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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 27: War


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Main Hall

"Defying the king is high treason and people die on the spot for that. It would be out of my hands, and even if you were locked up, you'd still be alive. Defeating the Lord would still be a viable option and no one can dispute that. That's why I keep telling you to mind yourself. Anger the wrong person with your usual rhetoric, and crimson leader or not, they will move against you," Reese explained. "Besides, this is actually a more favorable situation for you if you think about it. Having that man in your group is the only way you can guarantee that he doesn't contact the templars. Duke Bellmire here has nothing to gain by allowing his vassal to summon the group that will try to kill one of his own countrymen, General Jackson. But outside this group, the man can probably move and act as he pleases and you'll all be too distracted by the demons to deal with it. This is what we call keeping your friends close, and your enemies closer. And on top of all of that, if you work with the king on this, you might not have to address the templar issue on your own in the end. After all ... we're just now getting organized for our final assault on the Lord and his forces. Why would we let them kill off one of our generals--a crimson wielder--and a nobleman in one fell swoop? There's really nothing for us to be arguing about here; the current situation is good and well enough."

Palace: Exterior

Viveka quickly grabbed Jasmine's hand and put it down saying, "It's too dangerous to have people just standing around outside apparently, so you'll probably find a liaison in the main hall somewhere. I'd just head on inside, really ... and hurry, since at this rate Morgan's probably going to get an audience with the king before you do."

"That's the craziest thing I've ever heard in my entire life," Jasmine noted.

"Hey, they made her the leader instead of Conrad, if this blows up in their faces, it's their own fault," Viveka quietly replied to Jasmine.

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"Oh, what we are doing is just as important as what every soldier is doing in fighting against the demons. I don't think that either of our respective groups could succeed without the other," Alex said, looking away. "As for what we'll be doing, if you mean after the negotiations at the palace, I suppose we will have to head towards the Lord's lair. If you mean after all this is over, well, we'll probably go our separate ways. I for one will have to support the Prince."


"I suppose it is too much to hope that she has gained any sort of tact?," Eric asked, closing his eyes."Otherwise, this will be interesting, I suppose."

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"I meant both I suppose. Following the Prince... a worthwhile goal. He deserves a protector like yourself. And I know that what we do is important. It's just easy to lose track of that sometimes." She shook herself slightly. "So, negotiations! I suppose that means the king? Good luck with that. I suppose I should find the Grand Marshall while I'm at the palace. Try and figure out what I'll be doing after this."

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Luc Altair

"'Interesting,' would be the least likely and most preferable scenario," Luc said. "'Disaster in comradeship of what just befell the city' is what I'd say is the most likely course."

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"That assumes that Duke Bellmire is not working with the Templars himself, which is not an assumption I am willing to make- hence my reluctance to have him in any position of power within my group. However, if the king is willing to assist with the templars then I would ask for an audience. I may be able to tolerate Raemond's presence if he agrees to inform me of any comings-and-goings from my sight," she concluded.

Tristan and Charlotte

"Thanks for the help, let's get going now," Charlotte commanded, heading inside the palace to find a group of familiar people arguing within.

"Oh look they've started without us. Could we not get involved in this?" Tristan asked everyone, looking around.

"I would rather meet with the king directly myself," Charlotte admitted.

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"It will be... trying, to say the least, given what Jace has done to relations," Alex said, with a sad expression on her face. "I'd much rather speak to the Grand Marshall, honestly. You're getting off easy."


"Wonderful," Eric said, frowning now as he followed his liege into the palace. Of course, they ran right into Morgan and company. In a quieter tone, he said "Yes, we'd best meet that liason with utmost haste, then. To preempt things."

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"As the Grand Marshall already pointed out, I have nothing to gain and everything to lose by allowing such an occurrence," Beau interjected to Morgan, "And as I recall, he wanted to separate from your assembly as soon as it was safe to do so. However, you, instead, forced him to pledge that he would remain with the Crimson Weapons Wielders under penalty of death. Seeing as Raemond's actions already reflect on myself, being his superior, he will do as is proper: answering to me. I have confidence that he will not, but if he does aid his old allies, then I will personally hold him accountable. My previous offer still stands, Crimson Leader. Should I repeat the terms?"

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"Very well, let's go then," Charlotte commanded, making her way over to the throne room, remembering its location from her previous trip her.

