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The Legend of Zelda 3 heart challenge challenge

Komeiji Koishi

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Ocarina of Time Quest Log 2.5

Link saved and quit the game HAHA because the player he had to go to sleep. In Hyrule Field. And he appeared in his house again. Uh...

After taking a day (read: 2 minutes) to get to the ranch, Link enters the closest house and finds a narcoleptic Mario look-alike. He offers to give Link a bottle of milk if he can find 3 ordinary-looking-yet-somehow-Super Cuccos mixed in Gaggles of regular Cuccos -Link names them all Gordin- in less than 30 seconds. Link, being an awesome person, found them all on the first try. The Mario look-alike then offers Link Malon's hand in marriage, but Link declines because his heart belongs to Saria. He then gives Link the bottle, and near immediately falls asleep. Link then raids his house.

After wandering around a while, Link finds Loli #2 Malon in the field with a horse. She says the horse- named Applejack Epona- is afraid of men (think Florina and her Lesbianness gynophobia), or something, and teaches Link a song. That song somehow makes the horse doesn't afraid of anything, and she follows Link around. Unfortunately, Link almost died from the splinters his POORLY MADE FLUTE had. UnFortunately, there were jars with hearts in them. Don't mind if he does. He then decides to get on with the plot, because the fan boys will get mad if he keeps putting padding *Knived by Sakuya* into the story.

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Chapter 10: Let's begin part two!


So after we get back to the cave where Lanaryu lives, Zant decides to show up. Turns me into a wolf and inverted Midna. Oh no. After we rush to Telma's bar to move on, I was iunno. ZELDA SAVED MIDNA WHAT. Hyrule Castle in diamond. So then we have to go to the sacred grove and hunt down the Skull Kid, and the Master Sword. So yeah, then a puzzle with a simple solution that I forgot. After that I get Master Sword. With this in hand I now rule over Camalot. Oh wait.

Chapter 11: Intermission


Now that I can warp, more importantley I'm human again, I can go whereever. With that I run to Castle town to get my bow upgrade. I have fangirls now. I also donate all 600 of my rupees for a bridge for a sidequest I won't do, and I did the Bow mini game with Talo and Malo just for the Scope. I got a piece of heart(CRAP). After all of that I gave more bugs to Agitha. She's adorable.

Chapter 12: You lose movement in deserts


So like, I head on over to Lake Hylia to find Auru. Which I did and he gave me a piece of paper so that I coud soar like an Albatross to the Gerudo Desert, which I did of course~. I made my way to Bulbin's camp and went all Solid Snake on them, I made my way to where Bulbin was and gave him a sound thrashing. Not even hit.

Chapter 13: The forsaken prison


Arbiter's Grounds. I find this dungeon slightly annoying because of the sand and Stalchildren, Bubbles and those ghost rats. The Redeads and Stalfos were nothing because Bomb Arrows OP. The Spinning Top makes me think of Beyblade, let it rip. Anyway, this dungeon is pretty quick once you've gone through it and so I reached Stallord. His fight is fun, wheeeee. Three heart run Heckyeahmotherlover.png. Mirror Chamber, Ganondorf, Sages. MISSION TWO START.

I must be butter because I'm on a roll

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Chapter 14: Intermission 2


So, after warping back to Castle town I run around and do stuff. Like turn in bugs and buy things for the upcoming dungeon. Nothing special.

Chapter 15: SLIDE whooo


After all of that I decided to head on over to Zora's Domain since it's the only way to get to Snowpeak. Ashei was there and she was all, "You'll get lost yeah?". But yeah I get a crudley drawn picture that I have to show to people, but I knew the only person you have to show it to was Ralis. Which I did. He gave me the prettiest earring<3. So I fish, get a scent and run off into the blizzard like the movies. So I reach the top and kill those guard things. And then there's Yeto, he slides to his house which is the next dungeon. SLIDE SLIDE WHEEEEE SNOWBOARD KIDS WHEEEEE

Chapter 16: Ruiend house


Oh boy, the Snowpoint Ruins, while I like this dungeon I was worried about coming in here with three hearts. It turned out better than expected. The only rough part was the Ball and Chain Bros. But I killed him yay. I will admit that I overthought this dungeon and was wondering how to get the last small key. But yeah Blizzetta whoo. On the second part I took some hits like a boss to get a clear hit on her. Three heart run get some.

Edited by Emerald Knight
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Screw it, I'm game

The Legend of Zelda Marin Link's Awakening

Let's see if this is even possible.

Boat crashes, found by girl, wakes up, won't stop talking, got shield, moved it to right hand (read: A button)

Went to the beach to get my sword. Pushed some stuff, got a sword. PIcked up a seashell in town, and barely remembered not to get the Piece of Heart (durr)

Owl talking, wandering forest, mushroom, powder, crazy raccoon turns to Mario Tarin, got Tail Key. More owl, more owl, dungeon

Beat dungeon as usual, save stated before boss, then beat Moldworm in four hits. Load stated, screen jumped the boss, got the instrument.

