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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 27: War


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So 'morning' is now a greeting all in itself...new things to learn every day I suppose. "So more of attempting to convince nobles to fight demons? An unenviable task, but someone must do it. We need to strike- staying on the defensive will not allow us to gain any ground. Should we head towards the palace shortly or wait for a summons?" Morgan asked Lev.

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"Head off to the meetings or wait around ... hmm. Well I guess it depends on how much you trust Conrad and our duumvirate leaders. And I guess anyone else in this group important enough and interested enough to try and convince those nobles," Lev replied.


The Haltonian officer wasn't going to get very far without the healer's approval after seeing him in the condition he was in the previous night. As such, it was going to be a lot of bed rest enforcement on her part, but he wouldn't go hungry; she eventually returned to the room with a tray of porridge for him. She had eaten herself at the cafeteria already.

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The Fargo

So was he promptly ignored. Feeling relieved all burdens were completely off his shoulders again, Fargo headed over to some food and began eating. Jiles milled about completely unsure of what to do at all.

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I only found out about all of this once they brought you back last night," Stephanie immediately clarified. She wanted to make sure he knew this was second or possibly even third hand information. "Apparently there was a flash and they found you at the center of some strange markings. You were unconscious and bleeding quite badly. Once you were cleaned up and placed here, I decided to look after you until you were well enough to move again." With that explanation out of the way, she had a question of her own to ask. "There is something ... very wrong here, Damian. Any sense of magic I might have is dull at best, but even I can tell that there is a storm raging inside of you. I have no idea how to address it ..."

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"I see... yes... I think I... I remember seeing something like that..." Damian replied, the odd runic circle flashing into his mind as Stephanie spoke.

"A storm raging inside of me, huh? Well that's nothing new... my whole life the Crimson Lance has not been kind to my body... I had thought that training with Ixion would remedy that, but such thinking was foolish... to gain control over the beast is not the same as to gain immunity to it's effects, after all." Damian mused, mulling it over to himself with dissapointment.

"Ah well... oh, who was it that found me then? Although... if you have taken the mantle as my caretaker, I can only assume one of Ivanko's, I suppose..." Damian asked, before amending the question with his own statement.

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"I can't say for certain, but I believe it was Iso, Irina, and that bodyguard of theirs. I didn't learn what was going on until a little while later and there were a few other mages around, checking you for injuries," Stephanie explained. She set the tray carefully on the bed for Damian while she spoke and then stood there pondering those events she was describing, trying to come up with a few more details.

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"I see." Damian replied, as Stephanie placed the porridge she had been carrying down in front of him.

'I suppose she brought that for me then, huh?'

"I'll have to talk to one of them, I suppose. They might be able to shed some light on it..." Damian noted, as he took a bite of the provided breakfast.

"Thank you for your efforts, Stephanie. Sorry for the trouble."

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Once Raemond was ready -- being somewhat rushed by a rather impatient, young duke -- the two light-users made the trip over to the carriage that was waiting for them. When they arrived, Tiria was already there. Everything seemed to be set, much to Beau's satisfaction.

"Good work, Captain. Let's be off, then," Beau somewhat hurriedly told the woman as he climbed into the carriage. Raemond silently followed.

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"I do not trust them to do all that needs to be done; their personal agendas may compete with our goals," Morgan said to Lev bluntly. "I think we should go shortly- is someone looking after Damian? I am concerned for his health after whatever happened last night."


Charlotte saw a carriage arrive, but it appeared to be arranged for Duke Bellmire and his entourage. Probably for the best anyway- I should not arrive without the other half of the duumvirate after all...where has Sir Eric gotten to anyway? she wondered to herself.

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"Stephanie's taking care of it," Lev answered. "I'm worried, though. His weapon shouldn't be tearing him up this badly, should it? I'm not sure how we're even going to make it to the lord with Damian collapsing randomly like this. It was sheer luck that Miranda just happened to be around when we lost Esphyr. If we lose someone else without warning, it's not going to turn out the same ..."


"It's fine, really," Stephanie replied. "You crimson wielders are trying to save us from the demons and aren't getting much thanks for it. This is the least I can do ..."

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"Miranda was in an accessible location due to a variety of circumstances, but it is true that we cannot rely on her being present in the case of another wielder dying. As For Damian...I do not know what to do. I have some vague memories of Midnight being difficult many moons ago, but Flemeth removed any rebelliousness from it rather quickly. Perhaps she knows how to deal with the weapons in a way I do not, but I have little desire and no means to reach her either," Morgan said to Lev, sighing.

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"You aren't the one who needs to worry for giving thanks... with all of the warping you've done with Ixion, we really should be the ones thanking you... it must be tiring to move so many people, especially given how often you do it for what it is." Damian replied.

