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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 27: War


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"If transport was arranged it was not by Directus order," Luc answered. It was possible Jace or someone else arranged for it. But Fargo should have told them this. That was not encouraging.

"Private Jeanne Altair," Jeanne did her best to bow while on her horse. "A pleasure to meet you milady."

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"Likewise," Charlotte said to Jeanne, bowing her head a little in response. This must be Luc's sister...or was it his cousin? Anyway... "I had assumed there would be transportation provided to me as a foreign dignitary and that they had provided that carriage for me- apparently I was not correct. Perhaps they have forgotten such pleasantries since they are busy dealing with the aftermath of the attack," Charlotte guessed aloud to the captain.

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"Duke Bellmire's I believe, I saw him head into it along with his retainers. He's probably dealing with whatever caused him to leave our group for a time- some kind of succession issue I believe," Charlotte said to Luc. I suppose I will have to go to my royal palace to deal with my succession issue...but Jace will not yield easily I fear, not even after all of this.

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"That would be very much appreciated, although there is no great rush," Charlotte responded to Luc. Perhaps this will give enough time for Sir Eric to wake up...he really should be present for such things.

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"I... yes," Luc replied as he frowned beneath his helmet. It was abundantly clear Fargo hadn't informed her or anyone else by now so questioning her about him would be futile. So, time for something actually productive. "Have you met Prince Tristan, General Alex or Sir Eric this day yet?" He asked. "I should inform them of the situation as well."

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"Unfortunately I have not- they may still be asleep. The battles yesterday were rather harrowing," Charlotte said. Although I managed to awaken myself- perhaps combat is more exhausting than healing? "We can wait for them for a time, although I would like to have a meeting sooner rather than later. The demons will not wait for us I fear," Charlotte said to Luc gravely.

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"I'll make rounds inside and see if any others have awoken then," Luc stated his plan. See if Fargo is around as well, he thought. "Jeanne, stay here with Princess Charlotte."

"Yes Captain," she replied.

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"You may be right... still, I can't help but feel as though I should see it with my own eyes... perhaps I'm simply still tired from the ordeal..." Damian noted, before taking another bite of the porridge.

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"Well, I will leave it to you to investigate the matter, though I would recommend caution," Morgan said to Damian. "I must go negotiate with the leaders of Elyisima. Recover your strength, you will be needing it shortly," she instructed him, turning to leave.

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"Right," Eric said to Charlotte's explanation of Miranda's origins, with a frown. It would probably be better off if he knew as little as possible about this binding business, given that a demon was involved. Otherwise, heads might roll. As a result, the swordsman ducked into TISME and proceeded to help out with the relief efforts, so as to stay out of the way of the Wielders. Occasionally he'd refer to the spirit dolls if they were activated, but other than that, the rest of the night went by relatively uneventfully.


In the morning, after a moderately resftul sleep, Eric began to head towards the main library. There were definitely scrolls or books on the subject of demons, so if they were any place aside from in Ursibus, they'd be in there. Besides, it was early enough that most people would be at breakfast in the meal halls, so it would probably make things less of a hassle if he avoided that area for the time being. Though he'd have to swing by before too long, to find the Princess.

OOC: apologies for the quality of this post, I'm fighting a headache and writer's block. Alex will come when I figure out what she was doing.

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"I am not sure there is anything we can do to change her mind on this subject. She seemed quite set on the idea. I fear that if we show her that Raemond did not attack me now, she will just assume that he did not want to do anything while in your presence. I am afraid you will have to deal with this for the rest of the time you spend with this group, Raemond."

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"I am of the same mind," Raemond replied somewhat glumly with a slight nod.

"You two certainly are pessimistic," Beau sighed, "If we don't work towards anything else, of course nothing will change. That is why I aim to do as much as I can towards the betterment of these circumstances with as little effort as possible. The more we achieve in fewer moves, the better our position. This isn't simply for one man's comfort, either. There are multiple good things that can spring from a more united attempt against the demons, for example."

