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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 27: War


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Tiria followed Beau as he went to meet Morgan. Great. I do not need anymore interaction with... her today. This morning was enough. She will likely try and argue again why I should not be spending time with Raemond. Glancing at her friend, she quietly touched his arm and smiled comforting at him. She wasn't going to let anything happen to him.

When they met up with the other group, Tiria gave a slight bow to the Grand Marshall and then straightened. She went to place her hand on her sword hilt, but her hand slipped through the empty space where a sword should have been. Right. I need to get a new sword too. Also I need to claim Applejack from the stables. I suppose that means I will be riding back from the castle. She slid her hands behind her back and loosely clasped them, doing her best to appear at ease, waiting to see what Morgan would say.

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"Ixion's motives appear to be defeating the demons, which is all I really care about at the moment. The rest of what he intends does not concern me," Morgan responded to Reese, before Beau made his arrival.

"What is your business here in the palace?" Morgan asked Raemond, looking directly at him and ignoring the other two.


The royals eventually arrived at the palace, dismounting from their horses.

"So, our first order of business is to locate whoever sets the king's appointments...he must have a steward or something," Charlotte said tentatively, biting her lip.

"We can't just go into his chambers and meet with him? We are the leaders of other nations and his country is at war- you'd think he would make an exception," Tristan countered.

"War is no excuse to ignore diplomatic protocol," Charlotte said, sighing and growing rather weary of the prince's attitude.

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Beau was quite noticeably offended by his being ignored. Raemond's previously unreadable gaze turned icy. It was the former who actually spoke up first, however.

"Excuse me," Beau irritably huffed, "but it was I who addressed you! To ignore me, a noble, in favor of addressing one of my attendants without even so much as a polite nod! Goodness, have you no etiquette?"

"If I may, Duke Bellmire," Raemond politely cut in, his voice devoid of the iciness his eyes betrayed, "I believe you are wasting your words. It seems to me that the Crimson Leader has no care for the traditions or customs she is unfamiliar with and has no intention of emending this position."

"Hmph. Well, she would do well not to outright ignore those who greet her no matter the culture seeing as that, at least, seems a common courtesy everywhere," he commented in reply, though his tone was significantly less indignant. Then, shifting to a more unreadable tone and expression, he addressed Morgan again, "Any questions you have for him I am certain I can answer. If not, I will ask him myself."

"I apologize for interrupting your conversation twice now, Duke Bellmire, but perhaps it would be better, this time, for me to answer the questions directed toward me myself. The customs of the court are perhaps somewhat confusing to the Crimson Leader. I advise relenting on some of its finer points when dealing with her," Raemond spoke up again.

"Very well," Beau heavily sighed, "If that is the only way to deal with this matter while keeping the relative peace..."

As the duke shifted his position some to face both Raemond and Morgan, the monk shifted his attention entirely to Morgan. As he spoke, he maintained the unreadable calm in his voice and the cold contempt in his eyes. "To answer your earlier question, Crimson Leader, my business here at the palace is Duke Bellmire. He requested my presence and so I came with him. I have not, however, broken any vow I made you, if that is your concern. As you can clearly see, I have never left the presence of at least one of your number."

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Morgan ignored most of the self-important little noble's rant, it seemed entirely irrelevant. Eventually the templar seemed ready to speak to her himself.

"I question your honesty Templar. Why did you not think to inform me before leaving TISME- to leave without informing any of our group raises many suspicions about your true motives," she said, narrowing her eyes at Raemond. He plays the innocent and uses the idiot boy as a shield...but I know he plots to undermine us in some way. Perhaps he has grown clever enough not to attack us directly, but he will inform his companions the instant we let our guard down.

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Elite Party

Reese had his hand over his face for much of the exchange, wondering why he expected any different after what had happened only minutes prior. "Well, for whatever it's worth now, good morning, Duke. To answer your question, no, I didn't sleep well last night. A few minutes here and there but that's it." The Ixion thing would have to wait.

"And a good morning to you as well," Conrad replied rather belatedly as well.