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"You could speak to Damian about it directly. If anyone knows anything about what happened, it's him," Lev suggested. "Not necessarily the details, but even healers have to ask 'where does it hurt' every now and then."


"It is difficult, and just plain expected of me at this point. I suppose that is why I can sympathize with you and the other wielders. Honestly, without Ixion's help, I would not be able to handle such warps. I'm happy to be able to help, but I admit, I do worry about my long term health ..."

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"I don't think anything I could do would earn you a break of it, unfortunately... but do try to take care of yourself, okay? I can't promise I'll be of much use, but if you find yourself in need of anything, don't hesitate to ask me, alright?" Damian responded with a sigh.

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"Even if he could describe the problem in sufficient detail, I doubt I would know enough to provide any sort of remedy. Perhaps there is a situation we can endeavor to avoid however...I suppose I should have a talk with him before we set out. Where is he being treated?" she asked Lev.

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Luc Altair

After Luc had separated from the TSIME building, he and Thunder galloped down the ruined and smoldering streets. He, had no idea where to go, where Jeanne and the others would be. Where to exit the city, where anything was. What he was doing was beyond foolish. But, he had no choice. General Mendozza at least would have that information, but it would have taken time to locate him. If Luc's intended choice of direction bore truth than he would make it significantly faster than it would to locate his General.


The Goddess favored him this day, it seemed.

He had left Ilyphina and followed the road as fast as he dared push Thunder. Through all that barred his path, men, blockage and weather he passed. His journey brought him exactly where he needed to be, the Directus relief force headed by Bishop Sigurd. The man himself was coordinating orders with a group of civilians and personal, but he broke it immediately upon seeing Luc atop Thunder.

"Captain Altair?" He questioned as he approached. "Is something the matter?"

"We've forced the demons out of the city, but they travel underground, their destination unknown. I sent word to General Mendozza and came as fast as I could here." He explained.

"I, see..." Sigurd answered. "That complicates matters."

An understatement, Luc wasn't in the mood for such things.

"There was some, resistance in the populace, as we presumed." Sigurd continued unaware of Luc's internal rushing. "We've had to split our forces to accommodate our evacuations and escorts and even half-worked-diplomacy to convince people that the demons are about. As if the smoke from the city wouldn't be enough but some just think it's a bandit attack. Somehow."


"She's here, safe, but half of us are elsewhere," Sigurd said immediately.

Luc was relieved. Yet... there was a wrongness in that. Yes. "If people are scattered then if General Mendozza splits his own forces to scout then he'll likely coordinate them all together, here possibly?"

"I suppose that's become our new plan, yes," Sigurd nodded.

"So... we wait then." Luc stated. "No," he shook his head. Waiting had been costly enough this day. "We send those who know the routes out, retrieve our missing and any locals. We send someone back to wait at the gates to bring General Mendozza here."

"If any demons catch them," Sigurd stopped himself, knowing exactly what both men knew it as a possibility. "What about other sources of aid?"

Luc shook his head. "Elyisiam must see to its own situations, TSIME as well, and the Crimsons would not care if I made mention."

"Disheartening," Sigurd closed his eyes at the sadness of it all. "Very well," his eyes opened and burned with renewed vigor. "Let us begin your plan in earnest Captain! All assembled and all not, gather together and open your ears!" Sigurd's voice roared and cut through the chilly night air like a flaming sword. Years of preaching had given him a fiery voice. And upon his oration doords opened and people moved--Jeanne included, all too surprised to see her brother here. "Words has reached us by way of Captain Altair of the situation in Ilyphina, the demons," he paused for emphasis, "have been routed! Forced into retreat!" The nervousness of the crowd changed into an excited outburst. "But we must be wary! Even now the fiends travel beneath the earth, who knows where they may strike next!"

Luc spoke next. "We must send parties out immediately to the other villages to inform them of these happenings and gather our stragglers here, as well as sending a lead back to Ilyphina to direct our reinforcements as well." Luc looked over the crowd which began the expected reactions. They knew what was coming. "Those of you who know the paths to the other villages come forth, as we must make haste."

There was still work to do.

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"He's resting in one of the dorms. I think it's over this way," Lev gestured, starting to head in that direction. He figured she wanted to speak to him now since the subject had come up.


"Thank you, Damian. I'll keep that in mind, and please don't worry. You and the others are doing more than enough for me as it is. After all, if the demons destroy everything, I won't have a future to look forward to ..." (I suppose I should have a word with Ixion about all of this constant warping. His aid is greatly appreciated, but it is only making things easier. I doubt I've escaped whatever negative effects such a daunting task might have ...)