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Luc Altair

Luc's search inside was quite fruitless. Prince Tristan, General Alex, Eric, Fargo and Jiles all eluded his search. With the thrill of combat no longer driving him, his movements and sight and thinking were becoming more and more sluggish. He actually had to stay still to recollect his thoughts for a minute at one point. He was in no shape to provide aid at any summit at this rate.

Jeanne Altair

Jeanne was barely in better shape and let out an extraordinarily large yawn. "Oh, um, excuse me," she apologized with her gaze diverted.

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Jeanne Altair

"I"m his sister, his younger sister by seven years," Jeanne replied. "We, haven't met before this. You were gone the first time Luc brought everyone home and I wasn't there the second time." Jeanne added in some hasty clarification. "So, forgive me if this is out of bounds," Jeanne nervously said. "But how come your our ruler now? We just sorta got told it and then demons and we're all here."

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"The summit voted to have Eric- Jace's son- and myself command Septimus and Jerdon as a duumvirate until the fighting with the demons is over. I have no intention to rule Septimus and plan to return King Stefan and Queen Isolde to rulership. Jace likely disagrees however..." Charlotte said tentatively.

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"Well, we haven't discussed the matter directly actually," Charlotte admitted. "But he was loyal to the Jerdonian crown and not to Jace before- I doubt he would have any reason to change his mind now," she said to Jeanne with more confidence than she actually had. Maybe Eric finding out he's Jace's son has changed his mind on things...blood is thicker than water after all.

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Luc Altair

After far too long a period of search--and his goal being in a most obvious location--Luc finally managed to locate Prince Tristan. "Prince Tristan," Luc said with a bow. "We should begin making preparations to depart for the meeting with the leaderships. Princess Charlotte is already waiting outside, have you see General Alex or Eric?"

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Tobe was being rather quiet, so the matter was still unresolved. "Oh I suppose I do have to go," Tristan said mournfully, secretly wishing Luc had been unable to locate him. "No, I haven't seen either of them yet today," he answered.

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Viveka and Jasmine

Jasmine had just about finished her breakfast by the time Altair showed up to pick up Tristan while Viveka had barely touched hers yet. "I guess we'll deal with this another time, then ..." That brought something else to mind though, and she quickly got a word in before either of the two could leave. "Luc, are you heading off to the palace specifically? Do you know if General Jackson's going too? I haven't seen him this morning and we might need to head over there ourselves ... even if it's just supporting him."

Lev and Stephanie

"I believe I should come along as well. In case something happens. Maybe then you won't have to wait so long for medical attention ... though to be honest I'd prefer it if nothing else happened. I'm not sure what overall condition your body is in or how much more abuse you can take," Stephanie chimed in.

"Well I've got no objections to a healer coming along," Lev said. "Just an aside, Damian, we've been taking an unusual amount of 'random' flak since we got to Ilyphina. Don't go anywhere alone and don't let any of the other crimson wielders do that either if you notice it, please. Losing Esphyr nearly screwed us and it happened entirely at random. Next, they find you half dead in an alley in a pool of blood your own blood. We need to be very careful here."

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"You think these might be targeted?" Damian asked, the general tone of Levski's statement, as well as Morgan's general mood following his description of what he could recall, both seemed to lend themselves to this conclusion.

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"Two incidents of Crimson Weapon wielders under attack by magic in such a short timeframe seems an unlikely coincidence. I have detected no demons save for Miranda since Shanice's escape which indicates that our enemy may be human. I would extend little trust to those outside our group here," she advised. Could the Templars have made it here already? This is not their usual style, but perhaps they have decided to eliminate us individually rather than battle us again. Perhaps Raemond is communicating with his fellows somehow... Morgan then silently cursed at herself for not closely examining the monk's possessions. "I need to find Raemond, do any of you know where he is?" she asked the room.

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