Search Party

Viveka and Jasmine had asked around the palace to try and locate Ixion, but didn't have much luck, not until they asked the right people, the soldiers out front. It turned out that he actually was in the palace, but in a place far enough removed from the nobility to prevent a panic. Those chimeras .... Viveka and Jasmine were planning to head right back inside and find him at first, but the arrival of the duumvirate leaders got their attention, especially Jasmine's.

"Heeeey," she called over, greeting them and waving.

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"Captain Edgedraper was aware of my accompanying Duke Bellmire," Raemond replied to Morgan, "as I should hope is obvious given her presence."

Beau was more interested in paying attention to Raemond and Morgan's exchange, but it certainly wouldn't do to be discourteous to the two he'd addressed who were being polite. So, he acknowledged General Conrad then addressed Triton.

"I am sorry to hear that, Grand Marshall," the young duke replied, "Though I suppose your position is uniquely taxing, particularly in light of these recent events." There were some other things he thought about saying, but decided to, instead, ask a more simple and immediate question: "Were you on your way to speak with the king?"

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"Captain Edgedraper has been part of our group for less than a day- I doubt her vigilance concerning any of your attempts to undermine our cause. Henceforth, you are to ask for my approval concerning any planned departures from the majority of our group or your life will be forfeit. Do I make myself clear?" Morgan asked Raemond.

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Tiria's mouth tightened at Morgan's comment. She muttered under her breath and then stepped forward. "Excuse me, but I am quite aware of what the stakes are with our cause. I promised to make sure that we did not fail and that means I would not allow anything that might endanger our cause to happen. That being said, Raemond has done nothing that would hurt our cause and has in fact not even given me reason to suspect him. The only reason he is even involved with this group is because the alternative was for him to die. I am more than enough supervision for him. You have no right to treat him this way. You do not own him."

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"And I am supposed to believe that he bears no ill will towards our group despite his order pursuing the weapons and the deaths of their wielders for nearly twenty years? That is hopelessly naive. This mission is too important to risk the Templars interfering. If he complies with my demands and gives me no reason to think he is attempting to destroy us, there will be no reason for him to die," Morgan explained.

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Main Hall

"Eventually, but first I needed to convince some of your peers just how important our offensive capability will be to determining the outcome of this war and that bunkering down was tantamount to suicide, but the General and Morgan here showed up and the debate broke up. Just as well I guess; we weren't getting anywhere, not with them so convinced the crimsons won't help." Then noticing the other conversation happening, Reese roughly tapped Morgan's shoulder--more like a rough poking with his gloved fingers. "Elyisimian Customs, chapter one, page four," he made up a book on the spot and continued with a made up verse. "Do not threaten noble attendants. This makes it difficult for Grand Marshall's to keep you from getting flogged and thrown in a cage."

Edited by Phoenix
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"Any of my attempts?" Raemond thought, the corner of his mouth twitching into a very slight frown for a moment. She immediately assumes I have been trying to undermine the Crimson Wilders, it seems. His anger only increased when she made even more demands than she had previously, again threatening his life even without the majority of the others around and in front of the Grand Marshall of Elyisimia while in Illyphina Palace. This insufferable woman certainly has gall.

Tiria, only somewhat unexpectedly, was the next to speak up, however. The monk was quite grateful for her entering into the conversation. Not only was she validating herself with her finely-chosen words, but she was also vouching for him. In addition, she provided just the time he needed to regain his somewhat slipping composure. Morgan returned to Tiria essentially that she suspected he would undermine the Crimson Weapons Wielders because of the attempts made by the Reformist Templars.

"Captain," Raemond politely addressed Tiria, having managed to regain his calm composure, "though I appreciate your outspoken trust, at this point, it seems I must make a decision."

"Indeed it does," Beau added in tandem to the Grand Marshall's comment before telling his associate, "Raemond, hold whatever answer you were planning to give for a moment, would you?"

Raemond nodded in reply before Beau returned his attention to Morgan. "I considered letting the king tell you himself if you were going to see him, but seeing as my adviser's life is being threatened again by the Crimson Leader, I may as well inform you of the position I have been given just now by his majesty myself. I am to be the voice of Elyisimia among the Crimson Wielders. Any actions you perform, Crimson Leader, that Elyisimia does not agree with will be made known as such and I advise that if you wish for Elyisimia's support, you will cease these threats against Raemond's life.