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Morgan made her way towards the dormitories and eventually followed some voices that sounded like Damian and Stephanie. She opened the door and walked in.

"Have your injuries been treated adequately? If so, I would like to know the exact circumstances by which this all came about," Morgan said as she walked into the room.

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It was at that point that Morgan entered, and began an immediate inquiry as to his condition and circumstance.

"Well, I haven't really tried anything active since I woke up, but there isn't any pain, so that's a plus." Damian replied to her first question, though he gave a noticeable pause before addressing the second.

"As for what happened, I can't say I'm quite sure myself... everything is hazy, all I can recall is some sort of arcane symbols I saw on the ground before blacking out... I was hoping to talk to Irina or Isotov, they're the ones who found me, they might know something..." Damian began, giving himself some more time to mull it over.

"I'd like them to take me back to where they found me, it might jog something... hell, if the markings are still there someone might be able to figure out what they are."

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"Arcane symbols..." Morgan said, pondering over Damian's statement. First the fatal accident with Esphyr in the lab, now this with Damian- it seems as if someone at TISME may be attempting to kill the Crimson Weapon wielders. "It may be unwise for you to return to the scene as it could cause another...incident. I think it would be better to have others investigate," she said.

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Tiria climbed into the carriage and settled herself for the ride. "Sir, I think you should know that Morgan approached me this morning and asked me various questions about the sword and the Templars. I informed her of my intent to remain under your command unless the situation was of a type where I was needed to be under hers. I am afraid that she did not quite understand my intent though. I also regret to inform you that she believes Raemond is planning on killing all Crimson Weapon wielders and as such will likely be unhappy about this excursion. I do not doubt she will find some way to twist this for her advantage."


The troubadour woke up in the morning and went down to have some breakfast. Upon arrival, she sat near the pegasus knights who were already down there. She idly mused out loud, "Hmm, I wonder if I should go offer myself to the healers again."

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"Not unexpected," Beau commented as the carriage started moving. He'd told the driver their destination as Tiria was getting into the vehicle, after all. "It sounds like you handled that well. I'm glad to hear it; thank you for the news."

The young duke hadn't addressed the more concerning information yet, but for Raemond, who was seated between Beau and Tiria, that was the first thing he commented on. His comments started with a weary sigh. "Of course... My trouble with that woman persists still. Even if I had the desire to kill the crimson wielders, it really is beyond my ability to succeed. I would have to be suicidal to attempt it. Of course I don't trust the crimson weapons, but even if I could, I'm not about to kill their wielders so rashly. Especially if that boy -- the crimson thunder wielder -- is correct and there is a safe way to remove the weapons." Not to mention Tiria is bound to one now. What a fine mess this is...

"We both already know that," Beau commented nonchalantly to Raemond's small expression of exasperation, "The real trouble comes if Morgan distrusts you enough to to act on the captain's theory. I suspect it myself, but she may yet surprise us. In fact, this little separation may improve your position."

Raemond gave Beau -- who was far calmer and dismissive than the monk would have liked -- a confused look. "How could that possibly result from this?"

"Well," Beau leisurely began, "on the first point, you haven't entirely separated from the crimson group. After all, the crimson sword wilder is, in fact, right next to you. So, in part at least, you are still upholding your vow."

"That is a technicality that can quite easily be disputed... After all, I swore to stay with their group, not only with a member of it," Raemond countered.

Beau waved it off. "True enough, true enough. She did allow you to separate with a fragment of it before, however. In fact, that had been when the last sword wielder died."

It was also with more members of the group than one... Raemond thought, but let Beau continue his explanation.

"Secondly -- and more reasonably -- though you have the opportunity to leave, you will certainly return to their midst. In conjunction with that is that, in fact, Captain Edgedraper will most certainly be unharmed upon our rejoining. In fact, there will be no attempts at harming her or her weapon. Therefore, the misgivings she presently has about you should lessen some," Beau explained before admitting, "Though she will likely only see this as irresponsible on all our parts if not shown in some form these facts. Blatant telling will seem like excuses. It should certainly not be handled that way. Rather, we should find some way to obviate them to her so she notices them herself."

Then, Beau turned to the two people on his right and asked, "Any suggestions?" I have other things I need to think about, but if they cannot come up with any strategies for this, then I will just have to wait until later to come up with something.

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Luc Altair and Others

Difficulties reared their ugly heads when the outlying scouts couldn't fully convince some of the possible threat. heated words were exchanged, violence brought to bear and reluctance and fervor left behind those to rot. General Mendozza and the Directus forces arrived after the first of the outliers did. He quickly reassessed the situation and issued new orders. If any demons were attacking on retreat then they would have done so already, the whole ordeal was overly cautious. Still, one never could be too cautious with demons, and a second offensive could rip apart unwary even with Ilyphina and it's triangle points secured. So the Directus forces dug in at the village as they waited and guarded and rotated shifts.

