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ATTN: People in USA who aren't voting

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People who voted for Stein bother me. First off, she's not a genuine leftist so it makes little sense to say you voted for her because she has positions to the "left" of Obama. Second, she's part of a political culture based on exclusionary "litmus tests," not all that different when you think about it from the right wing of the Republican Party. And third, a lot of her articulated positions reveal a clear lack of basis in the reality that most of us live. A political leader has to be a master of nuance to orchestrate large scale political coordination, and Harvard degree or no Jill Stein is anything but that. She's the kind of figure that I think would actually become less popular if she got more media exposure.

I see how it's easy to see this presidential election through the lens of disagreement with both major candidates, but unless you genuinely preferred the prospect of a President Romney over more President Obama, I don't see why you would vote for anyone but Obama. All of the polls had been indicating for a long time that it would be a very close race, and it was. It's not like making an educated vote isn't a hassle. If you're willing to go through that hassle, why would you cast it in a way that you know ultimately has no impact? Most of the people who share your ideas will probably be voting for a major candidate anyway.

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