"In respect to your unease regarding his loyalties, however, I propose that the oath he has already taken be upheld: that he remains with at least one member of the Crimson group at all times. However, without the threat of his demise. Furthermore, seeing as he is, after all, my attendant, that at least one of those watching him be of my own choosing. You may assign anyone else you wish to guard him, of course. As for the guard I place, that person's purpose will be -- and I will be blunt about this -- to keep him safe from any attempt you or others might make to do him harm. He will not sabotage the Crimson effort but he will not be forced to fight his old allies if such an occasion arises as it be made necessary for the Crimson Wielders to enter into combat against the Reformist Templars as it has been in the past."

Beau paused a moment after laying out the terms to his proposition, then, shifting from intense to a far calmer demeanor, though keeping his tone just as grave, continued, "The last time you made Raemond swear an oath, you had the entire Crimson Wielders assembly standing by. Now, we are in Illyphina Palace and you are seeking the aid of Elyisimia's king. It would be best not to take any action that may darken the king's opinion of you and cause him to question whether or not you deserve Elyisimia's cooperative assistance."

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Morgan decided to turn around and address Reese to his face, ignoring Beau. "You would do well to care more about the threat the Templars pose rather than the whims of a child. If the Templars succeed in their mission, you and everyone else dies- Raemond's life is not worth that risk. Furthermore, the representative from Elyisima to the Crimsons is Conrad Jackson, not a self-important idiot boy who thinks his title gives him power. As leader of the Crimsons, I reject this proposal by the king and will discuss the matter with him myself as soon as possible," Morgan stated flatly. This entire country is mad...surely the demons will win at this rate.

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"It was not a proposal," Beau pointedly informed, "It is the position already given me by the king. If you wish to speak with him about it, by all means. He, however, is Elyismia's king and so is not subject to your preferences. He will choose whomever he wishes to represent Elyismia's position. As for my advice, you may follow it. The choice and the consequences that will follow will be your own. Make no mistake, however: Raemond is my vassal and as such, he will be protected. I strongly suggest you consider my proposition, Crimson Leader. Any following offers may not be so...gracious."

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Main Hall

"I'm more worried about the demon army that dug in under our defenses, wrecked our capital, and then left on a goddess damned whim ... not a bunch of confused religious cutthroats. If the templars come after you again, kill them; we don't have the time for this," was the first part of Reese's reply to Morgan. "However, you don't have the authority in this country or any other to just execute whoever you want. If you want some security against the templars, you're going to have to play by the rules of modern society."

"Wait, the king named you Elyisimian representative? Was that what you were up to before we met just now?" Conrad asked Beau.

"And that ..." Reese chimed in, wagging his finger at Conrad. "... that ... is another thing. If you want to have a word with the king about this, Morgan, you'd better be on your best behavior because your usual methods will almost certainly backfire here. Frankly, I fear bringing you before King Reginald is essentially just shooting the entire alliance in its foot, but there are matters to be settled that do involve you people."

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"My being named the Elyisimian representative was something of a request of the king's," Beau replied to Conrad, partially wondering if the Grand Marshall's more blatant variation of what Beau was getting at would get through to Morgan, "My meeting with him was about other matters. If I am to accompany the Crimson Wielders as I now certainly will, things must be put in order, after all. I was postponing the reconstruction of Bellmire Estate, specifically. The workers are put to better use rebuilding Illyphina."

Raemond had kept his mouth shut throughout the exchange, partially because he figured it was the wisest move he could make and partially because he was genuinely stunned at the position Beau was taking. He was only temporarily in Beau's services at best and yet the young duke was making quite the firm stand in protecting him. I...suppose before he just didn't have the resources... Yes, back when I made my oath, he really didn't have any power to stop it, so remaining silent until he did was a good call... I...suppose I didn't think he would protect me, even with the means. I suppose I will have to apologize later...

Edited by Mercakete
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"And the king does not have the authority to determine who is and is not in my group- the Crimson Weapons have not sworn allegiance to any nation and it shall remain that way. I refuse to let this templar accompany our group free to wander and transfer messages to his religious cutthroat allies as he pleases. If Elyisima wants a representative in our group, then Conrad will serve in that task. These are my terms, you will accept them or I will get aid from a nation that is not ruled by noble children," Morgan stated.