Let'sa go!

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Part 2

Went and saved BOWWOW from some stupid moblins. Seriously, who kidnaps a chain chomp? And what chain chomp gets kidnapped by stupid moblins? It was harder jumping over that stupid Heart Piece than it was to beat the moblins. Anyway, i digress.

Went straight to the swamp. Invaded dungeon. Skipped Map, Compass, and Fragment, cause I could. Got Bracelet. Save Stated in front of the boss. Threw the pot three times, several swipes and spin attacks later. Load stated. Returned to the room just north of room with Nightmare Key, with a Crystal in it. Screen warped into the room with the Nightmare Key directly into the Conch shell room. Instrument Get

This is fun.

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Part 3

Took BOWWOW back, got a subpar reward.

Bought the shovel and bombs. Went Seashell hunting.

Seashell #2 - Tail Cave, bomb wall

SS #3 - Southwest of Witch's Hut, Shovel under bush

SS #4 - Southwest of Seashell Mansion, north of Catfish Maw, pick up rock.

SS #5 - East of Seashell Mansion, under bush

SS #6 - Seashell Mansion Gift

SS #7 - Northwest of Catfish Maw, through cave, bomb wall, dig in front of Owl Statue.

SS #8 - Mysterious Woods, pick up rock.

Got myself "cursed" with carrying more bombs. Ugh, so much junk.

Met with Richard, headed toward the castle. Gave the Bananas to the monkeys, and crossed over into the back way.

Got all five leaves, while being reminded how useful the shield can be against the ball and chain soldier.

SS #9 - Under Richard's house

Got Slime key. Opened dungeon.

SS #10 - North of Key Cavern

SS #11 - Seashell Mansion Gift

Entered the Key Cavern. Went through the dungeon. Save stated in front of the boss. Split him with numerous Gatoutsu's, then smacked each eye four times, jumping as he slams the ground. Load State. For whatever reason, screen jumping through the boss room kept messing up on me, so I went to the basement area with the five rooms in a cross and screen jumped down to the Bell. Instrument get.

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Chapter 2: Snake Remains

I killed most of them, but I'm pretty sure that at least one snake remains.

I headed to the east side of the village, finally able to get past those trees in the way. As I go to burn them with my Ember Seeds, however, a hippie comes up to me and talks about something. I dunno, I skipped his text and went forward. Then I had to do some kind of annoying minigame where I had to hide from some kind of weird girl and sneak behind her to find the entrance to hell. Once there, I went to the dance hall to win the Boomerang. While not broken like LA's one, it's still really good. Also it's a necessity.

Getting the Rod of Seasons and the magical power of winter, I then left for the next dungeon. Along the way, I dropped into some woman's house through the chimney like some kind of Santa. She yelled at me and told me to shovel the snow from the front of her house. I did so only because it was the only way to get out.

The dungeon was pretty easy. I ALMOST died once, but I survived. Death count still 0, whooooot!!!

Also I got to bomb some Dodongo so >w>,

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Part 4

SS #12 - West of Key Cavern in a tree.

Got Ocarina. Got Marin.

SS #13 - Across the bay from the Mermaid Statue, underneath a bush

Woke the fat walrus up. Got Angler's Key after saying goodbye to the star of the game.

SS #14 - Lower right hand corner of the map, under a rock.

Entered Angler Cave. Got Map and Compass. Got Flipper's and Nightmare's Key. Went to the room south of the Nightmare and jumped for the platform so that I could skip the last key and such. Boss time over too quick. Left the room, then screen jumped to the Harp. Instrument get.

Tra la la.

Edited by bobflac
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Chapter 17: Intermission 3, the great bug hunt


The title isn't a lie, I found the bugs. Dragonflies OP. To get the other snail I had to go through the Sacred Grove again, which will be covered, into the area to enter the Temple of Time. Giant Wallet OP.

Chapter 18: Stupid Grove part 2


So yeah, I had to go through here again to hunt down the Skull Kid. But with arrows! But yeah, this was not as annoying as the first time. NOT MUCH TO REPORT NOPE.

Chapter 19: Back in tiiiiiiiiiime~


So yeah, the Temple of Time. I like this dungeon, it's fun and you can go through it easily. But yeah, I had to guide a state back to the first floor, which isn't bad, Darknut battle, not even hit. The great thing about all of this is that I forgot the boss key in my haste. Luuuul. Armoghoma was almost annoying, her laser takes one whole heart. That's one heart too many. Anyway, after I killed her I got the mirror piece and ignored the Heart Container. Three heart run take the it.

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