Over the night all the outrunners returned safely. Even without possible demons riding through sleet at night was a danger. Danger passed as night gave way to day and the insistent grumbling of the civilian populace irked at being dragged out of their homes by a foreign power for nonsense like demons. This was followed by a tactical withdrawal of the Directus forces back down the road to Ilyphina. It took hours at the slow march General Mendozza insisted upon. Everyone was exhausted from the day of activity and the mounts moreso. Returning to Ilyphina was greeted with a makeshift barricade at the gate remaned by human forces. It took some dialogue time and explanations to allow the beleaguered Directus troops back into the city. And after what happened some couldn't blame the soldiers for being cautious, that was the whole reason they left after all. Still, exhaustion stung reason and turned it into resentment at being prevented from reaching a real bed by any measure of time.

Safe--or as safe as it was--inside the city General Mendozza began barking out orders once again. He and the majority of the host would report to Grand Marshall Triton and the Heroes and find lodgings. The Altairs meanwhile would return over to TSIME and make a report to the duumvirate and General Alex.

Luc couldn't even pretend that it wasn't a relief--likely it was even General Mendozza's goal in assigning Jeanne--so he accepted his orders forthwright regardless of the tired aching all the way to his bones. He wouldn't even pretend to lie that Jeanne's safety wasn't his highest priority when he began the mission. He had lost enough and would stop anything in his power.

Did she feel the same way? Luc didn't know. And neither sibling felt like making conversation on the way to TSIME. Both had barely slept and the aches of battle still rang in Luc's body despite time spent being pressed with staves, and the talk two nights prior was filled with enough conversation to last to the ends of their lives.

As the ruined form of TSIME entered into sight Jeanne broke their silence. "So that's where other mages train. I wonder how far Merigold would have gotten studying here."

"She'd have been expelled for reckless endangerment," Luc almost snapped. His temper was more flared than he realized.

Despite that Jeanne actually laughed at him. "Even if you deserved it," Jeanne leaned her head back. "Yeah, she probably would have been anywhere else, right?"

"Were it not mandatory she'd have been kicked out of Directus," Luc expressed his honest opinion. "Fargo as well, and how many others?" Luc tilted his head at the wreckage, wondering if a mandatory military service would hve prevented the tragedy surrounding them. But even Directus was no match for that shadow-demon.

"Do you think we can even win this?"

"Absolutely," Luc said with steeled resolve. "Dad, General Mendozza, Colonel Frask, the situation they faced was a thousand times worse than this. Yet they strived and fought and prevailed. We would be wretched inheritors if we could not achieve victory against a lesser enemy with a superior position."

Jeanne took a minute before speaking again. "Those stories, they told them to us for so long," Jeanne purposelessly trailed off. "Do you ever think that"--

--"It was to indoctrinate us?" Luc finished her sentence.

"Yeah," she answered without surprise her brother knew what she was thinking.

"It entirely was." Luc closed his eyes. He remembered... a certain incident before opening them again. "Can I hate it? It's made me who I am today. It may be the roots of my ambitions, but the branches are all my own."

"Nice metaphor," Jeanne chuckled.

"And you," Luc questioned back.

"I suppose I can't regret it either. We have a nice big house that gets destroyed by annoying people, we've never wanted for anything really. I love serving the church." Jeanne bit her lip in thought. "Still, I can't help but dislike being controlled from birth like that. Are my thoughts my own simply because I ask these questions?"

"Directus or no we'd still be under... whatever country Mom and Dad lived in before moving," Luc frowned. He couldn't remember a thing of his life that young. "At least with our positions now we have a chance to influence real change. That would never happen in whatever backwater we would have been in."

"I suppose you're right," Jeanne looked straight ahead.

The two siblings had talked nearly all the way to TSIME. A carriage was departing, and as it did so it revealed Princess Charlotte standing outside. The wagon had hidden her from the sight of both Altairs. Why was she outside in this weather? And where were Fargo and Jiles? Fargo usually wasn't careless to this extreme. Luc nodded to Jeanne and the two galloped forward quickly a bit. "Princess Charlotte," Luc heralded when they arrived nearby. "What are you doing out like this?"

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"Oh Count Altair, I was waiting for some sort of transport to take me to the palace. I intend to meet with the king and queen today regarding what actions Elyisima should take next," Charlotte replied, getting up and breaking out of her thoughts. "I do not believe I have been introduced to your companion- I am Princess Charlotte Eveline Lanvaldear, co-leader of the Septimian-Jerdonian duumvirate," she said, remembering her manners and looking at the woman beside Luc.

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