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Main Hall

"Ah I see," Conrad replied to Beau before wincing at Morgan's retort about 'noble children'.

"So you admit that you've got no authority to kill this man even if you're certain he's still in contact with the templars and moving against you then?" Not pausing for more than a split second after his rhetorical question, Reese continued. "Also you're making demands to giants, Morgan. Imagine an insect making demands of you; when you step into the world of politics, you've got to know your own reach as well as the reach of the people you're involving yourself with. Being a crimson wielder is nothing you can hold over people's heads to get what you want, either. For instance, what's to stop the king from becoming so infuriated with your complete disregard for social standards that he has you locked up until it's time for the crimsons to actually face the Lord? Don't think we don't have mobile cages to move you around in; we have dozens."

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"If your army would be able to take on the demons directly, there would be no need for plots of warping and staves. Your army is not equipped to fight an unknown foe in a desert and a prolonged war would result in the demons winning. If you are fool enough to let your king imprison me, then you all may as well slit your throats now, it will be quicker and less painful that way. I am accommodating your nation by not killing the Templar and by allowing you to have one of your generals as a representative, but do not force my enemies into my group. The Templars tried to kill all the Crimson Weapon wielders, even your own general nearly died the last time they fell upon us- I am going to do everything in my power to stop that from happening again, whether you consider it under your authority or not," Morgan stated resolutely.

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"Security has to be considered, especially in a time like this," General Mendozza replied. "But I've gone and set everything up as best I can, so head on in."(unless we feel like wasting another Nine-damn post with random and pointless time-consuming NPC bullshit to do that). "Everyone else go get some sleep."

"With respect sir," Luc spoke up," I feel I should accompany them as long as I am able."

"Alright, just keep your mouth shut." Mendozza relented and led the Directus others off somewhere.

"Shall we?" Luc asked the royalties.

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"Hello Jasmine!" Tristan greeted cheerily, waving back.

"Would you two happen to know who to contact in order to have an audience with the king? There are a number of matters that need discussing, but we came without arrangements," Charlotte asked the pegasus knights.

"I don't think we're supposed to go in yet- we're supposed to find the most diplomatic way to do this or something," Tristan replied to Luc, shrugging.

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"Thank you for your company, in that case," Alex said, as the escort departed for the palace. She began to walk in that very same direction. "It truly is sad, what happened to this city. So much destruction..."


"Courtesy is vital in this situation," Eric added, looking around just in case anything was falling towards him. There was nothing, for once. "Especially given... the circumstances." He wasn't about to drop his father's name. Not yet.

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"Yes, I know. I've lived here for so long and to see this city almost destroyed... I truly would have been devastated if we had lost. I have to say... I am truly grateful to your group for what you did in saving this city. If not for you, the city would have been lost. And even with what we managed to save, we will be reconstructing this city for a long time. All the death and damage... It makes you realize how much we have to lose if something isn't done about this demon threat." Adena stared sadly at the destruction around them.

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"I suppose we got lucky this time with our arrival," Alex said, with a sorrowful expression. "The last time demons attacked a community, there were no survivors. That was Altenau. I suppose I am just glad that this city did not end up like that. But yes, this is prime example of why we all need to band together to defeat the demons. So no more cities have to be devastated."

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Luc Altair

"I, what?" Luc exasperated in puzzlement. Had his sleep deprivation led him to completely imagining General Mendozza and him leading the others off and him saying he set things up? Apparently. "Yes, well, let's hurry or whatever."

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"I... I hadn't heard about that. The whole city? I..." Adena stared at the city around them, lost for words. "I wish there was more I could do. When I was with your group yesterday... I felt like I was doing something that was changing something. But I'll likely be reassigned to my company after this. I suppose I'll be involved in fighting somewhere, but I know it won't be anywhere near as important as what you will be doing." She sighed and stared off into space until she tripped over a piece of rubble. She managed to prevent herself from falling, but still blushed bright red. "So, uhm, do you know what you will be doing after you all are done here?"

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