Charlotte curtsied when she saw the liason. "I am Princess Charlotte Eveline Lanvaldear of Jerdon, co-leader of the duumvirate with Eric Sagesse, and accompanied by Prince Tristan of Septimus," she said, indicating towards the men with her hand. She decided the other could introduce themselves if they were so inclined. "We know King Reginald must be busy helping Elyisima during these trying times, but we have need to speak with him on affairs of state. We humbly request an audience with His Majesty," she finished, before rising.


"The templar undoubtedly answers to superiors other than you. I have made it clear that I want to know where Raemond is at all times as long as he remains with the Crimson group. If he is truly honest in his intentions, he should have no need to keep secrets from me," Morgan responded to Beau somewhat wearily.

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"That, I suppose, is between the two of you," Beau responded after a moment of thought, "However, you still have not given me an answer regarding my proposal."

It didn't take long for Raemond to think of an answer to Morgan's question, picking up on the cue that he would soon have to give it from Beau's first response. He also figured he'd wait until Morgan gave Beau an answer before giving his own. It would be fairly rude to the duke if he didn't, after all.

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"If you wish to send someone to guard your templar that is your business, although the lives of the Crimson Wielders are far more important than either yours or his and I will override your decisions as is necessary. In regards to you being the voice of Elysima within the group, I still object- I want someone I can trust in that position, not a templar-affiliated child," Morgan stated flatly. "You may accompany us if you wish, but I will not encourage any delusions you have about your own influence."

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"As I stated earlier, your decisions are your own, particularly if Elyisimia does not agree to them. However, I will still advise you. What you do with it is up to you," Beau replied, "And just to be clear, my loyalties lie with Elyisimia, not with the Reformist Templars. They have never had my loyalty and I sincerely doubt they ever will. As for who the voice of Elyisimia will be, that is something you will have to speak with his royal highness about. If you intend on doing so, then perhaps I should accompany you to your meeting."

That said, Beau immediately turned his attention to Triton. "Do you suppose that would be acceptable, Grand Marshall?" I, likewise, will not encourage any delusions you have about your influence, Crimson Leader. seeing as Crimson Weapons can, in fact, gain new wielders, perhaps, some day, a replacement will do the entire effort some good.

In spite of his thoughts, Beau kept a perfectly calm, relaxed, cheerful even, demeanor up. Suddenly, though, his attention turned to Tiria, "Ah, Captain, before I forget, I am assigning you to be the one to look after Raemond for the time being. Make certain no one tries to do him harm from within the assembly and keep a constant eye on him to make certain he makes no contact with any who may be affiliated with the Reformist Templars. In addition, report to both the Crimson Leader and myself anywhere he wishes to go in accordance with the Crimson Leader's request to make sure he tries no deception."

Raemond, at this point, wondered if his agreeing to or disagreeing to Morgan's proposition was even necessary, but he would still speak when his turn came.

Edited by Mercakete
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Main Hall

"Would be odd if you didn't come along. The issue more or less revolves around you," Reese replied to Beau before addressing Morgan again. "From the crimson point of view, does it really matter if Duke Bellmire is the 'voice of Elysima' in the group as opposed to the General? I'm pretty sure the purpose behind all of this is to keep as many of our own people present as possible to keep a bit of a hold on the situation. The General is already a crimson weapon wielder, so giving him that job over Duke Bellmire doesn't accomplish anything, and the Duke's presence within the group is more open to scrutiny. Him having the job instead of the General on the other hand gives him two official presences and voices within the group, not just one. That's my theory at least," Reese explained.

Feeling it was time to say something, Conrad added, "The position is important to the king, Morgan, not to us. Nothing I normally do would change if the title was given to me. Likewise, I doubt the duke's activities within the group would change with or without the title since it's in both of our interests to defeat the Lord and make certain that the group stays out of trouble and both of us will likely continue to do so." Pausing for a moment, he looked to Beau. "I take it that was at least part of the king's reasoning for the request?"

Throne Room Entrance

"Well it is noon," the liaison noted to himself. Then he realized he might have some expounding to do. "King Reginald has a meeting with the Grand Marshall and should be here any moment. There aren't any reserved appointments after that, however," he explained.


With the other group on their way, Viveka and Jasmine soon headed back inside as well. They had almost tracked Ixion down and they didn't want to lose any more time. Eventually they found him in what looked to be an area of the palace the demons had actually managed to hit. It could have been a dining hall but was more likely a ballroom since Jasmine recalled the closest kitchen being quite a ways from there. The windows were mostly broken and it seemed as though the furnishings had been removed. The only things left were torn rugs no longer of any use to the palace staff, and the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. "Goddess, what happened here? I thought they had the palace secured ..."

