and Priscilla, but this also applies to all other magic users. But I'm really just talking about Priscilla and Serra.

See, I noticed that when I used the Heal stave to heal one point's worth of HP per character, by the time either one got to level ten, the stave level was only a C. But, when I used the Heal stave on a character with extremely low HP, constantly, the Stave level was at A before Serra hit nine and Priscilla hit seven.

Now, before you begin to contradict me, I would like to point out that I have tried this through several run-throughs, and treated this theory exactly like an experiment. And, because I am bored, I'm about to show you.

HYPOTHESIS: Stave level goes up faster when healing more amounts of damage.

PROCEDURE: Tested this hypothesis with Serra in Lyn's story arc, and found that her level almost reached a C.

Tested with Serra in Eliwood's story and stave level reached A at level nine(exp=98).

Same result concluded with Hector's story, though neither one were related to the Serra in Lyn's story(exp=13). (death)

Tested with Priscilla in Eliwood's story, and stave level reached A by level seven(exp=56).

Tested with Priscilla in Hector's story, and stave level reached A by level seven(exp=22).

CONCLUSION: Stave level goes up faster when healing more amounts of damage.

See? 'Tis true! And did you know that the word "faster" is typed completely with the left hand???

You just tried it out, didn't you?

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Hmm... I'm sorry, but I'm positive if this were true, somebody else would have noticed by now.

Also, the more important thing- did you check how many times they actually used the Heal staff? I think that's key to everything ; )


Okay, I had Hector (yeah, Hector of all people) use the Heal staff to recover 24 HP a total of 15 times, which was exactly enough to rise from E staves to D staves.

I then tried again, but using the Heal staff to recover 1 HP instead, but he still had to use the Heal staff 15 times to get from E staves to D staves.

Edited by VincentASM
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  • 2 weeks later...
I have finally figured out why stave users achieve the A level so quickly. Of course, I mean just Serra and Priscilla, but this also applies to all other magic users. But I'm really just talking about Priscilla and Serra.

See, I noticed that when I used the Heal stave to heal one point's worth of HP per character, by the time either one got to level ten, the stave level was only a C. But, when I used the Heal stave on a character with extremely low HP, constantly, the Stave level was at A before Serra hit nine and Priscilla hit seven.

Now, before you begin to contradict me, I would like to point out that I have tried this through several run-throughs, and treated this theory exactly like an experiment. And, because I am bored, I'm about to show you.

HYPOTHESIS: Stave level goes up faster when healing more amounts of damage.

PROCEDURE: Tested this hypothesis with Serra in Lyn's story arc, and found that her level almost reached a C.

Tested with Serra in Eliwood's story and stave level reached A at level nine(exp=98).

Same result concluded with Hector's story, though neither one were related to the Serra in Lyn's story(exp=13). (death)

Tested with Priscilla in Eliwood's story, and stave level reached A by level seven(exp=56).

Tested with Priscilla in Hector's story, and stave level reached A by level seven(exp=22).

CONCLUSION: Stave level goes up faster when healing more amounts of damage.

See? 'Tis true! And did you know that the word "faster" is typed completely with the left hand???

You just tried it out, didn't you?

Cool, I will try on my next playthrough

and yes I did try to type "faster" (I don't type "faster" with only my left hand).

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