"Some fliers must have broken in from here and torn the place up, but I didn't hear of any casualties so they probably got cut down pretty quick. Oh hey! It's him! It's him," Jasmine quickly pointed out Ixion, who was off in a dark corner surrounded by canine chimeras and sitting in a chair. He looked as if he might have been asleep, but neither of the two pegasus knights could see his eyes from so far away.

"Okay, let's get this over with," Viveka decided. The two headed on over.


At about the time Damian, Stephanie, and the mage returned, Lev had exited the building with three books under his right arm, and a fourth in his left hand. He waved to them being careful not to drop the book. "Levski?"

"You know him?" the mage asked.

"I found four books with mentions of rune magic, but out of an entire library, that's not much," Lev explained himself.

"D-did ... did you steal those books, Levski?!" Stephanie immediately inquired.

"Borrowed, not stolen," Lev teased, handing her the one in his left hand.

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"If the title is meaningless, it is no concern of mine," Morgan concluded after Reese's statement. Little dukes will soon learn that titles mean nothing without power behind them.

"I will be assigning an additional person to watch over Raemond- to ensure Captain Edgedraper's safety primarily. Heinz will do," Morgan decided. "If that is all, let us proceed with haste to your king."

Charlotte and Tristan

"It would be very much appreciated if we could meet with the king following his meeting with the Grand Marshall," Charlotte said to the liason.

"Can we eat lunch while we wait? Breakfast wasn't very satisfying," Tristan remarked.

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Tiria bowed to Beau. "Sir. As you command. I will do my best to ensure his safety and his comfort." At Morgan's statement, she frowned slightly. "You assume I need protection. However," she raised a hand before the druidess could cut her off, "I understand that what you are doing is what you view necessary to ensure that the Crimsons do not fall and that we will be where we need to be when we are needed. As such," she bowed to Morgan this time, "I thank you for your concern and appreciate your care."


Adena frowned and nodded. "Yes, I'm sure that there will be difficulty. But surely the king will see that we all need to band together to face this threat. It matters not what happened before, only what's happening now. If we don't accept that we need to work together..." She gestured to their surroundings. "We will not get off so easily next time. And yes, I have always found the Grand Marshall to be kind even if slightly intimidating. He's always taken my absentmindedness in stride. It's why I got assigned to the Crimsons in the first place, you know? I rushed ahead of my group because I wasn't thinking and as such was in the wr... right place at the right time."

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"Of course," Beau replied to the General.

Raemond, meanwhile, was surprised at how well things turned out for him. True, he was still essentially the prisoner of the Crimson Wielders', but he wasn't assigned anyone he was unfamiliar with to be his guards. Tiria was certainly welcome and though Heinz was dangerous, he held a certain, peculiar respect for the man. That was all settled and it sounded like they would soon depart for the throne room again. If he was going to speak, now was the time to do so.

"Crimson Leader," he addressed Morgan, "did you still want me to personally report to you any time I wish to go somewhere?"


Tas woke up to the feeling of something hot pouring down his throat. It sure was taste. A soup of some sort... Wait, where was he?

"Oh, thank goodness!" the person who was keeping him steady where he sat half-sighed, half-exclaimed.

"See? I knew this would do the trick! Poor thing was starving," another person from behind him said.

The courier only now noticed the scenery had changed. He was seated at a table and next to him was a man about his age who seemed -- and smelled -- to be a hand from the aeries. Tas twisted around to see who the other person was to find it was a plump lady who looked quite pleased with herself at the moment. "Wait, where am I? How did I get here?" Tas asked them, looking from one to the other.

"I found you," the aerie worker replied, "You'd been asleep for a while and your wyvern looked pretty upset. He kept prodding at you, too. I took you here since I didn't want to bother the nurses. They have a lot on their hands..." He trailed off at the last bit, more than just a little worry and fear showing up in his eyes.

"And I said," the woman continued, causing Tas to shift his attention to her, "that you just needed to get some food in you. You sure looked like you passed out from hunger anyway. How long have you gone without eating?"

"Um...I missed breakfast," Tas replied, shifting uncomfortably in his embarrassment.

"Breakfast?! Goodness, boy, you have a condition!" the woman exclaimed.

The areie worker was even snapped out of his thoughts at that. "How often do you have to eat anyway?"

"Just whenever I get hungry. We never really figured out a particular amount of time," Tas replied.

"Well, I bet you can finish this soup yourself now. I'd better get back to the wyeverns," the aerie worker replied as he put Tas' cup of soup down on the table in front of him.

"I'm sorry I caused you two all this trouble," Tas added.

"Don't worry about it. I'm just glad it wasn't anything serious," the aerie worker replied with a smile.

"Oh, and how's Namid? He's the wyvern I was with," Tas hurriedly asked as the worker got up from the table.

"Oh, don't worry about him," the worker replied with a reassuring grin, "I got some of the fellows to take care of him while I got you down here."

Tas visibly relaxed at that news. "Thanks."

"Hey, no problem," the worker replied before leaving the mess hall.

"Now if you're still hungry, just let me know. It won't do to have you collapsing all the time," the woman told Tas as the courier picked up his spoon to begin eating the soup himself.

"If it's no trouble. Thanks," Tas replied, giving her an appreciative, small smile.

"You certainly are a docile one. Polite to a fault, too. But remember that it's more trouble for people to have to carry you around than to give you something to eat when you ask for it! That should be something you live by if you're stuck with this condition," the woman remarked, waggling her finger at him.

Tas was a bit uncomfortable with the idea of bothering people because he needed to eat so often, but he somewhat shakily replied, "O-okay... I'll keep that in-mind."

"Live by it!" she commanded.

That scared Tas into squeaking out, "Y-yes, m'am!"

Seemingly satisfied, the woman's stern face shifted into a sweet smile. "I'll be in the kitchen. Have to finish helping make lunch for everyone else after all. Just let me know if you need anything!"

"Yes, ma'am." And so Tas was left alone to eat his soup and regain his energy.

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"Yes, that would be for the best," she replied to Raemond. We appear to have reached an understanding, now we shall see how events will actually unfold... "We should meet with your king now," she said, turning to Reese.

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Main Hall

"Alright, but for goddess' sake, Morgan, mind yourself," Reese warned. "Insults, triviality, out. Patronism or genuine cordiality, in. Alright. Do this and I guarantee you things will work out for everyone."

"Did anyone else notice some of the others heading by a minute ago? It might be a good idea to take them with us. This way we can settle these issues in one go," Conrad suggested.

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"I am never trivial," Morgan responded to Reese. "If the others feel they must speak with this king, then let them do so at the same time as us. Less time spent here is fewer demons later," she answered Conrad.

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To Meet the King

With nothing else to say on the matter, the Grand Marshall and General made for the throne room entrance. Fortunately the duumvirate leaders and allies were still there. The liaison spoke up the second he spotted the Grand Marshall. "Ah! There you are, sir! The king is expecting you."

"Yeah I know, but there's going to be a large audience," Reese said, nudging his head toward the people he had just finished turning away.

"Oh, I ... I see. I didn't realize you would all be going in together. They didn't even seem to know ..."

"I was too busy debating strategy with failed intellectuals to get a message sent. It wouldn't have been an issue if they had been staying in the palace, but things were hectic yesterday ... putting it lightly. We're short on time, so let the king know I'm coming and I'm bringing the crimson leader, Duke Bellmire, and the duumvirate leaders with me."

"Very well, sir," the liaison conceded.

"... and the Septimian Prince ... I suppose ...? Reese added uncertainly, eyeing the boy with curiosity for a moment.

"Yes, of course." The man then headed inside and the large door was shut behind him.

"Well then ... fine morning to you lot ... considering ..." he greeted them

To Meet the Lord

Making their way over to Ixion, the pegasus knights made a mental note to mind the chimeras surrounding him. The creatures seemed like savage monsters barely under Ixion's control to them. "Ixion ...?" Viveka spoke first.

"... yes?" Ixion slowly looked up to face the two women. He looked tired.

Viveka hesitated for a moment, but then steeled herself. They were too short on time to waste any of it. "I have some questions for you. Earlier we were discussing strategies for reaching the Lord's tomb without having to fight through the demon army and I hit up on an idea, but I need to find out if it's even possible first, and then if we have the resources to try it."

"This must involve some form of arcane magic if you require any input from me," Ixion deduced.

"Yes. If the demon army tries to attack the crimson wielders specifically and they come as a large group, we're finished. There's no way we can take them, and we can't travel with an entire army of escorts behind our back because then we'll be too easy to outmaneuver and the demons will be more inclined to hit us in force. Remember that demon that tore a path through Septimus? That's the kind of thing we want to avoid here, so I think we need a little misdirection on our side."

"You have my undivided attention, Viveka," Ixion told her before straightening his posture and sitting upright.

"My idea was to lure the demon army into a trap and then slip away during the chaos, but that won't work conventionally. They need to think we don't have any backup in the beginning for this to work. First we head for the Lord's tomb. When the demons show up to stop us, we retreat by warping to our allies. The demons follow us and we warp back to where we started just as they arrive, leaving them for our allies and leaving us a less overrun path to the Lord's tomb. They won't all be able to follow us a second time with our allied forces attacking them. What I need to know is if there's a way to warp a group between two specific points with extremely short notice. Something like a glyph we could draw up at the last minute and step into or ... something like that?"

"The distance you would need to warp your group to lure an entire army into the waiting jaws of another is enormous. It would ... kill most mages. A series of jumps would suffice but the cumulative effects would also kill most mages if they could not rest. You would need a conduit of immense power to achieve something like this."

"And I suppose there isn't just one lying around ..." Viveka concluded.

"When I said 'conduit', I wasn't speaking of a device or artifact necessarily, though that would be preferable. I fear your plan relies too much on the demons blindly giving chase instead of staying put and blocking your advance. Rather than warping yourselves into the trap and then returning once the demons arrive ... you should simply warp them into your trap and stay right where you are."

"That's ... utterly impossible. We have enough trouble warping twenty people; how are we supposed to send their entire army over a hundred miles in any given direction?" Viveka wasn't sure what was wrong with Ixion right now, but she worried it was getting to his head.

"Why would you wish to leave an entire army of demons with your allies in the first place? Why not send them in by the dozens instead of by the hundreds? In this way, the demons will be at an overwhelming disadvantage and your allies can wipe them out at pace rather than fight them on equal footing and risk a loss. I propose you focus on using the crimson wielders as bait, and establishing an exit point. If or when the demons attack, use your conduit and warp them in small groups into your trap. I doubt the demons will be able to counter this strategy before it's too late, and there will be countless casualties if they take too long to back off. Either way, the path to the Lord's tomb is clear ... well ... clearer."

"It's a literal meat grinder. A gigantic demon meat grinder," Jasmine assessed.

"Hmm ... that's not a bad plan, but that still leaves us with getting a conduit--whatever that is--and establishing whatever this exit point is," Viveka replied, crossing her arms. Ixion wasn't as ... out of it as she thought, though she was still concerned about the finer points of his proposal.

"Right now I must rest ... I'll help you in this endeavor if you'll have me, but I am in no condition to do anything at the moment."

"What happened to you anyway?" Jasmine asked out of curiosity. "Did your arcane shenanigans finally catch up to you?"

"Sleep deprivation, taking its toll, nothing more ..."

"Oh ..." Well that was a boring answer.

"I'm not sure if I should do some more research on this or just go and tell the General and Morgan about your version of the plan."

"Do what you will, but please, leave me ..."

(You know, the child in me wants to kick the crap out of him while he's down but ... no. I'm better than that. Also chimeras ... vicious chimeras everywhere in this room.) "Come on, Jasmine, let's go."

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"Well, I appreciate the effort, Levski, but I don't think we'll really need them. If you want to cross-reference the symbols I suppose you could, but it wasn't an external attack, it was simply my lances reacting to... a bit of instability on my part due to Esphyr's passing." Damian explained, with a sigh.

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Into the King

"Good morning Grand Marshall, Duke Bellmire," Charlotte said, nodding towards the newcomers. "I hope our meeting today is productive- there is a lot we need to accomplish."

"Morning," Tristan said stiffly. Maybe this will be over with quickly.

Morgan entered the king's chambers and examined a tapestry on the wall, depicting a hero with a giant lance slaying a great purple dragon breathing green fire. Probably a gift from Halton about the hero Cormac 'killing' Flemeth. Just another example of people believing what is comforting rather than the truth.

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Lev handed Damian one of the three books he'd been holding under his right arm saying, "Never hurts to be well informed~'

"Actually, Damian, if anything those rune symbols you caused warrant further investigation. Do you really understand the forces at work here?" Stephanie inquired.

Throne Passage

"M-Morgan!" Reese called out, though Morgan had already gone inside by the time he'd noticed. He didn't have much choice but to follow in after her, but Conrad stayed behind with the others for a moment. Reese quickly caught up and said, "You're supposed to wait for the man to return and let us know we're allowed in. If you just barge in unannounced, someone's going to grab you. Anyway, enough on Elyisimian security and customs. What are you looking at?" Reese decided to move on since they weren't directly in the presence of the king just yet.

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